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1、雅思(听力)模拟试卷 67及答案与解析 0 Complete the table below.Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.1 【 L1】 2 【 L2】 3 【 L3】 4 【 L4】 5 【 L5】 5 Complete the table below.Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.6 【 L6】 7 【 L7】 8 【 L8】 9 【 L9】 10 【 L10】 10 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Winridge

2、Forest Railway Park 11 Simons idea for a theme park came from ( A) his childhood hobby. ( B) his interest in landscape design. ( C) his visit to another park. 12 When they started, the family decided to open the park only when ( A) the weather was expected to be good. ( B) the children werent at sch

3、ool. ( C) there were fewer farming commitments. 13 Since opening, the park has had ( A) 50,000 visitors. ( B) 1,000,000 visitors. ( C) 1,500,000 visitors. 13 What is currently the main area of work of each of the following people? Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-H, n

4、ext to questions 14-18. Area of work A advertising B animal care C building D educational links E engine maintenance F food and drink G sales H staffing People 14 Simon (the speaker) _ 15 Liz _ 16 Sarah _ 17 Duncan _ 18 Judith _ 18 Complete the table below.Write ONE WORD AND/OR NUMBERS for each answ

5、er.20 Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Study Skills Tutorial - Caroline BenningDissertation topic: the【 L21】 _Strengths: 【 L22】 _ computer modelling Weaknesses: lack of background information poor【 L23】_skillsRecommendations: use a card index rea

6、d all notes【 L29】 _Next tutorial date: 【 L30】 _January 21 【 L21】 22 【 L22】 23 【 L23】 24 【 L24】 25 【 L25】 26 【 L26】 27 【 L27】 28 【 L28】 29 【 L29】 30 【 L30】 31 The owners of the underground house ( A) had no experience of living in a rural area. ( B) were interested in environmental issues. ( C) wante

7、d a professional project manager. 32 What does the speaker say about the site of the house? ( A) The land was quite cheap. ( B) Stone was being extracted nearby. ( C) It was in a completely unspoilt area. 32 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. The Underground Ho

8、use Design Built in the earth, with two floors The south-facing side was constructed of two layers of【 L33】 _ Photovoltaic tiles were attached A layer of foam was used to improve the【 L34】 _of the building Special features To increase the light, the building has many internal mirrors and 【 L35】 _ In

9、 future, the house may produce more【 L36】 _than it needs Recycled wood was used for the【 L37】 _of the house The system for processing domestic【 L38】 _is organic Environmental issues The use of large quantities of【 L39】 _in construction was environmentally harmful But the house will have paid its env

10、ironmental debt within【 L40】 _ 33 【 L33】 34 【 L34】 35 【 L35】 36 【 L36】 37 【 L37】 38 【 L38】 39 【 L39】 40 【 L40】 雅思(听力)模拟试卷 67答案与解析 0 【听力原文】 man: Greek Island Holidays, can I help you? woman: Yes, I hope so. I have a friend whos just come back from Corfu and shes recommended some apartments in Arilas.

11、 She thought they might be on your list. man: Arilas, Arilas, let me see. Can you give me the names? woman: Yes, the firsts Rose Garden Apartments. Id like to go with another friend in the last week of October. man: Well, weve got a lovely studio flat available at that time. Im sure youd enjoy the e

12、ntertainment programme there too, with Greek dancing in the restaurant. woman: And the cost for each of us? man: 219. woman: That sounds very reasonable! Im just jotting down some notes. Now the second one she mentioned was called Blue Bay. man: Blue Bay? Yes, in fact thats very popular and it has s

13、ome special features. woman: Really? man: The main attraction is the large swimming pool with salt water. woman: Much healthier, I understand. man: Thats right. And it isnt far from the beach, either - only 300 metres, and only around half a kilometre to some shops, so you dont have to be too energe

14、tic. woman: Is it much more expensive than the first one? man: Let me just check. I think at the time you want to go its around 260 - no 275 to be exact. woman: Right, Ive got that. Now there are just two more apartments to ask you about. Um. I cant read my own writing! Something to do with sun . Su

15、nshine, is it? man: I think you meant the Sunshade Apartments. Theyre on a mountainside. woman: Any special features? man: Yes, each room has its own sun terrace and there are shared barbecue facilities. woman: Sounds lovely! man: Yes, it is rather well-equipped. It also provides water sports - it h

16、as its own beach. There are facilities for water-skiing. woman: Any kite-surfing? My friends quite keen. man: Not at the hotel but Im sure youll find some in Arilas. Theres also satellite TV in the apartments. woman: And how much is that one? man: 490 with two sharing. woman: You mean 245 each? man:

