ASTM D1036-1999(2017) Standard Test Methods of Static Tests of Wood Poles《木杆静力试验的标准试验方法》.pdf

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ASTM D1036-1999(2017) Standard Test Methods of Static Tests of Wood Poles《木杆静力试验的标准试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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1、Designation: D1036 99 (Reapproved 2017)Standard Test Methods ofStatic Tests of Wood Poles1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D1036; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A numbe

2、r in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONOne of the important factors involved in the design and economical use of poles for the support ofaerial communication and power lines is th

3、e value of the maximum fiber stress for the different speciesof timber used for poles. In order to gain information on this characteristic, mechanical tests on polesize specimens have been made by numerous investigators. These tests have been made in variousmanners, such as the use of a testing mach

4、ine, holding the pole butt horizontally in a crib and applyingthe load at the tip, setting poles in the earth and applying the load at the tip, and so forth. The amountof seasoning the test poles have received and the type of preservative treatment applied to the polesare additional variables. The r

5、esult is that it is difficult, if not impossible, to obtain sufficientinformation pertaining to the various tests to permit accurate comparisons.It is the purpose of these test methods to cover testing procedures in sufficient detail so that theresults of tests made in accordance with the test metho

6、ds defined will be comparable. It is, of course,not intended that using other test methods that may be better adapted to a particular investigationshould be discouraged. However, experience gained from tests of several hundred poles has indicatedthe test methods specified are entirely practicable.Th

7、e data forms presented have been found to be convenient for recording the test data and formaking the calculations necessary for the proper analysis of the test results.1. Scope1.1 These test methods cover determination of the bendingstrength and stiffness of wood poles. Knowledge of theseproperties

8、 is used in providing for reliable and economicaldesign with poles of different species, size, or grade.1.2 Two test methods are included: the cantilever testmethod and the machine test method.1.3 Provision is also made for extracting small clear speci-mens from the butt section and determining stat

9、ic bending andcompression parallel to grain strength values in accordancewith Test Methods D143.1.4 The procedures specified in these test methods apply totests of either treated or untreated material.1.5 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas the standard. SI values are given in

10、 parentheses and areprovided for information only.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety, health, and environmental practices and deter-mine the ap

11、plicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.7 This international standard was developed in accor-dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-ization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards, Guides and Recom-mendations issued b

12、y the World Trade Organization TechnicalBarriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D143 Test Methods for Small Clear Specimens of TimberD198 Test Methods of Static Tests of Lumber in StructuralSizes2.2 ANSI Standard:3O5.1 Specifications and Dimensions for Wood Poles

13、1These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D07 onWood and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D07.04 on Pole and PileProducts.Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2017. Published October 2017. Originallyapproved in 1949. Last previous edition approved in 2012 as D1036 99

14、(2012).DOI: 10.1520/D1036-99R17.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from American Nati

15、onal Standards Institute (ANSI), 25 W. 43rd St.,4th Floor, New York, NY 10036, http:/ ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United StatesThis international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized p

16、rinciples on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for theDevelopment of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.13. Summary of Test Method3.1 Major Tests:3.1.1 In the cantilever test m

17、ethod, the pole is supportedsecurely from butt to ground line in a horizontal position, anda load is applied near the pole tip by means of a pulling line.3.1.2 In the machine test method, the pole is supported nearthe butt and tip, and a load is applied at the ground line by themoving head of a mech

18、anical testing machine.3.1.3 Determinations of age, rate of growth, moisture, anddensity are also made.3.2 Minor Tests:3.2.1 Small clear specimens are taken from the butt sectionof the tested poles for the determination of strength values suchas static bending, compression parallel to grain, toughne

19、ss,compression perpendicular to grain, and hardness. The overallobjectives of the program will determine which of these testsare desired.4. Significance and Use4.1 Tests of wood poles are made to determine:4.1.1 Data for use in establishing allowable stresses,4.1.2 Data upon which to base economical

20、 pole line design,4.1.3 Data on the strength properties of different species inpole sizes,4.1.4 Data as to the influence of defects on the strengthproperties of poles,4.1.5 Data as to the effect of preservatives and preservativetreatments on the strength properties of poles, and4.1.6 Data for correl

