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1、托福(听力)历年真题试卷汇编 7及答案与解析 0 1 What are the speakers mainly discussing? ( A) How the student can get permission to travel to other cities ( B) How the student can get reimbursed for travel expenses ( C) A problem with the travel office Web page ( D) A conference the student recently attended 2 What info

2、rmation can be found on the travel office Web page? ( A) The average costs involved in traveling to various cities ( B) Hotels and transportation that students may use when they travel ( C) The registration fees for various conferences ( D) The last day preapproval requests can be submitted 3 What d

3、oes the student imply about her recent travel to Philadelphia? Click on 2 answers. . ( A) She does not have the receipts for the purchases she made. ( B) She stayed in the hotel recommended by the travel office. ( C) She did not spend a lot of money on her trip. ( D) She did not plan the trip very f

4、ar in advance. 4 Why is the student unable to fill out an online expense form? ( A) Another student was already reimbursed for the Philadelphia conference. ( B) The universitys computer system is not working properly. ( C) She does not have a preapproval number. ( D) She already submitted a paper ex

5、pense form. 5 Listen again to part of the lecture, then answer the following question. What does the man mean when he says this? ( A) The student just gave him information that may be helpful. ( B) The student will need to correct a mistake she made. ( C) He does not want to continue the conversatio

6、n. ( D) He is glad the student reminded him of something. 5 6 What does the professor mainly discuss? ( A) Predator-prey relationships among various marine organisms ( B) Evidence that grouping behaviors are more beneficial for adult fish than for juvenile fish ( C) Hypotheses about why certain beha

7、viors have developed in juvenile fish ( D) Possible explanations for a fish-grouping behavior 7 What type of evidence does the professor refer to in support of the meeting point hypothesis? ( A) The percentage of fish species that aggregate under floating objects ( B) The size of schools formed by t

8、una that aggregate under floating objects ( C) The large number of species of fish that form schools ( D) The types of floating objects under which tuna aggregate 8 What is the professors opinion of the paper written by researchers in Spain? ( A) It effectively shows that the “shelter from predators

9、“ hypothesis is not true for most fish species. ( B) It supports the food supply hypothesis. ( C) Its challenge to the meeting point hypothesis is convincing. ( D) It raises more questions about fish aggregation than it answers. 9 Why does the professor discuss fish coloration? ( A) To emphasize the

10、 connection between a fishs diet and its coloration ( B) To explain why not all fish species aggregate under floating algae ( C) To support the “shelter from predators“ hypothesis ( D) To point out a difference between tuna and other fish species 10 Why does the professor discuss ocean currents? ( A

11、) To explain why some fish species do not need to aggregate ( B) To indicate where commercial fishers often place fish-aggregating devices ( C) To explain one way in which fish form schools ( D) To explain one way in which floating debris aids fish in obtaining food 11 What points about tuna does th

12、e professor emphasize when she discusses artificial fish-aggregating devices, or FADs? Click on 2 answers. ( A) That FADs are usually placed in areas where juvenile tuna do not live ( B) That juvenile tuna are seldom found in coastal waters ( C) That tuna continue to aggregate as adults ( D) That tu

13、na rely on FADs for most of their food 11 12 What is the main purpose of the lecture? ( A) To compare methods of analysis used in archaeological study ( B) To explain how maize was first domesticated ( C) To illustrate how phytoliths are beneficial to plants ( D) To demonstrate how phytoliths are us

14、ed in scientific research 13 What is one way that phytoliths form? ( A) Minerals from groundwater collect in the cells of plants. ( B) Leaves of plants photosynthesize sunlight into minerals. ( C) Grains become preserved between mineral layers in soil. ( D) Groundwater causes some of the plant tissu

15、e to decay. 14 What point does the professor make about closely related plants such as wheat and barley? ( A) It was unknown until recently that their phytoliths decay at different rates. ( B) Their phytoliths are typically found it in vessels used for cooking. ( C) It was impossible to see the diff

16、erences in the shape of their phytoliths until recently. ( D) Their seeds can be identified using election microscopes. 15 Why does the professor discuss maize? ( A) To emphasize the surprising number of subspecies that were suitable for domestication ( B) To show that phytolith analysis can reveal

17、the timing of a plants domestication ( C) To point out that phytolith analysis has proven how widespread its cultivation actually was ( D) To provide an example of a plant whose phytoliths are unique 16 Why does the professor discuss the function of pollen? ( A) To explain why pollen can be an unrel

