ASTM D1555-2009 Standard Test Method for Calculation of Volume and Weight of Industrial Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Cyclohexane《工业芳烃和环己烷体积和重量的计算的标准试验方法》.pdf

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ASTM D1555-2009 Standard Test Method for Calculation of Volume and Weight of Industrial Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Cyclohexane《工业芳烃和环己烷体积和重量的计算的标准试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D1555-2009 Standard Test Method for Calculation of Volume and Weight of Industrial Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Cyclohexane《工业芳烃和环己烷体积和重量的计算的标准试验方法》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM D1555-2009 Standard Test Method for Calculation of Volume and Weight of Industrial Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Cyclohexane《工业芳烃和环己烷体积和重量的计算的标准试验方法》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM D1555-2009 Standard Test Method for Calculation of Volume and Weight of Industrial Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Cyclohexane《工业芳烃和环己烷体积和重量的计算的标准试验方法》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM D1555-2009 Standard Test Method for Calculation of Volume and Weight of Industrial Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Cyclohexane《工业芳烃和环己烷体积和重量的计算的标准试验方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: D 1555 09Standard Test Method forCalculation of Volume and Weight of Industrial AromaticHydrocarbons and Cyclohexane1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1555; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of rev

2、ision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1. Scope*1.1 This standard is

3、for use in calculating the weight andvolume of benzene, toluene, mixed xylenes, styrene, ortho-xylene, meta-xylene, para-xylene, cumene, ethylbenzene, 300to 350F and 350 to 400F aromatic hydrocarbons, andcyclohexane. A method is given for calculating the volume at60F from an observed volume at tF. T

4、able 1 lists the densityin pounds per gallon at 60F for high purity chemicals.1.2 Calculated results shall be rounded off in accordancewith the rounding-off method of Practice E29.1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. No other units of measurement are included in t

5、hisstandard.1.3.1 A complete SI unit companion standard has beendeveloped in Test Method D 1555M.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health

6、practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 1217 Test Method for Density and Relative Density(Specific Gravity) of Liquids by Bingham PycnometerD 1555M Test Method for Calculation of Volume andWeight of Industrial Aro

7、matic Hydrocarbons and Cyclo-hexane MetricD 3505 Test Method for Density or Relative Density ofPure Liquid ChemicalsD 4052 Test Method for Density and Relative Density ofLiquids by Digital Density MeterE29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data toDetermine Conformance with Specifications

8、2.2 Other Documents:American Petroleum Society Research Project 443Patterson, J. B., and Morris, E. C. Metrologia, 31, 1994, pp.277-288NSRDS-NIST 75-121 TRC Thermodynamic TablesHydrocarbons, Supplement No. 121, April 30, 200143. Significance and Use3.1 This test method is suitable for use in calcula

9、tingweights and volumes of the products outlined in Section 1. Theinformation presented in this method can be used for deter-mining quantities of the above-stated aromatic hydrocarbons intanks, shipping containers, etc.4. Basic Data4.1 Densities of pure materials at 60F are derived fromdensities fur

10、nished by NSRDS-NIST 75-121 (National Stan-dard Reference Data SeriesNational Institute of Standardsand Technology). Densities of impure materials should bedetermined by actual measurement (see Section 7).4.2 The VCF (Volume Correction Factor) equations pro-vided below were derived from the Volume C

11、orrection Tablespresented in the previous edition of this standard, MethodD 1555-95. Although reported as based on the AmericanPetroleum Institute Research Project 44, the actual documen-tation that could be found is incomplete. As regression of theNIST data (Appendix X1) provided VCFs that differ f

12、rom thehistorical VCFs by only 0 to 6 0.12 % (depending on thecompound), the decision was made to use the previous meth-ods VCF tables.4.3 The VCF tables were regressed with a commerciallyavailable data regression program (TableCurve 2D V4). How-ever, any modern regression program should produce the

13、 sameresults.1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D16 onAromatic Hydrocarbons and Related Chemicals and is the direct responsibility ofSubcommittee D16.01 on Benzene, Toluene, Xylenes, Cyclohexane and TheirDerivatives.Current edition approved June 1, 2009. Published July 200

14、9. Originally approvedin 1957. Last previous edition approved in 2004 as D 1555 04a.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary p

15、age onthe ASTM website.3“Selected Values of Properties of Hydrocarbons and Related Compounds,”prepared by American Petroleum Institute Research Project 44 at the ChemicalThermodynamics Center, Department of Chemistry, Texas A however there is no reason to change this recommenda-tion. If, depending o

