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1、雅思(听力)模拟试卷 74及答案与解析 0 Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Report on abandoned vehicle Example Answer Name of caller Mrs. Shefford. Address 41,【 L1】 _ Barrowdale WH4 5JP Telephone 【 L2】 _ Vehicle location in 【 L3】 _near main road(A69) Type of vehic

2、le 【 L4】 _ Make Catala Model 【 L5】 _ Present colour of vehicle 【 L6】 _ Vehicle number S 322 GEC General condition poor one 【 L7】 _, cracked windscreen Length of time at site 【 L8】 _ Land belongs to 【 L9】 _ Last owner no information available Other notes vehicle does not belong to a 【 L10】 _resident

3、1 【 L1】 2 【 L2】 3 【 L3】 4 【 L4】 5 【 L5】 6 【 L6】 7 【 L7】 8 【 L8】 9 【 L9】 10 【 L10】 10 Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. The story of John Manjiro 11 Manjiro started work as a_when he was still a young boy. 12 He spent_on a deserted island befo

4、re he was rescued. 13 He became friends with William Whitfield, who was a ships_. 14 The cost of Manjiros_in America was covered by the Whitfield family. 15 Manjiro eventually returned to Japan, where he carried out important work as a teacher and_. 16 Fairhaven and Tosashimizu are now officially_.

5、17 Every two years, the John Manjiro_is held in Fairhaven. 17 Label the map below.Write the correct letter A-l next to Questions 18-20. 18 Whitfield family house _. 19 Old Oxford School _. 20 School of Navigation _. 21 What is the main thing Julia feels she has gained from her experience in retail?

6、( A) better understanding of customer attitudes ( B) improved ability to predict fashion trends ( C) more skill in setting priorities in her work 22 Why is Julia interested in doing the postgraduate course? ( A) It will enable her to develop new types of technology. ( B) It will allow her to special

7、ise in a design area of her choice. ( C) It will provide managerial training focusing on her needs. 23 What would Julia like to do after she has completed the postgraduate course? ( A) work overseas ( B) start her own business ( C) stay in an academic environment 23 What does each university facilit

8、y have? Choose your answers from the box and write the correct letter A-G next to Questions 24-21. A laboratories B rooms for individual study C inter-disciplinary focus D introductory course E purpose-built premises F cafeteria G emphasis on creative use 24 Library _. 25 Computer Centre _. 26 Photo

9、media _. 27 Time Based Media _. 27 Complete the summary below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. MA in Fashion Design: Assessment Assessment includes three 【 L28】 _which take place at the end of the stages of the degree. Final assessment is based on a project, and includes the students 【

10、 L29】_, in the form of a written report, and the 【 L30】 _, to which representatives of fashion companies are invited. 28 【 L28】 29 【 L29】 30 【 L30】 30 Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Laughter The nature of laughter laughter is a 【 L31】 _process involves move

11、ment and sound it is controlled by our 【 L32】 _ Reasons for laughter only 10% of laughter is caused by jokes/funny stories may have begun as sign of 【 L33】 _after a dangerous situation nowadays, may help to develop 【 L34】 _within a group connected to 【 L35】 _(e.g. use of humour by politicians or bos

12、ses) may be related to male / female differences(e.g. women laugh more at male speakers) maybe used in a 【 L36】 _way to keep someone out of a group Benefits of laughter safe method for the 【 L37】 _.of emotions such as anger and sadness provides good aerobic exercise leads to drop in levels of stress

13、-related 【 L38】 _ improves the 【 L39】 _ can stop 【 L40】 _and improve sleep 31 【 L31】 32 【 L32】 33 【 L33】 34 【 L34】 35 【 L35】 36 【 L36】 37 【 L37】 38 【 L38】 39 【 L39】 40 【 L40】 雅思(听力)模拟试卷 74答案与解析 0 【听力原文】 Council Officer: Environmental Health Department, Paul speaking. Mrs. Shefford: Oh, hello. Erm, I

14、 wanted to report a vehicle thats been left parked near where I live I think its been abandoned. I wondered if the council could arrange to get it towed away. Have I got through to the right department? Council Officer: Yes, you have. If I could just take a few details. your name, please? Mrs. Sheff

15、ord: Mrs. Shefford. Council Officer: Thank you. Mrs. Shefford: Its not my vehicle, though. I just thought someone ought to report it. Council Officer: No, thats fine. What I need to do is take some details first, then we can decide what to do about the problem. Mrs. Shefford: Oh, I see. Council Offi

