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1、托业阅读(综合)模拟试卷 15及答案与解析 一、阅读理解 0 Delta Travel Co. 65 White Court Road, Nelson City (053)365-5984 September 3, Christina Ross 53 Sussex Road Dear Ms. Ross, We are pleased to inform you that Delta Travel Co. will be holding its open days again this year at the Nelson headquarters on Friday 15th and Satu

2、rday 16th of September between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. We cordially invite you to join us for some fun, food and refreshments and catch up with the latest tour packages and services available from Delta Travel Co. We are featuring a special pricing on exciting new trips to Scotland Ireland as well as crui

3、ses to Riverpool and Manchester. Dont let this great event pass you by. Our staff will be on hand to help you book a tour or cruise. All visitors will be entered into a free prize draw on arrival with the chance to win one of a large selection of prizes. Our prize getaway is a round-trip ticket for

4、two to Paris. Other prizes include two night-stay for two at the Golden Gate Hotel in Brussels, two concert tickets at Panorama Theater, and a gift certificate to Surrey, which readers of Delta Travel Services rated best restaurant in London. To help us to cater for the correct number of visitors ov

5、er the two days, we would be grateful if you could give us a quick ring or drop us an e-mail to let us know your name, the day you would like to visit and the number of people in your party. For further information please contact Martin Williams at 053-278-6598 or, e-mail at martindeltatravel.co.uk.

6、 We trust the above dates will be convenient, and look forward to seeing you there. Yours faithfully, Martin Williams Manager 1 What is the purpose of the letter? ( A) To invite a member to the Panorama Theater ( B) To inform a customer about an event ( C) To publicize a travel offices new hours ( D

7、) To announce a vacancy for a travel specialist 2 What is indicated about Delta Travel? ( A) It runs the Surrey restaurant. ( B) It has branch offices in Riverpool and Manchester. ( C) It arranges tours to Ireland. ( D) It will shortly open a catering service company. 3 What is NOT stated in the eve

8、nt? ( A) Its guests are encouraged to reply to this letter. ( B) It was held previous year. ( C) It will take place for two days. ( D) It will be held in the Golden Gate Hotel. 3 July 20 Ms. Hee-Joo Kim Vice President JVC Electronics. Co. Dear Ms. Kim, Thank you for the interview you granted me yest

9、erday despite your tight schedule. Your views about the effects of telecommunications industry on the global economy will certainly help me write an informative article for our quarterly. I am very grateful, too, for the valuable references you shared with me. The reports on IT information technolog

10、y are excellent. I also watched the award-winning DVD on telecommunications industry in East Asia. As I promised, I will drop by your office to return to you the reports and the DVD this Saturday, on July 25. Thank you. Sincerely, Sean Clark 4 Who most likely is Ms. Kim? ( A) A DVD producer ( B) A c

11、ollege professor ( C) An executive of a company ( D) An award recipient 5 On what date did Mr. Clark meet Ms. Kim? ( A) July 19 ( B) July 20 ( C) July 23 ( D) July 25 6 What is NOT stated in the e-mail? ( A) Mr. Clark works at a periodicals company. ( B) Ms. Kim lent information materials to Mr. Cla

12、rk. ( C) Mr. Clark will write an article on JVC Electronics. ( D) Mr. Clark will meet Ms. Kim this weekend. 6 EMPLOYEE CENTER Internship Opportunity The Wisdom Law Office provides college graduates with internship opportunity at our head office in Madrid. A legal internship is ideal for college grad

13、uates thinking about entering law school and pursuing the practice of law. Our legal internships offer diverse experience from private practice, to non-profit, corporate law. As a legal intern your work may include: copying written documents, checking the documents for typos, providing clerical supp

14、ort, attending client meetings, and general case management. Interns may also be asked to conduct internet research upon request by associate lawyers. Work schedule: Monday through Friday from 9: 00 A.M. to 5: 00 P.M., October 1 through November 30 Salary: $400/week In order to begin your career at

15、a law office, email your letter and resume to Emily Porter, director of administrative services, at no later than August 23. All hiring decisions and notifications will be completed by the end of August. 7 What is indicated about the interns? ( A) They are not paid for their work. ( B) Their work s

16、chedule will end in early August. ( C) They may occasionally interact directly with lawyers. ( D) They must be law-school graduates. 8 What duties are NOT assigned to interns? ( A) Looking up information online ( B) Checking documents for misspelled words ( C) Making photocopies of written materials

17、 ( D) Filing resumes of prospective employees 9 According to the advertisement, what will happen on August 23rd? ( A) Hiring decisions will be finalized. ( B) Applicants will be interviewed by phone. ( C) Interns will begin working at the firm. ( D) The application period will close. 10 What is NOT

