ASTM D1566-2010 Standard Terminology Relating to Rubber.pdf

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1、Designation: D1566 10Standard Terminology Relating toRubber1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D1566; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the

2、 year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This terminology covers definitions of technical termsused in the rubber industry. Terms that are generally under-stood or adequately defined in other readily available s

3、ourcesare not included.1.2 Definitions for terms that have been established by otherbodies recognized as expert in the field will, after ballotapproval, be inserted in this terminology without change, andthe source of the definition will be identified. Exceptions to thisrule will be where the meanin

4、g of the term as used in the rubberindustry is different from the common meaning of the term.1.3 Users of this terminology who require mathematicalexpressions for the time and temperature dependent physicalproperties of some terms found in this standard should refer toGuide D5992 and other standards

5、 listed under referenceddocuments. Selected terms from Guide D5992 may be found inAnnex A1.1.4 Although this terminology standard avoids the inclusionof jargon and archaic terms as much as possible, some termshave been retained for historical reasons.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D412 T

6、est Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermo-plastic ElastomersTensionD925 Test Methods for Rubber PropertyStaining of Sur-faces (Contact, Migration, and Diffusion)D1076 Specification for RubberConcentrated, AmmoniaPreserved, Creamed, and Centrifuged Natural LatexD1148 Test Method for Rubber Deterio

7、rationDiscoloration from Ultraviolet (UV) and Heat Exposure ofLight-Colored SurfacesD1415 Test Method for Rubber PropertyInternationalHardnessD1646 Test Methods for RubberViscosity, Stress Relax-ation, and Pre-Vulcanization Characteristics (Mooney Vis-cometer)D1765 Classification System for Carbon B

8、lacks Used inRubber ProductsD3053 Terminology Relating to Carbon BlackD5992 Guide for Dynamic Testing of Vulcanized Rubberand Rubber-Like Materials Using Vibratory MethodsD6085 Practice for Sampling in Rubber TestingTerminology and Basic ConceptsE6 Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testi

9、ngE20 Practice for Particle Size Analysis of Particulate Sub-stances in the Range of 0.2 to 75 UM by Optical Micros-copy3E28 Test Methods for Softening Point of Resins Derivedfrom Naval Stores by Ring-and-Ball ApparatusE111 Test Method for Youngs Modulus, Tangent Modulus,and Chord ModulusE126 Test M

10、ethod for Inspection, Calibration, and Verifica-tion of ASTM Hydrometers2.2 ISO Standards:41382-82 Rubber-Vocabulary Second Edition (Addendum16-18-1998)3. Terminologyabrasion, nsurface loss of a material due to frictional forces.abrasion resistance index, nmeasure of the abrasion resis-tance of a ru

11、bber relative to that of a standard rubber underthe same specified conditions, expressed as a percentage.accelerated life test, ntest method designed to approximatein a short time, the deteriorating effect of normal long-termservice conditions.accelerator, delayed action, naccelerator that, in conju

12、nc-tion with other curing agent(s), produces, at vulcanizingtemperatures, a period of no significant cross-linking, fol-lowed by a period of rapid cross-link formation.accelerator (rubber), ncompounding material used in smallamounts with a vulcanizing agent to increase the speed ofvulcanization.1Thi

13、s terminology is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D11 on Rubberand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D11.08 on Terminology.Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2010. Published March 2010. Originallyapproved in 1957. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as D1566 09.The boldface desig

14、nations refer to the original source of the definition and theASTM technical committee having jurisdiction. DOI: 10.1520/D1566-10.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume informat

15、ion, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Withdrawn. The last approved version of this historical standard is referencedon from International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1 rue deVaremb, Case postale 56, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland.1

16、Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.DISCUSSIONProperties of a vulcanizate are changed by the type oramount of accelerator used.activator, ncompounding material used in small proportionsto increase the effectiveness of an a

17、ccelerator.adhesion, ncondition in which surfaces are held together bychemical or physical forces or both.adhesion failure, nloss of structural integrity due to theseparation of two bonded surfaces at the bond interface.adhesion value, nforce required to cause adhesion failure.DISCUSSIONAny separati

18、on occurring at any other point, for ex-ample, inside either component under test, is a failure of the componentmaterial, and such separation should not be considered as indicatingadhesion strength.adhesive failure, nseparation of two bonded surfaces thatoccurs within the bonding material.DISCUSSION

