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1、雅思(听力)模拟试卷 91及答案与解析 一、 Listening Module (30 minutes this covers cycling and 【 L1】 _ all over Australia - Recreational membership costs $108 - Cost of membership includes the club fee and 【 L2】 _ - The club kit is made by a company called 【 L3】 _ Training rides - Chance to improve cycling skills and

2、fitness - Level B: speed about 【 L4】 _kph - Weekly sessions - Tuesdays at 5.30 am, meet at the 【 L5】 _ - Thursdays at 5.30 am, meet at the entrance to the 【 L6】 _ Further information - Rides are about an hour and a half - Members often have 【 L7】 _together afterwards - There is not always a 【 L8】 _w

3、ith the group on these rides - Check and print the 【 L9】 _on the website beforehand - Bikes must have 【 L10】 _ 1 【 L1】 2 【 L2】 3 【 L3】 4 【 L4】 5 【 L5】 6 【 L6】 7 【 L7】 8 【 L8】 9 【 L9】 10 【 L10】 10 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Information on company volunteering projects 11 How much time for

4、volunteering does the company allow per employee? ( A) two hours per week ( B) one day per month ( C) 8 hours per year 12 In feedback almost all employees said that volunteering improved their ( A) chances of promotion. ( B) job satisfaction. ( C) relationships with colleagues. 13 Last year some sta

5、ff helped unemployed people with their ( A) literacy skills. ( B) job applications. ( C) communication skills. 14 This year the company will start a new volunteering project with a local ( A) school. ( B) park. ( C) charity. 15 Where will the Digital Inclusion Day be held? ( A) at the companys train

6、ing facility ( B) at a college ( C) in a community centre 16 What should staff do if they want to take part in the Digital Inclusion Day? ( A) fill in a form ( B) attend a training workshop ( C) get permission from their manager 16 Choose TWO letters, A-E. What TWO things are mentioned about the par

7、ticipants on the last Digital Inclusion Day? A They were all over 70. B They never used their computer. C Their phones were mostly old-fashioned. D They only used their phones for making calls. E They initially showed little interest. 18 Choose TWO letters, A-E. What TWO activities on the last Digit

8、al Inclusion Day did participants describe as useful? A learning to use tablets B communicating with family C shopping online D playing online games E sending emails 20 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Planning a presentation on nanotechnology 21 Russ says that his difficulty in planning the pr

9、esentation is due to ( A) his lack of knowledge about the topic. ( B) his uncertainty about what he should try to achieve. ( C) the short time that he has for preparation. 22 Russ and his tutor agree that his approach in the presentation will be ( A) to concentrate on how nanotechnology is used in o

10、ne field. ( B) to follow the chronological development of nanotechnology. ( C) to show the range of applications of nanotechnology. 23 In connection with slides, the tutor advises Russ to ( A) talk about things that he can find slides to illustrate. ( B) look for slides to illustrate the points he m

11、akes. ( C) consider omitting slides altogether. 24 They both agree that the best way for Russ to start his presentation is ( A) to encourage the audience to talk. ( B) to explain what Russ intends to do. ( C) to provide an example. 25 What does the tutor advise Russ to do next while preparing his pr

12、esentation? ( A) summarise the main point he wants to make ( B) read the notes he has already made ( C) list the topics he wants to cover 25 What comments do the speakers make about each of the following aspects of Russs previous presentation? Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct l

13、etter, A-G, next to Questions 26-30. Comments A lacked a conclusion B useful in the future C not enough D sometimes distracting E showed originality F covered a wide range G not too technical Aspects of Russs previous presentation 26 structure _ 27 eye contact _ 28 body language _ 29 choice of words

14、 _ 30 handouts _ 30 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. Episodic memory -the ability to recall details, e.g. the time and 【 L31】 _of past events -different to semantic memory - the ability to remember general information about the 【 L32】 _, which does not involve recalling

15、 【 L33】 _information Forming episodic memories involves three steps: Encoding -involves receiving and processing information -the more 【 L34】 _given to an event, the more successfully it can be encoded -to remember a 【 L35】 _ , it is useful to have a strategy for encoding such information Consolidat

16、ion -how memories are strengthened and stored -most effective when memories can be added to a 36 of related information -the 【 L37】 _of retrieval affects the strength of memories Retrieval -memory retrieval often depends on using a prompt, e.g. the 【 L38】 _of an object near to the place where you le

17、ft your car Episodic memory impairments -these affect people with a wide range of medical conditions -games which stimulate the 【 L39】 _have been found to help people with schizophrenia -children with autism may have difficulty forming episodic memories -possibly because their concept of the 【 L40】

18、_may be absent -memory training may help autistic children develop social skills 31 【 L31】 32 【 L32】 33 【 L33】 34 【 L34】 35 【 L35】 36 【 L36】 37 【 L37】 38 【 L38】 39 【 L39】 40 【 L40】 雅思(听力)模拟 试卷 91答案与解析 一、 Listening Module (30 minutes & 10 minutes transfer time) 0 【听力原文】 JIM: Hello, South City Cycling

