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1、托业(听力)模拟试卷 88及答案与解析 一、照片描述 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 二、应答问题 三、简短对话 41 What does the woman ask for? ( A) A promotional flier ( B) Quarterly sales data ( C) A larger work space ( D) The name of a client 42 When will the woman meet the clients? ( A) That afternoon ( B) Tomorrow ( C) Next week ( D) Next mont

2、h 43 What does the man suggest? ( A) Using an old report ( B) Postponing a meeting ( C) Writing a new sales plan ( D) Revising a set of charts 44 Why is the man calling? ( A) To get directions to the store ( B) To ask how to clean a carpet ( C) To request a store brochure ( D) To check on an items p

3、rice 45 What does the woman tell the man about the store? ( A) A sale is ending. ( B) It is about to close. ( C) It has changed location. ( D) New merchandise has just arrived. 46 What does the woman suggest? ( A) Bringing carpet samples ( B) Visiting the store tomorrow ( C) Choosing different merch

4、andise ( D) Checking a carpets cleaning instructions 47 What are the speakers mainly discussing? ( A) A road construction project ( B) Transportation to an event ( C) Costs of hotel accommodation ( D) Changes to a conference schedule 48 What is the woman mainly concerned about? ( A) Missing a talk (

5、 B) Giving a presentation ( C) Paying for a hotel room ( D) Finding a parking space 49 What does the man suggest? ( A) Parking at the conference center ( B) Staying at a different hotel ( C) Postponing a speech ( D) Taking a taxi 50 What product are the speakers discussing? ( A) A computer ( B) A te

6、lephone ( C) A flat-screen TV ( D) A navigation system 51 What complaint was made about the product? ( A) It is too heavy. ( B) It is difficult to use. ( C) It is expensive. ( D) It is not stylish. 52 What does the man say he will do? ( A) Create a new advertising campaign ( B) Conduct a market surv

7、ey ( C) Redesign a product ( D) Set up a meeting 53 What did the man do recently? ( A) Made a delivery ( B) Attended a conference ( C) Moved to a new apartment ( D) Transferred to a new work site 54 What does the woman suggest that the man do? ( A) Purchase city maps ( B) Go to a music festival ( C)

8、 Take notes at a meeting ( D) Introduce himself to co-workers 55 What will the local restaurants provide? ( A) Free food samples ( B) Discounts on catering ( C) Tours of neighborhoods ( D) Live entertainment on weekends 56 What is the woman requesting? ( A) A list of classes ( B) Forms for registrat

9、ion ( C) Directions to a facility ( D) A schedule of park events 57 What does the man suggest? ( A) Buying a street map ( B) Parking in an alley ( C) Signing up early for a class ( D) Using a parks walking path 58 What is the woman concerned about? ( A) The weather turning wet ( B) Traffic becoming

10、heavy ( C) A class being unavailable ( D) A schedule being changed 59 What department do the speakers most likely work in? ( A) Production ( B) Marketing ( C) Product design ( D) Human resources 60 What does the man say Jeff requested? ( A) Help with a writing project ( B) Additional assembly worker

11、s ( C) A product tester for his department ( D) A transfer to a different department 61 What will the woman do next? ( A) Meet with Jeff ( B) Take a lunch break ( C) Contact a colleague ( D) Request a deadline extension 62 Where most likely does the woman work? ( A) At a hotel ( B) At a restaurant (

12、 C) At a travel agency ( D) At a conference center 63 Why is the man calling? ( A) To make a reservation ( B) To request a smaller space ( C) To change an appointment time ( D) To inquire about a clients arrival 64 What does the woman offer the man? ( A) A menu ( B) An exhibit booth ( C) A private r

13、oom ( D) A later meeting time 65 What are the speakers mainly discussing? ( A) Meal plans ( B) A staff meeting ( C) A training program ( D) Employee promotions 66 What type of company do the speakers most likely work for? ( A) A movie studio ( B) An accounting firm ( C) A real estate developer ( D)

14、A software maker 67 What does the woman offer to do for the man? ( A) Introduce him to someone ( B) Help him write a presentation ( C) Train him on a computer system ( D) Show him the location of a room 68 Where does the man probably work? ( A) At a post office ( B) At a copy center ( C) At a moving

15、 company ( D) At an office supply store 69 Why does the woman contact the man? ( A) To add items to a previous order ( B) To change a delivery address ( C) To inquire about a sale item ( D) To cancel an order 70 What will the man do when he receives the package? ( A) Give the woman a price list ( B)

16、 Return it to the post office ( C) Schedule a new delivery date ( D) Place additional items into it 四、简短文章 71 Where does the man work? ( A) At a newspaper ( B) At a wind energy firm ( C) At an investment company ( D) At an environmental research firm 72 What does the man give the audience? ( A) A pr

17、ess packet ( B) A list of benefits ( C) A training pamphlet ( D) A list of new companies 73 What will happen next? ( A) The speaker will answer questions. ( B) The human resources manager will speak. ( C) The speaker will discuss company strategy. ( D) Audience members will introduce themselves. 74

18、Who most likely is the speaker? ( A) A veterinarian ( B) A tour guide ( C) An animal trainer ( D) A science professor 75 What is mentioned about the animals? ( A) They can smell well. ( B) They need a lot of exercise. ( C) They should be fed once a day. ( D) They are currently listed as endangered.

