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1、职称英语(卫生类) B级模拟试卷 23及答案与解析 一、 词汇选项 (第 1-15题,每题 1分,共 15分 ) 下面每个句子中均有 1个词或短语在括号中,请为每处括号部分的词汇或短语确定1个意义最为接近选项。 1 Urban renewal programs strive to upgrade areas that are becoming slums. ( A) reproach ( B) improve ( C) fortify ( D) uproot 2 She was shocked by the strange noises. ( A) jolted ( B) frightened

2、 ( C) terrified ( D) uncomfortable 3 She had sworn to uphold the policy. ( A) destroy ( B) keep ( C) damage ( D) support 4 Alternative sources of protein must be found when meat and fish are not available. ( A) New ( B) Less expensive ( C) More ( D) Other 5 You should cultivate the habit of reading

3、carefully. ( A) invent ( B) begin ( C) initiate ( D) develop 6 We should cultivate these children according to their innate abilities. ( A) celestial ( B) different ( C) splendid ( D) inherent 7 Im glad Im not in his shoes with all those debts to pay off. ( A) in his office ( B) in his car ( C) in h

4、is position ( D) his friend 8 Many detectives ignored the inconspicuous detail. ( A) attractive ( B) unconscious ( C) unnoticeable ( D) unknowing 9 Don t fling your clothes on the floor, hang them up. ( A) throw ( B) wash ( C) scatter ( D) collect 10 Its natural for us to speculate about the reasons

5、 for their visit. ( A) doubt ( B) think ( C) work out ( D) reserve 11 Honey guides, or indicator birds, collaborate with honey badgers in seeking out bee colonies. ( A) work together ( B) travel north ( C) live ( D) compete 12 Some drugs taken in large quantities cause permanent brain damage. ( A) t

6、emporary ( B) intermittent ( C) lasting ( D) instant 13 She stored a lot of food in the basement. ( A) bar ( B) cottage ( C) shack ( D) cellar 14 The study of English was even made compulsory in some high schools in Germany. ( A) compulsive ( B) required ( C) compressed ( D) selective 15 The number

7、of United States citizens who are eligible to vote continues to increase. ( A) encouraged ( B) enforced ( C) expected ( D) entitled 二、 阅读判断 (第 16-22题,每题 1分,共 7分 ) 下面的短文后列 出了 7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择 A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择 B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择 C。 15 The prospects for treating cystic fibrosi

8、s by gene therapy are looking brighter following successful tests with a safer type of “shuttle“(短程梭运输工具 )for ferrying(运送 ) replacement genes into a patients lungs. During the tests, a British-led research team inserted healthy copies of the cystic fibrosis(囊性纤维变性 ) gene into cells lining sufferers

9、noses with the aid of microscopic droplets(水滴 ,飞沫 ) of fat called liposome Other groups that have attempted to correct the genetic defect that causes cystic fibrosis have used viruses as “vectors“ (媒介 ) to carry the healthy gene into target cells. Unfortunately, viruses can also cause inflammation i

10、n the lungs, an undesirable side effect in CF patients, whose lungs are already diseased. The new method for introducing corrective genes into the lungs of CF patients promises to be much safer. Cystic fibrosis is caused by defects in a gene called CFTR, which plays a part in the transport of chlori

11、de ions(离子 ) out of the cells lining the lungs, airways and gut. Defects in this gene mean that patients have difficulty expelling mucus(黏液 ) and inhaled (吸入 ) microorganisms from their lungs. As a result, they are very susceptible to lung infections, and usually die at around 30 years old. As an al

12、ternative to the viral vector, the researchers, linked loops (环 )of DNA containing healthy copied of the CFTR gene to microscopic liposomes. When the liposomes come in contact with a cell, they fuse(融合 ) with its outer membrane, and release the DNA into the cells interior. To test the system, the te

13、am sprayed the liposomes into the noses of volunteers with cystic fibrosis. “The cells lining the nose are very similar to those lining the lung,“ explains David Porteous of the human genetics group in Edinburgh. But the ceils in the nose are easier to monitor, and the risks are lower if any nasal (

14、鼻的 )cells are damaged. In the event(结果 ,到头来 ), none of the volunteers suffered any unpleasant side effects. And a single spraying partially corrected the cystic fibrosis defect. The researchers assessed the effectiveness of the treatment by measuring the voltage(电压 ,伏特 ) across the layer of cells li

15、ning the nose. This voltage is higher in cystic fibrosis sufferers than in healthy people. A single spraying reduced this difference by around 20 per cent. The re-searchers reported that the effect lasted for up to a week. The British researchers have yet to test their spray in the lungs, but are co

