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1、雅思(听力)模拟试卷 47及答案与解析 一、 Listening Module (30 minutes that is whether it does in fact provide an answer to the question being posed. For this reason it is important when you prepare to work on an essay that you spend a reasonable amount of time reading and mulling over the essay topic so that you unde

2、rstand precisely what is being asked. This involves identifying and thinking about key words in the topic, among other things. This tutorial on essay writing is based on the following topic: “In the last 20 years, rates of divorce have risen significantly in Western countries. Critically analyse som

3、e of the different explanations given for this phenomenon. In your discussion you should consider what implications these explanations might have for social policy.“ Implication is a common term. Implications can be thought of as a set of ideas that follow on in some logical sense from a preceding s

4、et of ideas. In the case of this essay, the preceding set of ideas are the explanations for rising divorce. What is required then is that students consider what social policies might follow on from each of the different explanations considered. Note that the word phenomenon refers here to rising div

5、orce. This means that the essay will need to be concerned with explaining why divorce rates have risen. Different explanations suggests that different analysts have come up with a variety of reasons for this happening. To critically analyse means to assess the value of some entity with respect to it

6、s strengths and weaknesses. This entity may be a theory, a policy, an argument, a piece of research etc. In the case of this essay topic, what needs to be evaluated are the different explanations given for rising divorce. This proposition is central to the essay topic. Clearly the essay will need to

7、 be concerned in a general sense with the subject of rising divorce. It is also important to note those terms which limit the subject in some way, in this case to a particular place Western countries and to a particular time the last 20 years. I asked three different students spent some time analysi

8、ng the divorce essay topic. On the following three slides, you can read each of their interpretations of the topic. After reading each, decide whether you think it is a reasonable interpretation of the topic. This slide shows Student As analysis “This essay topic is about divorce in Western countrie

9、s. I would look in detail at statistics for divorce in various countries. I would then mm to the effects of divorce, as discussed by various sociologists. I would describe the effects divorce is thought to have on parents and on children. Then I would consider what social policy solutions there are

10、for the problems arising from divorce.“ Student B wrote “For this essay I would focus on why rates of divorce have increased in Western countries. To answer this question, I would give my own critical explanation, focusing on what I know from experience are the reasons why couples choose to divorce.

11、 I would then interview a number of divorced people I know asking them what the reasons were for the breakdown of their marriage. I would then consider current social policies relating to divorce and find out how well the people I interview have coped since they were divorced.“ And this slide tells

12、us what Student C wrote “This topic states that divorce has risen in Western countries. First I would want to find out if this is the case by looking at statistics from a number of countries. Assuming that the proposition is true, I would then look at a variety of accounts given by sociologists for

13、this increase. For each of these, I would consider how adequate an explanation it is. The topic seems to imply that rising divorce is a phenomenon that needs to be addressed by policy makers. I would then think about what sort of social policy positions might follow on from each explanation.“ Having

14、 read the three interpretations, in your opinion, which seems the most reasonable interpretation? . Ah, yes, I think youve got the answer. Of the three interpretations, Student 3s would be closest to what is required. The student is proposing to comment on the adequacy of a range of sociological exp

15、lanations for divorce, i.e. critical analysis, and then to consider what types of social policy would follow on from her explanations, i.e. implications. 1 【正确答案】 an extended answer 2 【正确答案】 relevant 3 【正确答案】 explanations 4 【正确答案】 analysts 5 【正确答案】 assess the value 6 【正确答案】 Western countries 7 【正确答案

16、】 AC 8 【正确答案】 C 9 【正确答案】 B 10 【正确答案】 A 11 【听力原文】 Researcher: Good morning, sir. Are you enjoying the Perfect Home Exhibition? Man: Yes, I am. Its very interesting. Im planning on buying a home in the near future and this exhibition has given me some great ideas. Researcher: Im conducting a survey on

17、 behalf of the exhibition organisers. Can I take a few minutes of your time to ask you some questions? Man: Yes, of course. Can we sit down? Im rather tired after walking around the different exhibits and stands. Researcher: Of course. Ill ask my colleague to get you a drink. Coffee? Man: Yes, pleas

18、e. Milk and one sugar. . Now, I suppose youll need my name? Researcher: Yes, Mr.? Man: Glass, William Glass. Double S. Researcher: Do you have an email address, Mr Glass? Man: I do. Its . Researcher: Ill just fill in the date 26th February 2007. Right. What do you do, Mr Glass? Man: I work at the Mi

19、nistry of Culture. Im a civil servant. Researcher: How old are you? Man: 29. Researcher: And your marital status? Man: I live with my girlfriend. Researcher: Right. Single. Do you have any children? Man: No. Researcher: And could I ask how much you earn? Man: Well, Id rather not say, to be honest. R

20、esearcher: Could you just look at these ranges and say where you fit in? Man: Oh, OK. There. 24-36 thousand. Researcher: OK, thats the personal information I need. Now Id like to ask you about the property you live in. do you live in a house or a flat and how big is it? Man: I live in a flat . about

