ASTM D1835-2018 Standard Specification for Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases.pdf

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1、Designation: D1835 16D1835 18Standard Specification forLiquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D1835; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in

2、 parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope*1.1 This specification covers those products commonly referred to as liquefied petroleum gases, consisting of propane, propene(propylene), butane,

3、and mixtures of these materials. Four basic types of liquefied petroleum gases are provided to cover thecommon use applications.1.2 This specification is applicable to products intended for use as domestic, commercial and industrial heating, and enginefuels.1.3 The values stated in SI units are to b

4、e regarded as standard. The values given in parentheses after SI units are provided forinformation only and are not considered standard.1.3.1 ExceptionNon-SI values are provided for information only. The non-SI unit psigis the standard unit for footnote B ofTable 1 because that unit of measurement i

5、s widely used in North American industry.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibilityof the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety safety, health, and healthenvironmental practices and determine the

6、applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.5 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardizationestablished in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issuedby

7、the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D1265 Practice for Sampling Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases, Manual MethodD1267 Test Method for Gauge Vapor Pressure of Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases (LP-Gas Method)D1657 Test Method f

8、or Density or Relative Density of Light Hydrocarbons by Pressure HydrometerD1837 Test Method for Volatility of Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases (Withdrawn 2017)3D1838 Test Method for Copper Strip Corrosion by Liquefied Petroleum (LP) GasesD2158 Test Method for Residues in Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gase

9、sD2163 Test Method for Determination of Hydrocarbons in Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases and Propane/Propene Mixtures byGas ChromatographyD2420 Test Method for Hydrogen Sulfide in Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases (Lead Acetate Method)D2598 Practice for Calculation of Certain Physical Properties of Lique

10、fied Petroleum (LP) Gases from Compositional AnalysisD2713 Test Method for Dryness of Propane (Valve Freeze Method)D2784 Standard Test Method for Sulfur in Liquefied Petroleum Gases (Oxy-Hydrogen Burner or Lamp) (Withdrawn 2016)3D3700 Practice for Obtaining LPG Samples Using a Floating Piston Cylind

11、erD5504 Test Method for Determination of Sulfur Compounds in Natural Gas and Gaseous Fuels by Gas Chromatography andChemiluminescenceD5623 Test Method for Sulfur Compounds in Light Petroleum Liquids by Gas Chromatography and Sulfur Selective Detection1 This specification is under the jurisdiction of

12、ASTM Committee D02 on Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeD02.H0 on Liquefied Petroleum Gas.Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2016Aug. 1, 2018. Published October 2016August 2018. Originally approved in 1961. Last previous edition approved i

13、n 20132016 asD1835 13.16. DOI: 10.1520/D1835-16.10.1520/D1835-18.2 For referencedASTM standards, visit theASTM website,, or contactASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standardsvolume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on the ASTM webs

14、ite.3 The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Becauseit may not be technically possible

15、 to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current versionof the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standardCopyrig

16、ht ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1D6667 Test Method for Determination of Total Volatile Sulfur in Gaseous Hydrocarbons and Liquefied Petroleum Gases byUltraviolet FluorescenceD6897 Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Liquefied Pe

17、troleum Gases (LPG) (Expansion Method)D7756 Test Method for Residues in Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases by Gas Chromatography with Liquid, On-Column InjectionD7828 Test Method for Determination of Residue Composition in Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Using Automated ThermalDesorption/Gas Chromatograph

18、y (ATD/GC)2.2 Gas ProcessorsGPA Midstream Association Standard:4GPA Standard 2140 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Specifications and Test Methods3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 commercial butane, na hydrocarbon product for use where low volatility is required.3.1.2 commercial PB mixtures, nmixtures of p

19、ropane and butane for use where intermediate volatility is required.3.1.3 commercial propane, na hydrocarbon product for use where high volatility is required. Commercial propane is suitablefor certain low severity internal combustion engine applications.3.1.4 liquefied petroleum gas (LP Gas, LPG),

20、na narrow boiling range mixture of hydrocarbons consisting of propane,propylene, butanes and butylenes, individually or in specified combinations, with limited amounts of other hydrocarbons (such asethane) and naturally occurring, petroleum-derived, non-hydrocarbons. DiscussionLPG is typicall