19、Adhesive failure occurs when the adhesive strength ofa bonding material is greater than its cohesive strength.aftercure, ncontinuation of the process of vulcanizationafter the energy source has been removed.age resistance, nability of a material to resist deteriorationcaused by ageing.agglomerate, c

20、ompounding material, ncluster of particlesof one or more compounding materials loosely held together.agglomerate, latex, ncluster of rubber particles in a colloi-dal aqueous suspension of such particles.agglomerates, nclusters of particles of compounding mate-rials contained in a continuous rubber p

21、hase.agglomeration (latex), nreversible or irreversible joiningtogether of latex particles.ageing (act of), nexposure of materials to a deterioratingenvironment for a specified time interval.ageing (rubber), nirreversible change of material propertiesduring exposure to a deteriorating environment, f

22、or a speci-fied time interval.ageing, accelerated, nexposure of rubber to a test environ-ment with the intent of producing, in a shorter time period,effects similar to normal ageing.ageing, air bomb, nprocess of exposing materials to theaction of air at an elevated temperature and pressure.ageing, a

23、ir oven, nprocess of exposing materials to theaction of air at an elevated temperature at atmosphericpressure.ageing, natural, nageing under normal service conditions.ageing, oxygen bomb, nprocess of exposing materials to theaction of oxygen at an elevated temperature and pressure.ageing, shelf, nag

24、eing during storage.alloy, nunique composition of two or more polymers that hasone or more of the polymers treated or processed in a specialway to confer enhanced performance characteristics on theresulting material.anticoagulant (natural rubber latex), nsubstance added tofield latex from Havea bras

25、iliensis or to guayule latex toretard bacterial action which would otherwise cause rapidcoagulation of the latex.DISCUSSIONThe word “stabilizer” is often used in place of “antico-agulant” in latex terminology.antidegradant, ncompounding material used to retard dete-rioration caused by oxidation, ozo

26、ne, light, and combina-tions of these.DISCUSSION“Antidegradant” is a generic term for such additives asantioxidants, antiozonants, and waxes.antiflex cracking agent, ncompounding material used toretard cracking caused by cyclic deformations.antifoaming agent, nagent that inhibits bubble formation in

27、an agitated liquid, usually by reducing the surface tension.antioxidant, ncompounding material used to retard deterio-ration caused by oxidation.antiozonant, ncompounding material used to retard deterio-ration caused by ozone.antistatic agent, nmaterial which reduces the tendency foraccumulation of

28、electric charge on the surface of an article.apparent density, nSee density, bulk, the preferred term.aromatic oil, nhydrocarbon process oil containing at least35 %, by mass, of aromatic hydrocarbons.ash, nresidue from incineration of a material under specifiedconditions.autoclave (rubber), npressur

29、e vessel used for vulcanizingrubber products by means of steam under pressure.backrinding, nmolding defect in which the rubber adjacentto the spew line shrinks below the surface of the moldedproduct, with the spew line often being ragged and torn.bag cure, nmethod of vulcanization in which an inflat

30、edflexible bag is used to impart positive internal pressure onthe article being vulcanized.balata, nhard thermoplastic consisting of approximatelyequal proportions of trans-polyisoprene and resin, obtainedfrom trees of the Sapotaceae family.bale coating, ncoating applied to surfaces of rubber balest

31、hat inhibits adhesion to other surfaces.ball mill, nclosed rotating cylinder containing hard balls (orother shaped members) that serves to grind coarse materialsto a finer particle (mill, calender, or spreader), nreservoir of material atthe opening between rolls (mill or calender), or at t

32、hespreader bar.batch, nproduct of one mixing operation.bench marks, ntwo marks of known separation applied to aspecimen to measure the strain of the specimen scorch, nsignificant, reversible increase in the elasticproperties of a rubber compound due to interactions betweenthe p

33、olymer and carbon black. The term “black scorch” isnot related to “scorch.”blank, nportion of a rubber compound of suitable volume tofill the cavity of a mold.bleeding, nexuding of a liquid compounding material fromthe surface of a vulcanized or unvulcanized rubber.D1566 102blister(s), nsurface or i

34、nternal imperfection(s), produced byentrapped gases or other volatiles, during the manufacture ofrubber articles.bloom (rubber), nliquid or solid material that has migratedto the surface of a rubber and generally changes the surfaceappearance.blow, nvolume expansion that occurs during the production