16、cer: So the next thing I need to know is your address. Mrs. Shefford: Right. Its 41, Lower Green Street. Council Officer: Yes. Mrs. Shefford: Barrowdale. And the post codes WH4 5JP. Council Officer: Fine. And if I could just ask for a telephone number? Mrs. Shefford: Its 01778 552387. Im out quite a

17、 lot, but you can just leave a message on the answerphone if you need to. Or I could give you my mobile number? Council Officer: Thats all right, dont worry. Now, could you tell me a little more about this vehicle. You say its been abandoned? Mrs. Shefford: Well, it certainly looks like it. Council

18、Officer: Can you give me an idea of where it is? Mrs. Shefford: Yes. Its near the main road that goes through Barrowdale. Council Officer: Is that the A69? Mrs. Shefford: Yes. Thats right. Now, theres the primary school just towards the end of the village, and then next to that, next to the children

19、s playground, theres a field, and its in there. Council Officer: Aah. I wonder how it got in there. Mrs. Shefford: Theres a gate to allow farm machinery in and out. I thought something ought to be done about it the children from the school might start playing in the vehicle and lock themselves in or

20、 something. Council Officer: Yes, you were quite right to report it. And what type of vehicle are we talking about here? Mrs. Shefford: Its a van actually. You know, the sort with just a couple of little windows at the back. Council Officer: Right. You dont happen to know the make and model, do you?

21、 Mrs. Shefford: Oh, yes. I went and had a look and got all the details. I thought you might need them. Im surprised the school hasnt contacted you about it. Anyway, I wrote the details down. Er, right, its a Catala, and the models a Fiver 2000. Council Officer: Is that F-L-Y-E-R? Mrs. Shefford: That

22、s right. Council Officer: Very good. And the colour? Mrs. Shefford: Well, its not all that easy to see because its absolutely filthy. And actually, it looks as if its had a paint job at some stage. its blue, but you can just see white underneath where its been scratched. Council Officer: Right. Well

23、, Ill just make a note of the present colour. And if you could just tell me the vehicle number. Did you make a note of that? Mrs. Shefford: Oh, yes. Its S 322 GEC. Council Officer: OK. Council Officer: And it sounds as if the general condition of the vehicle isnt too good, from what you say. Mrs. Sh

24、efford: No, its pretty poor. It wouldnt be drivable. Its got a flat tyre, and theres a crack in the windscreen. I reckon someone just wanted to get rid of it. Council Officer: Thats usually the way. Mrs. Shefford: Its been there for nearly a week. no, it must be eight days. I remember it was a Sunda

25、y morning when I noticed it. It wasnt there the day before. I walk past it most days on the way to the shops. Id have thought the school would have reported it. Council Officer: Does the field actually belong to the school? Mrs. Shefford: No, its part of Hill Farm Estate. Council Officer: Right. Ill

26、 just make a note of that. And I dont suppose you have any information about who might own the vehicle? Mrs. Shefford: No, Ive no idea. So what will you do now? Council Officer: Well, well come and have a look, and see if we can trace the owner. And if we cant, the vehicle will be removed as rapidly

27、 as the law permits. It could be anything up to 20 days. Mrs. Shefford: One thing I should say, Im quite sure this doesnt belong to anyone round here. Id definitely recognise it if it was from someone who lived here. Council Officer: So you dont think it was anyone local. Right. Id say at a guess we

28、re looking at a stolen vehicle here. Mrs. Shefford: I did wonder if it might have been. You hear such a lot about car thieves nowadays. Council Officer: Well, we certainly will be looking into that possibility. Anyway, thank you for contacting us, Mrs. Shefford, and well keep you informed of what ha

29、ppens. Mrs. Shefford: Right. Thank you very much. Council Officer: Goodbye. Mrs. Shefford: Goodbye. 1 【正确答案】 Lower Green(e)Street / St. 2 【正确答案】 01778 552387 3 【正确答案】 (a)field 4 【正确答案】 (a)van 5 【正确答案】 (a)Flyer 2000 6 【正确答案】 blue 7 【正确答案】 flat tyre / tire 8 【正确答案】 8/eight days 9 【正确答案】 Hill Farm Esta

30、te 10 【正确答案】 local 10 【听力原文】 Right, so here we are in Fairhaven, and we have a couple of hours to spend in this historic centre before we carry on to our motel. And as youll know from the itinerary of our trip, were visiting Fairhaven because of its historical links with a man called Manjiro Nakaham

31、a. So Ill begin by giving you a brief overview of his life, and then you can explore the town at your leisure. Well, Manjiro Nakahama, as he was then known, was born in 1827 in a village by the sea in what is now Tosashimizu in Japan. And like many people in that town, he became a fisherman when he