21、y maintained in a liquid state by containing it within a closed container or storage tank that can withstand the vaporpressure of the LPG at ambient temperature, or at a low temperature in refrigerated storage. DiscussionIn many jurisdictions, LPG for fuel purposes is required to be odorized

22、with a stenching agent such as ethyl mercaptan.3.1.5 special-duty propane, na product composed chiefly of propane which exhibits superior antiknock characteristics andwas specifically developed for use as fuel in spark ignition spark-ignition internal combustion engines.4. Sampling4.1 Proper samplin

23、g of liquefied gases is extremely important if the test results are to be significant. Obtain representativesamples in accordance with Practice D1265 or Practice D3700. In the event of a dispute involving sample integrity when samplingfor testing against D1835 requirements, Practice D3700 shall be u

24、sed as the referee sampling procedure.5. Detailed Requirements5.1 The four types of liquefied petroleum gases shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table 1.6. Keywords6.1 butane; HD-5 propane; liquefied petroleum (LP) gases specifications; LPG; propane; special duty propane4 Available from

25、 Gas Processors Association, 6526 E. 60th St., Tulsa, OK 74145. GPA Midstream Association, 6060 American Plaza, Suite 700,Tulsa, OK 74135, http:/ 182TABLE 1 Detailed Requirements for Liquefied Petroleum GasesProduct TypeCommercialPropaneCommercialButaneCommercialPB MixturesSpe

26、cial-DutyPropaneAASTM Test Methods (seeSection 2)Vapor pressure at 37.8 C (100 F), maxkPa 1434 483 B 1434 D1267 or D2598 or D6897CVapor pressure at 37.8 C (100 F), kPa (psig)max1435 (208) 483 (70) B 1435 (208) D1267C or D2598 or D6897psig 208 70 B 208 D1267 or D2598 or D6897CHeavier hydrocarbon cont

27、aminants:DVolatile residue:evaporated temperature, 95 %, maxC 38.3 2.2 2.2 38.3F 37 36 36 37 D1837orButane and heavier, max, % by volume 2.5 . . 2.5 D2163Butane and heavier,E % by volume, max 2.5 . . 2.5 D2163Pentane and heavier, max, % by volume . 2.0 2.0 . D2163Pentane and heavier,F % by volume, m

28、ax . 2.0 2.0 . D2163Propylene content, max, % by volume . . . 5.0 D2163Propylene content, % by volume, max . . . 5.0 D2163Residual matter:DResidual matter:GOne of the following requirements shall be met:(1) Residue on evaporation of 100 mL, max, mL,and0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 D2158F(1) Residue on evapora

29、tion of 100 mL, mL, max,and0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 D2158IOil stain observation passE passE passE passE D2158FOil stain observation passH passH passH passH D2158Ior(2) Residue by gas chromatography, max, mg/kg 350 350 350 350 D7756(2) Residue by gas chromatography, mg/kg, max 350 350 350 350 D7756Density

30、 at 15 C or relative density at 15.6/15.6 C (60/60 F)G G G . D1657 or D2598Density at 15 C or relative density at 15.6/15.6 C (60/60 F)J J J . D1657 or D2598Corrosion, copper, strip No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 D1838HCorrosion, copper, strip No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 No. 1 D1838KSulfur, mg/kg (ppm mass) 185I 140

31、I 140I 123I D2784 or D6667JSulfur, mg/kg (ppm by mass), max 185L 140L 140L 123L D6667Hydrogen sulfide pass pass pass pass D2420Moisture content pass . . pass D2713Free water content . noneK noneK . .Free water content . noneM noneM . .A Equivalent to Propane HD-5 of GPA Standard 2140.B The permissib

32、le vapor pressures of products classified as PB mixtures shall not exceed 1430 kPa (208 psig)208 psig (1435 kPa) and additionally shall not exceed thatcalculated the pressure calculated in psig from the following relationship between the observed vapor pressure at 100 F (37.8 C) and the observed rel

33、ative density:densityat either 60 F or 15.6 C:Vapor pressure, psig, max5116721880 srelative density at 60 F/60 Fd (1)Vapor pressure,max5116721880 srelative density at 60 F/60 Fd or 116721880 srelative density at 15.6 C/15.6 Cd (2)5116721880 srelative density at 15.6 C/15.6 Cd (2)A specific mixture s