16、nfident that the liposomes will not cause inflammation. The question, however, is how effective the shuttle system is. In the nose, the researchers had to add more copies of the healthy CFTR gene to match the performance of the adenovirus. This is because adenoviruses carry genes directly to the cel

17、l s nucleus, ensuring that the instructions they carry are read. Genes carried by liposomes are only guaranteed a ride into the cells cytoplasm, and fewer will find their way to the nucleus. Many will be broken down by the cells waste disposal system before they get there. Bob Williamson, who heads

18、the group at St. Marys Hospital, says this will require much more efficient vectors. “People in 10 to 15 years will laugh at the crudity of the liposomes and viruses that were using today, “ he says. The aim is to make customized vectors which combine the best aspects of both systems, and include ot

19、her genetic sequences to ensure that the information carried by the healthy CFTR gene is used by the target cells lining the lungs. 16 Liposomes were tested as a vector for ferrying replacement genes into the lungs of CF patients. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 17 Viruses were used as vect

20、ors but caused inflammation in the lungs. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 18 Cystic fibrosis is caused by a gene called CFTR. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 19 Chemists might be able to design new immunosuppressive drugs that do the same job with fewer side effects. ( A) Right ( B

21、) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 20 Cystic fibrosis patients are very susceptible to lung infections and thus die early. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 21 The researchers have tested their spray in the lungs. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 22 Much more efficient vectors must be found t

22、o compensate for the defect completely. ( A) Right ( B) Wrong ( C) Not mentioned 三、 概括大意与完成句子 (第 23-30题,每题 1分,共 8分 ) 下面的短文后有 2项测试任务: (1)第 23-26题要求从所给的 6个选项中为第 2-5段每段选择一个最佳标题; (2)第 27-30题要求从所给的 6个选项中为每个句子确定一个最佳选项。 22 1.Leukemia is a kind of cancer in which abnormal white blood cells grow in an uncont

23、rolled manner. These abnormal cells interfere with the production of normal white blood cells, which fight infection. Leukemia is a disease of the bone marrow and other blood-forming organs. Consequently, leukemia also affects the production of red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs thro

24、ughout the body, and platelets, blood cells that help stop bleeding. Signs of leukemia include repeated infection, anemia, and frequent bleeding. 2. The cause of most human leukemia is unknown. Researchers have discovered a leukemia virus in cats, and they have identified a virus that appears to cau

25、se a rare type of leukemia in people. Other possible causes include exposure to radiation and harmful chemicals. 3. Doctors classify leukemia according to the type of white blood cell affected. Two of the main blood cell types affected by. leukemia are myeloid and lymphoid. Myeloid cells fight bacte

26、rial infections. Lymphoid cells detect and respond to the presence of foreign substances in the body. All kinds of leukemia can be either acute of chronic. 4. Acute leukemias often develop suddenly. Abnormal, immature white blood cells multiply rapidly, and the number of normal cells decreases sharp

27、ly. Acute myeloid leukemia most often occurs among adults. The treatment for this leukemia is chemotherapy, the use of chemicals that are more toxic to cancer cells than to normal cells. Seventy percent of patients enter remission. During remission, the blood cells and the bone marrow temporarily re

28、turn to normal. Researchers are trying to develop methods of prolonging remission in acute myeloid leukemia patients. The treatment of acute leukemias is intensive and may endanger the patients life. The use of powerful antibiotics and of blood transfusions has increased the chances of surviving the

29、 intensive therapy. 5. Chronic leukemias develop more slowly than acute leukemias. In chronic leukemias, the abnormal white blood cells appear mature, and they resemble normal white blood cells. In the early stages of the disease, these abnormal cells even function normally to some extent. Chronic l

30、ymphocytic leukemia is the most common leukemia among adults. The average age of people suffering from this disease is the early 70s. The disease may take as long as 10 years to develop completely. Chronic myeloid leukemia is a less common form of leukemia that occurs primarily among adults. Doctors

31、 generally use drugs to treat chronic leukemia patients. A. Leukemia is a very serious disease B. Myeloid cells differ from lymphoid cells in that myeloid cells combat bacteria infections C. Acute eukemia comes more speedily to a crisis than does chronic leukemia D. Several ways are available to pro

32、long remission in acute myeloid leukemia patients E. Researchers have discovered that leukemia may be caused by invasion of viruses, exposure to radiation, or contact with harmful chemicals F. In chronic leukemia, the abnormal white blood cells not only resemble normal white blood cells but function

33、 normally to some extent in the early stages of the disease 23 Paragraph 2 _. 24 Paragraph 3 _. 25 Paragraph 4 _. 26 Paragraph 5 _. 26 A. the patients life B. white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets C. an abnormal and persistent increase D. abnormal white cells grow in an uncontrolled mann