16、n the composition of the impurities, thereis reason to suspect that the VCF implementation procedurespresented below do not apply to a particular impure product, aseparate implementation procedure should be independentlydetermined. This may be done by measuring the density of arepresentative sample

17、at different temperatures throughout theexpected working temperature range, regressing the data toobtain a temperature/density equation that best reproduces theobserved data, and then dividing the constants of thetemperature/density equation by the calculated density at 60F.Alternatively, if the com

18、position has been quantified one canuse the VCFs of each component (if available) to calculate aweighted average density at different temperatures and thenprocess the data as mentioned above.5. Volume Correction Factor Implementation Procedure5.1 The following general equation is used to generate th

19、eVolume Correction Factors:VCF 5 a 1 bt 1 ct21 dt31 et4(1)where:t = temperature in Fand constants a through e are specific to each compound(presented in Table 3).5.1.1 Temperature may be entered in tenths of a degreeFahrenheit.5.1.2 The final result is rounded to 5 places past the decimal.No interme

20、diate rounding or truncation should be done.5.1.3 The equations are valid for liquid product up to 140F(150F for p-xylene).5.1.4 This implementation procedure replaces the printedtables of the previous edition of this Method for determiningVCFs. The implementation procedure is the Standard, notthe p

21、rinted tables. However, a printout of the implementationprocedure is provided in 1F increments for the users conve-nience (Table 4).6. Use of the Implementation Procedure6.1 Volume Reduction to 60FEnter the appropriate equa-tion with the temperature to the nearest 0.1 degree Fahrenheitat which the b

22、ulk volume was measured (temperature t). Afterperforming the mathematical operations, round the resultingVCF to 5 places past the decimal. Multiply the bulk volumemeasurement at temperature t by the VCF.NOTE 1The purchaser and seller should agree on a reasonable policyin regard to rounding of final

23、numbers in all computations. Rounding thefinal weight or volume to five significant figures is, in most cases, alsoacceptable.TABLE 1 Physical PropertiesProductFreezingPointFBoilingPointF60F Densityin Vacuog/ccA,BDensity in Vacuoat 60Flb/galCDensity in Airat 60Flb/galDBenzene 42.0 176.2 0.88373 7.37

24、51 7.3662Cumene -140.9 306.3 0.86538 7.2219 7.2130Cyclohexane 43.8 177.3 0.78265 6.5315 6.5225Ethylbenzene -139.0 277.1 0.87077 7.2669 7.2580Styrene -23.1 293.4 0.90979 7.5926 7.5837Toluene -139.0 231.1 0.87096 7.2685 7.2596m-Xylene -54.2 282.4 0.86784 7.2425 7.2336o-Xylene -13.3 291.9 0.88340 7.372

25、3 7.3634p-Xylene 55.9 281.0 0.86456 7.2151 7.2062ABased on regression of 2001 TRC Thermodynamic Tables, Hydrocarbons, NSRDS-NIST 75-121 (April 30, 2001). The data is presented in Appendix X1.BSpecific Gravity has been deleted from this table as unnecessary to this standard. If needed, divide 60F den

26、sity in g/cc divided by 0.999016 g/cc. See Appendix X2.CProduced by multiplying the density in g/cc by 8.34540438 and rounding to 4 decimal places.DProduced using lb/gal = (Density 1.00014992597 0.00119940779543) 8.34540438, rounding to 4 decimal places. See Appendix X3.NOTE 1Densities (or weights)

27、“in vacuo” represent the true density (or weight) if measured in a vacuum without the buoyancy effect of air actingon the liquid. It is representative of the actual amount of product present. Densities (or weights) “in air” represent what would actually be measured ona scale. The difference is on th

28、e order of 0.13 %. Modern densitometers measure density in vacuo and the ASTM and API recommend the use of in vacuodensities (or weights); however, the purchaser and seller should agree on which to use in their transactions.TABLE 2 Application Range of Implementation ProcedureImpure Products RangeBe

29、nzene 95 to 100%Cumene 95 to 100%Cyclohexane 90 to 100%Ethylbenzene 95 to 100%Styrene 95 to 100%Toluene 95 to 100%Mixed Xylenes All proportionsm-Xylene 95 to 100%o-Xylene 95 to 100%p-Xylene 94 to 100%300-350F Aromatic Hydrocarbons All proportions350-400F Aromatic Hydrocarbons All proportionsD1555092