19、 Club. WOMAN: Oh, hi. Er. I want to find out about joining the club. JIM: Right. I can help you there. Im the club secretary and my names Jim Hunter. Example WOMAN: Oh, hi Jim. JIM: So, are you interested in membership for yourself? WOMAN: Thats right. JIM: OK. Well there are basically two types of

20、adult membership. If youre pretty serious about cycling, theres the Full membership. That costs 260 dollars and that covers Q1 you not just for ordinary cycling but also for races both here in the city and also in other parts of Australia. WOMAN: Right. Well, Im not really up to that standard. I was

21、 more interested in just joining a group to do some cycling in my free time. JIM: Sure. Thats why most people join. So, in that case youd be better with the Recreational membership. Thats 108 dollars if youre over 19, and 95 dollars if youre under. WOMAN: Im 25. JIM: OK. Its paid quarterly, and you

22、can upgrade it later to the Full membership if you want to, of course. Now both types of membership include the club fee of 20 Q2 dollars. They also provide insurance in case you have an accident, though we hope you wont need that, of course. WOMAN: No. OK, well, Ill go with the Recreational members

23、hip, I think. And that allows me to join in the club activities, and so on? JIM: Thats right. And once youre a member of the club, youre also permitted to wear our kit when youre out cycling. Its green and white. WOMAN: Yes, Ive seen cyclists wearing it. So, can I buy that at the club? JIM: No, its

24、made to order by a company in Brisbane. You can find them online: theyre Q3 called Jerriz. Thats J-E-R-R-l-Z. You can use your membership number to put in an order on their website. WOMAN: OK. Now, can you tell me a bit about the rides I can do? JIM: Sure. So we have training rides pretty well every

25、 morning, and theyre a really good way of improving your cycling skills as well as your general level of fitness, but theyre different levels. Level A is pretty fast - youre looking at about 30 or 35 kilometres an hour. If you can do about 25 kilometres an hour, youd probably be Q4 level B, and then

26、 level C are the novices, who stay at about 15 kilometres per hour. WOMAN: Right. Well I reckon Id be level B. So, when are the sessions for that level? JIM: There are a couple each week. Theyre both early morning sessions. Theres one Q5 on Tuesdays, and for that one you meet at 5.30 am. and the mee

27、ting points the stadium - do you know where that is? WOMAN: Yes, its quite near my home, in fact. OK, and how about the other one? JIM: Thats on Thursdays. It starts at the same time, but they meet at the main gate to Q6 the park. WOMAN: Is that the one just past the shopping mall? JIM: Thats it. WO

28、MAN: So how long are the rides? JIM: Theyre about an hour and a half. So, if you have a job its easy to fit in before you go to work. And the members often go somewhere for coffee afterwards, so its Q7 quite a social event. WOMAN: OK. That sounds good. Ive only just moved to the city so I dont actua

29、lly know many people yet. JIM: Well, its a great way to meet people. WOMAN: And does each ride have a leader? Q8 JIM: Sometimes, but not always. But you dont really need one: the group members on the ride support one another, anyway. WOMAN: How would we know where to go? JIM: If you check the club w

30、ebsite, youll see that the route for each ride is clearly Q9 marked. So you can just print that out and take it along with you. Its similar from one week to another, but its not always exactly the same. WOMAN: And what do I need to bring? JIM: Well, bring a bottle of water, and your phone. You shoul

31、dnt use it while youre cycling, but have it with you. WOMAN: Right. JIM: And in winter, its well before sunrise when we set out, so you need to make sure Q10 your bikes got lights. WOMAN: Thats OK. Well, thanks Jim. Id definitely like to join. So whats the best way of going about it? JIM: You can .

32、1 【正确答案】 races 【试题解析】 定位词 Full membership、 260 dollars后紧接着出现了 “not justcycling but also races”这个表示 “不仅 而且 ” 的句型,用来列举费用所包含的两个项目,其中 cycling为原词重现,答案的关键信息为 also之后所接的名词,因此答案为 races。 2 【正确答案】 insurance 【试题解析】 在定位词 club fee出现之后,我们听到了答案对应信息 “They also provide insurance in case you have an accident”,其中 also对

33、应题干提示词 and,insurance意为 “保险 ”,之后的 in case you have an accident也是在提示 insurance的含义,因此答案为 insurance。 3 【正确答案】 Jerriz 【试题解析】 首先听到了定位词 kit、 company,然后听到了提示词 called,called这个词经常出现在考查名字填写的题目中,并且出现在答案词的前面。这道题主要考点在于字母听写,难度不大 ,只是需要注意字母 “Z”的英式发音为“zed”。 4 【正确答案】 25 / twenty-five 【试题解析】 当听到俱乐部有 “different levels”时

34、,应联想到 “Level B”只是其中一种,要注意干扰信息;先提到 “Level A”时,说了 “30 or 35”两个数字,这样的并列信息一般都是干扰项,应排除;当听到第二个信息 “25 kilometres an hour”时,可预判为疑似答案,记下笔记,之后听到 Level B这个定位词时,可以确定答案就是 “25”。 5 【正确 答案】 stadium 【试题解析】 在听到不会被替换的定位词 Tuesdays、 5 30 am之后,出现了答案对应信息 “and the meeting points the stadium”,其中 meeting point意为 “集合地 ”,其后听到的

