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1、考博英语模拟试卷 103及答案与解析 一、 Structure and Vocabulary 1 The two newspapers gave different _ of what happened. ( A) versions ( B) editions ( C) productions ( D) texts 2 Some people think its _ to smoke with a cigarette holder. ( A) flexible ( B) sophisticated ( C) versatile ( D) productive 3 The degree of e

2、conomic growth is an _ of the level of living. ( A) index ( B) advantage ( C) access ( D) aspect 4 I want to talk about all these points in _ order of importance. ( A) declining ( B) descending ( C) plunging ( D) falling 5 Efforts to reach the injured men have been _ because of a sudden deterioratio

3、n in weather conditions. ( A) enforced ( B) intensified ( C) confirmed ( D) strengthened 6 I didnt listen to Mom and I was not surprised at the look of _ on her face. ( A) indifference ( B) compliment ( C) negligence ( D) reproach 7 The victims of drunken driving in America over the past decade _ an

4、 incredible 250, 000, with three killed every hour of every day on average. ( A) take up ( B) add up to ( C) count for ( D) turn out to 8 He is believed to have been shot by a rival gang in _ for the shootings last week. ( A) revenge ( B) reserve ( C) reverse ( D) remedial 9 These pollutants can be

5、_ hundreds and even thousands of kilometers by large air masses. ( A) contained ( B) conveyed ( C) contaminated ( D) conserved 10 There are a few small things that I dont like about my job, but _ its very enjoy able. ( A) all at once ( B) once and for all ( C) so much as ( D) by and large 11 In a di

6、vorce, the mother usually is granted _ of her children. ( A) support ( B) retention ( C) perseverance ( D) custody 12 What he had in mind _ to nothing less than a total reversal of the traditional role of the executive. ( A) contributed ( B) dedicated ( C) amounted ( D) added 13 Some Heads of Govern

7、ment now fear that negotiations will _ before a settlement is reached. ( A) wear out ( B) come along ( C) break off ( D) end up 14 A _ of soap and two brightly colored towels were left beside the bath, then the woman smiled politely at Nicole and withdrew carefully from the room. ( A) loaf ( B) bar

8、( C) stick ( D) block 15 Of the 1, 200 million people who call themselves Chinese, _ a very small number speak what is referred to as standard Chinese. ( A) none but ( B) but for ( C) all but ( D) but then 16 _ recent brain and behavioral research, Dr. Goleman wrote a fascinating book entitled “Emot

9、ional Intelligence.“ ( A) Drawing up ( B) Drawing on ( C) Putting up ( D) Putting on 17 Many people think of deserts as _ regions, but numerous species of plants and animals have adapted to life there. ( A) remote ( B) virgin ( C) alien ( D) barren 18 Attempts to persuade her to stay after she felt

10、insulted were _. ( A) of no avail ( B) out of focus ( C) at a loss ( D) in no way 19 Scientists are _ certain that there is a cancer-inhibiting agent in the blood of the shark. ( A) dubiously ( B) virtually ( C) queerly ( D) randomly 20 The integration of staff for training has led to a good exchang

11、e of ideas, greater enthusiasm, and higher staff _. ( A) moral ( B) mortal ( C) morale ( D) mores 二、 Cloze 20 It is appropriate on an anniversary of the founding of a university to remind ourselves of its purposes. It is equally appropriate at such time for students to【 21】 why they have been chosen

12、 to attend and to consider how they can best【 22】 the privilege of attending. At the least you as students can hope to become【 23】 in subject matter which may be useful to you in later life. There is,【 24】 , much more to be gained. It is now that you must learn to exercise your mind sufficiently【 25

13、】 learning becomes a joy and you thereby become a student for life.【 26】 this may require an effort of will and a period of self-discipline. Certainly it is not【 27】 without hard work. Teachers can guide and encourage you, but learning is not done passively. To learn is your【 28】 . There is【 29】 the

14、 trained mind satisfaction to be derived from exploring the ideas of others, mastering them and evaluating them. But there is【 30】 level of inquiry which I hope that some of you will choose. If your study takes you to the【 31】 of understanding of a subject and, you have reached so far, you find that

15、 you can penetrate to【 32】 no one has been before, you experience an exhilaration which cant be denied and which commits you to a life of research. Commitment to a life of scholarship or research is【 33】 many other laudable goals. It is edifying, and it is a source of inner satisfaction even【 34】 ot

