ASTM C822-2008a Standard Terminology Relating to Concrete Pipe and Related Products.pdf

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1、Designation: C 822 08aStandard Terminology Relating toConcrete Pipe and Related Products1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 822; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number

2、 in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.NoteEight previously approved terms were added editorially and the yeard

3、ate changed on July 2, 2008.1. Referenced Documents1.1 ASTM Standards:C 497 Test Methods for Concrete Pipe, Manhole Sections,or Tile2. Terminologyabsorptionthe increase in weight of concrete resulting fromthe penetration of water into the concrete.absorption testa test made to determine the absorpti

4、on ofconcrete.admixturea material other than water, aggregates, cementand fibre reinforcing used as an ingredient of concrete andadded to the batch immediately before or during its mixture.annular spacethe space between the inner surface of thefemale end and the outer surface of the male end of anas

5、sembled pipe joint.bellsee female end of pipe.blenda combining of various cementitious sectiona concrete pipe with a rectangular cross section bottom slablower horizontal portion of a boxsection in the installed section top slabupper horizontal portion of a bo

6、xsection in the installed section wallvertical sides of a box section in theinstalled condition.cagean assembled unit of steel reinforcement consisting ofcircumferential and longitudinal bars or wires.circular reinforcementa circular-shaped line of reinforce-ment.circumferential reinfo

7、rcementreinforcement that is ap-proximately perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of theconcrete pipe, box, or bined sewera pipeline intended to convey sewage andstorm pression testa test made on a concrete specimen todetermine the compressive pressive strengththe maximum resistance of a concretesp

8、ecimen to axial compressive loading; or the specifiedresistance used in design calculations.concretea homogeneous mixture of portland cement, fineaggregate, coarse aggregate, and water. The mixture mayalso contain admixtures, or other cementitious materials, orboth.corea cylinder of concrete obtaine

9、d from concrete by meansof a core drill.crownthe top or highest point of the internal surface of thetransverse cross section of a pipe.culverta pipeline intended to convey water under a highway,railroad, canal, or similar facility.cylinder (test)a cast cylindrical specimen of strengt

10、hthe minimum acceptable 0.01-in. (0.3-mm)crack D-load.designated sizethe dimensional name for a particular sizethat may or may not be equal to or related to the dimensionsused for design purposes or of the manufactured product.distribution reinforcementreinforcement, typically running90 to the main

11、or circumferential reinforcement, intended todisperse concentrated loads to larger areas of a structuralmember.D-loadthe supporting strength of a pipe loaded underthree-edge-bearing test conditions expressed in pounds per1This terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C13 onConcrete Pi

12、pe and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C13.10 onCorrelation and Editorial.Current edition approved July 2, 2008. Published July 2008. Originally approvedin 1975. Last previous edition approved in 2008 as C 822 08.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West C

13、onshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.linear foot per foot of inside diameter or horizontal span, orexpressed in newtons per linear metre per millimetre ofinside diameter or horizontal span.D-load, 0.01-in. (0.3-mm) crackthe maximum three-edge-bearing test load supported by a concrete pipe befor

14、e a crackhaving a width of 0.01 in. (0.3 mm) occurs, measured atclose intervals, throughout a continuous length of 1 ft (300mm) or more measured parallel to the longitudinal axis ofpipe barrel expressed as D-load.D-load ultimate (Du)the maximum three-edge-bearing testload supported by a pipe, expres

15、sed as D-load.drain tilepipe for collecting and conveying surface andsubsurface water from an area.elliptical reinforcementa line of reinforcement in the ap-proximate shape of an ellipse.exfiltrationthe volume of pipeline flow leaving a sewer andits connections into the soil from pipe, joints, conne

16、ctions,and appurtenances.external load-crushing strength testa test of the pipe inwhich external crushing forces are exerted in specifieddirections and locations on a specified length of pipe.external sealing bandsflexible wrappings that are applied tothe outside of a concrete pipe, box section, or

17、manholesection joint intended to control the movement of fluids orsolids through the joint.female end of pipe (bell, socket, groove, modified groove)that portion of the end of the pipe, regardless of its shape ordimensions, which overlaps a portion of the end of theadjoining pipe.flow linea line for