35、of cellular or sponge rubber.blowing agent, ncompounding material used to produce gasby chemical or physical action, or both, in the manufactureof hollow or cellular articles.booster, nsynonym for secondary accelerator, which is thepreferred term.bound monomer, nmonomer that is combined or reactedwi

36、th itself or other types of monomers in a polymerizationreaction to form a polymer.DISCUSSIONThis term is used in synthetic rubber production, andthe bound monomer is normally expressed as a percentage of totalpolymer.bound rubber, nnonvulcanized polymer attached to a fillerthrough any combination o

37、f absorption, chemisxorption,physical entrapment, or crosslinking of free molecules; thepolymer-filler combination is insoluble in solvents thatnormally dissolve the polymer.branched polymer, npolymer that has side chains of thesame monomer composition as the main chain attached atpoints along the m

38、ain chain.buffing rubber, nparticulate rubber produced as a byproductof the buffing operation in the carcass preparation stage of atire retreading; characterized by a wide range of particlesizes that are predominately elongated or acicular in shape.See particulate rubber.DISCUSSIONThe appearance of

39、the unique shape of the particles ofthis material is only apparent in finished goods or products that containparticles having a dimension greater in size than 600 m (30 mesh).bulk density, nmass per unit volume of a material, includingany voids present.bumping, molding process, napplication, release

40、, and re-application of pressure prior to the start of vulcanization tovent entrapped gases, thereby facilitating complete filling ofthe mold.calender, nmachine with two or more parallel, counter-rotating rolls with a controllable, roll-to-roll spacing, rotat-ing at selected surface speeds and contr

41、olled temperatures,used for sheeting, laminating, skim coating (topping) andfriction coating, to a controlled thickness and/or surfacecondition.carbon black, nmaterial consisting essentially of elementalcarbon in the form of near-spherical colloidal particles andcoalesced particle aggregates of coll

42、oidal size, obtained bypartial combustion or thermal decomposition of hydrocar-bons. D3053carbon black, thermal, ntype of carbon black producedunder controlled conditions by the thermal decomposition ofhydrocarbons in the absence of air or flames.DISCUSSIONThese grades are designated with an “N” fir

43、st characterand a second character of “8 or 9” in Table 1 of Classification D1765.D3053carbon black, thermal, acetylenic, nthermal black pro-duced from acetylene gas D3053carbon gel (carbon-rubber-gel), nportion of rubber that isnot leached by a solvent under specified conditions, from anintimate mi

44、xture of carbon black and unvulcanized rubber.carcass, nfabric, cord, or metal reinforced section, or allthree, of a rubber product as distinguished from the rubbertube, cover, or tread.cell, nsingle small cavity surrounded partially or completelyby walls.cell, closed, ncell totally enclosed by its

45、walls, hence notinterconnecting with other cells.cell, open, ncell not totally enclosed by its walls and henceinterconnecting with other cells.cellular material, ngeneric term for materials containingmany cells (either open, closed, or both) dispersed through-out the mass.cellular material, collapse

46、, nundesirable densification of acellular material resulting from the breakdown of its cellularstructure.cellular material, cored, ncellular material containing amultiplicity of holes (usually, but not necessarily, cylindricalin shape), molded or cut into the material in some patternnormally perpend

47、icular to the largest surface, and extendingpart or all the way through the piece.cellular material, flexible, ncellular organic polymericmaterial that will not rupture when a specimen 200 by 25 by25 mm (8 by 1 by 1 in.) is bent around a 25-mm (1-in.)diameter mandrel at a uniform rate of one lap in5

48、satatemperature between 18 and 29C.cellular rubber, nrubber products containing cells or hollowreceptacles which may be open, interconnecting, or closedand not interconnecting.cellular striation, ncondition characterized by a layerwithin a cellular material that differs greatly from thecharacteristi

49、c cell structure.cement, rubber, nadhesive that is either a liquid dispersionor solution of raw or compounded rubber, or both.centrifuged rubber latex, nlatex, the rubber concentrationof which has been increased by the removal of water bycentrifugal force.chalking (rubber), nformation of a powdery residue on thesurface of a rubber, commonly resulting from surfacedegradation.chatter marks, ndefect on calendered sheeting consisting oftransverse narrow bands of alternately thicker and thinne


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