32、was just a youngster. One day in 1841, when he was just 14 years old, he and some others were fishing far off the coast of Japan when they were caught in a storm and shipwrecked on a small deserted island. They had to wait for six months before they were rescued by an American whale ship that had st

33、opped at the island by chance. Four of the five Japanese were put ashore in Hawaii, but Manjiro had become friends with the captain, William Whitfield, who came from the town of Fairhaven, where we are now, and he chose to remain aboard, and to return with the boat to the USA. So Manjiro unwittingly

34、 became the first Japanese ever to set foot on American soil. He came back right here to Fairhaven with Whitfield, and stayed with the Whitfield family who paid for his education here in the town. He studied Mathematics and Geography as well as shipbuilding and navigation. But he missed his mother,

35、and his own country, and eventually he went back to Japan where he had a responsible position as a university teacher and also served an invaluable role as interpreter during the initiation of relations between Japan and the United States in the middle of the nineteenth century. But the most interes

36、ting thing is that the links between Tosashimizu and Fairhaven have remained and grown stronger over the years, in spite of the distance between them, and in fact the two places now have the official status of sister cities. Both places are ports, so in fact the inhabitants have a lot in common. The

37、re have been a number of visits by the inhabitants of Tosashimizu, in particular at the time of the Festival, which is held every two years here in Fairhaven to celebrate the life and achievements of John Manjiro. It takes place in the fall, and theres an ever-growing programme including drumming, s

38、inging, martial arts, and stalls selling Japanese and American food. So if youre going to be in the region around then, its really worth a visit. Now, many of the buildings that Manjiro Nakahama knew in Fairhaven are still standing today, and so if youd just like to hand round some copies of this ma

39、p Ill suggest the best route to follow to see them. OK, so if you look at the bottom of the map you can see the Millicent Library, and thats where we are now. Now to follow the John Manjiro trail, you go out of here along Centre Street, and then head up Main Street until you get to Pilgrim Avenue. G

40、o down there and turn right at the end, go straight on and just on the corner with Oxford Street youll see a two-storey house. This is the Whitfield family house, and this is where Manjiro first stayed when he came to Fairhaven. Its still a private residence, so please respect the owners privacy. OK

41、. Now, if you carry on along Oxford Street, then turn left at the end, youll come to North Street, and about half-way down there is whats known as Old Oxford School. This was the very same school that Manjiro attended when he lived here. It was considered to be the best school in town because of the

42、 quality of the building unusually, it was built of stone and the quality of the teaching. Nowadays its usually closed, except on special occasions. Go on to the end of North Street and turn the corner onto Adams Street. If you follow the road down, back towards the library, you go round a couple of

43、 sharp bends and on the second of these, you can see the School of Navigation which Manjiro also attended. And if you follow the road on, youll soon find yourself back here at the library, and Id suggest you spend some time looking round that too, if you have any time left. Right, now, does anyone h

44、ave any questions. 11 【正确答案】 fisherman 12 【正确答案】 six/6 months 13 【正确答案】 captain 14 【正确答案】 education 15 【正确答案】 (an)interpreter 16 【正确答案】 sister cities 17 【正确答案】 Festival 18 【正确答案】 I 19 【正确答案】 B 20 【正确答案】 E 21 【听力原文】 Dr. Hilsden: Right, Julia, so from your CV and portfolio, and what youve already told

45、 me, you seem to be very much the sort of person were looking for on the postgraduate course. So tell me, you finished your Fashion Design course in London four years ago. Did you think of carrying straight on and doing a higher degree at the time? Julia: Yes, but there were financial pressures. So

46、I ended up working in the retail industry, as you can see from my CV. And actually it was a very useful experience. Dr. Hilsden: Mmm. In what way? Julia: Well, I was lucky to get the job with FashionNow theyre a big store, and, one of my priorities was to get as much experience as possible in differ

47、ent areas, so that was good because I had the chance to work in lots of different departments. And having direct contact with the customers meant I was able to see how they reacted to innovation to new fashion ideas, because with FashionNow, a designer might show something in New York or Milan and t

48、herell be something similar in the shop within weeks. So, that was probably the most useful thing for me. Dr. Hilsden: Right. And so whats made you decide to do a postgraduate course now? Julia: Erm. Well, while I enjoyed working at FashionNow, and I learned a lot there, I felt. well, the way forward would have been to develop my managerial skills rather than my skills in fashion design, and Im not sure thats what I want to do. Dr. Hilsden: Mmm, yes. Julia: When I was doing my degree in London Id been interested in womens wear. But I know that


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