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1、大学英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 3及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 On Discount 1.打折一直以来都是商家吸引顾客的一种手段 2有的人认为打折商品物美价廉,有的人则不认同这种观点 3我的看法 2 On the Quality of Construction 1近年来,建筑质量问题饱受诟病 2分析其原因 3我的建议 3 Left-Behind Children 1近年来,随着进城打工的农民工越来越多,农村的留守儿童也随之增加 2对留守儿童的管理和教育存在着很多问题 3为了解决这个问题,我认为 4 High Housing Price 1房价的

2、上涨超出人们的购买力 2解决高房价的方法 3我对未来的展望 5 Network Real Name System 1使用网络实名制一直是人们关注的焦点 2实行网络实名制的利与弊 3我的观点 大学英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 3答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 【正确答案】 On Discount Discount is commonly used by businessmen as a sales promotion to encourage customers to purchase their goods. When asked about whet

3、her customers should buy things at a discount, different people have different answers. Those who like to buy cut-price products believe that discount has great appeal. They are convinced that they can save more money by buying cut-price products. Besides, the quality of the goods is just as good as

4、 the full-rate commodities. However, others can not agree. In their opinions, discount is merely a business means of attracting customers and enhancing their desires to buy the goods. In addition, they argue that the discount always tempts customers to buy unnecessary things. As for me, I prefer not

5、 to buy cut-price products. For one thing, these products are not usually accompanied by good after-service. For another thing, discount will induce me to buy lots of unnecessary goods, which is still a waste of money. 【试题解析】 开篇点题,说明打折作为一种促销手段很普遍。 分别列出对于商品 打折这种现象的不同观点。 appeal“吸引力 ”; fullrate commodi

6、ty“全价商品,正价商品 ”; enhance“提高,增强 ”; after-service“售后服务 ”。 使用 As for me结构表明自己的观点,用 Forone thing, For anotherthing进行详细阐述。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 On the Quality of Construction Nowadays, China has been undergoing a crucial stage of urbanization. In the meantime, an increasing number of people begin to show gr

7、ave concern over the quality of construction, especially after the collapse of a residential building in Shanghai. Obviously, the causes for the inferior building quality are manifold. Above all, the irresponsible builders are the first to blame. Their shoddy work greatly impairs the quality and eve

8、n results in jerry-built projects. Secondly, the supervisory and administrative departments concerned should also be responsible for the problem. It is their inaction that allows the builders to violate the building safety rules deliberately. Accordingly, both the government and the constructors sho

9、uld share the responsibility and play their respective roles in the enforcement of safety rules. Only through the joint efforts can we live in strong and safe buildings. 【试题解析】 通过背景介绍和典型事例引出话题。 urbanization“城市化 ”; grave“严肃的,重大的 ”; shoddy“劣等的 ”; impair“损坏 ”; jerry-built project“豆腐渣工程 ”; inaction“不作为

10、”; respective“各自的 ”;enforcement“实施 ”。 分析造成这一问题的原因 提出我的建议。 Onlycan we 这一倒装句型的使用为本文增色不少。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Left-Behind Children The population of left-behind children has greatly increased these years because more and more migrant workers are swarming into cities. It leads to many problems on the adm

11、inistration and education of the left-behind children. To start with, they are not old enough to take good care of themselves while the grandparents they usually live with are too old to attend to them. Next, without proper discipline from the adults, they are likely to skip classes and make trouble

12、s. Finally, the mental health of the children tends to be in question. Growing concern has been given to the life and education of the left-behind children. To solve the problem, the participation of parents is of great importance. Teachers can also be helpful by giving them more love and care. Stil

13、l, great efforts should be made by the whole society. 【试题解析】 开篇点题,指出留守儿童不断增加这一现象。 migrant worker“农民工 ”; discipline“管束,管教 ”; skip class“逃课 ”; mental health“心理健康 ”。 指出留守儿童的管理和教育存在的问题。 提出解决留守儿童问题的方法。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 High Housing Price Currently, real estate industry has experienced such a boom that

14、all the people begin to consider it as a hot issue in our life. The average price of houses has been high for quite a few years. In some big cities, it seems to be impossible for common citizens to afford an apartment even in suburb, let alone in the downtown. Consequently, how to create a healthier

15、 and more reasonable property market has been a pressing problem for the public and the government. Firstly, the legislators or administrators should establish a series of policies so as to curb speculation and thus keep the price of houses at a reasonable level. In the second place, the governments

16、 at all levels should make better use of the limited land resources. Last but by no means the least, more economically affordable housing should be built to relieve the burden of common citizens. Only through the joint efforts can we realize the healthy development of the housing market. Until that

17、time, people will surely possess their own apartments and enjoy a better and more harmonious life. 【试题解析】 用 Currently开头,引出房价上涨的现象。 boom“繁荣 ”; hot issue“热点 ”; make better use of“充分利用 ”。 Consequently“因此 ”,引出如何解决这一问题的方法。 Firstly, In the second place, Last but by no means the least这种层次分明的结构为文章增色不少。 Only

18、can we 倒装句型表明了作者对未来的展望。 【知识模块】 作文 5 【正确答案】 Network Real Name System It has been the focus of peoples attention for a long time to establish a network real name system. However, the argument on whether it should be encouraged never stops. The advantages of network real name system are as follows. It

19、makes the effective administration of network possible and can prevent online crimes to a great extent. It can help protect copyright as well. However, it will bring some problems as well. The personal information provided by the Internet users may get stolen and misused. In addition, people will fe

20、el uneasy by the system so as not to reveal their real attitudes. As far as I am concerned, it is high time that a network real name system was enforced. It will be beneficial not only to the administrators but also to the Internet users. It will improve the network environment. Furthermore, as an Internet users name gets registered, it is easier to safeguard his/her privacy and rights. 【试题解析】 开篇点题指出人们对于网络实名制的关注。 分析指出网络实名制的利与弊。 misuse“滥用,误用 ”; enforce“实施,执行 ”; network environment“网络环境 ”。 提出自己的观点。 【知识模块】 作文


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