18、med by the inverts of pipe.gradationthe distribution of particles of granular materialamong standard sizes usually expressed in terms of cumu-lative percentages larger or smaller than each of a series ofsieve openings.grade ringsprecast concrete rings used for vertical adjust-ment at the top of a ma

19、nhole to set manhole casting to propergrade.groovesee female end of pipe.handling reinforcementreinforcement intended to reducethe risk of collapse of the pipe or section during handling orstorage prior to and during final placement.hydrostatic pressurethe pressure exerted by water at rest.hydrostat

20、ic testa test of the ability of a pipe or its joint towithstand internal hydrostatic pressure.infiltrationthe volume of groundwater entering a sewer andits connections from the soil through pipe, joints, connec-tions, or appurtenances.inflowthe volume of any kind of water entering a sewer andits con

21、nections from outside sources not including thosesources described under “infiltration.”installed lengthfinal length, along the centerline, of a pipeor box section in place including the longitudinal jointseparation between the section and the last section placed.invertthe bottom or lowest point of

22、the internal surface ofthe transverse cross section of a pipe.irrigation pipepipe intended for the distribution of irrigationwater by pumping or gravity.jointa connection of two pipe, manhole, or box section ends,made either with or without the use of additional parts and/ormaterials.joint angular d

23、eflectionchange in alignment commencingin the joint caused by opening or closing one side of thejoint.joint at normal (design) closureposition of the joint whenclosed to the manufacturers recommended inside longitudi-nal separation without joint angular deflection.joint in off-center positionwith th

24、e joint at normal or designclosure, without joint angular deflection, when the spigot orbell has been moved in a radial direction. The maximumoff-center position occurs when the outer surface of thespigot and the inner surface of the bell are in contact.joint leakage testtest procedure, utilizing wa

25、ter pressure, airpressure or a vacuum, intended to determine the acceptabil-ity of an individual joint relative to leakage.joint leakage test apparatussealing device used to isolate asingle joint so that the joint can be tested for leakage. Seejoint leakage test.joint reinforcementreinforcement, in

26、or near the joint,intended to enhance the structural characteristics of the jointarea of a concrete pipe or box section.joint shear testa proof-of-design test procedure to deter-mine minimum shear strength of a joint.layer of reinforcementcircumferential reinforcement that isone bar or wire in thick

27、ness.laying lengthpipe section center-line dimension used forpreparing pipeline layout plans. (1) Some manufacturers useoverall length minus the maximum possible joint overlapplus a small distance for field creep. (2) Some manufacturersuse overall length minus the maximum possible joint over-lap. Fi

28、eld creep is then added to the laying length whenpreparing the pipeline layout plan. Definition (2) is also usedfor calculating three-edge bearing strength. See Test Meth-ods C 497.lift holea small hole cast or drilled in the wall of the pipe orsection for inserting a bolt, loop of cable or other de

29、vice usedin handling the pipe or section.line of reinforcementcircumferential reinforcement com-prised of one or more layers.longitudinal reinforcementreinforcement, in a concretepipe or box section, running parallel to the intended flow.lotan assemblage of concrete pipe, all being of like size,mate

30、rial, and strength designation, manufactured by thesame process. The lot size may differ from the quantitydesignated in the contract or order.low-pressure air testtesting procedure, utilizing com-pressed air, intended to determine the acceptability of a pipesection, joint, or pipeline.male end of pi

31、pe (spigot, tongue, modified tongue)thatportion of the end of the pipe, regardless of its shape ordimensions, which is overlapped by a portion of the end ofthe adjoining pipe.manholea precast concrete structure for vertical access to apipeline or other closed structure.manhole basea concrete slab fo

32、undation and the bottomC 822 08a2manhole riser section or a bottom manhole riser section witha connected concrete slab.manhole base sectionprecast concrete slab foundation andthe bottom manhole riser section, or the bottom riser sectionwith precast monolithic or integral slab. A monolithic basesecti

