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1、考博英语(阅读理解)模拟试卷 62及答案与解析 一、 Reading Comprehension 0 The London Stock Exchange has been famous as a place for men only, and women used to be strictly forbidden to enter. But the world is changing day by day, and even the Stock Exchange, which seemed to be a mens castle, is gradually opening its doors

2、to the other sex. On 16th November 1971, a great decision was taken. The Stock Exchange Council(the body of men that administers the Stock Exchange)decided that women should be allowed onto the new trading floor when it opened in 1973. But the “castle“ had not been completely conquered. The first gi

3、rls to work in “The House“ were not brokers or jobbers. They were neither allowed to become partners in stock broking firms, nor to be authorized dealers in stocks and shares. They were simply junior clerks and telephone operators. Women have been trying to get into the Stock Exchange for many years

4、. Several votes have been taken in “The House“ to see whether the members would be willing to allow women to become members, but the answer has always been “No“. There have been three refusals of this kind since 1967. Now women are admitted, although in a very junior capacity. Two forms of jobbers m

5、ade an application to the Stock Exchange Council to be allowed to employ girl clerks. Permission was finally given. A member of the Stock Exchange explained after this news had been given, “The new floor is going to be different from the old one. All the jobbers will have their own stands, with spac

6、e for a telephone and typewriters, therefore there will have to be typists and telephone operators. So women must be allowed in.“ This decision did not mean a very great victory in the war for equal rights for women. However, it was a step in the right direction. The Chairman of the new building wil

7、l eventually lead to women being allowed to have full membership of the Stock Exchange. It is only a matter of time; it must happen. 1 The London Stock Exchange is famous_. ( A) for its favorable location ( B) for its policy of opening its doors to women ( C) because it has been a place for men only

8、 ( D) because women are now beginning to enter its doors to work 2 Several votes have been taken in “The House“_. ( A) to see if women were willing to become members ( B) to decide when women would be allowed into “The House“ ( C) to find out whether the members were willing to allow women to become

9、 members ( D) to decide when to allow women onto the new trading floor 3 Which of the following is true? ( A) Since 1973 women have been allowed to work with the London Stock Exchange. ( B) Women have always been refused participation in stock trading. ( C) Women were never officially allowed to ent

10、er the Stock Exchange. ( D) Men have been trying to get into the Stock Exchange. 4 What is this article about? ( A) Womens place in society. ( B) How the London Stock Exchange functioned in 1971. ( C) How women have been struggling for full membership of the Stock Exchange. ( D) How women were gradu

11、ally allowed to work in the Stock Exchange. 4 When we talk about intelligence, we do not mean the ability to get a good score on a certain kind of test, or even the ability to do well in school. By intelligence we mean a style of life, a life, a way of behaving in various situations. The true test o

12、f intelligence is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we dont know what to do. The intelligent person, young or old, meeting a new situation or problem, opens himself up to it. He tries to take in with mind and senses everything he can about it. He thinks about it, instead of abou

13、t himself or what it might cause to happen to him. He grapples with it boldly, imaginatively, resourcefully, and if not confidently, at least hopefully; if he fails to master it, he looks without fear or shame at his mistakes and learns what he can from them. This is intelligence. Clearly its roots

14、lie in a certain feeling about life, and ones self with respect to life. Just as clearly, unintelligence is not what most psychologists seem to suppose, the same thing as intelligence, only less of it. It is an entirely different style of behavior, arising out of entirely different set of attitudes.

15、 Years of watching and comparing bright children with the not-bright, or less bright, have shown that they are very different kinds of people. The bright child is curious about life and reality, eager to get in touch with it, embrace it, unite himself with it. There is no wall, no barrier, between h

16、imself and life. On the other hand, the dull child is far less curious, far less interested in what goes on and what is real, more inclined to live in a world of fantasy. The bright child likes to experiment, to try things out. He lives by the maxim that there is more than one way to skin a cat. If

17、he cant do something one way, hell try another. The dull child is usually afraid to try at all. It takes a great deal of urging to get him to try even once; if that try fails, he is through. Nobody starts off stupid. Hardly an adult in a thousand, or ten thousand could in any three years of his life

18、 learn as much, grow as much in his understanding of the world around him, as every infant learns and grows in his first three years. But what happens, as we grow older, to this extraordinary capacity for learning and intellectual growth? What happens is that it is destroyed, and more than by any ot