17、 Im afraid not! Each person has to pay that amount and there must be at least two in an apartment. woman: I dont think that would be within our budget, unfortunately. And the last one sounds a bit expensive too - the Grand! man: Actually its quite reasonable. Its an older style house with Greek pain

18、tings in every room, and a balcony outside. woman: Sounds nice. What are the views like? man: Well, there are forests all round and they hide a supermarket just down the road, so thats very useful for all your shopping needs. Theres a disco in the area too. woman: And the price? man: 319 at that tim

19、e, but if you leave it till November it goes down by 40%. woman: Too late, Im afraid. man: Well, why dont I send you a brochure with full details, Ms . ? woman: Nash. But dont worry about that. Im coming to Upminster soon and Ill call and get one. I just wanted to get an idea first. man: Well, thats

20、 fine. Weve got plenty here when you come. woman: If youve got a minute, could I just check a couple of points about insurance? I got one policy through the post but Id like to see if yours is better. man: Fine. What would you like to know? woman: Well, the one Ive got has benefits and then the maxi

21、mum amount you can claim. Is that like yours? man: Yes, thats how most of them are. woman: Well, the first thing is cancellation. If the holidays cancelled on the policy Ive got, you can claim 8,000. man: We can improve on that, Ms Nash. For Greek Island holidays, our maximum is 10.000. woman: Thats

22、 good - of course our holiday wont even cost 1,000 together! man: Its still sensible to have good cover. Now, if you go to hospital, we allow 600. woman: Yes, mines similar. man: And we also allow a relative to travel to your holiday resort. woman: My policy just says their representative will help

23、you. man: You can see theres another difference there. And what happens if you dont get on the plane? woman: Nothing, as far as I can see on this form. man: Dont you have missed departure? woman: No, Ill just jot that down. man: We pay up to 1,000 for that, depending on the reason. And were particul

24、arly generous about loss of personal belongings - up to 3,000, but not more than 500 for a single item. woman: Then Id better not take my laptop! man: Not unless you insure it separately. woman: OK - thanks very much for your time - youve really been helpful. Can I get back to you? Your name is? man

25、: Ben - Ludlow. Thats L-U-D-L-O-W. Im the Assistant Manager here. Ill give you my number. Its 081260 543216. woman: But didnt I phone 081260 567294? Thats what Ive got on the paper. man: Thats the main switchboard. Ive given you my direct line. woman: Right, thank you . 1 【正确答案】 300 2 【正确答案】 Sunshad

26、e 3 【正确答案】 balcony 4 【正确答案】 forest/forests 5 【正确答案】 319 6 【正确答案】 10,000 7 【正确答案】 relative 8 【正确答案】 missed 9 【正确答案】 item 10 【正确答案】 Ludlow 10 【听力原文】 woman: For the second in our series about locally-run businesses, we meet Simon Winridge, co-founder of the hugely-successful Winridge Forest Railway Par

27、k. Welcome, Simon. Now, perhaps you can begin by telling us a little bit about how it all started. man: Well, during the 1970s, my wife, Liz and I had just acquired 80 acres of sheep-farming land, and we decided to settle down and have children. Pretty soon we had a daughter, Sarah, and a son, Dunca

28、n. The place was wonderful for the kids: they particularly loved trains and gradually built up an enormous network of miniature railway track. I began to develop larger-scale models of locomotives but we didnt think anything more of it until I went on a trip to a theme park near Birmingham and decid

29、ed we could do a much better job! So we set up a small one ourselves based on the miniature railway and we opened to the public for just a month that year. 1984 - in July - our driest month - because our children said they didnt want our quests to have a miserable, wet visit. I dealt with Park busin

30、ess and Liz carried on with the farm work. It soon became clear that we were onto a winner. We began to extend the railway track and lay it among more interesting landscape by planting trees, which in turn attracted more wildlife, and by making cuttings through the rock. Nowadays, were open all year

31、 round and were pleased to say that Winridge is one of the most popular visitor attractions in the area - with 50,000 visitors a year - a million and a half people have been through our doors since we opened. All these visitors mean we have had to expand our operation and its now a truly family conc

32、ern. Im near to retirement age so I only concern myself with looking after the mechanical side of things - keeping the trains going. Liz now devotes all her energies to recruiting and supporting the large squadron of workers, which keep the place running smoothly. Were really pleased that after some

33、 years away teaching, Sarah has now returned to the park and makes sure the visitors are kept fed and watered, which keeps her pretty busy as you can imagine. Our son, Duncan, has been a stalwart of the park for the last ten years, taking over from me in the area of construction - and Ill say a litt

