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1、考博英语(阅读理解)练习试卷 17及答案与解析 一、 Reading Comprehension 0 I was travelling through St Helens on the A58 towards the A580.and approaching a bend to my right. Luckily its a wide open bend with a reasonable view round the corner. I spotted a bikers helmet behind a car coming towards me and I thought “Hes gonn

2、a overtake that bleeding car! !“ I simply repositioned myself into the left gutter of my lane and sure enough he came flying past the car on the bend. Had I not spotted his helmet just over the roof of the car and had I not moved into the kerbside I would have ran into him. head on. 3 years ago I wa

3、s not so lucky. The left hand bend I was approaching was on the crest of a hill and the biker coming towards me apexed the corner onto my side of the road. We met head on. I only know this due to the police accident report, I have absolutely no memory of the events of that bright sunny Sunday aftern

4、oon on the 21st of July 2002. Nor have I any memory of the events thereafter for a whole week. Everyone I tell this story to tells me I am lucky to be alive. I wish someone could tell me how this defines lucky. I wish I knew how being left for dead on the road, having 15 hours of surgery, 20 pints o

5、f someone elses blood, 6 months of depression and having one leg shorter than the other is lucky. Today was lucky. Today I got to Rivi, had a brew and a chocolate bar. a really interesting talk with someone whose mind is opening and came home to write this blog. That is lucky. There are things far w

6、orse than being dead. I appreciate I can still walk, I am thankful for the use of both arms, I am grateful my scars are on my limbs not my face, I am happy I am alive. I will never take for granted the things my body can do and the power of my mind. I know it certainly could have been a lot worse. B

7、ut do not tell me my accident could have been worse and I am lucky. Lucky is to arrive at your destination intact and healthy. Lucky is to arrive at your destination and find those you care for are also intact, healthy. . . and alive. As for the dead, they do not care. (404 words) 1 What is this pas

8、sage about? ( A) The comparison between the authors two traffic accidents. ( B) The narration of the lucky incident this time. ( C) The improvement of the authors driving skills. ( D) The authors own definition of luck. 2 Why could the author avoid the traffic accident last time? ( A) Because the be

9、nd was wide enough. ( B) Because the biker didnt fly past him. ( C) Because he had already stepped aside before the biker passed by. ( D) Because he had slowed down. 3 What is NOT true about him in this accident? ( A) He fainted on the spot and did not come to after one week. ( B) He got injured in

10、his leg. ( C) He collided with the biker when the latter overtook him. ( D) He was operated on immediately. 4 How was he feeling about others saying that he was lucky last time? ( A) He quite agreed with them, for he was still alive. ( B) He resented this opinion. ( C) He thought it just OK since ev

11、erything was gone for a long time. ( D) He hated those people who had never had such an experience as his. 5 What is the implication of the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph? ( A) He thought he was strong both physically and mentally. ( B) He was no longer able to do anything either physic

12、ally or mentally due to the accident. ( C) He appreciated his capability in mind and body. ( D) He would cherish what he had not lost. 5 A big date is nerve wracking enough, let alone having to worry about what to wear. Have you ever questioned whether your ensemble was appropriate or whether it mig

13、ht appeal to the opposite sex. The idea is to attract your dates attention, and leave them wanting more. A great outfit gives insight into your personality and should flatter your form. Weve all made blunders when it comes to our apparel; everyones been caught up in todays fickle fashion scene. Here

14、 are some ideas to help both guys and dolls date fashionably. Clothes make the man so my first word of advice is to get some feedback. If you know your strongest point isnt picking the perfect pinstripe then have a sister, friend or the like, give a second opinion on what youre planning on wearing.

15、Dress comfortably and look like yourself. Theres no point in looking like James Bond on a date only to return home and throw on your usual ratty sweats. Wear a lucky shirt, pants or underwear, anything that will give you an extra boost of confidence. By all means dont use a gimmick! Bringing (or wea

16、ring) a cowboy hat, tarot cards, guitar, wrestling belt etc. will definitely insure that you will be remembered, just not in a good way. Now for the ladies. . . . All you lovelies out there please flaunt your best asset, try to refrain from flaunting all of them. Dont be afraid to show some skin as

17、long as its weather permitting and appropriate to your dating destination. If you know where the date is taking place then call ahead of time to ask about the dress code. Always wear your sexiest pair of undies(内衣 ) (whether your date sees them or not) youll exude a sexy confidence all night long. A

18、bove all, be comfortable. Wear shoes youve worn before and clothes that fit properly, who wants to spend an amorous night out adjusting, fidgeting and straightening. For a little color theory, red invokes passion, life and attracts the human eye easier than any other color. Other safe date colors to

19、 wear are baby blues (calming), pink (feminine, nurturing) and white (pure, virginal). Wouldnt it just be easier if we could all wear our God given birthday suits, thats al petition! Not only would it be cheaper, it would also save the world from confusing. (409 words) 6 This passage primarily discu

20、sses ( A) how to dress suitably for a grand occasion ( B) how to dress up for a date with your girl or boy friend ( C) how to choose your partner according to his or her clothes ( D) how to behave gracefully at a party 7 What is the meaning of “birthday suits“ (Line 1, Para. 4)? ( A) casual clothes.