16、her facets of life prove disappointing. I strongly【 35】 it. ( A) count ( B) reflect ( C) depend ( D) comment ( A) benefit from ( B) take over ( C) apply for ( D) go through ( A) efficient ( B) excellent ( C) professional ( D) proficient ( A) however ( B) therefore ( C) indeed ( D) after all ( A) if

17、( B) because ( C) so that ( D) before ( A) Of late ( B) Consequently ( C) Afterwards ( D) At first ( A) acquired ( B) accomplished ( C) approached ( D) assured ( A) ambition ( B) conscience ( C) responsibility ( D) challenge ( A) to ( B) on ( C) in ( D) by ( A) any ( B) one ( C) another ( D) no ( A)

18、 ends ( B) limits ( C) borders ( D) edges ( A) elsewhere ( B) what ( C) whichever ( D) where ( A) compatible with ( B) responsible for ( C) followed by ( D) relevant to ( A) shall ( B) will ( C) would ( D) should ( A) declare ( B) recommend ( C) advise ( D) contend 三、 Reading Comprehension 35 Small,

19、 pink and very ugly. Hardly the qualities of a star, but they describe the deformed mouse that was the media darling at a recent science exhibition in Beijing. With a complex tissue structure in the shape of a human ear grafted on to its back, the rosy rodent was a stunning symbol of the serious str

20、ides China is making in the field of biotechnology. China is fast applying the latest life-science techniques learned from the West m aggressively pursue genome research. Its establishing its own centers of technical excellence to build a scientific base to compete directly with the United States an

21、d Europe. With a plentiful supply of smart young scientists at home and lots of interest abroad biotechnology is on the brink of a boom in China and in the view of foreign scientists, Beijing is playing a clever hand, maximizing the opportunities open to them. For the moment, the cooperation exists

22、mostly with Europe and the U. S. But Asias other biotech leaders, Japan, Singapore and Korea, also are recognizing Chinas potential as an attractive low-cost base to conduct research. These partnerships-and Chinas advancement in the field of biotechnology-could help benefit the rest of Asia: Chinas

23、rapid progress in improving crop yields will address food-security concerns in the region. In addition, China is more likely to focus on developing cheap technology that its predominantly poor population-and those of other Asian countries-can afford. There remain, however, serious barriers to the de

24、velopment of a strong biotech industry. Among them are a poor domestic legal framework, weak enforcement of intellectual-property rights and loose adherence to international standards. China is a signatory of the International Bio Safety Protocol, which should mean adherence to global standards gove

25、rning the conduct of field trims. But some observers are skeptical. “The regulations look good, but I havent met one scientist who believes they are being fully adhered to,“ says a European science analyst. If shortcuts are taken, then some of the recent scientific achievements trumpeted in the offi

26、cial press may never make it to market. But no matter how strict lab tests are, other problems lie in wait. For example, there is a number of tasks it would take years to fulfill in the patents office, says one lawyer, leaving innovators with little protection if they take a product to market in Chi

27、na. 36 The mouse on display is most significant in that _. ( A) it has an ear in the shape of a human ear ( B) it is unusually small and ugly as a star ( C) it is the focus of. the media at the exhibition ( D) it indicates Chinas progress in biotechnology 37 The phrase “on the brink of a boom“ (in b

28、oldface in Paragraph 2) in the context means _. ( A) having an edge in competition ( B) in great demand ( C) on the way to success ( D) preparing for challenge 38 In the field of biotechnology China is thought to _. ( A) have been making an utmost effort learning from the West ( B) have become a cou

29、ntry among the advanced ( C) have been able to rival the United States and Europe ( D) have launched a biotechnological revolution 39 Japan, Singapore, and Korea will also be interested in cooperating with China in biotechnology because _. ( A) it has made extraordinary contributions to the world (

30、B) it has large supplies of talents and advanced research centers ( C) its research focuses on the benefits of all Asian countries ( D) its cooperation with the US and Europe proves profitable 40 Science analysts are worried that China, in the course of biotech development, _. ( A) might refuse to j

31、oin efforts to adhere to global standards ( B) may put too much emphasis on developing cheap technology ( C) cannot afford to fulfill years of tasks in assessing patents ( D) may not seriously follow the International Bio Safety Protocol 41 As implied in the context, the shortcuts that might be take

32、n include _. ( A) publicizing recent achievements in the official press ( B) the protection of innovators with their products ( C) the violation of intellectual-property rights ( D) making lab tests as strict as possible 41 The sizzling streams of sunlight were just beautifully glimmering down on th

