ASTM D2050-2004 Standard Terminology Relating to Subassemblies《有关组件的标准术语》.pdf

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1、Designation: D 2050 04Standard Terminology Relating toSubassemblies1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2050; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indi

2、cates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This terminology covers all terminology pertaining toitems that are considered subasseblies in the manufacture oftextile products (not including seams and stitc

3、hes). Textilejoining structures (seams and stitches) are discussed in detail in1.2 The principle parts of zippers defined in this terminol-ogy are illustrated in Figs. 1-9. These figures are descriptiveonly and are not intended to be restrictive as to design.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards

4、:2D 6193 Practice for Stitches and Seams3. Terminologyautomatic lock slider, na slider that provides involuntary,positive locking action on the chain when the pull isreleased.bail, na portion or portions of the slider to which the pull orpulls are attached. (Syn. lug.)bead, nin a separate element zi

5、pper, an enlarged section onthe inner edge of each tape to which interlockable elementsare affixed.bead, nin continuous element zippers, an optional enlargedsection of the tape located at the outer edge of the continuousinterlockable elements and against which the slider flangesbear.bottom assembly,

6、 nthe components of the lowermost part ofa slide fastener which determine whether the slide fastenerwill be non-separable or separable. (See also non-separablezipper and separable zipper.)bottom stop, na part affixed to both stringers immediatelybelow, or over the chain, holding the two stringers to

7、getherat the bottom and preventing the slider from leaving thechain. (See Fig. 1.)bridge top stop, na part affixed immediately above thechain, holding the tops of two stringers together and pre-venting the slider from leaving the chain. (See Fig. 2.)cam lock slider, na slider that incorporates a cur

8、led projec-tion or projections on the pull that extends through a windowor windows to effect a locking action by pressing against theinterlocking elements when the cam lock slider is in thelocked position.chain, nthe assemblage formed by interlocking severalelements of two stringers.chain thickness,

9、 nthe measurement from front to back of thechain.chain width, nthe measurement between the shoulders ofthe interlocked elements or between the outermost edges ofthe bead if the bead extends beyond the elements.connecting ring, na device shaped like the letter “D” used tosecure a pull, having more th

10、an one component in its design,to the bail of the slider.continuous element, na configured element formed continu-ously along a length of monofilament. (Compare separateelement.)continuous element zipper, na zipper consisting of twocontinuously formed elements, each attached to one of theopposing ed

11、ges of two tapes, which are engaged anddisengaged by the movement of a slider. (See Fig. 3.)(Compare separate element zipper.)cord, na strand of multiple yarns for use in forming a bead.crimp, nas applied to a continuous element zipper, thepredetermined formation of the monofilament cross-sectionat

12、the point where the continuous element is interlocked.cut-off, nthe measurement of a separate element from thehead side to the pocket side of the legs.diamond, nthe wedge-shaped portion of a slider between thethroats.element, na device designed for interlocking, capable ofbeing affixed along the edg

13、e of a tape. (Compare continuouselement and separate element.) (See Fig. 4.)exposed tape width, nthe part of the tape extending beyondthe shoulders of the interlocking elements to the outer tapeedge.fixed retainer, na device permanently attached to the re-tainer pin at the bottom of one stringer. (S

14、ee Fig. 5.)1This terminology is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D13 on Textilesand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D13.54 on Subassemblies. Thesedefinitions were developed in cooperation with the American Fastener and ClosureAssn. Inc.Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2004. Publi

15、shed October 2004. Originallyapproved in 1961. Last previous edition approved in 1997 as D 2050 032For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Docu

16、ment Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.DISCUSSIONThe fixed retainer has an opening shaped to fit theseparable pin. In order to close, the separable pin is passed through theslider body an

17、d then inserted into this opening. The fixed retainer holdsor retains the two stringers in alignment for interlocking.flange lock slider, na slider with notches in the flanges of theslider that block the shoulders of the elements when thestringers above the slider are pulled apart, thus preventingfu

18、rther separation of the chain.flanges, nthe edges of the slider formed to contain the chain.head, nthe portion of a element that engages the pocket.knuckleSee preferred term crimp.legs, nthe two portions of a separate element that affix theelement to the bead.lugSee preferred term bail.mouth, nthe o

19、pening in a slider that receives the chain.mouth width, nthe measurement between the slider flangesat the point where they bear against the shoulders of theinterlocked elements or at the outermost edges of the bead ifFIG. 1 Bottom StopFIG. 2 Bridge StopFIG. 3 Principle Parts of ZippersContinuous Ele

20、ment ZipperNOTE 1Elements are of many designs but the nomenclature isgenerally the same for all types.FIG. 4 ElementD2050042the bead extends beyond the elements.movable retainer, na movable or sliding device performinga similar function to that of the fixed retainer, the purposebeing to permit separ

