ASTM D346-2004e1 Standard Practice for Collection and Preparation of Coke Samples for Laboratory Analysis《实验室分析用焦炭试样的收集和制备标准实施规程》.pdf

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ASTM D346-2004e1 Standard Practice for Collection and Preparation of Coke Samples for Laboratory Analysis《实验室分析用焦炭试样的收集和制备标准实施规程》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D346-2004e1 Standard Practice for Collection and Preparation of Coke Samples for Laboratory Analysis《实验室分析用焦炭试样的收集和制备标准实施规程》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM D346-2004e1 Standard Practice for Collection and Preparation of Coke Samples for Laboratory Analysis《实验室分析用焦炭试样的收集和制备标准实施规程》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM D346-2004e1 Standard Practice for Collection and Preparation of Coke Samples for Laboratory Analysis《实验室分析用焦炭试样的收集和制备标准实施规程》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM D346-2004e1 Standard Practice for Collection and Preparation of Coke Samples for Laboratory Analysis《实验室分析用焦炭试样的收集和制备标准实施规程》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: D 346 04e1Standard Practice forCollection and Preparation of Coke Samples for LaboratoryAnalysis1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 346; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of la

2、st revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.e1NOTEFigure 2 was editorially corrected in July 2004.INTRODUCTIONCoke, especially run of oven coke or foundry coke, or both, is a

3、difficult material to sample. It isimperative that every sample be collected and handled carefully and conscientiously and in strictaccordance with the standard procedure described herein.Gross samples of not less than the quantities designated in this practice must be taken, whether thecoke to be s

4、ampled consists of a few tons or several hundred tons.1. Scope1.1 This practice covers procedures for the collection andreduction of samples of coke to be used for physical tests,chemical analyses, and the determination of total moisture.1.2 The values given in SI units are to be regarded as thestan

5、dard. The values given in parentheses are for informationonly.1.3 This standard does not purport to address the safetyconcerns associated with its use. It is the responsibility of theuser of this standard to establish appropriate safety and healthpractices and determine the applicability of regulato

6、ry limita-tions prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 167 Test Method for Apparent and True Specific Gravityand Porosity of Lump CokeD 293 Test Method for the Sieve Analysis of CokeD 2013 Practice of Preparing Coal Samples for AnalysisD 2234/D 2234M Practice for Collection of a G

7、ross Sampleof CoalD 3038 Test Method for Drop Shatter Test for CokeD 3302 Test Method for Total Moisture in CoalD 3402 Test Method for Tumbler Test for CokeD 6883 Practice for Manual Sampling of Stationary Coalfrom Railroad Cars, Barges, Trucks, or Stockpiles3. Significance and Use3.1 This practice

8、may be used to provide a representativesample of the coke from which it is collected. Because of thevariability of coke and the wide variety of sampling equipment,caution must be exercised in all stages of sampling, fromsystem specifications and equipment procurement to equip-ment acceptance testing

9、 and actually taking the final sample.3.2 This practice also provides an analysis sample of cokefrom the gross or divided sample. The analysis samples can beused to determine the value of the coke represented, its abilityto meet specifications, as well as for other purposes.4. Place of Sampling4.1 S

10、ample coke while it is being loaded into or unloadedfrom railroad cars, ships, barges, or trucks, or when dischargedfrom supply bins, grab buckets, belt conveyers, or other cokeconveying equipment. Sample close to the point of interest.5. Collection of Gross Sample5.1 Collect increments regularly, s

11、ystematically, and withsuch frequency, so that the entire quantity of coke sampled willbe represented proportionately in the gross sample, and a grosssample of the required amount will be collected. The standardgross sample shall equal or exceed the quantities given in Table1.5.1.1 The quantity of s

12、ample to be taken will depend on thesize of the coke being sampled and the amount of informationto be obtained from the sample. The size of the sieve analysis sample is governed bythe homogeneity of the coke being sampled. The quantitiesgiven in Table 1 represent the minimum quantity to be1Th

