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1、雅思(口语)模拟试卷 35及答案与解析 一、 Speaking Module (10-15 minutes) 1 Introduction and Interview Introduction (compulsory) Good morning/afternoon. My name is _. Can you tell me your full name, please? What should I call you? Could you tell me where youre from? Can I see your identification, please? Thank you. No

2、w in this first part Id like to ask you some questions about yourself. Interview (choose 1) Lets talk about where you live. What type of house do you live in? How many rooms are there? Which is your favorite room in the house? Why? Lets talk about your studies. How many hours do you spend studying e

3、ach day? Are there any subjects which you like studying more than others? Which subjects are you interested in studying further? Interview (choose 2) Now, lets talk about the Internet. How do you typically use the Internet? Why? Do you find it easy to use the Internet? Why? What do you like most abo

4、ut using the Internet? Why? How much of your time do you spend using the Internet? Why? Lets talk about animals. Do you like animals? Why/Why not? Are there any animals that you are afraid of or particularly dislike? Why? Are people in your country generally fond of animals? Why/Why not? Do particul

5、ar animals have any special meaning in your culture? Now lets talk about what you do in your free time. How do you usually spend your free time? Do you prefer to spend your flee time with friends or with family? Why? How often do you have free time? What changes would improve the way you spend your

6、free time? Why? 2 Individual Long Turn Now, Im going to give you a topic and Id like you to talk about it for one to two minutes. Before you talk, youll have one minute to think about what youre going to say. You can make some notes if you wish. Do you understand? Heres some paper and a pencil for m

7、aking notes and heres your topic: Id like you to describe a picture or a photograph that you have seen which you remember clearly. Describe a picture or photograph that you have seen which you remember clearly. You should say: what the image was where and when you saw it what type of feelings you ha

8、d when you saw it and say why you think you remember it. Rounding off questions: Do you enjoy photographic images/paintings/pictures? Would you recommend this to others? 3 Two-way Discussion Weve been talking about images, and now Id like to discuss with you one or two more general questions related

9、 to this. Lets consider first the topic of visual arts. What kind of visual art forms are popular in your country? Many people argue that art should be freely accessible to the public to enjoy. Whats your view? What do you think of investing money in the arts? Now, lets talk about creativity. It is

10、often said that creative genius is born, not made. Whats your opinion? How have the ways people express their creativity in your culture changed in the last fifty years? Many artists make valuable contributions to society through their art, yet struggle to succeed financially. What are the reasons f

11、or this? What are the implications of this? 雅思(口语)模拟试卷 35答案与解析 一、 Speaking Module (10-15 minutes) 1 【正确答案】 I live in a two-stow house, which is made of wood. Its a nice house to live in, but cold in winter. In total, I think there are about five bedrooms plus a lounge, study, kitchen and two bathroo

12、ms. Oh, and the laundry. So thats about eleven rooms all in all. My favorite room would have to be the kitchen, because it gets sunshine all day long. My family also spend a lot of time in there, preparing food, eating and talking about our days so I really enjoy that. I probably spend about eight h

13、ours studying every day. Thats including lessons at school but also the time that I spend doing homework each evening. Definitely. I really prefer moths and science to subjects like English literature and history. I find it difficult to understand or be interested in English literature especially, p

14、robably because I find it so boring. I would really like to study biology at university level. In fact, Im hoping to become a doctor one day. I use it for lots of things, including communicating with friends by email and social networking websites, finding information and doing research for universi

15、ty. Yes, I find it very simple. The only thing that is not so easy is that the speed of my connection is sometimes very slow, which is so annoying. I like the fact that so much information is out there and easily accessible. I can find the answer to anything! Well as I said I use it a lot for univer

16、sity research so probably about four hours a day, at least. More when I have an assignment due. And then I use it for fun on top of that, so maybe six hours a day in total. I really love animals. In my family we have two pets, a dog and a cat, and I love most animals because theyre so cute. Well I g

17、uess Im kind of afraid of rats because I think theyre disgusting and I hate their tails and teeth. Im also not really a fan of snakes, but luckily we dont have any poisonous ones in my country. Yes. In particular, people treat pets as though they are part of the family and animals are, on the whole,

18、 well taken care of. I suppose some animals do, for instance a black cat can sometimes symbolize bad luck, and lions have long been associated with courage and bravery. Oh, of course the dove stands for peace, but 1 think thats a worldwide symbol. When I have some spare time, I like to go and have a