19、her one thing, it is destroyed by the process that we misname education a process that goes on in most homes and schools. 5 The writer believes that intelligence is_. ( A) doing well in school ( B) doing well on some examinations ( C) a certain type of behavior ( D) good scores on tests 6 The writer

20、 believes that “unintelligence“ is_. ( A) similar to intelligence ( B) less than intelligence ( C) the common belief of most psychologists ( D) a particular way of looking at the world 7 Why does the writer say that education is misnamed? ( A) Because it takes place more in homes than in school. ( B

21、) Because it discourages intellectual growth. ( C) Because it helps dull children with their problems. ( D) Because it helps children understand the world around them. 8 In the paragraphs which follow the above passage, the writer probably discusses_. ( A) how education destroys the development of i

22、ntelligence ( B) how bright children differ from dull children ( C) how intelligence is inherited ( D) how the childs intellectual capacity grows at home and school 8 An upsurge of new research suggests animals have a much higher level of brainpower than previous thought. Before defining animals int

23、elligence, scientists defined what is not intelligence. Instinct is not intelligence. It is a skill programmed into an animals brain by its genetic heritage. Rote conditioning or cuing, in which animals learn to do or not to do certain things by following outside signals is also not intelligence, si

24、nce tricks can be learned by repetition, but no real thinking is involved. Scientists believe insight, the ability to use tools, and communications using human language are effective measures. When judging animal intelligence, scientists look for insight, which they define as a flash of sudden under

25、standing. When a young gorilla could not reach fruit from a tree, she noticed crates scattered about the lawn, piled them and then climbed on them to reach her reward. The gorillas insight allowed her to solve a new problem without trial and error. The ability to use tools is also an important sign

26、of intelligence. Crows use sticks to pry peanuts out of cracks. The crow exhibits intelligence by showing it has learned what a stick can do. Likewise, otters use rocks to crack open crab and, in a series of complex moves, chimpanzees have been known to use sticks to get at favorite snack-termites.

27、Many animals have learned to communicate using human language. Some primates have learned hundreds of words in sign language. One chimp can recognize and correctly use more than 250 abstract symbols on a keyboard and one parrot can distinguish five objects of two different types and can understand t

28、he difference between numbers, colors, and kinds of object. The research on animal intelligence raises important questions. If animals are smarter than once thought, would that change the way humans interact with them? Would humans stop hunting them for sport or survival? Would animals still be used

29、 for food or clothing or medical experimentation? Finding the answer to these tough questions makes a difficult puzzle even for a large-brained, problem-solving species like our own. 9 According to the text, which is true about animals communicating through the use of human language? ( A) Parrots ca

30、n imitate or repeat a sound. ( B) Dolphins click and whistle. ( C) Crows screech warnings to other crows. ( D) Chimps have been trained to use sign language or word symbolizing geometric shapes. 10 The word “upsurge“(Line 1, Para 1), most nearly means_. ( A) an increasingly large amount ( B) a decre

31、asing amount ( C) a well-known amount ( D) an immeasurable amount 11 The chimpanzees ability to use a tool illustrates high intelligence because_. ( A) he is able to get his food ( B) he faced a difficult task and accomplished it ( C) he stored knowledge away and called it up at the right time ( D)

32、termites are protein-packed 12 The concluding paragraph of this text infers_. ( A) there is no definitive line between those animals with intelligence and those without ( B) animals are being given opportunities to display their intelligence ( C) research showing higher animal intelligence may fuel

33、debate on ethics and cruelty ( D) animals are capable of untrained thought well beyond mere instinct 13 Which of the following is NOT a sign of animal intelligence? ( A) Shows insight. ( B) Cues. ( C) Uses tools. ( D) Makes a plan. 13 There are increasingly fraught relationships that adults are havi

34、ng with childrenin all walks of life, from the police and politicians, within the public sector and within communities themselves. The fear of young people has changed the way society is policed, how pupils are treated in schools and how insecure adults relate to children on their estates. Rather th

35、an children and young people becoming more violent and anti-social, it is adults who have changed, having fewer relationships with young people and becoming less confident in their dealings with them. We must explore the role that crime and safety initiatives have on the outlook of the public. The a

36、ttempt by government, council departments, the police and many others to reduce the fear within communities by developing safety initiatives is having the opposite effect, resulting in the institutionalization of this fear. Curfews have increased adultsfear of young people and reduced the amount of

37、time young children are allowed out to play. They have raised the level of insecurity amongst parents about the safety of their children and ultimately reduced the contact between generations within this community. It is not far from the truth to say that “youth“ no longer exists if by youth we mean

38、 the freedom loving rebelliousness. The outcome of this process is breeding a generation of young people who are if anything more fragile and fearful than their grandparents. Finally, as well as exploring the fear of young people, we must look at the insecurity that parents have for their children.