18、stated about the internship program? ( A) Successful interns will work five days a week. ( B) Interns may be considered for future employment opportunities at the Wisdom Law Office. ( C) The internship period is about 2 months. ( D) Interns will be paid on a weekly basis. 10 WHATS NEW IN RICHMOND BY

19、 MILES HUGHES January 10 - There is a new owner and new menus at the Brooks Buffet restaurant. Under the previous owner, Jimmy Cooper, the Brooks Buffet restaurant, at 536 Anniston Street, was a long standing local favorite for over twenty years. When Mr. Cooper went out of business due to his chron

20、ic illness and moved to Miami for rehabilitation in November last year, Robin Davis acquired the restaurant and began making plans to introduce new menu items. Mr. Davis believes that his experiences working in a number of well-known restaurants in Chicago and Seattle will help introduce bold, fresh

21、, continental-inspired dishes to the menu, while maintaining the hometown ambience that has made the Brooks Buffet a Richmond landmark. As part of his plan for introducing the new menu, Mr. Davis invited twenty special guests, including five instructors from the nearby Queens Culinary Academy, to at

22、tend a preview tasting yesterday. As the guests took their seats, Mr. Davis introduced the first course: a refreshing apple salad and pumpkin vegetable soup. This was the signature dish Mr. Davis developed while working at Romano Italian restaurant in Chicago. Each of the main dishes that followed a

23、lso drew on Mr. Davis experience using delectable seafood, as well as his commitment to use only the freshest fruits and vegetables grown by area farmers. To conclude the event, Mr. Davis showcased the skills he gained while working at Quincys in Seattle. His strawberry vanilla cake was the perfect

24、ending to a wonderful tasting experience. The public is invited to try the Brooks Buffets new menu beginning on January 15. There will be free food samples for diners who come to lunch or dinner at the Brooks Buffet from January 15 to March 15. Mr. Davis said he looks forward to introducing patrons

25、to a range of new tastes. If the preview tasting was any indication of what Mr. Davis has to offer to Richmond customers, then I strongly recommend visiting the restaurant to sample the menu selections. 11 What is the main purpose of the article? ( A) To announce the merger between two local restaur

26、ants ( B) To profile a restaurants new owner ( C) To explain why a local business went out of business ( D) To compare the work of two local restaurants 12 What is indicated about the Brooks Buffet? ( A) It was previously unpopular with local residents. ( B) It has been operating for a long time. (

27、C) It will be renovated by Mr. Cooper. ( D) It has subsidiaries both in Chicago and Seattle. 13 What is NOT suggested about Jimmy Cooper? ( A) He was sick for a long time. ( B) He moved to a different city from Richmond. ( C) He sold the Brooks Buffet to Mr. Davis last November. ( D) He met Miles Hu

28、ghes before he moved. 14 here did Mr. Davis most likely learn about making the dessert menu? ( A) At Romano Italian ( B) At Queens Culinary Academy ( C) At the Brooks Buffet ( D) At Quincys 15 What is indicated about the new menu selections? ( A) They contain ingredients grown in the Richmond area.

29、( B) They were originally developed by Jimmy Cooper. ( C) They were inspired by traditional Richmond cooking. ( D) They will be prepared by local culinary instructors. 15 Bring Your Children to Our Memorable Exhibition MacBride Natural Science Museum If you see ants simply as nuisance insects that i

30、nvade your sandwiches on picnics, while bees hover over your Coke can, stop a moment and reconsider. This summer, children and parents can enjoy our several new events, including feeding insects, planting trees, searching for local insects, and walking through the woods with our guides, as well as o

31、ur Saturday evening complimentary 3D movie. As in previous years, the dinosaur exhibition will showcase our newly discovered dinosaur bones just next to the insect exhibition. And starting in July, we will hold classes on natural scenery oil paintings on Wednesdays at noon. Our expert instructors wi

32、ll demonstrate how to draw paintings for local elementary students. Seasonal Hours: June 20 - September 25 Monday - Wednesday: 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. Thursday - Saturday: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. Sunday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. For more information, please visit us on the internet at . To: Rebecca Brown From: Naomi Peter

33、son Date: September 5 5: 00 p.m. Re: Exhibition Dear Ms. Brown, My son and I had a great time yesterday at the museum you recommended. Thank you very much for sending me the brochure. The weather was gloomy but it was no problem since we were comfortable inside the building. I was surprised by the e

34、xhibition displaying thousands of insects. Ive never seen so many insects in my life. My son is a big fan of dinosaurs. He was pleased to see the new displays. He and I went through the woods and the guide was incredibly knowledgeable. Without a doubt, that was my favorite part of the day. I think y

35、ou were right to recommend this trip. I never thought such a beautiful place was so close to where we live. We had a pleasant time in the building. Then, we decided to stay and see the 3D movie until closing. Im so sorry that you had to miss this outing. I hope next time we can arrange for both of o