30、6.1.1 Example 1What is the volume at 60F of a tank carof p-xylene whose volume was measured to be 9280 gal at amean temperature of 88.7F? Enter Eq 1 with 88.7 and the appropriate constantsfrom Table 3 to calculate a VCF of 0.98414. The volume at60F is:9280 0.98414 5 9132.8 gal6.2 Converting V

31、olume to Weight for Chemicals Listed inTable 1Multiply the volume in gallons at 60F (5 digits) bythe appropriate density in pounds per gallon at 60F (see Table1 and Table 1 Note).6.2.1 Example 2What is the weight of p-xylene whose netvolume is 9132.8 gal? The weight is:9132.8 7.2151 5 65,894

32、lb in vacuoor9132.8 7.2062 5 65,813 lb in air6.3 Converting Volume to Weight for MixturesCorrect themeasured bulk volume to 60F as described in 6.1. Determinethe density (all weights in vacuo) at 60F in grams per millilitre(or grams per cubic centimetre, they are equivalent) as de-scribed in Section

33、 7. To obtain the density in pounds per gallonin vacuo, multiply by the factor described in footnote C ofTable 1. To obtain the density in pounds per gallon in air at60F, use the equation described in footnote D of Table 1 (orrefer to Appendix X3).6.3.1 Example 3If the p-xylene in Example 2 is less

34、than100 % pure, its density should be determined by actualmeasurement. For instance, if the p-xylene is 95 % pure and itsdensity has been measured and determined to be 0.8651 g/mL(in vacuo) at 60F, the density in lb/gal is:0.8651 8.34540438! 5 7.2196 lb/gal in vacuoor0.8651 1.00014992597 0.001199407

35、79543! 8.345404385 7.2107 lb/gal in airThe weight of the net volume is thus:9132.8 7.2196 65,935 lb in vacuoor9132.8 7.2107 5 65,854 lb in air6.3.2 Example 4What is the weight of the contents of atank car of mixed xylenes having a measured 60F density of0.87638 g/mL (in vacuo), whose volume was dete

36、rmined to be9280 gal at a mean temperature of 88.7F? Enter Eq 1 with 88.7 and the appropriate constantsfrom Table 3 to calculate a VCF of 0.98438. The volume at60F is then 9280 0.98438 = 9135.0 gal. The density in lb/gal at 60F is:0.87638 8.34540438! 5 7.3137 lb/gal in vacuoor0.87638 1

37、.00014992597 0.00119940779543! 8.345404385 7.3048 lb/gal in air6.3.2.3 The weight of the net volume is thus:9135 7.3137 5 66,811 lb in vacuoor9135 7.3048 5 66,729 lb in air7. Density Determination7.1 Density determinations may be carried out by anyprocedure known to be reliable to at least 4 digits.

38、 TestMethods D 1217, D 3505, and D 4052 are suitable and arewritten to give density in vacuo. They should be used withcaution, however, as they may be using the older data than thatupon which this standard is based upon.8. Precision and Bias8.1 Since this is a calculation method, no precision and bi

39、asstatement is required.9. Keywords9.1 aromatic; benzene; calculation; conversion; cumene;density; ethylbenzene; in air; in vacuo; m-xylene; mixedxylene; o-xylene; p-xylene; specific gravity; styrene; 300 to350F aromatic hydrocarbons; 350 to 400F aromatic hydro-carbons; toluene; volume; weightTABLE

40、3 VCF ConstantsProduct a b c d eBenzene 1.038382492 -6.2307 3 10-4-2.8505 3 10-71.2692 3 10-100Cumene 1.032401114 -5.3445 3 10-4-9.5067 3 10-83.6272 3 10-110Cyclohexane 1.039337296 -6.4728 3 10-4-1.4582 3 10-71.03538 3 10-100Ethylbenzene 1.033346632 -5.5243 3 10-48.37035 3 10-10-1.2692 3 10-95.55061

41、 3 10-12Styrene 1.032227515 -5.3444 3 10-4-4.4323 3 10-800Toluene 1.035323647 -5.8887 3 10-42.46508 3 10-9-7.2802 3 10-120m-XyleneA1.031887514 -5.2326 3 10-4-1.3253 3 10-7-7.35960 3 10-110o-Xylene 1.031436449 -5.2302 3 10-4-2.5217 3 10-9-2.13840 3 10-100p-Xylene 1.032307000 -5.2815 3 10-4-1.8416 3 1