34、hall be designated by the vapor pressure at 100 F in pounds per square inch gage.gauge. To comply with the designation, the vapor pressure ofthe mixture shall be within +0 psi to 10 psi of the vapor pressure specified.C In case of dispute about the vapor pressure of a product, the value actually det

35、ermined by Test Method D1267 shall prevail over the value calculated by Practice D2598or measured by Test Method D6897.D See X1.2.2.3.E “Butane and heavier” includes all hydrocarbons (including olefins) with 4 or more carbon atoms.F “Pentane and heavier” includes all hydrocarbons (including olefins)

36、 with 5 or more carbon atoms.G See X1.2.4 for information about residues in LPG and for information about gas chromatographic tests for residues in LPG.D1835 183APPENDIX(Nonmandatory Information)X1. SIGNIFICANCE OF ASTM SPECIFICATIONS FOR LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM (LP) GASESX1.1 GeneralX1.1.1 Liquefied pe

37、troleum gas products are composed of those readily liquefiable hydrocarbon compounds that are produced inthe course of processing natural gas and also in the course of the conventional refining of crude oil. The composition of liquefiedgases can vary widely depending upon the source and the nature o

38、f the treatment to which the products have been subjected.X1.1.2 There are many uses for liquefied petroleum gases. Important uses include, (1) as domestic, commercial, and industrialfuels, (2) as a carbon source material in metal treating operations, ( 3) as refinery raw materials for synthesis of

39、gasolinecomponents, and (4) as petrochemical raw materials. The nature of the needs dictates the required composition characteristics inthese various applications. Since the last three uses of those listed are in the category of specialty applications, which involvespecial requirements, they are exc

40、luded from consideration in the specifications.X1.1.3 In substance, this specification is designed to properly define acceptable products for domestic, commercial, and industrialuses. In many cases it will be found that products meeting the specifications will also be usable in applications other th

41、an the onesfor which they were designed. The following can be accepted as a general guide in the more common use applications of the fourtypes of fuels:X1.1.3.1 Commercial PropaneThis fuel type is adequate for domestic, commercial, and industrial use, particularly ingeographical areas and in seasons

42、 where low ambient temperatures are common, and where uniformity of fuel is an importantconsideration. Commercial propane can be suitable for certain low severity internal combustion engine applications.X1.1.3.2 Commercial PB MixturesThis fuel type, since it covers a broad range of mixtures, permits

43、 the tailoring of fuels tospecific needs. The various mixtures find application as domestic, commercial, and industrial fuel in areas and at times when lowambient temperature conditions are not encountered. This fuel type is not suitable for vapor withdrawal applications in cool or coldclimates.X1.1

44、.3.3 Commercial ButaneThis fuel type finds limited application as a domestic fuel in areas of warmer climates. It issimilarly used in industrial applications where problems of fuel vaporization are not present, such as direct liquid injection.X1.1.3.4 Special-Duty PropaneThis fuel type, equivalent t

45、o HD-5 propane, is a product tailored to meet the restrictive needsof internal combustion engines operating under moderate to high engine severity (that is, normal automotive applications). Fuelproducts of this type will be less variable in composition and combustion characteristics than the other p

46、roducts covered by thisspecification. Special-Duty Propane can be used as a substitute for Commercial Propane.X1.2 Significance and UseX1.2.1 This specification addresses commercial liquefied petroleum gases consisting of either propane or butane or mixturesH An acceptable product shall not yield a

47、persistent oil ring when 0.3 mLof solvent residue mixture is added to a filter paper, in 0.1 mLincrements and examined in daylightafter 2 min as described in Test Method D2158.I In case of dispute, Test Method D2158 shall be the referee test method.J Although not a specific requirement, the density

48、or relative density can be needed for other purposes and should be reported. Additionally, the relative density of PBmixture is needed to establish the permissible maximum vapor pressure (see Footnote B).K This method may not accurately determine the presence of reactive materials (for example, H2S,

49、 So) in liquefied petroleum gas if the product contains corrosion inhibitorsor other chemicals which diminish the reaction with the copper strip.L The total sulfur limits in these specifications do include sulfur compounds used for stenching purposes.J In case of dispute, Test Method D6667 shall be the referee test method.M The presence or absence of water may be determined by visual inspection of the samples on which the density or relative density is determined.D1835 184thereof. Consequently, the important cha

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