1、Designation: C831 98 (Reapproved 2017)1Standard Test Methods forResidual Carbon, Apparent Residual Carbon, and ApparentCarbon Yield in Coked Carbon-Containing Brick andShapes1This standard is issued under the fixed designation C831; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
2、 oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1NOTEFootnote 4 was removed editorially in November 2017.1. Scope1.1
3、 These test methods cover the determination of residualcarbon content in carbon-bearing brick and shapes after aprescribed coking treatment. They provide two procedures.The first procedure is based on the combustion of carbon andits measurement as carbon dioxide. However, when using thefirst procedu
4、re for articles that contain silicon carbide or othercarbides, no distinction will be made between carbon present inthe form of a carbide and carbon present as elemental carbon.The second procedure provides a method for calculatingapparent residual carbon (on the basis of weight loss afterigniting t
5、he coked specimens), apparent carbonaceous materialcontent, and apparent carbon yield. If the second procedure isused for brick or shapes that contain metallic additives orcarbides, it must be recognized that there will be a weight gainassociated with the oxidation of the metals, or carbides, orboth
6、. Such a weight gain can change the results substantiallyand this must be kept in mind when interpreting the data.1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas the standard. The values given in parentheses are forinformation only.1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of
7、thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.4 This international standard was developed in acc
8、or-dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-ization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards, Guides and Recom-mendations issued by the World Trade Organization TechnicalBarriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.2. Referenced Documents2.1 AS
9、TM Standards:2D2906 Practice for Statements on Precision and Bias forTextiles (Withdrawn 2008)3E11 Specification for Woven Wire Test Sieve Cloth and TestSieves3. Significance and Use3.1 These test methods are designed for use with carbon-containing products. The residual carbon content of a cokedcar
10、bon-containing brick or shape is an indication of how muchcarbon may be available, in service, to resist slag attack on, oroxidation loss of, that body. Apparent carbon yield gives anestimate of the relative efficiency of the total carbonaceousmatter to be retained as residual carbon.3.2 Residual ca
11、rbon has a direct bearing on several proper-ties of a pitch or resin containing refractory such as ignitedporosity, density, strength, and thermal conductivity.3.3 These test methods are suitable for productdevelopment, manufacturing control, and specification accep-tance.3.4 These test methods are
12、very sensitive to specimen size,coking rates, etc.; therefore, strict compliance with these testmethods is critical.3.5 Appreciable amounts of reducible components, such asFe2O3, will have a noticeable effect on the results. Thus, valuesobtained by these test methods will be different when brickremo
13、ved from service is tested. This must be kept in mindwhen attempting to use these test methods in an absolute sense.3.6 Oxidizable components such as metals and carbides canhave a noticeable effect on the results. This must be kept in1These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C
14、08 onRefractories and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C08.04 on ChemicalBehaviors.Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2017. Published November 2017. Originallyapproved in 1976. Last previous edition approved in 2017 as C831 98 (2017).DOI: 10.1520/C0831-98R17E01.2For referenced ASTM standa
15、rds, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced onwww.astm.org.Copy
16、right ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United StatesThis international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of Internati
17、onal Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.1mind when using the second procedure, which is based onmeasuring weight loss after igniting the coked specimens.3.7 Testing of brick or shapes that contain magnesium metalpr
18、esents special problems since this metal is highly volatile andsubstantial amounts of the magnesium can be lost from thesample during the coking procedure. This must be kept in mindwhen interpreting the results of testing of brick that containsmagnesium. In addition, magnesium can react readily with