42、0-71.89256 3 10-100300-350F 1.031118000 -5.1827 3 10-4-3.5109 3 10-9-1.98360 3 10-110350-400F 1.029099000 -4.8287 3 10-4-3.7692 3 10-83.78575 3 10-110Aand Mixed Xylenes.D1555093TABLE 4 Volume Correction FactorsVolume Correction to 60FTemperatureFBenzene Cumene Cyclohexane Ethylbenzene Styrene Toluen

43、em-XyleneandMixedXyleneso-Xylene p-Xylene300 to 350AromaticHydrocarbons350 to 400AromaticHydrocarbons-5.0 . . . . . 1.03827 . . . . .-4.0 . . . . . 1.03768 . . . . .-3.0 . . . . . 1.03709 . . . . .-2.0 . . . . . 1.03650 . . . . .-1.0 . . . . . 1.03591 . . . . .0.0 . . . . . 1.03532 . . . . .1.0 . .

44、. . . 1.03473 . . . . .2.0 . . . . . 1.03415 . . . . .3.0 . . . . . 1.03356 . . . . .4.0 . . . . . 1.03297 . . . . .5.0 . 1.02973 . 1.03058 . 1.03238 1.02927 1.02882 . 1.02853 1.026686.0 . 1.02919 . 1.03003 . 1.03179 1.02874 1.02830 . 1.02801 1.026207.0 . 1.02866 . 1.02948 . 1.03120 1.02822 1.02778

45、. 1.02749 1.025728.0 . 1.02812 . 1.02893 . 1.03061 1.02769 1.02725 . 1.02697 1.025239.0 . 1.02758 . 1.02837 . 1.03002 1.02717 1.02673 . 1.02645 1.0247510.0 . 1.02705 . 1.02782 . 1.02944 1.02664 1.02621 . 1.02593 1.0242711.0 . 1.02651 . 1.02727 . 1.02885 1.02612 1.02568 . 1.02542 1.0237812.0 . 1.0259

46、7 . 1.02672 . 1.02826 1.02559 1.02516 . 1.02490 1.0233013.0 . 1.02544 . 1.02616 . 1.02767 1.02506 1.02464 . 1.02438 1.0228214.0 . 1.02490 . 1.02561 . 1.02708 1.02454 1.02411 . 1.02386 1.0223315.0 . 1.02436 . 1.02506 1.02420 1.02649 1.02401 1.02359 . 1.02334 1.0218516.0 . 1.02383 . 1.02450 1.02367 1.

47、02590 1.02348 1.02307 . 1.02282 1.0213617.0 . 1.02329 . 1.02395 1.02313 1.02531 1.02295 1.02254 . 1.02231 1.0208818.0 . 1.02275 . 1.02340 1.02259 1.02472 1.02243 1.02202 . 1.02179 1.0204019.0 . 1.02221 . 1.02284 1.02206 1.02414 1.02190 1.02150 . 1.02127 1.0199120.0 . 1.02167 . 1.02229 1.02152 1.0235

48、5 1.02137 1.02097 . 1.02075 1.0194321.0 . 1.02114 . 1.02174 1.02098 1.02296 1.02084 1.02045 . 1.02023 1.0189422.0 . 1.02060 . 1.02118 1.02045 1.02237 1.02031 1.01993 . 1.01971 1.0184623.0 . 1.02006 . 1.02063 1.01991 1.02178 1.01978 1.01940 . 1.01920 1.0179724.0 . 1.01952 . 1.02007 1.01938 1.02119 1.

49、01925 1.01888 . 1.01868 1.0174925.0 . 1.01898 . 1.01952 1.01884 1.02060 1.01872 1.01836 . 1.01816 1.0170026.0 . 1.01844 . 1.01896 1.01830 1.02001 1.01819 1.01783 . 1.01764 1.0165227.0 . 1.01790 . 1.01841 1.01777 1.01943 1.01766 1.01731 . 1.01712 1.0160328.0 . 1.01736 . 1.01785 1.01723 1.01884 1.01713 1.01679 . 1.01660 1.0155529.0 . 1.01682 . 1.01730 1.01669 1.01825 1.01660 1.01626 . 1.01608 1.0150630.0 . 1.01628 . 1.01674 1.01615 1.01766 1.01607 1.01574 . 1.01557 1.0145831.0 . 1.01574 .

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