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1、雅思(写作)模拟试卷 140及答案与解析 1 Individuals have nothing to do to improve the environment. Governments and large companies can do something to improve the environment. Do you agree or disagree? 2 What are the causes of water shortage? Please offer some solutions to deal with this problem. 雅思(写作)模拟试卷 140答案与解析

2、 1 【正确答案】 It is an undeniable fact that in recent years, environmental pollution, which becomes increasingly serious, has aroused the shared concern of countries around the world. A group of people hold the viewpoint that governments and big companies, rather than individuals, should be mainly respo

3、nsible for the improvement of the environment. Nevertheless, I am inclined to believe that governments, large companies, as well as individuals should actively shoulder the responsibility of beautifying the environment. In this essay, I will demonstrate my point of view from the following aspects. F

4、irstly, it is the responsibility of the government, representative of the people, to spare no efforts to ameliorate the environment. To be more specific, government should stage some relevant laws and regulations to severely punish factories which produce a great number of pollutants and those who l

5、itter or spit deliberately. Furthermore, large sums of money should be invested in the improvement of the environment, such as the treatment of waste water, trash recycling and so on. In addition, large companies, on the other hand, should establish the self-consciousness to minimise the possibility

6、 of creating pollutants, which may not only be beneficial to the whole country but also to the companies themselves. As an illustration, some transnational corporations are striving to explore some newly-burgeoned industries of high-tech content, high additional value and low energy consumption, tak

7、ing the place of some high contaminative industries. Last but not least, it is the top priority of individuals to improve their living space. There is a popular saying which goes like this: “It is everyones obligation to protect the environment.“ Most importantly, we should strengthen the consciousn

8、ess of environmental protection, not only strictly being self-disciplined but also supervising people around. So to speak, it is unreasonable to claim that individuals have nothing to do with environmental protection. From what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that governm

9、ent, big companies and individuals should make their due contribution to salvage the deteriorating environment. 2 【正 确答案】 Since the beginning of time, water has been shaping the face of the Earth. Water sustains human life, our environment and our cultures. But the global demand for water is increas

10、ing and the destruction of water-dependent ecosystem has accelerated. From my point of view, the main reason of scarcity of water resource is the rapid population growth, especially in developing countries. In order to meet the great demand for water, people exploit water resource in various ways. W

11、ater supply sources are being stretched to their limits. And surface and groundwater pollution is increasing rapidly. Research indicates that over 1 billion people still do not have access to safe water supplies and over 1.7 billion do not have access to adequate sanitation facilities. Another reaso

12、n is the development of industry and agriculture. In some developing countries, some private factories make use of water resource low-efficiently and make much pollution. Irrigated agriculture also contributes to water scarcity. Despite the high yield, irrigation is extremely water intensive. It tak

13、es about 1,000 tons of water to grow one ton of grain and 2,000 tons to grow one ton of rice. Finding solutions of the problem involves the increase of worldwide awareness and international cooperation. Every individual should realise water crisis and save water. As to the government some effective

14、measures should be taken, including erecting modern irrigation systems and increasing the number of sewage water recycling plants. Building more dams can also be an effective solution. Dams play an important role in detaining the surface rain water flowing from the mountains and would prevent the loss of rainwater straight into the sea.


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