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1、阅读同步练习试卷 6及答案与解析 一、 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on t

2、he ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 0 The market is a concept. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market. You might sell some to your neighbor and some to the manager of the local supermarket. But in either case, you are producing for t

3、he market. Your efforts are being directed by the market. If people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop producing them. If you take care of a sick person to earn money, yon are producing for the market. If your father is a steelworker or a truck driver or a doctor or a grocer, he is producing goods

4、or service for the market. When you spend your income, you are buying things from the market. You may spend money in stores, supermarkets, gas stations, and restaurants. Still you are buying from the market. When the local grocer hires you to drive the delivery truck, he is buying your labor in the

5、labor market. The market may seem to be something abstract. But for each person or businessman who is making and selling something, its very real. If nobody buys your tomatoes, it wont be long before you get the message. The market is telling you something. Its telling you that you are using energie

6、s and resources in doing something the market doesnt want you to do. 1 Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? ( A) Selling and Buying. ( B) What Is the Market? ( C) Everything you Do is Producing for the Market. ( D) What Can the Market Do for You? 2 All of the following act

7、s are producing for the market EXCEPT_. ( A) working in a bank ( B) printing a book ( C) attending a night school ( D) growing beans for sale 3 You are buying from the market when you . ( A) borrow a book from the library ( B) look after your children ( C) drive to the seaside for a holiday ( D) din

8、e at a restaurant 4 The word “real“ in the last paragraph may most probably mean_. ( A) serious ( B) important ( C) true ( D) concrete 5 In what way is the market very real for each person or businessman who is making and selling something? ( A) It tells you what to produce. ( B) It tells you how to

9、 grow tomatoes. ( C) It provides you with everything you need. ( D) It helps you save money. 5 Where the Galapagos Islands lie today, there was once an unbroken expanse of Pacific. Then the sea began to seethe and simmer, the earths crust was pierced, and matter gushed forth continuously. Lava and s

10、coriae (loose, cinderlike lava) piled up until one day spewing volcanoes raised peaks above the brawling sea. Many thousands of years passed before life could settle upon the cooled land. Then wind and waves brought the first hardy seed of primitive plants. After these came others, then insects, liz

11、ards , and birds. The chance that any animal would survive the trip from the South American continent more than six hundred miles away was slight; only a few hardy species came through alive. This is why there are many gaps in the animal life of the islands. Those that did reach the out-of-the-way i

12、slands developed over the ages into a number of quite peculiar forms. Because conditions in the Galapagos differed from those in their original homes, the animals had to change or perish. Only in the Galapagos are there seaweed-eating marine lizards, giant tortoises, and flightless cormorants. In fa

13、ct, most of the species found in the Galapagos Islands are endemics: they exist only in the archipelago. 6 What is the passage mainly about? ( A) The history of the archipelago. ( B) The birth of the Galapagos. ( C) Conditions of life in the islands today. ( D) The unique animal life of the Galapago

14、s. 7 The birth of the archipelago is described in order to_. ( A) show what is unique ( B) explain why all life had to come from somewhere else ( C) point out the location of the islands ( D) explain volcanic activity 8 Life was slow to settle upon the Galapagos Islands because the_. ( A) land coole

15、d slowly ( B) islands were far from other islands ( C) islands were very small ( D) both A and B 9 There are gaps in the animal life today because_. ( A) some species were killed off by others ( B) many species left the Galapagos Islands ( C) few species reached the islands ( D) South America is mor

16、e than 600 miles away 10 It is implied in the passage that_. ( A) a great evolutionary process took place in the Galapagos Islands ( B) only species that are endemic survive in the Galapagos Islands today ( C) conditions of life in the Galapagos Islands differed from those in the animals original ho

17、mes ( D) the plant life of the Galapagos Islands is endemic 10 Are you worried by the rising crime rate? If you are then you probably know that your house, possessions and person are increasingly in danger of suffering from the tremendous rise in the cases of burglary (盗窃 ) and assault (袭击 ). Figure

18、s indicate an ever-increasing crime rate, but it is only too easy to imagine “It will never happen to me“. Unfortunately, statistics show that it really can happen to you and, if you live in a large city, you run twice the risk of being a victim. Fortunately, theres something definite which you can

19、do. Protect Alarms can help to protect your house with a burglar alarm system which is effective, simple to operate and easily affordable. You must remember that possessing a burglar alarm is no indication that your house is packed with valuable possessions. It quite simply indicates to unwelcome vi