19、atmospheric humidity. This must be kept in mind when storingbrick that contains magnesium.4. Apparatus4.1 For Coking:4.1.1 Gas or Electric Furnace, with heating chamber ca-pable of receiving the coking box shown in Fig. 1.NOTE 1Samples should not be subjected to thermal gradients greaterthan 40 F (2
20、2 C) during heatup. In electric furnaces with silicon carbideheating elements, the length of the box should be parallel to theseelements.4.1.2 Inner and Outer Box, stainless steel (or equivalentalloy), as shown in Figs. 1-3.4.2 For CO2Absorption:4.2.1 Laboratory Pulverizer, designed to provide a sea
21、led,dust-proof grinding chamber, and having a capacity of at least50 g of sample.4.2.2 Combustion-Tube Furnace, capable of operating at183 F (1000 C)4.2.3 CO2Absorption Train, as described in Fig. 4.NOTE 2Commercial automatic and semi-automatic carbon determi-nators may replace the apparatus describ
22、ed in 4.2.2 and The precision obtained with these instruments shallmeet the requirements specified in Section 10.5. Preparation of Test Specimens5.1 This method assumes that the number of specimenstested will be a statistically valid sample of the entire lot ofFIG. 1 Outer Coking Box (Dime
23、nsions are in Inches)C831 98 (2017)12brick or shapes being evaluated. The exact number is usuallyarrived at by mutual agreement between parties concerned.5.2 Although sample brick from either the 412-in. (114-mm)or the 6-in. (152-mm) series may be tested, it is preferable touse the larger size for t
24、he test. Cut slices 1 6132 in. (25 60.8 mm) in thickness perpendicular to the length at the mid-section of each sample brick or shape. As shown in Fig. 5, thenominal size of each slice shall be 1 by 3 by 6 in. (25 by 76 by152 mm). The two 1 by 3-in. faces and the two 1 by 6-in. facesmust be original
25、 surfaces.5.3 Test specimens may be cut wet or dry except forproducts capable of hydration, such as dolomite brick, whichmust be cut dry and stored in a dry container prior to coking.FIG. 2 Inner Coking BoxC831 98 (2017)135.4 Specimens that are cut wet must be dried immediatelywith a paper or cloth
26、towel and flash dried. For pitch-impregnated samples, flash drying should be done at a suffi-ciently low temperature to avoid “weeping” of pitch from thepores of the brick. Drying can usually be done on a forced-airdryer at 220 F (105 C) by limiting exposure to 5 to 10 min.Repeat if necessary. These
27、 drying procedures are especiallyimportant for metal-containing brick because hydration of theFIG. 3 Coking Box ArrangementFIG. 4 CO2Absorption TrainC831 98 (2017)14metals can occur. Specimens containing a coating of pitch onuncut surfaces, as is typical of an impregnation process, mustbe scraped cl
28、ean prior to drying.5.5 Weigh all specimens after drying to constant weight(60.2 g), recording weight to the nearest 0.1 g. This weight is“as-received weight, A.” (This step may be omitted if residualcarbon is to be determined by CO2absorption, as indicated in1.1.)6. Procedure for Coking6.1 Place th
29、e test specimens randomly into the inner box,Fig. 2NOTE 3Burned pitch-impregnated magnesite brick should not becoked with tempered, tar-bonded, or dolomite brick because of carbonpickup by the impregnated samples and disruption of the bottom oftempered samples. Pitch-bonded, pitch-bonded tempered ma
30、gnesite brick,and dolomite brick may be coked in the same box or coking run.NOTE 4The number of samples coked per run should be constantwithin a laboratory. Dummy uncoked samples consistent with Note 3 maybe used to fill any empty positions in the inner box.6.2 Place the inner box into the center of
31、 the outer box (Fig.3), on the bottom of which has first been placed a12-in.(13-mm) slab of carbon, covered with a thin layer of dust-freemetallurgical-grade coke breeze (No. 14 (1.40-mm) sieve size)(Note 5). To ensure that the coke breeze is free of moisturewhich could oxidize carbon during cooking
32、, dry the coke at400 F (205 C) for 24 h, and keep in a closed container atroom temperature until needed.NOTE 5Detailed requirements for sieves are given in SpecificationE11.6.3 Place the thermocouple well into the center of the innerbox and put the lid on the inner box. The thermocouple wellmust be
33、long enough to extend above the cover of the outerbox.6.4 Cover the inner box with metallurgical-grade cokebreeze retained on a No. 14 sieve and place a loose-fitting lidover the coke breeze (see Fig. 3). Pack the coke breeze betweenthe edges of the lid and box.6.5 Place the coking box assembly (Fig
34、. 3) into the furnace,and insert a calibrated thermocouple into the thermocouplewell.6.6 Heat the furnace so that the thermocouple within the boxregisters 250 F (120 C) after the first hour, then heat thefurnace so that the box is heated at a rate of 400 6 20 F (2206 11 C) h to 1800 6 20 F (980 6 11