13、is practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D05 on Coal andCoke and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D05.23 on Sampling.Current edition approved April 1, 2004. Published April 2004. Originallyapproved in 1932. Last previous edition approved in 1998 as D 346 90 (1998).2For ref

14、erenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, We

15、st Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.collected. The sieve analysis sample will supply sufficient cokefor any subsequent physical tests and laboratory analysis. Totalmoisture of the coke should not be determined on the sieveanalysis sample. For the drop shatter test, a minimum of 75 k

16、g (165lb) of coke retained on 50-mm (2-in.) square mesh sieve iffurnace coke is being processed, or 140 kg (300 lb) of cokeretained on 75-mm (3-in.) square mesh sieve if foundry coke isbeing processed, is required. The quantities given in Table 1represent the minimum amounts required of sized coke.5

17、.1.1.3 The tumbler test requires a minimum of 35 kg (75lb) of coke that will pass a 75-mm (3-in.) square mesh sieveand can be retained on a 50-mm (2-in.) square mesh sieve, orthat which will pass a 64-mm (212-in.) square mesh sieve andcan be retained on a 38-mm (112-in.) square mesh sieve. Thequanti

18、ties given in Table 1 represent the minimum amount ofthe required sized coke. The apparent specific gravity test required a mini-mum of 23 kg (50 lb) of representative coke pieces. Thequantities given in Table 1 represent the minimum amounts ofthe required coke pieces. The determinatio

19、n of total moisture of the cokerequires approximately 45 kg (100 lb) of coke. The quantitiesgiven in Table 1 represent the minimum amount to be col-lected. The quantities given for samples for chemical analy-sis represent the minimum amounts to be collected.NOTE 1Samples collected from the su

20、rface of coke in piles, bins, cars,ships, or barges are, in general, unreliable because of size segregation andshould not be used for determining conformance to specifications unlessthe purchaser and the seller so agree. If necessary to collect a sample ofcoke from the surface of a loaded railroad c

21、ar, take nine equal incrementsabout 305 mm (1 ft) below the surface. Locate the nine points as shownin Fig. 1. The diameter of the hole must be at least 3 times that of thelargest piece in the shipment.6. Condition of Increment Collection6.1 Four conditions of increment collection are recognized:6.1

22、.1 Condition A (Stopped-Belt Cut), in which a loadedconveyor belt is stopped and a full cross-section cut withparallel sides is removed from the coke stream. The distancebetween the parallel faces shall not be less than three times thelength of the largest piece.6.1.2 Condition B (Full-Stream Cut),

23、in which a full crosssection is removed from a moving stream of coke.6.1.3 Condition C (Part-Stream Cut), in which a portion,not a full cross section, is removed from a moving stream ofcoke.6.1.4 Condition D (Stationary Sampling), in which a portionof coke is collected from a pile, a railroad car, a

24、 barge, or ashiphold.NOTE 2See Section 6 of Practice D 2234/D 2234M.7. Size of Increments7.1 To collect increments, use a shovel or specially designedtool or mechanical means for taking equal increments. Whenincrements are collected from the surface of a loaded rail car ortruck shipment, the gross s

25、ample shall consist of nine incre-ments of approximately equal quantity. When increments aretaken from piles, conveyor belts, barges, and so forth, the grosssample shall consist of not less than 25, nor more than 50increments, of approximately equal quantity.NOTE 3When large-size coke, such as found

26、ry coke, is beingsampled, it is likely that quantities larger than those given in Table 1 willbe collected. However, the minimum number of increments collectedshould not be decreased unless such is agreed upon between the purchaserand the seller.NOTE 4If the sample for chemical analysis is obtained

