
上传人:孙刚 文档编号:487095 上传时间:2018-11-28 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:64KB
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1、雅思(写作)模拟试卷 193及答案与解析 1 The table below summarises some data about underground railway systems in 6 cities. Write a report describing the information shown in the table. 2 The bar chart shows the petroleum production and consumption among 7 regions in 2002. Write a report for a university lecturer de

2、scribing the information shown below. 雅思(写作)模拟试卷 193答案与解析 1 【正确答案】 The table shows the details regarding the underground railway system in six cities. London has the oldest underground railway system among the six cities. It was opened in the year 1863, and it is already 151 years old. Paris is the

3、second oldest , in which it was opened in the year 1900. This is then followed by the opening of the railway system in Tokyo, Washington DC and Kyoto. Los Angles has the newest underground railway system and was only opened in the year 2001. In terms of the size of the railway system, London, for ce

4、rtain, has the largest underground railway system. It has 394 kilometers of route in total, which is nearly twice as large as the system in Paris. Kyoto, in contrast, has the smallest system. It only has 11 kilometers of route, which is more than 30 times less than that of London. Interestingly, Tok

5、yo, which only has 155 kilometers of route, serves the greatest number of passengers per year, at 1,927 million passengers per year. The system in Paris has the second greatest number of passengers, at 1,191 million passengers per year. The smallest underground railway system, Kyoto, serves the smal

6、lest number of passengers per year. 2 【正确答案】 The column graph compares the tremendous difference among 7 regions in petroleum production and consumption in 2002. According to the graph, four regions Australia, Asia, the US, and Europe consumed more petroleum than they produced. The other regions Lat

7、in America, Africa, and the Middle East produced more petroleum than they consumed. Among them, the production of Latin America was only slightly over its need. The petroleum production of Africa doubled its consumption. We can also see from the graph that the Middle East was the highest one in prod

8、uction (around 23 million barrels per day). The petroleum production of Europe and the US ranked the second and the third respectively, while Australia and Asia produced the least among the seven regions, with no more than 5 million barrels per day. However, the consumption of Europe and US ranked the first and the second respectively. It seems that there was a big imbalance between petroleum production and consumption among the regions.


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