19、76 What will happen after lunch? ( A) The group will go home. ( B) Free time will be given. ( C) The speaker will answer questions. ( D) The group will go to the aquarium. 77 What is mentioned about the item? ( A) It is good for making salads. ( B) It helps in making breads and desserts. ( C) It is

20、good for storing fruits and vegetables. ( D) It is useful when grilling and smoking meats. 78 Where can the item be purchased? ( A) Online ( B) Through a catalog ( C) At a grocery store ( D) At a department store 79 How much is the item? ( A) $9.99 ( B) $19.99 ( C) $29.99 ( D) $39.99 80 Who is the s

21、peaker addressing? ( A) Executives ( B) Employees ( C) Managers ( D) Members of the press 81 What does the speaker want to do? ( A) Expand his business ( B) Sponsor a local school ( C) Hire more production workers ( D) Improve the companys performance 82 What promise does the speaker make? ( A) He w

22、ill meet with teachers. ( B) Employees will have better benefits. ( C) A new factory will open by next summer. ( D) Workers will keep their jobs for the year. 83 What is the purpose of the message? ( A) To request directions ( B) To ask the listener for a favor ( C) To invite the listener to dinner

23、( D) To remind the listener about an event 84 What is indicated in the message? ( A) The speaker lives by the sea. ( B) The listener works next to a market. ( C) The listener was late to work today. ( D) The speaker lives close to the listener. 85 What does the speaker request? ( A) For the listener

24、 to arrive early ( B) For the listener to make a dessert ( C) For the listener to print out the map ( D) For the listener to bring some food 86 Where do listeners want to go? ( A) Into a museum ( B) Into a restaurant ( C) Into an amusement park ( D) Into a government building 87 How long must listen

25、ers wait? ( A) 15 minutes ( B) 30 minutes ( C) 40 minutes ( D) 50 minutes 88 According to the speaker, what discount is available? ( A) Group ( B) Online ( C) Student ( D) Senior citizen 89 Where is the speaker? ( A) In Paris ( B) In London ( C) In Tokyo ( D) In Frankfurt 90 What is the speaker main

26、ly discussing? ( A) World stock markets ( B) A law that was passed ( C) A new department store ( D) A multinational company 91 What will most likely happen next? ( A) A reporter will talk. ( B) Video will be shown. ( C) An analyst will speak. ( D) A commercial will air. 92 What is the speaker planni

27、ng? ( A) A luncheon ( B) A conference ( C) A city festival ( D) An anniversary celebration 93 What is mentioned about the menu? ( A) It was sent by e-mail. ( B) It needs to be approved. ( C) The food should be easy to eat. ( D) It should have a wide variety. 94 What can be inferred from the message?

28、 ( A) The listener owns a catering company. ( B) The speaker works for the city government. ( C) The speaker is able to spend a lot of money. ( D) The speaker has worked with the listener before. 95 Where most likely would this announcement be heard? ( A) In a shoe store ( B) In a supermarket ( C) I

29、n a clothing store ( D) In a department store 96 What is mentioned about the special offer? ( A) Customers will get a special coupon. ( B) The prize includes a family dinner for four. ( C) Only one person per family may get the prize. ( D) Customers must spend at least $50 to qualify. 97 How long wi

30、ll the sale last? ( A) For one day only ( B) Until the end of the week ( C) For the rest of the month ( D) Until the New Year 98 What is the speaker doing? ( A) Giving a tour ( B) Conducting an interview ( C) Discussing the towns history ( D) Teaching students about layout design 99 What is mentione

31、d about Wednesdays? ( A) It is when tests will be held. ( B) It is when most games are played. ( C) It is when the city council meets. ( D) It is when the newspaper is printed. 100 What can be inferred from the talk? ( A) The class is for beginners. ( B) The speaker is the town mayor. ( C) There are

32、 two interns at the newspaper. ( D) The speaker will be featured in a story. 托业(听力)模拟试卷 88答案与解析 一、照片描述 1 【听力原文】 (A)Theyre walking across the street. (B)Theyre seated on the bus. (C)Theyre folding their arms. (D)Theyre waiting at the intersection. 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 图片上的人们都站在道路的一边。所以很容易就可以知道 (A)所说的正在过