19、 coffee with friends, or see a movie, or just talk. It really depends. I dont have a preference either way I always enjoy catching up with either friends or family. I wouldnt say that I have a lot of free time, but I make sure that I have time each day. I aim for at least a couple of hours to just r

20、elax and have some time to myself. I dont think that Id make any changes really. Free time is just for relaxing and having fun and I feel like thats what I do with my free time, so Im happy. 2 【正确答案】 The image that Im going to describe is a famous black and white photograph which has been reproduced

21、 many times over the years. I think it is called The Kiss but Im not sure. It depicts a man and a woman meeting on the platform of a train station, perhaps after a long absence or maybe even after the man has been a soldier at war. You cant see his face as he has his back to the camera and he is wea

22、ring a hat and there is a suitcase as well, I think. He is embracing the woman who has obviously been running along the train platform to meet him and he has taken her in his arms and is swinging her around. She is very beautiful and her expression is joyful at the return of her lover. Neither of th

23、em is looking at the camera as they are just in their own world. I cant remember exactly when I first saw it, but I think it was as a teenager at the local poster store where there were many prints and pictures. I liked it so much that I saved up my allowance to buy a framed copy of it for my bedroo

24、m wall, where it hung for a couple of years. When I look at this image, I feel many things, and many emotions. There is love, of course, but also sadness that perhaps their reunion might be brief. I also feel it is a very romantic picture. I heard that it was a candid shot taken by chance by the pho

25、tographer, but then later I also heard that it was posed, but I much prefer to think of it as a spontaneous moment which was captured on film. It is quite a nostalgic image, but one which tells a real story and thats why I love it. The reason I remember it so well is that ! thought it was so romanti

26、c and heartfelt, and also because I looked at it every day for a few years while it was hanging on my wall at home! I think I still have it somewhere. Yes, I do. I probably like them more than other types of art such as paintings. Probably not for someones house now, as it has become a bit dated. 3

27、【正确答案】 Im not completely sure, but I know my generation really enjoys street art and sculpture, and installations with light and sound. Also, my fiiends and I love animation and graffiti. As for older generations, I think they probably prefer the more classic type of visual art such as paintings and

28、 portraits or perhaps sculpture. Thats the great thing about art: there is always something for someone to enjoy and appreciate and its always changing. I definitely agree as I think it would be ideal if all or at least most art galleries had free admission. And there have recently been a lot of ver

29、y popular exhibitions in my city which are displayed in public areas, such as parks or squares, or public buildings like railway stations. This really appeals to me that as people go about their daily lives, they meet and can enjoy or think about art, so its integrated in their life rather than bein

30、g something separate that they go and do on weekends or something. Art should be available for everyone to see and take pleasure fiom. When corporations and companies sponsor exhibitions, it means that more people get to see and experience that exhibition, so I believe it makes art more accessible a

31、nd available to more people. Its the corporate worlds way of giving something back to the community and if they get a little bit of positive association for doing so, then I think thats fine. Its not as though they have any creative control. Well I think this is true, to an extent, but I also feel t

32、hat it is only in very rare cases that pure talent is not nurtured through life experience and events. What I mean is that I believe you have to have natural artistic talent but that this can only be fully realized through excellent tuition and exposure to influential people and art pieces. It is no

33、t any one thing which creates creative genius, it is a combination of everything as well as a case of good timing. I think in the past, art took more traditional forms such as paintings, sketches and sculpture, but nowadays its like almost anything call be called art. I went to an exhibition the oth

34、er day which included giant images projected on to buildings in the downtown area and it has been very well received. So with technology that is rapidly changing, art is also evolving to be expressed in new ways such as this. While in the past, we might have had movies shot on old fashioned cameras,

35、 now anyone can be a director and shoot video even with their mobile phones! So making art and expressing creativity has become an option for many more people. That is the main change. Part of the reason might be that artists are more concerned with expressing themselves in a genuine way than with m

36、aking money. They are so focused on creating their works that perhaps the money is of secondary importance to them. Of course the effect of this is that it becomes difficult to earn a living and perhaps it could discourage future young people from that type of lifestyle. The other reason is that society doesnt really value art properly, so artists are underpaid accordingly, which is sad.


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