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1、雅思(口语)模拟试卷 32及答案与解析 一、 Speaking Module (10-15 minutes) 1 Introduction and Interview Introduction (compulsory) Good morning/afternoon. My name is _. Can you tell me your full name, please? What should I call you? Could you tell me where youre from? Can I see your identification, please? Thank you. No

2、w in this first part Id like to ask you some questions about yourself. Interview (choose 1 ) Lets tall about where you live. Do you live in a house or an apartment? How many other people do you live with? Do you enjoy living in this type of accommodation? Why/Why not? What type of accommodation is c

3、ommon in your town? Why? Lets tall about what you do. What are you studying currently? Are there any subjects which you do not enjoy as much as others? Why? Do you have to complete a lot of homework? What do you plan to do after you finish your studies? Interview (choose 2) Now, lets talk about keep

4、ing in touch with friends. How do you normally keep in contact with friends? Why? What do you enjoy about this way of keeping in touch? ?Is there anything you dont like about this method of keeping in touch? Why? Do you ever find it difficult to keep in touch with friends using this method? Why/Why

5、not? Lets talk about art. Do you enjoy looking at art? Why/Why not? What type of art do you like best? Why? Have you ever been taught to do any type of art? Do you know any artists? Now lets talk about colours. Which colours do you like the most? Why? Have you always liked these colours? Why? Do mos

6、t of your friends like similar colours? Do certain colours have any special significance in your culture? Why? 2 Individual Long Turn Now, Im going to give you a topic and Id like you to talk about it for one to two minutes. Before you talk, youll have one minute to think about what youre going to s

7、ay. You can make some notes if you wish. Do you understand? Heres some paper and a pencil for making notes and heres your topic: Id like you to describe an important decision you have made. Describe an important decision you have made. You should say: what the decision was and why it was important h

8、ow you made your decision how it had an effect on your life and say whether or not you think you made the right decision. Rounding off questions: Do you often make decisions in this way? Do you find it difficult to make big decisions? 3 Two-way Discussion Weve been talking about an important decisio

9、n you made and now Id like to discuss with you one or two more general questions related to this. Lets consider first the topic of important personal decisions. Describe some of the important life decisions people need to make at various points in their lives. Some people think that an important dec

10、ision should be made quickly and based on intuition while others believe an informed choice is better. Whats your view? Do you think that individuals nowadays have more or fewer important choices to make than in the past? Why? Now, lets talk about decision-making in general. What kinds of decisions

11、are more difficult: those which solely affect you or those which also have an impact on other people? In your opinion, is there such a thing as too much choice? How effective do you believe it is to make decisions based on discussions with other people? 雅思(口语)模拟试卷 32答案与解析 一、 Speaking Module (10-15 m

12、inutes) 1 【正确答案】 At the moment Im living in an apartment downtown. My uncle and aunt, as well as their young son. Yes, I really enjoy apartment living because its safe, easy and convenient. High-rise apartment buildings are definitely the most common where I live. Probably because thats all there re

13、ally is until you get to the outskirts of the city. Im studying medicine at university. No, not really. I really enjoy every class although some teachers are better than others. Yes. They require us to memorize a lot, of course, and that takes up a lot of my free time. I hope I can join a volunteer

14、organization and get some experience that way. Thats why Im also learning English. Mainly through Face book and social networking sites like that. For me its the easiest way and all of my friends are on there. Just that its so easy and you can log on any time of the day and catch up with what your f

15、riends are doing all over the world. Not really. Some people say they spend too much time online, staring at a computer screen. But I dont mind that. Its just the way socializing works now. The only thing I would say is that I think it is more difficult to keep in touch with people one on one, as it

16、s quite a group form of communicating. Although in saying that you can always private-message people anyway which is similar to email. Sometimes I find it annoying when people dont check their pages very often. It depends on the type of art. i definitely enjoy photographic exhibitions and modem art,

17、 but Im not really keen on the classic, old-fashioned types of paintings and so on. I find landscapes really boring and I hate sketches and art with no colour or life. As I said, I enjoy modem art the most because I think it is more interesting. We had art as an elective at high school, and we learn

18、ed to do all sorts working with clay, photography, painting and sketching. Our art teacher was really passionate about all forms of art. That depends on how you define an artist. I dont know anyone famous, if thats what you mean but I do know some university students who I think are very talented. O