20、sitors that yours is one house they will not break into easily, so they carry on to an unprotected house where their job is made a lot easier. Send now for our free leaflet (小册子 ) telling you how we can Protect Alarm your house quickly, easily and cheaply. Complete and tear off the slip below and po

21、st it to us. Postage is free. Alternatively, telephone us at 3276721 where we have a round-the-clock answering service. It costs nothing to find out about Protect Alarms. 11 Anyone who takes an interest in the crime rate will, according to the text, be aware that ( A) more burglars are being caught

22、than ever before ( B) people have more possessions to worry about nowadays ( C) burglars are more at risk than they used to be ( D) homes are more likely to be broken into than before 12 It seems that people who live in cities are_. ( A) more likely to fall victim to burglary than those living in th

23、e country ( B) of the opinion that statistics on robbery is wrong ( C) twice as well-off as people living in the country ( D) convinced that burglars only rob unprotected houses 13 The writer of this text wants to give the impression that the Protect Alarms system is_. ( A) elementary ( B) everlasti

24、ng ( C) experimental ( D) economical 14 The article claims that possessing an alarm system will_. ( A) show burglars that you have nothing worth stealing ( B) warn burglars not to break into your house ( C) make the burglars undertaking more complicated ( D) persuade burglars to try coming another t

25、ime 15 The purpose of the article is_. ( A) to warn people against the danger of the rising crime rate ( B) to help people to protect their houses ( C) to persuade people to buy something ( D) to discourage the burglars 15 The agricultural revolution in the nineteenth century involved two things: th

26、e invention of labor-saving machinery and the development of scientific agriculture. Labor-saving machinery naturally appeared first where labor was scarce. “In Europe,“ said Thomas Jefferson, “the object is to make the most of their land, labor being abundant; here it is to make the most of our lab

27、or, land being abundant. “ It was in America, therefore, that the great advances in nineteenth century agricultural machinery first came. At the opening of the century, with the exception of a crude plow, farmers could have carried practically all of the existing agricultural implements on their bac

28、ks; by 1860, most of the machinery in use today had been designed in an early form. The most important of the early inventions was the iron plow. As early as 1790 Charles Newbold of New Jersey had been working on the idea of a cast-iron plow and spent his entire fortune in introducing his invention.

29、 The farmers, however, would have none of it, claiming that the iron poisoned the soil and made the weeds grow. Nevertheless, many people devoted their attention to the plow, until in 1869 James Oliver of South Bend, Indiana, turned out the first chilled-steel plow. 16 The word “naturally“ as used i

30、n the second sentence is closest in meaning to which of the following? ( A) Unsurprisingly. ( B) Safely. ( C) Apparently. ( D) Gradually. 17 Which of the following can be inferred from what Thomas Jefferson said? ( A) Europe had greater need of farm machinery than American did. ( B) There was a shor

31、tage of workers on American farms. ( C) Europe was changing more quickly than America. ( D) America was finally running out of good farmland. 18 What point is the author making by stating that farmers could carry nearly all their tools on their backs? ( A) New tools were designed to be portable. ( B

32、) Life on the farm was extremely difficult. ( C) Americans were traditionally self-reliant. ( D) Farmers had few tools before the agricultural revolution. 19 Why did farmers reject Newbolds plow? ( A) They preferred lighter tools. ( B) It was too heavy. ( C) They thought it would ruin the land. ( D)

33、 It was too expensive. 20 What is the main topic of the passage? ( A) The agricultural revolution in New Jersey. ( B) Machinery that contributed to the agricultural revolution. ( C) The development of safer farm machines. ( D) The need for agricultural advances. 20 Now custom has not been commonly r

34、egarded as a subject of any great importance. The inner workings of our own brains we feel to be uniquely worthy of investigation, but custom, we have a way of thinking, is behavior at its most commonplace. As a matter of fact, it is the other way around. Traditional custom, taken the world over, is

35、 a mass of detailed behavior more astonishing than what any one person can ever evolve in individual actions. Yet that is a rather trivial aspect of the matter. The fact of first-rate importance is the predominant role that custom plays in experience and in belief and the very great varieties it may

36、 manifest. No man ever looks at the world with pristine (未受外界影响的 ) eyes. He sees it edited by a definite set of customs and institutions and ways of thinking. Even in his philosophical probings he cannot go behind these stereotypes (固定的模式 ); his very concepts of the true and the false will still hav

37、e reference to his particular traditional customs. John Dewey has said in all seriousness that the part played by custom in shaping the behavior of the individual as over against any way in which he can affect traditional custom, is as the proportion of the total vocabulary of his mother tongue over