35、 C).6.7 Hold the temperature for 3 612 h, starting from the time1780 F (970 C) is reached in the inner box.6.8 After completing the hold period, shut off the furnaceand allow the coking box to cool naturally within the furnace.6.9 Remove the samples from the coking box after the boxhas cooled suffic
36、iently to handle. After removing specimensfrom the inner box, clean by brushing carefully with a nylon ornatural bristle brush to remove clinging particles. Then proceedto either of the two alternatives for analyzing the specimens.NOTE 6After each run, clean the muffle and the bottom carbon plateof
37、any adhering coke breeze.6.10 Samples that contain dolomite or aluminum metalshould be stored in a sealed container containing dessicant inthe time interval between coking and measurement of carboncontent. This is to prevent hydration of dolomite or aluminumcarbide. The aluminum carbide is formed by
38、 reaction betweenaluminum and carbon in the shape during the coking operation.Aluminum carbide can react with a water source such asatmospheric humidity to form methane. Care should be takensince methane can be an explosion hazard.CO2ABSORPTION (FIRST ALTERNATIVEPROCEDURE)7. Preparation of Sample7.1
39、 Asample consists of a single slice or multiple specimensof brick prepared as described in Sections 5 and 6.7.2 Crush the sample in a laboratory jaw crusher, or otherimpact-type crusher, to pass a No. 4 (4.75-mm) sieve (Note 5).Thoroughly mix the crushed sample and reduce to approxi-mately 50 g by q
40、uartering or riffling.7.3 Place the sample in the laboratory pulverizer and grindto 100 % passing a No. 100 (150-m) sieve. This takesapproximately 90 to 100 s. Promptly transfer the groundsample to a suitable airtight container.FIG. 5 Location of Test SpecimenC831 98 (2017)15NOTE 7Extreme care must
41、be taken during the entire samplepreparation to avoid loss of carbon by segregation or dusting. About 60 %of the variance in this procedure is in this step.8. Procedure8.1 With the furnace at operating temperature, pass oxygenthrough the absorption train until the CO2absorption bulbattains constant
42、weight (usually 15 to 30 min). Adjust theoxygen pressure and flow rate to provide 120 to 150 bubblesper minute through the bubbling tower. Close the stopcock,remove the absorption bulb from the train, cool to roomtemperature, and weigh to the nearest 0.1 mg.8.2 Into a previously ignited combustion b
43、oat, weigh a 0.1to 1.0 g sample to the nearest 0.1 mg. Return the weighed CO2absorption bulb to the train and open the stopcock. Then placethe combustion boat with sample in the combustion tube andimmediately reseal the train. Adjust the flow of oxygen asbefore (8.1), heat the furnace to 1740 to 183
44、0 F (950 to1000 C), and maintain until the CO2adsorption bulb attainsconstant weight (usually 45 to 60 min).8.3 Remove the absorption bulb from the train, close thestopcock, cool to room temperature, and reweigh. The increasein weight is the CO2won from the sample by combustion ofthe carbon.9. Calcu
45、lation and Report9.1 Calculate the percentage of residual carbon in thesample as follows:Residual carbon, % 5wt of CO230.2729 3100wt of sample(1)9.2 Run the determinations in duplicate. Results shall notvary by more than 60.05 % stated in terms of the wholesample as 100 %. If satisfactory checks are
46、 not obtained, repeatthe analysis in duplicate. Report at least two individualanalyses per slice.10. Precision and Bias410.1 An interlaboratory study was conducted in 1970 usinga nested experimental design wherein a composite of severalsizes of magnesite grain and lampblack was mixed in accu-rately
47、weighed proportions, divided into four samples, and sentto four laboratories for testing. Each laboratory split its sampleinto four specimens, ground them for analysis and made tworeplicate determinations on each. The components of variance(Note 8) of the results given in terms of standard deviation
48、swere found to be as follows:Carbon Content, %Grand mean 4.572Between laboratories (L) 0.0778Between samples (S 0.0987Between replicates (R) 0.0161NOTE 8A procedure for calculating precision is fully described inPractice D2906. There is no known means for determining the bias ofthese test methods.10
49、.2 On the basis of the components of variance in 10.1,wewould expect two averages of an equal number of specimenstested by this test method to be considered different at the 95 %probability level if their difference exceeds the values below(for t = 1.96) (assume that two replicates are always used pertest method:Number of Samples Between Samples Between Twoin Each Average Within One Laboratory Laboratories1 0.274 0.3506 0.116 0.24512 0.085 0.23210.3 These precision data may not be applicable for sampleswith substantially higher ca