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1、2007年上海交通大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷及答案与解析 一、名词解释 1 Beowulf 2 The Faerie Queene 3 The Defence of Poesy 4 A Midsummer Nights Dream 5 Paradise Lost 6 John Bunyan 7 Essay on Criticism 8 Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 9 George Eliot 10 The Rainbow 11 The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock 12 Nathaniel Hawthorn

2、e 13 Pygmalion 14 William Blake 15 Look Back in Anger 16 Nineteen Eighty-Four 17 The Black Prince 18 Howl 19 Samuel Beckett 20 The Babysitter 21 Rabbit, Run 22 John Steinbeck 23 Henry David Thoreau 24 Orlando 25 The Importance of Being Earnest 26 The Angry Young Men (6 points) 27 Avant-garde (4 poin

3、ts) 28 Dramatic Monologue (5 points) 二、评论题 29 Write a short essay (in no more than 200 words) about the basic features of Postmodernism. (13 points) 三、分析题 29 Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening By Robert Frost Whose woods these are I thi

4、nk I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if t

5、here is some mistake. The only other sounds the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. 30 What is the theme of the poem? What images does the poet use to express this theme?

6、 (5 points) 31 What are the rhythm and rhyme scheme? In what way do the rhythm and rhyme scheme contribute to the expression of the theme? (5 points) 32 What is the tone of the poem and how is it established? (4 points) 33 What is the function of the repetition in the last two lines? What poetic eff

7、ect does the repetition have? (8 points) 2007年上海交通大学英语专业(英美文学)真题试卷答案与解析 一、名词解释 1 【正确答案】 An epic poem written by an anonymous writer. 2 【正确答案】 An epic poem written by Edmund Spenser. 3 【正确答案】 An essay written by Philip Sidney. 4 【正确答案】 A comedy written by William Shakespeare. 5 【正确答案】 An epic poem wr

8、itten by John Milton. 6 【正确答案】 An British novelist whose masterpiece is Pilgrims Progress. 7 【正确答案】 A poem written by Alexander Pope. 8 【正确答案】 A poem written by Thomas Gray 9 【正确答案】 A British novelist whose masterpiece is The Mill on the Floss. 10 【正确答案】 A novel written by D. H. Lawrence. 11 【正确答案】

9、A poem written by T. S. Eliot. 12 【正确答案】 An American novelist whose masterpiece is The Scarlet Letter. 13 【正确答案】 A play written by Bernard Shaw. 14 【正确答案】 A British poet whose masterpiece is Songs of Experience. 15 【正确答案】 A play written by John Osborne 【试题解析】 约翰 奥斯本 (John Osborne), 19291994,英国剧作家。此处

10、考查的是他 1956年的名作愤怒中回顾 (Look Back in Anger)。随着这部话剧在伦敦皇家宫廷剧院的成功上演, “愤怒青年 ”(The Angry Young Men)于是也成为了英国二战后三十岁以下清醒、激进的一代人的代名词。 16 【正确答案】 A novel written by George Orwell 【试题解析】 乔治 奥威尔 (George Orwell), 1903-1950,英国小说家、散文家、评论家。他的代表作很多,其中包括狮子与独角兽 (The Lion and the Unicorn, 1941)、 缅甸岁月 (Burmese Days, 1943)、

11、动物庄园 (Animal Farm, 1945)、 1984 (NineteenEighty一 Four, 1948)、 猎象记 (Shooting the Elephant, 1950)。其中一九八四和动物庄园堪称奥威尔的经典之作。在这两部政治讽喻小说中,他所创造的 “老大哥 ”(bigbrother)、 “双重思想 ”(double think)、 “新词 ”(neologism)等词汇都已收入权威的英语词典之中。作为文学评论家,奥威尔认为作家的写作有四大动机:自我表现的欲望;唯美的思想和热情;历史方面的冲动 (希望还事物以本来面目 );政治上所作的努力 (希望把世界推往一定的方向,帮助别

12、人树立人们要努力争取的到底是哪一种社会的想法 )。 17 【正确答案】 A novel written by Iris Murdoch 【试题解析】 艾丽丝 默多克 (Iris Murdoch), 1919-1999,爱尔兰作家。默多克一生共创作了 26部小说。主要作品有在网下 (Under the Net, 1954)、 钟(The Bell, 1958)、 被砍掉的头 (A Severed Head, 1964)、红与绿 (The Red and the Green, 1965)、黑王子 (The Black Prince, 1989)和大海、大海 (The Sea, The Sea, 1