33、on is cast as a single unit. An integral base section ismade into a single unit by interconnecting precast manholecomponents such as a riser section and base slab.manhole reducer sectiona concrete section used as atransition between different diameter manhole riser sections.manhole riser sectiona co

34、ncrete section used to construct amanhole exclusive of the base, reducers, and top section.manhole topthe concrete slab top or conical top used toreduce the manhole riser diameter to that of the desiredaccess hole.manufactured lengthoverall length, along the centerline, ofa pipe or box section not i

35、ncluding the maximum possiblejoint overlap.manufacturerthe group, corporation, partnership, or indi-vidual that manufactures or supplies a product.mat reinforcementsee quadrant mat.material teststhe quality and property tests of componentmaterials.modified designa concrete pipe design changed from a

36、standard design.modified groovesee female end of pipe.modified tonguesee male end of pipe.negative air pressure (vacuum) testtest procedure utilizingair at a pressure less than atmospheric pressure, intended todetermine the acceptability of a pipe section or multiple pipesections, or an installed pi

37、peline or manhole before or afterbackfill.nonreinforced pipeconcrete pipe designed without rein-forcement.O-ring gasketa solid gasket of circular cross section.ownerthe public agency or authority, group, corporation,partnership, or individual that specifies products or servicesfor use on a project t

38、hat it presently or eventually will ownor administrate.permeabilitythat property which permits movement of aliquid through the pores and interstices of the concrete.permeability testa test to determine the movement of aliquid through concrete under a hydraulic or pressure gradi-ent.pipea tube or elo

39、ngated hollow concrete structure intendedto transmit flow between locations.pipe diameterthe inside diameter of a concrete pipe.pipe sectiona single pipe.pipelinepipe sections joined together.plant teststhe quality assurance tests performed prior todelivery as a basis of acceptance.preformed flexibl

40、e joint sealantpliable material, formedinto a defined cross section, that is applied to the surface ofa pipe, box section, or manhole section joint, intended tocontrol the movement of fluids or solids through the joint.quadrant matadditional tension zone circumferential rein-forcement secured to a l

41、ayer of reinforcement in the concretepipe wall.reinforced concrete pipea pipe structure comprised ofconcrete and steel reinforcement. Such reinforcement iscomprised of steel wire, welded wire fabric, or bars, ofknown strength, formed into a cage and positioned in theconcrete wall in a specific locat

42、ion in such a manner that thetwo materials act together to resist stresses.reinforcementsteel in the form of continuous wire, weldedwire fabric, or bars embedded in concrete in such a mannerthat the above referenced concrete and steel act together toresist stresses.resilient connectora flexible conn

43、ection for joining pipe tostructures capable of being deformed and deflected withoutrupture or leakage.rubber gasketrubber formed and used as a seal in concretepipe joints.samplethe number of specimens drawn from a lot.sewage (wastewater)the spent water of a community whichis a combination of liquid

44、 and water-carried wastes.sewera pipeline intended to convey sewage.special designa concrete pipe design for sizes, loads, orservice conditions not covered by a standard design.specimenan individual unit on which a test can be made.spigotsee male end of pipe.splice (reinforcement)junction of two sec

45、tions of parallelreinforcement intended to provide continuity and to transferforces between the two sections.springlinethe points on the internal surface of the transversecross section of a pipe intersected by the line of maximumhorizontal dimension; or in box sections, the mid-height ofthe internal

46、 vertical wall.standard designa published and proven concrete pipedesign.storm draina pipeline intended to convey storm water.storm sewera pipeline intended to convey storm water.storm waterprecipitation run-off.three-edge-bearing methoda method for applying the loadto a pipe in an external load-cru

47、shing strength test.tonguesee male end of pipe.ultimate strengththe maximum three edge bearing test loadsupported by a pipe.wall (pipe)the structural element composed of concrete orconcrete and steel between the inside and outside surfaces ofa concrete pipe.watertightwill restrain the passage of wat

48、er to not exceed aspecified limit.C 822 08a3FIG. 1 Pipe NomenclatureThis standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this s

49、tandard or for additional standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor

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