18、iable source for archaeologists ( B) To illustrate why archaeologists find more pollen than phytoliths in soil ( C) To describe the reproductive process is some plants ( D) To show why pollen does not decay as rapidly as other parts of plants 17 Listen again to part of the lecture, then answer the f

19、ollowing question. Why does the professor say this? ( A) To review information about plant eaters from last class ( B) To suggest that plant eaters have a difficult choice to make ( C) To provide an explanation for the statement she just made ( D) To find out the students opinions about a research m

20、ethod 17 18 Why does the student go to see her professor? ( A) To request more time to complete an assignment ( B) To find out if her understanding of the Orff method is correct ( C) To explain why she was late for class ( D) To get approval for a topic for a class project 19 What does the student t

21、ell the professor about her mother? ( A) She was one of the first music teachers to adopt the Orff method of teaching music. ( B) She uses the Orff method of teaching music only with advanced students. ( C) She taught her to play a musical instrument using the Orff method. ( D) She told her about th

22、e Orff method of teaching music. 20 What feature of the Orff method makes it especially interesting to the student? ( A) Music instruction introduces both simple and complicated rhythms from an early age. ( B) Music instruction begins with students listening to many different styles of music. ( C) S

23、tudents are continually encouraged to create original music. ( D) Students are taught how to play a variety of musical instruments. 21 What is the student worried about as she explains to her professor? ( A) The professor might think she is lazy. ( B) The project may interfere with her work in other

24、 classes. ( C) She might not be able to finish the project by the due date. ( D) The professor might think her topic is boring. 22 Why does the student mention that she wants to sell a computer program? ( A) To assure the professor that she will do a good job on the class project ( B) To explain why

25、 she is taking a computer programming course ( C) To request advice from the professor on how to market the program ( D) To point out that computers are an excellent tool for educating children 22 23 What is the main purpose of the lecture? ( A) To describe different functions computers can perform

26、for their users ( B) To explain Leonardo da Vincis role in the history of computer design ( C) To describe the potential impact that faster computers could have ( D) To explain a specific approach to computer design and technology 24 Why does the professor discuss Leonardo da Vincis work? ( A) To il

27、lustrate that some ideas in science were first suggested in works of art ( B) To help explain the fundamental idea behind new computing ( C) To explain the origin of the idea of old computing ( D) To compare it to the work of other early inventors 25 According to the professor, how is old computing

28、different from new computing? ( A) Old computing concentrates less on the needs of users. ( B) Old computing focuses less on making fast computers. ( C) Old computing cannot be used to create complex programs. ( D) Old computing tries to accommodate more types of users. 26 According to the professor

29、, what is an important step for developers to take in designing easy-to-use computers? ( A) Testing the new design for its compatibility with older systems ( B) Getting information from potential users early in the design process ( C) Determining the reasons that some computers are slow ( D) Becomin

30、g familiar with the design of currently existing computers 27 What is the professors opinion about the goals of old computing? ( A) They are still relevant to designers developing new products. ( B) They are not compatible with the goals of new computing. ( C) They probably will not help designers s

31、olve modern problems. ( D) They are important for disciplines other than computer science. 28 Why does the professor mention how well-informed people are about medical issues today? ( A) To support a claim about the limitations of new computing ( B) To question whether people use computers appropria

32、tely ( C) To illustrate how current technology can succeed in supporting human activities ( D) To contrast peoples medical knowledge today with that of people in da Vincis time 28 29 What is the main purpose of the lecture? ( A) To compare advantages and disadvantages of using tidal energy as a sour

33、ce of energy ( B) To give details about the available renewable sources of energy ( C) To discuss harnessing tidal energy from the ocean ( D) To argue that tidal energy is a better source of energy than other renewable sources 30 Which of the following is mentioned in the passage to imply that the u

34、se of tidal turbines hasnt been popular for a very long time? ( A) They were too similar to windmills, which were not very reliable. ( B) They have only been at the discussion stage of development. ( C) The ocean was too corrosive for the machines. ( D) The development of appropriate methods was sev

35、erely insufficient. 31 Why does the professor mention density of water and wind? ( A) To emphasize that wind energy is better than tidal energy ( B) To begin a comparison between wind and tidal energy ( C) To point out that slow water currents generate relatively significant energy ( D) To discuss t