21、ation of the two stringers from thebottom, without the necessity of opening the zipper from thetop. (See Fig. 6.)DISCUSSIONThis device is not removable from the bottom of thezipper.nonseparable zipper, na zipper having two stringers that arepermanently attached to each other at one or both ends. (Se

22、eFig. 7.) (Compare separable zipper.)pin lock slider, na slider that incorporates a projection onthe pull that fits between adjacent interlocking elements of azipper when a pin lock slider is in the locked, retainerSee retainer, separable See separable pin.pocket, nthe cavity of

23、 an element designed to receive thehead.pull, na part connected to a zipper slider by which the slideris operated.QDabbreviation for quick disassembly zipper. (See releas-ing stop.)QRabbreviation for quick release zipper. (See releasingstop.)ratchet lock slider, na slider with a locking mechanism th

24、atpermits the slider to slip along the chain upon application ofa predetermined force so as to prevent damage that wouldimpair either the service or use of either the slider or chain.releasing slider, na slider with a mechanical means forloosening the slider on the chain.releasing stop, na device at

25、tached at or near the top of thestringer on the separable pin side which limits the travel ofthe slider at the open end of the chain under normal closingoperations. (See Fig. 8.)DISCUSSIONThe slider may be forced beyond the releasing stopwhen added force is exerted towards the top of the zipper. Rel

26、easingstops are used on “quick release” or “quick disassembly” zippers.retainer, fixedSee fixed retainer.retainer, movable See movable retainer.retainer pin, na tube-like element, similar to the separablepin, attached over the bead at the bottom end of the stringeropposite to the separable pin and t

27、hat is designed to hold thefixed retainer in position.scoopDeprecated term, see element.separable pin, na tube-like element attached over the beadat the bottom end of one stringer.separable zipper, na zipper fitted with special componentsat the bottom of the chain, so as to permit completedisengagem

28、ent and then reengagement of the two stringers.(See Fig. 5.) (Compare nonseparable zipper.)separate element zipper, na zipper consisting of two seriesof separately formed elements, each attached to one of theopposing edges of two tapes, which are engaged anddisengaged by the movement of a slider. (S

29、ee Fig. 7.)(Compare continuous element zipper.)shoulder, nthe bearing surface of an interlocking element bywhich the chain is contained inside the flanges of the slider.slider, nthe part that opens a zipper when it is moved in onedirection and closes the zipper when it is moved in theopposite direct

30、ion. (See Fig. 9.)slider, automatic lock See automatic lock slider.slider, cam lockSee cam lock slider.slider, flange lock See flange lock slider.slider, pin lockSee pin lock slider.slider, ratchet lock See ratchet lock slider.slider, releasing See releasing slider.stop, nthe device at the top and b

31、ottom of the chain orstringer that prevents the slider from leaving the chain.FIG. 5 Separating PartsFIG. 6 Movable RetainerD2050043FIG. 7 Principal Parts of ZippersSeparate Element ZipperFIG. 8 Releasing StopsFIG. 9 SlidersD2050044stop, bottomSee bottom stop.stop, bridge topSee bridge top stop.stop

32、, releasingSee releasing stop.stop, topSee top stop.stringer, nthe tape, bead, and element assembly that consti-tutes one side of a chain.subassemblies, nany component or structure that is used inthe assembly of textile product.DISCUSSIONSubassemblies can be in the form of closures (forexample, zipp

33、ers, buttons, hook and loop fasteners) or methods ofjoining (for example, stitches and seams).tape, na strip of material along one edge of which the beadand elements are attached.tape ends, nthe tape extending beyond the stops at either orboth ends of the stringers.tape width, exposed See exposed ta

34、pe width.thong hole, nthe opening at the end of a pull.thread, element attaching Deprecated term.throats, nthe two openings in a slider that receive stop, na part affixed between or immediately above theinterlocking elements on either or both stringers, to preventthe slider from lea

35、ving the chain. (See Fig. 10.)trunnions, nthe two pivots at the end of the pull that fit intothe, nthe openings in pin-lock and cam-lock slidersthrough which the locking pin and cams, respectively, mayextend.zipper, na slide fastener consisting of interlockable elementseach attached to

36、one of the opposing edges of two tapes anda movable part called a “slider” that spans the interlockableelements, which when moved in one direction causes theelements on one tape to interlock with the elements on theother tape, and when moved in the opposite direction causesthe elements to disengage.

37、 (Compare continuous elementzipper and separate element zipper.)This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this stand

38、ard or for additional standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your vi

39、ews known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website( 10 Top StopD2050045


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