34、le bit more about that in a moment - and his new wife. Judith, has also joined the team in charge of retail. Thats becoming a tremendous growth area for us - a lot of people want to buy souvenirs. woman: So have you finished your development of the site for the moment? man: Not at all! Were constant

35、ly looking for ways to offer more to our visitors. The railway remains the central feature and theres now 1.2 kilometres of the line laid but wed like to lay more. Because of the geology of the area, our greatest problem is digging tunnels. But were gradually overcoming that. Were also very pleased

36、with a new installation of the Go-Kart arena which is 120 square metres in area. Again the problem is the geology; we had to level the mounds on the track for safety reasons. We wanted to enable 5-12 year olds to use the go-karts. And the main attraction here is the Formula 1 Kart. Weve known fights

37、 to break out over who gets it! And then finally to our most recent development which is the landscaped . 11 【正确答案】 C 12 【正确答案】 A 13 【正确答案】 C 14 【正确答案】 E 15 【正确答案】 H 16 【正确答案】 F 17 【正确答案】 C 18 【正确答案】 G 19 【正确答案】 120 20 【正确答案】 5 to 12 20 【听力原文】 tutor: Ah Caroline . come on in. Sit down. Caroline: Tha

38、nks. tutor: So hows the dissertation planning going? Caroline: Well Dr Schulmann, Im still having a lot of trouble deciding on a title. tutor: Well, thats perfectly normal at this stage. And this is what your tutorials will help you to do. Caroline: Right. tutor: What well do is jot down some points

39、 that might help you in your decision. First of all, you have chosen your general topic area, havent you? Caroline: Yes, its the fishing industry. tutor: Oh yes, that was one of the areas you mentioned. Now, what aspects of the course are you good at? Caroline: Well, I think Im coping well with stat

40、istics, and Im never bored by it. tutor: Good. Anything else? Caroline: Well, I found computer modelling fascinating - I have no problem following whats being taught, whereas quite a few of my classmates find it difficult. tutor: Well, thats very good. Do you think these might be areas you could bri

41、ng into your dissertation? Caroline: Oh yes, if possible. Its just that Im having difficulty thinking how I can do that. You see I feel I dont have sufficient background information. tutor: I see. Well, do you take notes? Caroline: Im very weak at note-taking. My teachers always used to say that. tu

42、tor: Well, I think you really need to work on these weaknesses before you go any further. Caroline: What do you suggest? tutor: Well, I can go through the possible strategies with you and let you decide where to go from there. Caroline: Okay, thanks. tutor: Well, some people find it helpful to organ

43、ise peer-group discussions - you know, each week a different person studies a different topic and shares it with the group. Caroline: Oh right. tutor: It really helps build confidence, you know, having to present something to others. Caroline: I can see that. tutor: The drawback is that everyone in

44、the group seems to share the same ideas . they keep being repeated in all the dissertations. Caroline: Okay. tutor: You could also try a service called Student Support. Its designed to give you a structured programme over a number of weeks to develop your skills. Caroline: Sounds good. tutor: Yes, u

45、nfortunately there are only a few places. But its worth looking into. Caroline: Yes, of course. I know Ive got to work on my study skills. tutor: And then there are several study skills books you can consult. Caroline: Right. tutor: Theyll be a good source of reference but the problem is they are so

46、metimes too general. Caroline: Yes, thats what Ive found. tutor: Other than that I would strongly advise quite simple ideas like using a card index. Caroline: Well, yes, Ive never done that before. tutor: Its simple, but it really works because you have to get points down in a small space. Another t

47、hing I always advise is dont just take your notes and forget about them. Read everything three times - thatll really fix them in your mind. Caroline: Yes, I can see itd take discipline but. tutor: Well, if you establish good study skills at this stage theyll be with you all your life. Caroline: Oh y

48、es, I completely agree. Its just that I dont seem to be able to discipline myself. I need to talk things over. tutor: Well, well be continuing these tutorials of course. Lets arrange next months now. Lets see, I can see you virtually any time during the week starting 22nd January. Caroline: What abo

49、ut the 24th? Im free in the afternoon. tutor: Sorry, Im booked then. What about the following day? Caroline: Thursday? I can make the morning. tutor: Fine, well go for the 25th then. Caroline: Thats great, thanks. 21 【正确答案】 fishing industry 22 【正确答案】 statistics 23 【正确答案】 note-taking 24 【正确答案】 confidence 25 【正确答案】 ideas 26 【正确答案】 student support 27 【正确答案】 places 28 【


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