39、There has been a reduction in play, and specifically in “free play“, and the effect of this more regulated environment on childrens lives is yet to be determined and not something we can continually ignore in our rush to protect society from children. 14 The author is mainly directing his message to

40、wards_. ( A) adults in general ( B) the younger generation ( C) law enforcement authorities ( D) parents 15 The first paragraph is mainly about_. ( A) the way younger people have changed ( B) the change in attitude and treatment towards youth ( C) the fewer relationships between youth and adults ( D

41、) the fear that youth and adults have towards each other 16 The author sees safety initiatives as part of the problem because_. ( A) they actually cause more rebelliousness ( B) they are unpopular with young people ( C) they worsen relationships and create more fear ( D) they reduce the play young p

42、eople can use to expend energy 17 The author believes its possible to say youth no longer exists because_. ( A) youth have no more rebellion and freedom ( B) youth are indistinguishable in character from their grandparents ( C) they are not allowed to voice their opinions ( D) they do not love freed

43、om the way they should 18 To correct the problem the author discusses we are advised to_. ( A) stop being so insecure towards children ( B) let children play more ( C) study the roots and effects of our fear ( D) stop regulating childrens lives 考博英语(阅读理解)模拟试卷 62答案与解析 一、 Reading Comprehension 【知识模块】

44、阅读理解 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题的依据是文章的第 1句话 has been famous as a place for men only因此 C项为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题的依据是第 2段的第 2句话 to see whether the members would be willing toallow,从中可知 C项为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题可参照第 1段中间的一句话 The Stock Exchange Council1973 ,从中可知 A项为正确答案。 【知识模块】

45、 阅读理解 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 从文中内容可知, A、 B两个选项与文章无关,应首先排除。 C项应排除,本文重点并不是讲述妇女如何斗争,如何争取进入证券交易所,而是讲述证券交易所的理事会怎样阻挠妇女进入证券交易所,但同时又不得不逐步退让,让妇女进入交易所工作。只有 D项为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 【知识模块】 阅读理解 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题的依据是文章第 1段的第 2句话 By intelligence we mean a style of life, a life, a way of behaving in various situations,

46、从中可知 C项为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题的依据是第 2段的最后两句话: Just as clearly,unintelligence is not what mostpsychologists seem to suppose, the same thing as intelligence, only less of it It is an entirelydifferent style of behavior,arising out of entirely different set of attitudes从中可以推知 D项为正确答案。 【

47、知识模块】 阅读理解 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题可参照文章的最后一段。从最后两句话可知,作者认为人们学习和智力增长的能力被 “教育 ”破坏了。因此 B项为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 从文章最后一段的内容可知,后面几段会讲述教育怎样破坏智力的发展。因此 A项为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 【知识模块】 阅读理解 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题中, A、 B、 C三项或违背原文信息,或原文未经提到。只有D项为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本文中,单词 upsurge的意思是 “急剧

48、增长的数量 ”。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 根据黑猩猩能做出一系列复杂的动作,并使用木棍够到白蚁,说明它们能积累经验,加以利用,证明它们具有智能。因此 C项为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本文的最后一段提出一系列人类与动物关系的问题,涉及人类对动物的残酷,据此可推断出,对动物较高智能的研究可能引发有关伦理和残酷方面的辩论。因此 C项为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题中,动物智能包括悟性、使用工具 和制订计划。 cues(发出信号 )不属于动物智能的表现,因此 B项为正确

49、答案。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 【知识模块】 阅读理解 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 综观全文,本文话题主要涉及成年人对年轻人的恐惧,因此作者的写作对象是全体成年人。 A项为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从第 1段的内容可知,成年人对待青少年的态度和方式方面发生了改变。因此 B项为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 16 【正确答案】 C 【 试题解析】 从第 2段的内容可知,作者指出安全措施适得其反,紧接着讲到安全措施加重了问题,造成成年人对年轻人更多的恐惧,前后信息应为因果关系。因此 C项为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题应参照第 2段的结尾一句。作者指出,如果年轻人和祖父母有区别的话,则是更为脆弱、更加胆怯。这说明年轻人和祖父母在性格上没有区别,因此 B项为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 18 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 综观全文,本文探讨了社会各界对年轻人恐惧的 根源和影响,因此C项为正确答案。 【知识模块】 阅读理解


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