34、er E. chronic lymphocytic leukemia F. acute lymphocytic leukemia 27 Leukemia is a kind of cancer which causes_. 28 These abnormal cells interferes with the production of_. 29 As chemotherapy is intensive and may endanger_. 30 The most common Leukemia that occurs among adults is_. 四、 阅读理解 (第 31-45题,每

35、题 3分,共 45分 ) 下面有 3篇短文后有 5道题。请根据短文内容,为每题选 1个最佳选项。 30 Coronary heart disease(冠心病 ) is a term used to describe conditions like angina(心绞痛 ) or heart attack. Many people suffer from heart disease. If you have had a heart attack or suffer from angina it is very important that you take positive action now

36、 in order to keep your heart as healthy as possible. This article outlines steps you can take in order to help achieve this. A number of factors have been known to increase the risk of your coronary heart disease. There are often referred to as “risk factors“. But some of these factors can be change

37、d or modified to help improve your condition. These include: high Mood cholesterol(胆固醇 ), high blood pressure, smoking, poor diet, lack of exercise, high alcohol intake, obesity, diabetes and stress. High blood cholesterol has been shown to be one of the most important risk factors, yet only about h

38、alf of coronary heart-disease patients have had their blood cholesterol checked. When blood cholesterol is high, it builds up in the walls of the arteries (blood vessels), causing them to narrow. The narrowing can then begin to restrict the blood flow to the heart. Under these conditions patients wi

39、ll often experience chest pain or tightness, known as angina. In some cases narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the heart can become so severe that it blocks the artery. More usually, however, a partial blockage triggers a blood clot, causing a heart attack, which can cause permanent dama

40、ge to part of the heart muscle. To reduce the build up of cholesterol in the artery walls, and so reduce the risk of a heart attack, cholesterol lowering has become an essential part of treatment for people with coronary heart disease. Reductions in blood cholesterol have been shown to provide major

41、 benefits for patients who have angina or have had a heart attack, such as reducing the risk of another heart attack occurring and improving survival. Your cholesterol should be checked regularly, and modified if necessary, along with all the other factors. This will help to ensure that you minimize

42、 the risk of suffering future heart problems like another heart attack. It is better for your heart if all the risk factors are reduced by a little, rather than concentrating on one and ignoring the others. Changes in lifestyle can often help to reduce these risk factors. These include stop-ping smo

43、king or cutting down the number of cigarettes you smoke, a healthier diet and a healthy body weight, regular exercise, and not drinking more than the recommended amount of alcohol. A healthier diet should consist of reducing the amount of saturated fat(饱和脂肪 ) you eat and balancing this with an intak

44、e of non-and poly-unsaturated fats and increased consumption (单链和多链不饱和脂肪 ) of cereal foods, vegetables and fruit. Sometimes changes in lifestyle are not enough to reduce factors like cholesterol or blood pressure sufficiently, and so drugs may be prescribed. These drugs should always be combined wit

45、h changes in lifestyle. 31 Which of the following is NOT a risk factor? ( A) smoking ( B) tea drinking ( C) obesity ( D) stress 32 Which is the most important risk factor? ( A) poor diet ( B) diabetes ( C) high blood cholesterol ( D) beer drinking 33 Which of the following directly causes the chest

46、pain or tightness? ( A) blocking of the coronary artery ( B) narrowing of the artery ( C) high blood cholesterol ( D) stress 34 What should be checked regularly to minimise the risk of suffering future heart problems? ( A) hemoglobin ( B) cholesterol ( C) blood sugar ( D) bilirubin 35 How can one re

47、duce these risk factors? ( A) stopping smoking ( B) regular exercise ( C) healthy diet ( D) all of these 35 Such mental fatigue can be as threatening as a heart attack. Recent evidence indicates that sleepiness is a leading cause of traffic and industrial accidents. “Human error causes between 60% a

48、nd 900 of all workplace accidents, depending on the type of job, “ observes biological psychologist David Dinges of the University of Pennsylvania. “And inadequate sleep is a major factor in human error, at least as important as drugs, alcohol and equipment failure.“ Other research suggests that sle

49、ep loss contributes to everything from drug abuse to poor grades in school. A typical adult needs about eight hours of shut-eye a night to function effectively. By that standard, millions of Americans are for a long time sleep deprived, trying to get by on six hours or even less. In many households, cheating on sleep has become an unconscious and harmful habit. “In its mild form, its watching Ted Koppel and going to bed late and then getting up early to get to the gym, “says Cornells Pollak. In extreme cases people stay


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