33、马路和 (B)所说的坐在公交车上都是错误答案。图片中的人并不都是合抱着双臂的,所以 (C)也不是正确答案。从马路上的标志线来判断,他们应该是在十字路口上等信号灯。因此正确答案是 (D)。 2 【听力原文】 (A)Shes emptying the container. (B)Shes organizing the glasses. (C)Shes cleaning the display case. (D)Shes looking at the mirror. 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 图片中的人正拿着清洗剂,用抹布擦拭展示柜,所以很容易就能知道正确答案是 (C)。因为并没有看到容器

34、,所以 (A)是错误答案, (B)中的 glasses(玻璃容器 )和 (D)中的 mirror(镜子 )是为了与女人正在擦拭的玻璃展示柜相混淆而设的陷阱。因此正确答案是 (C)。 3 【听力原文】 (A)Theyre attending a match. (B)Theyre taking care of the lawn. (C)Theyre wearing matching uniforms. (D)Theyre playing on the field. 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 图片上显示的是人们在运动场上打球的场景。因为都穿着各式各样的衣服,所以很容易就能判断出说是穿着制服

35、的 (C)是错误答案。尽管从图片上能够看到草坪,但并不是在照料草坪,所以 (B)也是错误答案。至于 (A),如果说是在打比赛的话,状态显得过于懒散。因此 (D)所说的在运动场上玩儿才是正确答案。 4 【听 力原文】 (A)Theyre cooking the vegetables. (B)Theyre shopping at a market. (C)Theyre writing on the board. (D)Theyre lining up at the till. 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 展示柜上堆积着物品,人们在购物。图片上虽然能看到堆积着的蔬菜,但是并没有在烹饪,所以

36、(A)是错误答案。看板前站着很多人,看上面写着的价格等,但并不是在往上写着什么,所以 (C)也不是正确答 案。正确答案是说在市场上购物的 (B)。 5 【听力原文】 (A)Shes getting out of the car. (B)Shes driving on the highway. (C)Shes paying for parking. (D)Shes standing in the vehicle. 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 停车场上停着车,女人站在停车计价器前面,所以 (C)所说的正在缴纳停车费用是最准确的。无论是说正在下车,还是说行驶在高速公路上都是与图片完全不符的,

37、 所以很容易就能知道 (A)、 (B)都是错误答案。如果只听到standing而错过了后面内容,就很容易将 (D)错选成正确答案。 6 【听力原文】 (A)Hes rowing a boat. (B)Hes starting the engine. (C)Hes fishing in the ocean. (D)Hes putting up the sail. 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 图片中展现的是男人在划船的场景,所以很容易找到正确答案(A)。在图片中,引擎只是放在船头上,而并不 像 (B)中提到的那样有人正在发动它,所以 (B)是错误的。至于 (C)所说的在钓鱼也是错误答案。

38、7 【听力原文】 (A)Hes having his photograph taken. (B)Hes drawing a picture on the sidewalk. (C)Hes writing something on the wall. (D)Hes building something out of brick. 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 路面上散放着画具,男人在地面上 画画,所以只要把 drawing a picture听清楚,此题就很容易找到正确答案。 8 【听力原文】 (A)The car is parked in the garage. (B)There is

39、a patio on the main floor. (C)The building has multiple levels. (D)There are some trees on the balcony. 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 图片上显示高层建筑物前停放着一辆汽车。所以 (A)所说的 汽车停在车库里是错误答案。另外,因为每层都有露台,所以 (B)所说的主要楼层上有露台也是错误的。虽然能看到树,但它并不像 (D)所说的那样是在阳台上,所以 (D)也是错误答案。正确答案是 (C)“该建筑物有多层 ”。 9 【听力原文】 (A)Hes using an automated ticke

40、t dispenser. (B)Hes passing out tickets to the passengers. (C)Hes watching a program on television. (D)Hes checking in his luggage. 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 图片上显示的是一个男人在使用自动化机器。这名男子看上去不是买票就是在提取现金。最接近图片内容的说明是 (A)“正在使用自动售票机 ”。 10 【听力原文】 (A)The software has been installed. (B)The shop was recently painted. (C

41、)The floor has been swept. (D)Some of the walls have been framed. 10 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 图片显示的是建筑物内部正在进行装修。只看图片无法知道是否安装了 (A)中提到的软件, (B)中提到的最近店里有没有涂颜色也是完全无法通过图片来了解到的。地板上散放着工具,所以 (C)也不是正确答案。正确答案是 (D) 二、应答问题 11 【听力原文】 Would you like to try that on? (A)I think its on sale. (B)No, I think itll fit. (C)Sure,