13、978)(小说曾获 1978年度英国最重要的文学奖项布克奖 )。深受存在主义影响的默多克也是英国小说史上第一个把萨特式哲学小说引入英国文坛的人。她的小说总是围绕着许多拥有不同哲学思想的人物,而且随着情节的发展,故事中人与人之间的关系将会产生如万花筒般的变化。她把 20世纪中产阶级的生活现实糅合在不平凡的事件当中。默多克的小说多带有一丝恐怖、怪诞和滑稽,但却揭示出作者本人的存在主义思想:尽管人类认为他们能够自由自在地用理性控制他们的生活和行为,事实上,他们受制于潜意识,受制于众多社会决定因素及其他非人为的力量。 18 【正确答案】 A poem written by Allen Ginsberg

14、 【试题解析】 艾伦 金斯堡 (Allen Ginsberg), 1926-1997,美国诗人, “垮掉派 ”诗人的代表人物。金斯堡的长诗以学习惠特曼的个性解放精神和自由诗体自命,他的诗篇洋洋洒洒,其中既可见惠特曼的遗风,又可见凯鲁亚克散文风格的影响,因而显得充满活力和新鲜感。他的最杰出的长诗就是嚎叫 (Howl),在这首诗中,他高度赞扬了 “垮掉一代 ”的伙伴,并对当时美国盛行的物质主义与保守主义进行了鞭笞。 19 【 正确答案】 An Irish dramatist whose masterpiece is Waiting for Godot 【试题解析】 等待戈多是戏剧史上真正的革新,也

15、是第一部演出成功的荒诞派戏剧。这部两幕悲:喜剧呈现在观众面前的是一个非理性的世界。贝克特通过两个流浪汉永无休止而又毫无希望的等待,揭示了世界的荒诞与人生的痛苦,表现了现代人希望改变自己的生活处境但又难以实现的绝望心理。这同时也反映了贝克特的戏剧风格。他的作品并不依赖传统的戏剧因素。他放弃了一直是戏剧之标志的情节、描述和结局, 取而代之的是一系列活生生的舞台形象。语言无用,因为他创造的是一个虚幻的空间,那里住满了孤独的人们,他们拼命想表达无法表达的东西却徒劳无功。他笔下的人物生存于一个可怕的、梦幻真空中,周身充满着不可遏抑的迷乱和忧伤。他们荒唐地试图进行某种交流,而后无休止地匍匐前进。 作家介绍

16、 塞缪尔 贝克特 (Samuel Beckett), 1906-1989,原籍爱尔兰,是一位用法语英语两种文字写作的剧作家、诗人、小说家。主要作品包括剧本等待戈多 (Waiting for Godot, 1952)、 哑剧 I (Act Without Words I, 1956)、 哑剧 II (Act Without Words II, 1956)、剧终 (Endgame, 1957),小说三部曲马洛伊(Molloy, 1951)、 马洛伊之死 (Malone Dies, 1951)、 无名的人 (The Unnamable, 1953)以及梅西尔和加米尔 (Mercier and Cam

17、ier, 1974)。 20 【正确答案】 A short fiction written by Robert Coover. 【试题解析】 罗伯特 库佛 (Robert Coover), 1932-至今,被美国文学界称为六十年代以来最有代表性的后现代小说家之一。其代表作有布鲁人的起源 (The Origin of the Brunists, 1966)、全球棒球协会 (The Universal Baseball Association,J Henry Waugh, Prop, 1968)、保姆 (The Babysitter, 1969)、 公众的燃烧 (The Public Burnin

18、g, 1977)、 约翰的妻子 (Johns Wife,1996)。他的小说充满实验性,在变型的故事叙述中极大地扩张了痛苦和快乐、绝望和希望、想象与现实、作家与文本及隐喻的关系。 21 【正确答案】 A novel written by John Updike 【试题解析】 约翰 厄普代克 (John Updike), 1932-2009,美国小说家、诗人。其代表作为 “兔子 ”四部曲兔子,快跑 (Rabbit,Run, 1960)、 兔子归来(Rabbit Redux, 1971)、兔子富了 (Rabbit Is Rich, 1981)以及兔子安息(Rabbit at Rest, 1990)

19、,记录了美国自二战后 40年来的社会历史全貌,内容涉及越南战争、登陆月球、能源危机,有人称之为 “美国断代史 ”。 22 【正确答案】 An American novelist whose masterpiece is The Grapes of Wrath. 23 【正确答案】 An American essayist whose masterpiece is Walden; or, Life in the Woods. 24 【正确答案】 A novel written by Virginia Woolf. 25 【正确答案】 A comic play written by Oscar W

20、ilde. 26 【正确答案】 The angry young men were a breed of intellectuals, including various British novelists and playwrights, who emerged in the 1950s and expressed scorn and disaffection with the established sociopolitical order of their country. Their impatience and resentment were especially aroused by