33、e crisp green schoolyard. Such a wonderful day that was. Nothing could have ruined it. Little Jimmy, since it was such a wonderful day, decided to go to the corner store and buy himself a little treat. As Jimmy started walking over to the store, clouds flocked over the dazzling sun and the sudden pi

34、tch dark meant no trouble. On the other side of the road were three white boys from Jimmys same school. Upon recognizing Jimmy, the boys ran over the street to where he was. “Hey Negro, whats up?“ one of the white boys said. “Did your mamma pack you enough to eat today?“ another hooted. “Just leave

35、me alone,“ little Jimmy said. “Oh no, Jimmys really getting pist off! ?“ the first boy retaliated. “Just shove off and let me be,“ Jimmy answered. It is like this everyday, everywhere, and every time, people suffer discrimination. All because they have differences amongst each other. Different belie

36、fs, different cultures, different skin colors, all of these act like building blocks to help construct what we know as Racism. Racism has become one of the many burdens amongst multi-cultural worlds like Canada and the States. Racism is a part of each and every one of us. No doubt, we are all racist

37、, but the term racism has been used too loosely. Racism has been mutated to such an extent that it could be a reason for war, a symbol of terrorism, and even an excuse for neglecting. Is that all there is to it? No, actually it is just the beginning. Racism is just like warfare in which there is no

38、shelter and nobody is neutral. Nobody is exempt from this demon. He has haunted us with a bitter curse. On one occasion I remember, nobody would play with me at school. I would walk around by myself and ask people if we could play together. Everywhere that I went, like the process of induction, ever

39、yone would avoid me. Like two inducted poles with the same polarity, they would just shimmer off into the distance and continue to do whatever theyre doing. Because of racial differences, they neglect me. People are afraid of the unknown, and it is this difference amongst people that spread rumors a

40、nd distrust amongst people. Corrupting our thoughts and reasons, we get accustomed to thinking differences are omens. Amongst smaller kids, there is no difficulty in getting them to all play together. Their thoughts are not totally corrupted as others. Probably the demon has no time to bother with s

41、maller children. 42 With the description of the weather and Jimmys feeling about it the author intends to show that _. ( A) what a happy world it is for humans ( B) what an innocent boy Jimmy was ( C) what an unusual thing that was to happen to Jimmy ( D) what a wonderful world that people have igno

42、red 43 From the conversation with the three white boys, we learn that Jimmy _. ( A) must have offended them before ( B) was a pleasant boy to be talked to ( C) was being humiliated for being black ( D) must have got used to their behaviors 44 According to the author, Racism _. ( A) leads to a world

43、with no variety ( B) does not see the differences between cultures ( C) hinders the worlds economic development ( D) does not tolerate coexistence of different cultures 45 By saying “No doubt, we are all racist“ (in boldface in Paragraph 3) the author admits that _. ( A) we are all warlike by nature

44、 ( B) we all discriminate against other peoples ( C) we are all proud of our own race and nation ( D) we all focus on the difference between races 46 To be continued, the passage would probably be followed by a paragraph that deals with _. ( A) how childrens thoughts are corrupted by racism as they

45、grow ( B) the authors far more miserable experience of being neglected ( C) how the black people should unite to fight against the Whites ( D) the education of smaller children to behave pleasantly to each other 47 Which of the following can best describe the tone of the passage? ( A) Provocative. (

46、 B) Indignant. ( C) Sentimental. ( D) Sarcastic. 47 This week marks the 10th anniversary of the Alar apple scare, in which many American consumers were driven into a panic following the release of a report by an environmental organization claiming that apples containing the chemical Alar posed a ser

47、ious health threat to preschoolers. The report was disseminated through a PR (Problem Report) campaign and bypassed any legitimate form of scientific peer review. Introduced to the American public by CBS “60 Minutes,“ the unsubstantiated claims in the report led some school districts to remove apple

48、s from their school lunch programs and unduly frightened conscientious parents trying to develop good eating habits for their children. Last month, Consumers Union released a report warning consumers of the perils of consuming many fruits and vegetables that frequently contained “unsafe“ levels of p

49、esticide residues. This was especially true for children, they claimed. Like its predecessor 10 years earlier, the Consumers Union report received no legitimate scientific peer review and the publics first exposure to it was through news coverage. Not only does such reporting potentially drive children from consuming healthful fruits and vegetables, the conclusions were based on a misleading interpretation o


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