19、ne is a photographer who only takes extreme close-ups of people so that one tiny aspect of their face is shown. The results are fascinating. I love blue because it is the colour of the sea and the sky. My other favourite colour is green because I connect it with Nature as well. No, actually when I w

20、as a little girl I used to love pink and purple. Im not sure why, probably because they are thought of as quite feminine colours I guess. I havent really thought about that. I think everyone has their own preferences, particularly related to what they wear. Many of my friends wear a lot of black but

21、 Im not sure if that is their favorite colour as such. Some colours have a meaning of good luck, including red, which symbolizes wealth and good fortune. Other colours like white stand for purity, but beyond that I cant really think of any strong meanings or significance. 2 【正确答案】 An important decis

22、ion I made was quite recently, about three years ago. My family was very keen for me to study English abroad and gain the advantages of learning about foreign culture at the same time. I was also really excited about the prospect of traveling and improving my English, but I didnt want to leave as my

23、 wife was here in China and couldnt come with me. Then, just as we had to make the final decision and commit to buying a ticket, we found out that my wife was pregnant. So, I talked and talked with her and also with my parents, because I value their opinion also, and finally I decided that I wouldnt

24、 go abroad to study as I didnt want to miss the birth of my child and also I wanted to support my wife through her pregnancy. They really helped me to make my decision just by listening to me talk it through and giving their own opinions and ideas. The alternative that we came up with was that I wou

25、ld study here at night and work very hard on my English, with perhaps an opportunity to study at st-graduate level overseas instead of just studying English. My daughter was born over two years ago and I think it was the best decision I ever made. And it has worked out really well, as now we are goi

26、ng to travel altogether as a family to live in Oxford in the UK, where I am going to complete an MBA. And my wife has an excellent job offer there as well. It was a huge decision at the time but Im so confident that it was the right one for my family and me. Yes. I always find it helpful to talk my

27、decision through with someone. Yes, sometimes I do and it can take me a bit of time to think things over. 3 【正确答案】 Well, I think there are many but possibly the most important decisions are in young adulthood when people usually make lots of choices about their future which career to choose, choices

28、 about marriage and starting a family and so on. These are the decisions which have such a long lasting impact on the rest of life, so they are incredibly important. Then there are the decisions which come later, maybe about finances and retirement and that type of thing. And when were younger, I su

29、ppose our choices are in some way made for us by our parents who decide which kindergarten or school we will attend. Personally, I believe its a combination of the two. I certainly think you need to have all possible information available to you before a decision can be made, but I also think that a

30、 certain degree of intuition, or gut-feeling can really help to guide the decision-making process. Its unexplainable, but I know that some of my best decisions have been based on intuition more than anything else. Todays society certainly confronts people with more important decisions than in the pa

31、st. For a start, there is so much more choice in lots of different areas, like in the area of career and occupation for instance. My parents or grandparents generation often had the same job for forty or fifty years, but people nowadays commonly have four or five different careers. In this area alon

32、e there is so much more choice and freedom and I think thats part of the reason why there are more important decisions to be made now, along with the fact that constant change is part of modem life. I think its more difficult to make decisions which are going to have an effect on other peoples lives

33、, but I also think that this relates to most decisions we make-decisions very rarely only impact on one person. Anyway, it is obviously a matter of degree, for instance if you are the manager of a large company and you have to decide how many redundancies are necessary to keep the business from fail

34、ing, then thats a decision which will have a huge impact on many people. On the other hand, if you are deciding which house to buy then that probably only affects you and your family. Overall I think its wise to consider the potential impact of your decision in any case. I definitely believe that th

35、ere is too much choice for young people nowadays, and this creates a lot of pressure for them. Whether it is in terms of what career path to take or where to live and study, there are an overwhelming number of choices available to this generation and I think it can be extremely difficult to feel as

36、though one has made the right choice, whatever that is. However, choice provides us with options and freedom as well, so I believe its important to value that. I know that for some people this method of making decisions is very effective, as they gain perspective from talking with someone else and this process clarifies their own thought process. However, I believe that choices, in particular personal choices, are best made methodically and carefully, but alone. Sometimes people have different motives for giving advice and they cannot always be trusted to give you neutral advice.


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