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1、托福(作文)模拟试卷 50及答案与解析 Writing Based on Knowledge and Experience 1 “Lifestyle“ Question Many people believe that it is very important to make large amounts of money, while others are satisfied to earn a comfortable living. Analyze each viewpoint and take a stand. Give specific reasons for your position

2、. 2 “Technological Innovations“ Question Advances in transportation and communication like the airplane and the telephone have changed the way that nations interact with each other in a global society. Choose another technological innovation that you think is important. Give specific reasons for you

3、r choice. 3 “Learning a Foreign Language“ Question Many people have learned a foreign language in their own country; others have learned a foreign language in the country in which it is spoken. Which is better? Give the advantages of each and support your viewpoint. 4 “Study Abroad“ Question You are

4、 planning to study abroad. What do you think you will like and dislike about this experience? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer. 托福(作文)模拟试卷 50答案与解析 Writing Based on Knowledge and Experience 1 【正确答案】 When we are considering options for a major field in college, the counselo

5、rs often mention the amount of money that we can expect to earn if we make that career choice. Then it is up to us to decide whether it is important to make large amounts of money or whether we are satisfied to earn a comfortable living. Certainly, there are good reasons for both decisions. If we ma

6、ke a lot of money, it will be possible to provide a better standard of living for our families. We can live in better homes, our children can go to more prestigious schools and participate in activities or take lessons, we can go on vacations and have experiences that would be impossible without the

7、 financial resources that a high-paying job produces. We can enjoy what the material world has to offer because we can pay for it. Besides supporting our personal lifestyles, we can afford to give generously to charities. In contrast, if we make a comfortable living, the advantages are less visible

8、but nonetheless important. We can participate in a healthy lifestyle because we will be less pressured. A job that pays less may have a slower pace and fewer responsibilities. Less stress may allow us to sleep better. There may be fewer demands on our time so we can exercise more and have more meals

9、 at home, contributing to good health. The extra time can also be spent with family members instead of at the office. We can be at the ball game when our child hits the home run. In making a personal decision, I am opting for a comfortable living instead of the high-powered job with a larger salary.

10、 As the son of a successful executive, I remember expensive vacations that my father paid for but did not participate in because he was too busy at work. I prefer to spend time with my children instead of spending money on them. I plan to be at the ball game. 【试题解析】 Outline Comfortable living - Heal

11、thy lifestyle less pressured, less stress - Time with family members Large amounts of money - Better standard of living for family - More opportunities for charities My experience - Busy father - Prefer time with my children Map 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Without doubt, computers have changed the way that n

12、ations interact with each other in a global society. One type of communication that has been greatly affected by the computer is international mail. For example, prior to the widespread use of computers, a letter from the United States to my country would take weeks for delivery. I recall that the c

13、ost was almost $10 U.S. at a time when the same amount of money would buy groceries for a family for one week. Now mail can be delivered instantly at virtually no cost by electronic mail. Another way that computers have affected international communication is in the way that people assemble in meeti

14、ngs and conferences. Before the introduction of computer technology, it was necessary to fly into a central location to conduct business or training. The time involved in travel was often ten times that of the actual meeting time. Now, through the miracle of teleconferencing, participants from many

15、nations can meet in local sites and connect by means of satellite to a central conference facility. They can see, each other on large screens and interact with each other from multiple sites around the world. After the initial investment in the equipment, a company can expect to save money because t

16、he travel budget can be adjusted down. Finally, computers have influenced the language of communication around the world. Although English was a popular foreign language prior to the advent of the Internet, it is even more useful now. The computer keyboards in Roman letters are more efficient and, a

17、t least initially, the flood of information onto the “information highway“ was often in the English language. To be connected in a global society increasingly means knowing English as a second language. Computers have changed the way that nations interact with each other to send international mail,

18、to attend world meetings and conferences, and to connect to the Internet. They have made it cheaper and easier to exchange information. 【试题解析】 Outline Computer - Mail - Meetings + conferences - Language Cheaper, easier to exchange information Map 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 There are many advantages to learn

19、ing a language in your own country. In the first place, it is quite a lot cheaper than it would be to travel to the country where the language is spoken. The cost of airfare, living accommodations, food, and tuition at a foreign school can be prohibitively high. In addition, there is less stress inv

20、olved in learning in a familiar environment. Studying abroad requires that you speak the foreign language all the time to accomplish basic activities. Although it is an opportunity to use the language daily in a real setting, it can be very wearing. Finally, it is advantageous to have teachers who s

21、peak your native language because they have gone through the same stages of learning the foreign language that you are experiencing, and they know how to explain the new language by relating it to the native language. Nevertheless, an argument can be made for learning a language in the country in wh

22、ich it is spoken. Only there can you truly hear the accent and idioms of natural speech. Being surrounded by the foreign language allows you to acquire nuances that elude the classroom. It is also beneficial to learn the language within the context of the culture so that you can learn the behaviors

23、that accompany language. For example, learning how to order in a restaurant when you are right there with native speakers will also let you see how to behave in a restaurant in the foreign country. Finally, there are often opportunities that occur while you are in another country. Friendships can re

24、sult in invitations to spend time with native speakers in their homes, and possibilities can present themselves for work or study in the foreign country. In my opinion, the best way to learn a language is to achieve an intermediate level of proficiency in your own country and then to travel to the c

25、ountry where the language is spoken to make progress from the intermediate to the advanced level. By using this plan, you can benefit from the advantages of both options. 【试题解析】 Outline Advantages own country - Teacher has similar experiencecan use L1 - Cheaper than foreign travel - Less stressful A

26、dvantages foreign country - Natural speech accent + idioms - Cultural context behaviors - Opportunities My opinion intermediate proficiency own country + advanced abroad Map 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Living abroad provides many opportunities and challenges. When I study abroad, I look forward to making fri

27、ends. By getting to know people, I will be able to improve my English language proficiency. There are idioms and words that are best learned within the context of real conversations with native speakers. I also look forward to being a participant in a new culture. At the end of my stay, I hope that

28、I will understand the culture in a different and deeper way than is possible when information is derived from only movies and books. In addition, I am excited about studying on a foreign campus. I expect the college courses to be challenging, and I am eager to learn about the latest technological ad

29、vances in my field of study. I am realistic about the disadvantages of foreign study, however. I know that I will miss my family very much. It will be too expensive to return to my country to spend holidays with them, and I will be very lonely during the times when I know that they are gathered for

30、special celebrations. Another aspect of the experience that I do not look forward to is the reliance on fast food that is so typical of college students. Pizza, hamburgers, and other junk foods are easier to find and prepare than the meals that I enjoy in my country, but they arent as good, and they

31、 probably arent as healthy. Finally, I imagine that my life will be very stressful because I will be competing with students who know the language of the classroom and are accustomed to the expectations that the professors have for their students. I am a competitive person by nature, and I am appreh

32、ensive about my ability to compete with my classmates. Once I am living abroad, I will no doubt find many other opportunities to take advantage of and many challenges that I must confront. Nevertheless, I expect my experience to be overwhelmingly positive, and I intend to see the lessons in both adventures and adversity. 【试题解析】 Outline Like - Improve language proficiency - Participate in culture - College courses Dislike - Miss family - Rely on fast food - Compete with students Map 【知识模块】 作文


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