21、 100 square metres. A little under. Researcher: Do you rent or is it yours? Man: I have a mortgage. Researcher: Now, you said that you were anticipating buying another home in the near future. Are you intending to get a house? Man: Yes, I am. Just a small one. Researcher: Whats your budget like? Man

22、: Well, the bank has said that theyll allow me a mortgage of up to 100000 pounds, so enough for a small house. Researcher: When you say a small house, what kind of size were you thinking? Man: Oh, perhaps a little under 200 square metres, with a garden of, oh, I dont know, maybe 20 square metres. Re

23、searcher: And when do you think youll buy the property? Man: Within the next six months . hopefully sooner. Researcher: Ah, heres your coffee. Thank you John. . Mr Glass, have you seen any particular properties that you are interested in? Man: Yes, I have. Theres an interesting development going on

24、in the district of Haydon. The government has joined up with a private company to offer affordable housing there. Its on the outskirts of the city, but the transportation links look excellent: regular buses to the underground station. That means that it will only take me an hour to get to work in th

25、e morning: not much more than it takes now. Researcher: Theyre going to have some nice facilities nearby too. Man: Yes. Im looking forward to the cinema complex and the shopping centre, of course. I love films and shopping will be convenient. Researcher: Theres a golf course nearby too. Man: Well, I

26、m sure many of the other residents will appreciate it. Ill join the fitness centre instead. Is your company involved in the development in any way? Researcher: Oh, my company just does research. However, the private developer involved in that project is our client. The smaller houses are about 180 s

27、quare metres, which suits you perfectly. Man: Yes. Property is so expensive in this city nowadays. Its good that the government is beginning to help those of us who dont make large amounts of money. Researcher: Well, thank you very much. Id like to give you these free gifts. Man: Oh, well, thank you

28、 very much! A notebook and pen are always useful and the T-shirt will come in useful in the summer. Goodbye. Researcher: Goodbye. 11 【正确答案】 12 【正确答案】 civil servant 13 【正确答案】 single 14 【正确答案】 24-36 15 【正确答案】 A 16 【正确答案】 B 17 【正确答案】 B 18 【正确答案】 B 19 【正确答案】 AB 20 【正确答案】 ABD 21 【听力原文】 Presenter: Welcom

29、e to this introductory lecture on the geography of the United Kingdom. The UK, with a total population of over 60 million, consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain comprises England. Scotland and Wales. England is the largest country of the UK, Q31 with some 52 million people. I

30、t is mainly a lowland country, with some upland areas in the north and west. The capital is London with about 7 Q32 million people. There are many manufacturing industries and farming is widespread, but the economy is increasingly service-based, and London is one of the worlds leading centres for ba

31、nking, insurance and other financial services. High-tech industries have replaced many of the more traditional ones. In Scotland, 5 million people live in an area not much smaller than England. The country boasts vast open spaces and is one of the last areas of unspoiled natural beauty in Europe, fe

32、aturing mountains, lochs that is lakes and glens that is valleys. Modern industries including oil, Q33 electronics and biotechnology, as well as more traditional industries such as fishing and forestry, drive the economy. The largest city is Glasgow, but the capital is Edinburgh. Wales is home to 3

33、million people, and its geography is characterised by coastline, mountains and lakes. Cardiff is the capital Q34 and largest city. Key industries include electronics, auto components, food Q35 processing, health care, and professional services. More Japanese companies have set up shop in Wales than

34、anywhere else in Europe. About 1.6 million people live in Northern Ireland, the capital of which is Belfast, the largest city. Residents enjoy beautiful countryside. Many new hotels are springing up to cater for increasing numbers of tourists and business travellers. The climate in the UK is moderat

35、e: summers are fairly cool and winters are quite mild. And despite what many foreigners believe, British weather Q36 is not rain and fog it is actually more comfortable, more varied and more interesting than that. What you can look forward to in the way of rain, sun, temperature and even daylight de

36、pends on where you will be living. Here are some typical figures for London. January is the coldest month at 3 whilst July is the hottest at 17 . Rainfall varies from 56mm in April to 81mm Q37 in December. Although the UK is quite small geographically, the climate varies from one area to another. In

37、 general, the west is wetter and milder Q38 than the east, and northern areas are noticeably cooler than southern ones. For example, compare the following temperatures with the London figures: Edinburgh 14 in July and Manchester 15 in the same month. Edinburgh: 4 in January and Manchester: 5 in the

38、same month. Parts of Scotland usually get snow in winter, whereas you might live in London for several Q39 years without seeing a significant snowfall. International students who are used to tropical or equatorial climates are often intrigued by the sheer variety of the weather in the UK. Weather in

39、 the early spring tends to be especially changeable. You could be treated to rain, Q40 snow, thunder and lightning, hail, and glorious spring sunshine all in the course of a single day. 21 【正确答案】 Great Britain 22 【正确答案】 north and west 23 【正确答案】 lakes 24 【正确答案】 coastline 25 【正确答案】 food processing 26 【正确答案】 rain (and) fog 27 【正确答案】 April 28 【正确答案】 (the) east 29 【正确答案】 (parts of) Scotland 30 【正确答案】 early spring 31 【正确答案】 office 32 【正确答案】 5000 to 15000


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