36、he efficiency rate of the energy source 32 According to the professor, why are tidal fences better than tidal dams? Click on 2 answers. ( A) Lower utilization of ocean sediment ( B) Cheaper cost ( C) Less environmental damage ( D) The use of rotors 33 In the lecture, the professor describes the adva

37、ntages of tidal turbines. Indicate whether each of the following is part of advantages of tidal turbines. Click in the correct box for each statement. 34 What does the professor imply about tidal turbines? ( A) Their use is somewhat unrealistic now but will be the benign option in the future. ( B) T

38、he technology to create tidal turbines has not yet fully been developed. ( C) They are hard to maintain because they are difficult to see. ( D) The cost of installing tidal turbines will continue to increase as time goes by. 托福(听力)历年真题试卷汇编 7答案与解析 0 【听力原文】 Listen to a conversation between a student (

39、S) and a university travel administrator (A). S: Thanks for the list of travel agencies. This will really help if I get a chance to go to another conference, but now my question is: you said that the university doesnt pay for everything, doesnt cover all the costs of school-related travel. A: Nope,

40、we do cover the cost of the conference itself, the registration fees, but university policy is that we only cover up to a certain amount of travel expenses. We calculate the average cost of traveling to a city, the average cost of food, lodging, etc., and are willing to pay that much back to you. S:

41、 OK, so how do I find out what the average costs are? A: Well, on the travel offices Web page youll find a chart with a bunch of cities. Just find the columns for the city that youre traveling to, like Philadelphia, thats where you went, right? S: Yeah, the Eastern Literary Society Conference. It wa

42、s. I went to hear some presentations, you know. A: Ok, so the chart will tell you how much the university will cover for trips to Philadelphia. There will be a column for food, one for transportation, one for hotel, but Im guessing that. S: Yes, since Philadelphias only an hour from here and the con

43、ference was just one day, I guess thats why I wasnt overly concerned about the expenses, but I did take the train in and of course I ate lunch there. So could I have a copy of the expense form? Ill need to fill it out. A: Sure, but its quicker if you do it online. That way your information goes dire

44、ctly to the travel office. Well be in touch later if we need your receipts. S: Ok, I already tried that, but the system wouldnt let me download the form. A: Really? Thats strange. S: Yeah, it kept asking for my. for a preapproval number. A: Ok, the number your department gave you when you completed

45、the preapproval request. S: Preapproval request? I didnt know. No one told me about a preapproval request. A: Thats why youre having trouble. See, the policy is that your department has to preapprove you for the travel, so that we, the university travel office, so we know youre doing legitimate scho

46、ol-related travel. We cant be reimbursing people for their personal vacations now, could we? S: Well, how was I supposed to know? I mean, my professor only asked me like two weeks ago after someone else canceled. A: Oh, well thats it. That student probably filled out a preapproval request. Your depa

47、rtment can probably update that form with your information. Then itll show up under your name instead, and you can do the online form. S: Oh, really? Let me talk to them and see what I can do. Ill come back to you if I have questions after that. A: Ok, good luck with that. S: Thanks for your help. 1

48、 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 内容主旨题。线索词为学生所说: but now my question is: you said that the university doesnt pay for everything, doesnt cover all the costs of school-related travel本篇对话主题为学生如何报销差旅费。 A选项属原文未提及,学生未向管理员咨询如何获 得去其他城市出差的许可。 C选项错误,因为存在问题的不是旅务办公室网页,而是学生的 preapproval request(预批申请 )。 D选项错误,因为选项中的 conference(会

49、议 )属原文细节,并非文章主要内容。 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。线索词为学生所说: so how do I find out what the average costs are?以及管理员所答: on the travel offices Web page youll find a chart with a bunch of cities如原文所示,学生可在网页上找到赴不同城市的平均差旅费。 B和 D选项错误原因一致。网页上未指明出差可住酒店和可乘坐的交通工具,也未标注预批申请表的提交截止日期。 C选项错误,因为 registration fees(注册费 )是学校会报销的费用,但并不是网页上提供的信息。 3 【正确答案】 C, D 【试题解析】 推论题。线索词为学生所说: since Philadelphias only an hour from here and the conference was just one day,I guess thats why I wasnt overly concerned about the expenses和 my professor only asked me like two weeks ago after someone el


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