38、 against those words of his own baby talk that are taken up into the language of his family. When one seriously studies social orders that have had the opportunity to develop independently, the figure (这种比喻 ) becomes no more than an exact and matter-of-fact observation. The life history of the indiv

39、idual is first and foremost an adjustment to the patterns and standards traditionally handed down in his community. From the moment of his birth the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behavior. By the time he can talk, he is the little creature of his culture, and by the time he

40、is grown and able to take part in its activities, its habits are his habits, its beliefs his beliefs, its impossibilities his impossibilities. 21 The author thinks the reason why custom has been ignored in the academic world is that ( A) custom reveals only the superficial nature of human behavior (

41、 B) the study of social orders can replace the study of custom ( C) people are still not aware of the important role that custom plays in forming our world outlook ( D) custom has little to do with our ways of thinking 22 Which of the following is true according to John Dewey? ( A) An individual can

42、 exercise very little influence on the cultural tradition into which he is born. ( B) Custom is the direct result of the philosophical probings of a group of people. ( C) An individual is strongly influenced by the cultural tradition even before he is born. ( D) Custom represents the collective wisd

43、om which benefits the individual. 23 The word “custom“ in this passage most probably means_. ( A) the concept of the true and the false of a society ( B) the independently developed social orders ( C) the adjustment of the individual to the new social environment ( D) the patterns and standards of b

44、ehavior of a community 24 According to the passage, a persons life, from his birth to his death, _. ( A) is constantly shaping the cultural traditions of his people ( B) is predominated by traditional custom ( C) is continually influenced by the habits of other communities ( D) is chiefly influenced

45、 by the people around him 25 The authors purpose in writing this passage is_. ( A) to urge individuals to follow traditional customs ( B) to stress the strong influence of customs on an individual ( C) to examine the interaction of man and social customs ( D) to show mans adjustment to traditional c

46、ustoms 阅读同步练习试卷 6答案与解析 一、 Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes, 40 points) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answe

47、r on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. 【知识模块】 阅读 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 这是一道要旨题。第一段第一句为主题句,文中四段都是围绕市场这个概念进行多角度的具体说明。因此答案 B正确。 【知识模块】 阅读 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题可以通过排除法找到答案。 从文中第一段、第二段我们知道,当你为出卖的目的而生产产品或提供服务时,你的行为就是为市场制造产品。B“印刷一本书 ”和 D“种豆出售 ”都是为了出卖产品而进行的劳动,故可排除;选项A“在银行工作 ”是为市场提供服务,故可排除。本

48、题的正确答案应为 C“参加夜校学习 ”。当然我们也可以通过推断法确定本题答案。根据本文对市场的解释,参加夜校学习既不是为市场提供产品的劳动又不是为市场提供的服务。所以答案为C。 【知识模块】 阅读 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 文中第三段第一句、第二句说: “当你花你的收入时 ,你就是从市场上买东西。你也许把钱花在商店、超级市场、加油站和餐馆。 ”因此选项 D符合题意。 A“从图书馆借一本书 ”、 B“照看你的孩子 ”和 C“开车去海边度假 ”都不是从市场上买东西,不符合题意。 【知识模块】 阅读 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 文中第四段第一句、第二句说: “市场似乎是抽象的东西。

49、但是对于制造和出售商品的每个人或生意人来说,它是非常 real”。我们可以看出,“real”这个词在这里同 “abstract”一词是相对而言,含义为 “具体的 ”。因此选项 D正确。 A“认真的 ”; B“重要的 ”; C“真实的 ”;这三个选项均是错误的。 【知识模块】 阅读 5 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 文中最后一句说: “它告诉你,你正花费精力和资源做市场不打算让你做的事情。 ”由此我们可以推断出,它同时也会告诉你生产什么。所以选项 A正确。 【知识模块】 阅读 【知识模块】 阅读 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题是一道要旨题。文中第一段介绍加拉帕戈斯群岛的由来,即是因太平洋底火山爆发而产生的岛屿;第二段说明了岛屿上生物的由来,即火山爆发数千年后从南美大陆远涉重洋而来; 第三段说明了岛上动物的特殊性和地方性。由以上可以看出,本文重点讲的是加拉帕戈斯群岛上独特的动物。故选项 D正确。 【知识模块】 阅读 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题是一道推断题。本文重点讲的是加拉帕戈斯群岛上动物的独特性。之所以在文中第一段交代该群岛的由来,就是要在后面说明岛上生物的来源及特殊性的原因。由以上可以


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