36、ur families to go together. Thanks again for introducing this to me. Sincerely, Naomi Peterson 16 What is the purpose of the brochure? ( A) To register for the upcoming exhibition ( B) To request a donation to charity ( C) To give information on a tourist attraction ( D) To advertise a dinosaur toy

37、17 What is suggested about the 3D movie? ( A) Tickets are available at a reduced price. ( B) It takes place every day of the week. ( C) It is shown early in the morning. ( D) It is free of charge to visitors. 18 According to the e-mail, what did Ms. Peterson do at MacBride Museum? ( A) She went to t

38、he company sponsored event. ( B) She attended a painting class. ( C) She purchased some souvenirs. ( D) She took a guided tour. 19 What is indicated about Rebecca Brown? ( A) She is a well-known artist. ( B) She visited MacBride Museum in the past. ( C) She received free tickets to the exhibition. (

39、 D) She wrote an article about insects. 20 When did Ms. Peterson leave MacBride Museum? ( A) At 5 p.m. ( B) At 6 p.m. ( C) At 8 p.m. ( D) At 9 p.m. 托业阅读(综合)模拟试卷 15答案与解析 一、阅读理解 【知识模块】 阅读 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 这是一封旅行社通知 open house日程且告诉参加者享受优惠的信件。 【知识模块】 阅读 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 提到了署理饭店的礼品券属于其中一项免费奖励,利物浦和曼彻斯特是

40、旅行套餐的一部分,在第一自然段里说明了爱尔兰和英格兰设有旅游景点。 【知识模块】 阅读 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 第一自然段里说明了再一次举办活动,这意味着过去也举行过活动。时间是周五和周六。最后自然段里要求确认人数后回信。 【知识模块】 阅读 【知识模块】 阅读 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 收信者信息中写到小金是 JVC电子公司的副总。属于公司管理人员。 【知 识模块】 阅读 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 发送邮件的日期是 7月 20日,开头里说了昨天接受采访表示谢意,从而推出克拉克见小金的日子是 7月 19日。 【知识模块】 阅读 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】

41、 quarterly是季刊的意思、 weekly周刊 monthly是月刊。这样能推断出克拉克是作为杂志社记者的身份接受采访,提出结束采访后借资料。 【知识模块】 阅读 【知识模块】 阅读 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 实习生工资是每周 400美金,实习结束时间是 11月末。法学院的学生比较适合实习,但也不一定非要法学院毕业生。实习生可能会应律师要求进行网上调查,即与律师一同工作。 【知识模块】 阅读 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 广告中提到了实习生的工作包括网上调查、检查文件、复印材料等方面。 【知识模块】 阅读 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 最后一段里明确了投简历的截止日

42、期为 8月 23日。 【知识模块】 阅读 10 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 周一到周五上班,实习期为 10月、 11月两个月。一周给 400美金,这样就知道工资是按周算。 【知识模块】 阅读 【知识模块】 阅读 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 介绍了新来的布鲁斯自助餐厅老板德伊彼先生。 【知识模块】 阅读 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 第一段里写了这个餐厅保持了 20多年的好名声。 【知识模块】 阅读 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 吉米 库珀是布鲁斯自助餐厅的前老板,因病疗养搬到马伊艾梅。德伊彼去年 11月接管这个餐 厅,麦芝休斯是写这个报道的记者,看不出来记者见没见

43、过前任老板。 【知识模块】 阅读 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 在哪儿学做点心,应该在说明点心的部分去找答案。介绍草莓香草蛋糕的部分里表明了这个技术是在肯西斯里学到的。 【知识模块】 阅读 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 在第二段里提到了想用当地栽培的新鲜蔬菜和水果。而该报道采访对象是理智慢德地区餐厅,所以菜单里用的材科是理智慢德地区栽培的。 【知识模块】 阅读 【知识模块】 阅读 16 【正确答 案】 C 【试题解析】 布鲁斯的目的是介绍博物馆展销会的日程和内容。 【知识模块】 阅读 17 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 第一个材料的第二段里暗示了周六上映的 3D电影是免费的。记住托业考试中好多时候 complimentary转换成 free of charge。 【知识模块】 阅读 18 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 在博物馆里都做些什么,在邮件里写了最令人欣慰的事是和儿子、导游一起在森林散步。 【知识模块】 阅读 19 【正确答案】 B 【试题解 析】 在邮件第二段里,通过罗波卡推荐此博物馆的内容,能推理罗波卡去过这个博物馆。 【知识模块】 阅读 20 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 在邮件里写到博物馆关门之前都可以观看 3D电影,但免费电影只在周六上映,周六的闭馆时间是到晚上 8点。 【知识模块】 阅读


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