21、ating the strength properties of full-sizepoles with those of small clear specimens of the same species.4.2 Treating procedures to which poles have been subjectedmay introduce variables that prohibit direct comparisons be-tween different groups of data. Complete information on thetreating techniques

22、 shall form a part of the test records.COLLECTION OF MATERIAL5. Identification5.1 The material for test shall be selected by one qualified toidentify the species.6. Number of Major Specimens6.1 For each species under investigation it is desirable thata minimum of 50 specimens be selected for test. T

23、he polesshall be carefully chosen as representative of the commercialproduct being supplied.NOTE 1Tests may be conducted to study the effect of some particularcharacteristic and in such cases the selection of test specimens shall bemade in such a manner as to ensure that the range of the characteris

24、ticunder study has been adequately sampled.7. Field Notes7.1 Field notes fully describing the material shall be care-fully made by the collector. These notes shall, so far aspossible, supply data outlined as follows and shall be incorpo-rated into the test records:FIELD NOTESProject No.Locality cutC

25、ountySlope . ElevationUndergrowthCrownSoilShipment No.SpeciesDate cutSeedling or sproutHow and when transported from woodsAge of tree in yearsTreatmentSeasoningPreservative retentionAge in service (if pole had been in service)Age of pole since treatmentSource of pole (supplier, region, and climate),

26、 if pole had been in serviceClassification standardCondition of pole (decay, woodpecker holes, splits), if pole had beenin service8. Field Marking8.1 Each specimen shall be legibly marked on the butt withits length, class, and source of supply, in accordance with therequirements of ANSI O5.1, using

27、such symbols as may applyto each specimen.CONDITIONING AND MEASURING OF SPECIMENSFOR TESTING9. Conditioning9.1 Two basic procedures for conditioning and moisturecontent are provided as follows:9.1.1 Test Method A, providing for air seasoning and buttsoaking of poles prior to test.9.1.2 Test Method B

28、, providing for tests of poles in thefull-length green condition.NOTE 2Test Method A, providing for butt soaking of poles afterseasoning, has been used as a preconditioning test method when it isdesired to provide tests simulating, as nearly as possible, actual field useunder certain climatic condit

29、ions.Test Method B, providing for tests of poles in the green condition, hasbeen used where the stability of moisture-strength relationships thusestablished is particularly desired for comparison between species, grades,and testing procedures, and for establishing relationship of strengthbetween ful

30、l-size poles and that of small clear specimens taken from thepole material.10. Alternative Conditioning Requirements10.1 Test Method AAll poles tested shall be air-seasonedon skids at least 2 ft (600 mm) above the ground. Prior totesting, the butt sections (from the groundline to the butt) shallbe s

31、oaked in water in order to bring the moisture content of thissection equal to or above the fiber saturation point. Buttsoaking shall be conducted in a manner to prevent decay andwith the poles in a vertical position. Moisture determinations ofthe butt section shall be made by means of increment bori

32、ngs.The determinations shall be made by using the portions of theborings nearest the pole surface with a length of boring equalto one-half the pole radius.D1036 99 (2017)2NOTE 3For the purposes of these test methods, poles will beconsidered air-seasoned when two successive determinations made onewee

33、k apart indicate the moisture content of the pole to have reached apractically constant value at or below 22 %.10.2 Test Method BAll poles to be tested shall be selectedin the green condition and shall be tested before any seasoninghas taken place. If there is any delay in testing that would resulti

34、n seasoning, this shall be prevented by proper storage,preferably by full-length immersion in water. If other methodsof maintaining the green condition are employed, care shall beexercised to prevent the development of stain or decay. Specialmoisture determinations of the test sections are not requi

35、redprior to test (Section 25).11. Initial Measurements11.1 Before placing a pole in the testing apparatus, a recordshall be made of the following items:11.1.1 Weight,11.1.2 Length to the nearest 1 in. (25 mm),11.1.3 Class,11.1.4 Circumference at butt, at tip, and at the ground line tothe nearest116