21、 ( B) best clothes. ( C) no clothes. ( D) formal clothes. 8 What is NOT suggested to boys? ( A) To dress naturally. ( B) To put on those which can make you feel confident. ( C) To take in the advice of your sister or your friend. ( D) To dress like a cowboy so that you can leave an impression on gir

22、ls. 9 What does the author emphasize as for a ladys dressing? ( A) Put on more make-up. ( B) Wear the most fashionable clothes. ( C) Make yourself sexy. ( D) Wear red dresses. 10 What does the function of the last paragraph? ( A) For humor as well as reaffirming the difficulty with dressing for a bi

23、g date. ( B) For indicating the authors embarrassment about how to dress. ( C) For opposing to so many dates among boys and girls. ( D) For disagreeing to the complexity of human dressing. 10 It is hard to comprehend what the immediate aftermath must have been like in Hiroshima. There were the grim

24、tasks of collecting the bodies and burning them, of clearing the rubble and debris. In all. 11. 5 square kilometers had to be cleared and surveyed a painstaking process that took four years. But after the most destructive event in the history of warfare, normalcy did return slowly, fitfully but, eve

25、ntually, resoundingly. Hiroshima today is a pleasant, prosperous city of 1. 1 million people, with everyday concerns that are mostly no different from those of any other city in the developed world. One day in mid-July, Hiroshimas mayor, the M. I. T-educated, English-speaking Tadatoshi Akiba, confes

26、ses that he is consumed at the moment with efforts to build a new baseball stadium for the citys baseball team, the Hiroshima Toyo Carp. But the Bomb is the backdrop for everything that has been built here in the past six decades, from stadiums to automobile factories to shipyards. A city wiped off

27、the map had to be rebuilt in every sense not just physically but emotionally and psychologically was well. Its ascent to such normalcy was never guaranteed. In the wars immediate aftermath, survivors thoughts tended to be more about vengeance than peace. But cooler heads prevailed. The city desperat

28、ely needed money, and Japan s occupation government, after repeated pleas from Hiroshima, finally agreed to a special, national subsidy for the city as long as it provided a reasonable reconstruction plan. Hiroshima International University urban-planning professor Norioki Ishimaru says parliamentar

29、ians from Hiroshima were smart enough to know that their request could not come “with an accusing tone,“ lest they be turned down by General Douglas Mac-Arthurs occupation headquarters in Tokyo. Hiroshima officials struck on the idea of reinventing the city. They proposed the construction of a large

30、 peace memorial as the citys new anchor. The memorial eventually became the Peace Memorial Park, a graceful 12-hectare site not far from ground zero, designed by the late famed Japanese architect Kenzo Tange and completed in 1954. The parks emotional centerpiece became the Peace Memorial Museum, ded

31、icated to recalling the horror of nuclear war. Over the next two years, the occupation government gave Hiroshima the extra aid, which helped the city begin to recover both psychologically and economically. Akiba. the current mayor, says this was one of the critical turning-point in Hiroshimas recove

32、ry. The assistance created jobs and provided the city with an emotional core, something meaningful to build a future upon. (411 words) 11 The main idea of this passage is to discuss ( A) the difficulty in restoring Hiroshima ( B) to what extent Hiroshima was damaged ( C) the construction of Peace Me

33、morial Park ( D) how Hiroshima was recovered physically and emotionally 12 Who is the present mayor according to the passage? ( A) Norioki Ishimaru. ( B) Douglas MacArthur. ( C) Akiba. ( D) Kenzo Tange. 13 “Occupation government“ (Line 3, Para. 2) refers to_. ( A) American ruler ( B) Japanese ruler

34、( C) mayor of Hiroshima ( D) mayor of Tokyo 14 What does “late“ (Line 4, Para. 3) mean? ( A) Dead. ( B) Recent. ( C) Not long age. ( D) Delayed. 15 The attitude of the author towards the recovery of Hiroshima is ( A) negative ( B) positive ( C) neutral ( D) unclear 考博英语(阅读理解)练习试卷 17答 案与解析 一、 Reading

35、 Comprehension 【知识模块】 阅读理解 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 作者反驳他人对 “幸运 ”的定义,同时提出自己对 “幸运 ”的理解。他认为没有发生事故才算 “幸运 ”,而不能把没有死亡定为 “幸运 ”。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 第一段里的 repositioned myself into the left gutter of my lane 和moved into the kerbside都表明作者让到了 路边。虽然文章中提到了 A项的内容,即拐弯之处很宽,但是这只是作者能够看到迎面车辆及后面骑车人的原因,而不是能够避免那场交通事故

36、的直接原因。 B和 D的内容文章没有提到。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 第二段第三句:作者与骑车人是迎面相撞,而不是骑车人从后面赶超他时相撞。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从全文的语气来看,我们能够感觉到他对这种说法非常反感,故选B。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 划线的句子暗指作者非常珍惜尚未失去的器官。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 【知识模块】 阅读理解 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 参考第一段最后一句。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 人生下来是没有衣服的。 【知识

37、模块】 阅读理解 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 第二段倒数第二句里的 just not in a good way ,说明不要这样做,因为这会给对方留下不好的印象。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 在第三段对女子的忠告中,我们可以看出多处提到 sex(y)字眼,例如: show some skin, wear yoursexiest pair of undies, youll exude a sexy confidence等,故选 C。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 从最后一段里的 God given birthday suit

38、s可以判断出,这是一种幽默的写法,用这种方法来说明穿着得体不是一件容易的事情。 【知识 模块】 阅读理解 【知识模块】 阅读理解 11 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 全文叙说的是日本广岛人民在战后是如何用理智战胜报复心理,迅速重建家园的。第一段最后一句是本文的中心思想,故选 D。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 第一段和最后一段都提到了现任的市长。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 13 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 当时的占领政府是由美国麦克阿瑟将军领导,设在东京。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 late一词多义,此处是 “过世了的 ”。 【知识模块】 阅读理解 15 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 从全文的语气和内容来看,作者对广岛人民在战后重建家园所做出的努力深表赞赏。 【知识模块】 阅读理解


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