35、 the stadium(运动场 )与预测时要填写的地点相符,即为答案。注意这里的谓语动词 is和前面的 point连读成了 points。 6 【正确答案】 park 【试题解析】 我们在听到 Thursdays、 meet at等词之后听到了 “main gate”,对应题干提示词 entrance,接着听到了 “to the park”,与预测和题干均相符,因此地点 park为答案。之后女士说的 “just past the shopping mall”为干扰信息, past意为 “过了某地 ”,与题干含义不符,且 shopping mall有两个单词,超过字数限制。 7 【正确答案】

36、coffee 【试题解析】 本题定位词、提示词和答案一起出现,原文对应信息为 “members often go somewhere for coffee afterwards”意 为 “成员们一起做的事情是喝咖啡 ”,而动词 have在搭配食物名称时意为 “吃喝 ”,所以 “coffee”符合题意。 8 【正确答案】 leader 【试题解析】 文中女士问道 “And does each ride have a leader?”,其中 and作为逻辑连词告诉我们已经从上一个话题转到了一个新的话题,而且她提到的新信息“leader”是符合预测的内容的,所以为疑似答案,接着听到了 “Someti

37、mes, but not always”,这个回答和题干中的定位词 not always完全相同,这时可 以确定 leader就是答案,要注意的是,这里只可以填写单数。 9 【正确答案】 route 【试题解析】 在听到定位词 website之后,出现 “the route for each ride”,意为“每次骑行的路线 ”,其中 route符合预测的内容,接着又出现了 “you can just print that out”,其中定位词 print原词重现, that指代之前提到的 route,因此可以确定答案为 route。 10 【正确答案】 lights 【试题解析】 本题在正确

38、答案出现之前,我们 听到两人讨论了当参加活动时这位女士需要带 “a bottle of water, and your phone”,此时容易误将这里的 “水 ”和 “手机 ”当成答案,但水和手机是并列信息,应该属于干扰,且还未听到题干的主语bikes;接着往下听到答案对应信息 “to make sure your bikes got lights”,其中make sure对应 must, bike为相符的主语, lights是单车的部件,且前文中提到了“before sunrise”说明天还没亮,将这些信息联系在一起可以推测出 lights为正 确答案。 10 【听力原文】 Thanks f

39、or coming everyone. OK, so this meeting is for new staff and staff who havent been involved with our volunteering projects yet. So basically, the idea is that we allow staff to give up some of their work time to help on various charity projects to benefit the local community. Weve been doing this fo

40、r the last five years and its been very successful. Participating doesnt necessarily involve a huge time commitment. The company will pay for Q11 eight hours of your time. That can be used over one or two days all at once, or spread over several months throughout the year. There are some staff who e

41、njoy volunteering so much they also give up their own free time for a couple of hours every week. Its completely up to you. Obviously, many people will have family commitments and arent as available as other members of staff. Feedback from staff has been overwhelmingly positive. Because they felt th

42、ey were Q12 doing something really useful, nearly everyone agreed that volunteering made them feel more motivated at work. They also liked building relationships with the people in the local community and felt valued by them. One or two people also said it was a good thing to have on their CVs. One

43、particularly successful project last year was the Get Working Project. This was aimed at helping unemployed people in the area get back to work. Our staff were able to help them Q13 improve their telephone skills, such as writing down messages and speaking with confidence to potential customers, whi

44、ch they had found quite difficult. This is something many employers look for in job applicants - and something we all do without even thinking about, every day at work. Weve got an exciting new project starting this year. Up until now, weve mainly focused on projects to do with education and trainin

45、g. And well continue with our reading project in schools and our work with local charities. But weve also agreed to help out on a conservation Q14 project in Redfern Park. So if any of you fancy being outside and getting your hands dirty, this is the project for you. I also want to mention the annua

46、l Digital Inclusion Day, which is coming up next month. The Q15 aim of this is to help older people keep up with technology. And this year, instead of hosting the event in our own training facility, were using the ICT suite at Hill College, as it can hold far more people. Weve invited over 60 people

47、 from the Silver Age Community Centre to take part, so well need a lot of volunteers to help with this event. If youre interested in taking part, please go to the volunteering section of our website and Q16 complete the relevant form. We wont be providing any training for this but youll be paired wi

48、th an experienced volunteer if youve never done it before. By the way, dont forget to tell your manager about any volunteering activities you decide to do. The participants on the Digital Inclusion Day really benefited. The majority were in their seventies, though some were younger and a few were ev

49、en in their nineties! Quite a few owned both a computer and a mobile phone, but these tended to be outdated models. Q17 They generally knew how to do simple things, like send texts, but werent aware of recent developments in mobile phone technology. A few were keen to learn but most were quite Q18 dismissive at first - they couldnt see the point of updating their skills. But that soon


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