42、Ill find you a room. 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 Would youtryon? 是 “您想要试穿一下 (衣服 )吗 ?”的意思。因为是在询问对方的意愿,所以后面要跟上由 Yes或 No开始的回答。所以很容易就能判断出 (A)是错误答案。而 (C)虽然是由可以替代 Yes的 Sure开始的,可内容却是与问话不相关的有关 “房间 ”的话题,所以也是错误答案。所以回答 (衣服的大小 )“会合适 ”的选项 (B)才是最准确的答案。 12 【听力原文】 What time are we meeting Mr. Lund? (A)Its on time. (B)They a

43、lready met. (C)Its scheduled for four. 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 因为问的是几点 (What time)与伦德先生见面的问题,所以后面的回答应该是表示时间的。因此说预计会在 4点见面的选项 (C)是正确的。在询问 (火车或公交车等 )是否已按时抵达的时候可以用 (A)来回答。 13 【听力原文】 Do you mind if I check my e-mail on your computer? (A)About two months ago. (B)No, when did you send it? (C)No, go ahead, just

44、 let me sign out first. 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 mind是以 “介意,专心于 ”的意思来使用的。因此直译 Do you mind if 就是 “我想用一下您的电脑,您介意吗 ?”的意思,要想以肯定的语气来回答的话,可以说 No。所以 (B)和 (C)都有可能成为正确答案,而 (B)后面的话不符合逻辑,所以答案是 (C)。 14 【听力原文】 This is Ms. Wrights desk, isnt it? (A)Yes, can I help you? (B)No, I didnt ask her. (C)I think she will be. 14

45、 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 问那是不是莱特女士的桌子,这说明有什么事情要找她。所以在这种情况下正确的回答方式应该是 (A)Yes, can I help you?而 (B)和 (C)是不符合逻辑的。另外,题干是附加疑问句,而这与普通疑问句并没有什么特别的不同。在 进行肯定性答复时用 Yes,否定时用 No就可以了。 15 【听力原文】 Do you know your partys extension? (A)Its at the Sun Hotel. (B)We werent able to extend it. (C)No, I just need to speak with an

46、operator. 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 询问是否知道对方电话分机号码。没有以疑问词开始的这类提问后面要以 Yes No 或相应词语开始的句子来回答。所以 只有 (C)会成为正确答案。 (A)是为了让人把题干中的 party理解成 “聚会 ”而设的陷阱。而 (B)也是试图混淆extension和它的动词形态 extend而设的陷阱。 16 【听力原文】 How was the concert? (A)At seven oclock. (B)It was really well done. (C)I went with Dan and Steve. 16 【正确答案】 B 【试题

47、解析】 题干中问的是演奏会是不是很好,所以后面要接的是与 “好不好 ”相关的词。在这 里很容易找到正确答案,那就是带有 “很好 ”之意的 (B)。 (A)则用来回答有关演奏会开始时间的问题, (C)用来回答有关同行者的问题。 17 【听力原文】 Should we walk or take the bikes? (A)Why dont we bike? (B)It s about an hour away. (C)That sounds like a good idea. 17 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 题干是询问在 A或 B中选哪一项的问题。这类选择性问题是不能用 Yes或 No来回答

48、 的,选项中也没有用 Yes或 No来回答的,所以就要选择能从内容上达到契合的答案。从文章脉络上看,回答 “骑自行车怎么样 ?”的选项 (A)是最合适的。 18 【听力原文】 Whose turn is it to drive? (A)It should take a few hours. (B)No, I dont have my license. (C)I think its Noahs turn this time. 18 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 题干问的是有关轮到谁来开车的问题,所以 答案应该是有人名的句子。因此出现诺亚这个人名的选项 (C)是正确的。 (A)是与询问需要多长时

49、间 (How long)相对应的回答,而 (B)是为了让人由 drive联想到 license(驾驶证 )而设的陷阱。 19 【听力原文】 When would you like to leave? (A)No, I think shes still here. (B)Sometime in June would be best. (C)I think you left them on your desk. 19 【正 确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题干问的是想什么时候出发,所以回答中应该有表示时间的词。在(A)、 (B)、 (C)中有时间词的选项只有 (B)。 (A)是以 No开始的句子,所以很容易知道这是个错误答案。 20 【听力原文】 Wasnt there supposed to be a meeting today? (A)Yes, but it was cancelled. (B)He should be finished soon. (C)Sure, may I have your name, please? 20 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 在回答以 wasnt开头的这类否定疑问句时,要用以 Yes No或与此相类似的词开头的句子回答。因此


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