36、in. (1.5 mm),11.1.5 Diameter of each knot over12 in. (13 mm) indiameter and its location on the surface of the pole relative tothe butt and to the longitudinal center line of the face of thepole, and11.1.6 Any possible strength reducing defects observedother than knots, such as sweep, crook, checks,

37、 shakes, spiralgrain, insect damage, and the like.STATIC BENDING TESTS OF POLESCantilever Test Method12. Apparatus12.1 A schematic drawing of the testing apparatus and fieldlayout for conducting the tests is shown in Fig. 1. Forconvenience of reference, the principal features of the layoutare denote

38、d on the drawing by capital letters. The pole to betested shall be held securely from the butt to the ground line inthe crib A. The crib shall be built in such a manner that therewill be no significant movement of the pole butt during the test.The design of the crib and holding devices shall be such

39、 that allvertical and rotational motion of the pole shall be prevented.12.2 A support B shall be provided at a point about threequarters of the distance from the ground line to the point ofload application to minimize vertical movement at that pointand reduce the stress from the weight of the pole.

40、This supportshall be such that any friction associated with the deflection ofthe pole under load shall not be a significant portion of themeasured load on the pole.12.3 As a pole is placed in the testing apparatus, it shall berotated to align the pole so as to minimize out-of-plane shearstresses due

41、 to torque. The pole shall be shifted longitudinallyuntil its ground line coincides with the front face of the crib,and then it shall be secured firmly in place (see 12.1). Awooden saddle C, Fig. 1, with a concave surface on the poleside and rounded edges, shall be placed against the pole toprevent

42、injury to the ground-line section. This saddle shall beFIG. 1 Schematic Layout of Field Mechanical Tests of Wooden PolesD1036 99 (2017)3made of wood at least as soft as the pole under test and shallhave dimensions as shown in Fig. 2.13. Load13.1 The load shall be applied at a point 2 ft (600 mm) fro

43、mthe tip of the pole by a power winch, or other means ofsufficient capacity and capable of pulling at a constant rate ofspeed. The pulling line shall be kept level between the winchposition and the point where load is applied to the pole. Theload shall be applied continuously until the pole fails, a

44、nd atsuch a rate of speed as to cause a deflection at the point of loadof N in./min (mm/min), as determined by the equation:N 5 2ZL2/3Ct(1)where:N = rate of deflection, in./min (mm/min),Z = rate of fiber strain, in./in.min (mm/mmmin) = 0.0010,the value specified in Test Methods D198,L = lever arm, i

45、n. (mm), andCt= circumference at point of load application, in. (mm).14. Pulling Line14.1 The pulling line shall be secured around the pole at theload point. The load measuring device shall be placed in serieswith the pulling line and the line to the winch with afree-running swivel on each side of i

46、t.15. Winch Positions15.1 If the winch G, Fig. 1, is set far enough away from thepole to make the angle between the initial and final positions ofthe pulling line small, the error in assuming that the pull isalways perpendicular to the original direction of the pole axiswill be negligible. The winch

47、 shall be located at the positionsgiven in Table 1.16. Load Measurement16.1 Load shall be measured by a suitable measuring deviceplaced in series in the pulling line. The recommended methodis a calibrated metal tension bar fitted with calibrated electric-type strain gages, suitably wrapped or housed

48、 for protectionagainst shock when the pole breaks. This method permitsremote reading of loads and minimizes the possibility ofpersonal injury during test. Alternatively, where electric-typestrain gaging equipment is not available, load may be measuredby a dynamometer of suitable capacity, graduated

49、in 50-lb(200-N) divisions. Calibration of the dynamometer shall bechecked at frequent intervals during the tests. The load-measuring device shall be supported on a sled or cradle movingon a suitable platform or level space. The sled or cradle and thesurface on which it moves shall be such that the force requiredto pull it shall not add materially to the measured load on thepole.17. Deflections17.1 The deflection of the pole at the point of load shall bemeasured at such intervals of load as to provide not less than15 simultaneous readings of load and deflection. A greate


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