21、 what they perceived as the hypocrisy and mediocrity of the upper and middle classes. The catchphrase was first applied to John Osborne and extended to all his contemporaries who expressed rage and the persistence of class distinctions, pride in their lower-class mannerisms, and dislike for anything

22、 highbrow or “phony.“ 27 【正确答案】 Avant-garde is originally a French military and political term for the “advance guard“, and extends since the late 19th century to the body of artist and writers who are dedicated to the idea of art as experiment and revolt against tradition. 28 【正确答案】 Dramatic monolo

23、gue is a kind of narrative poem in which a single fictional or historical character other than the poet speaks to a silent “audience“ of one or more persons. Such poems reveal not the poets own thoughts but the mind of the impersonated character, whose personality is revealed unwittingly. 二、评论题 29 【

24、正确答案】 Postmodernism is a disputed term that has occupied much recent debate about contemporary culture since the early 1980s. As applied to literature and other arts, it means both a continuation of the experimentation championed by writers of the modernist period (relying heavily, for example, on f

25、ragmentation, paradox, questionable narrators, etc.) and a reaction against Enlightenment ideas implicit in Modernism. The hallmark of postmodern literature, and of postmodern art in general, is the erosion of the boundaries between “high“ elite, or serious art and “low“ popular art, or entertainmen

26、t. Decidedly serious literary works now make use of genres long thought to belong only to popular work. A related phenomenon is the development of numerous hybrid genres that erode the distinctions, for instance, between literature and journalism, literature and (auto) biography, and literature and

27、history. Kurt Vonnegut, Thomas Pynchon, John Barth and Kingston Hong, to name a few, are generally considered as writers of the kind. 【试题解析】 本题考查后现代主义 (Postmodernism)的基本特征,后现代主义的概念比较宽泛,回答起来有一定的困难。后现代 主义是一个从理论上难以精准下定论的一种概念,因为后现代主义理论家,均反对以各种约定成俗的形式,来界定或者规范其主义。而现在成了:一切都是凌乱的,去中心化。后现代主义文学的基本特征也体现出了多样性、去中

28、心化的特点。冯内古特、品钦、巴思以及汤婷婷均是这一流派的代表。 三、分析题 30 【正确答案】 Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening explores the theme of the individual caught between nature and civilization. And the speakers location on the border between civilization and wilderness echoes a common theme throughout American literature. The spea

29、ker is drawn to the beauty and allure of the woods, which represent nature, but has obligation “promises to keep“ which draw him away from nature and back to society and the world of men. The speaker is thus faced with a choice of whether to give in to the allure of nature, or remain in the realm of

30、 society. 【试题解析】 雪夜林边小驻探讨了个人在自然与文明之间如何取舍的主题。考生可以将诗歌每节意象联系在 一起,从主题进行探讨。 31 【正确答案】 The poem is written in iambic tetrameter in the Rubaiyat stanza. Each verse (save the last) follows an a-a-b-a rhyming scheme. Overall, the rhyme scheme is AABA-BBCB-CCDC-DDDD. 【试题解析】 诗歌采取了 “鲁拜集 ”(Rubaiyat,四行诗集 )的形式,每句由

31、四音部抑扬格组成。 32 【正确答案】 The tone of the poem is revealed in the last stanza. On the one hand, the speaker is tempted to stay longer, but acknowledges that he has obligations and a considerable distance to travel before he can rest for the night. So the speaker talks with a tone of satisfaction (“lovely“

32、) and shows a tone of fatigue or tedium (“dark“ and “deep“). As he “keeps promises“ and “have miles to go“, the mood of poem, devotion, appears in lines fourteen and fifteen. 【试题解析】 诗歌整体的基调主要体现在最后一节,注意诗歌中三音节以及长圆音混用所产生出来的 效果。 33 【正确答案】 Opinions are divided in the tricky repetition. Some argue that St

33、opping by Woods on a Snowy Evening is most importantly a “lyric“ poem, which should be appreciated in terms of its formal, metrical qualities, such as the complex, interlocking rhyme scheme, rather than its content or “meaning.“ So the repetition of the final two lines gives us an indication of how

34、this person feels about the responsibilities that lie ahead: they are not frightening or unpleasant, they are just tedious, involving travel, lack of sleep, and numbing repetition. Unenthusiastic about obligations but enthusiastic about the snowfall, this speaker nevertheless lives up to the promises that were made. 【试题解析】 对于本诗最后两行的理解,学术界有着不同的争议。考生可以根据自己的认识,进行回答,不必罗列不同的观点。只要语言逻辑清晰, 均可以得到分数。


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