27、from the sieveanalysis sample, a sample not smaller than that shown in Table 1 shouldTABLE 1 Minimum Gross Sample Weights of Coke, kg (lb)UsageFoundry Coke Furnace CokeCoke BreezeARun of Oven Sized Run of Oven SizedSieve analysis (size consist) 364 (800) 227 (500) 227 (500) 182 (400) 45 (100)Drop sh

28、atter test 182 (400) 159 (350) 136 (300) 91 (200) .Tumbler test 68 (150) 45 (100) 57 (125) 57 (125) .Apparent specific gravity 46 (100) 46 (100) 46 (100) 46 (100) 23 (50)Coke moisture 46 (100) 46 (100) 46 (100) 46 (100) 23 (50)Chemical analysis 113 (250) 113 (250) 57 (125) 57 (125) 34 (75)ACoke pass

29、ing a34-in. (19-mm) square hole sieve or smaller top size.FIG. 1 Location of Sampling Points from Exposed Surface of CarD34604e12be reconstituted from the size fractions obtained when the sieve analysissample was processed.8. Quantities Represented8.1 Take a gross sample for each 454 Mg (500 tons) o

30、rfraction thereof, or in case of larger tonnages, for suchquantities as may be agreed upon. Sample separately each lotof coke arising from a different source or known to be ofdifferent quality or size.9. Processing of the Test Sample9.1 Process samples collected for sieve analysis of coke inaccordan

31、ce with the procedure given in Method D 293.9.2 Process samples collected for the drop shatter test inaccordance with the procedure given in Method D 3038.9.3 Process samples collected for the tumbler test in accor-dance with the procedure given in Method D 3402.9.4 Process samples collected for the

32、 determination ofapparent specific gravity and porosity in accordance with theprocedure given in Test Method D 167.9.5 Process samples taken for the determination of totalmoisture in accordance with the procedure given in TestMethod D 3302 and Practice D 2013.9.6 Prepare samples taken for chemical a

33、nalysis as directedin Section 10.10. Preparation of Coke Sample for Laboratory Analysis10.1 Crush, mix, and divide the entire gross sample inquantity to convenient size for transmission to the chemicallaboratory. Crush the sample, preferably by means of jaw orroll crushers, or on a chilled iron or h

34、ard steel plate by impactof a tamper, hard bar, or sledge, avoiding all rubbing actions asotherwise the ash yield can be materially increased by theaddition of iron from the sampling apparatus. Do the crushingunder such conditions as to prevent loss of coke or accidentalmixture of foreign matter.10.

35、2 Procedure A, Manual Riffling:10.2.1 Determine the number of passes required in theriffling operation from the total volume of the gross sample andthe minimum permissible weight in accordance with Table Divide the crushed gross sample by using a largeriffle. Riffles properly used will redu

36、ce sample variability butcannot eliminate it. Pass the crushed coke through the rifflefrom a feed scoop, feed bucket, or riffle pan having a lip oropening the full length of the riffle. When using any of theabove containers to feed the riffle, spread the crushed cokeevenly in the container, raise th

37、e container, and hold it with itsfront edge resting on top of the feed chute; then slowly tilt it sothat the coke flows in a uniform stream through the hopperstraight down over the center of the riffle into all the slots,thence, into the riffle pans, one half of the sample beingcollected in each pan

38、. Under no circumstances shovel thesample into the riffle, or dribble into the riffle from a small-mouth container. Do not allow the crushed coke to build up inor above the riffle slots. If it does not flow freely through theslots, shake or vibrate the riffle to facilitate even flow. Theopening of t

39、he riffle slot should be 2.5 to 3 times the size of thelargest particle.10.2.3 After crushing the gross sample of not less than 14 kg(30 lb) (see Table 2) for 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve size, usingsuitable pulverizing equipment, further reduce this subsampleto 2.36-mm (No. 8) sieve size and divide by rif

40、fling to not lessthan the quantity specified in Table 3 for 2.36-mm (No. 8) sievesize.10.2.4 With suitable pulverizing equipment, preferably aroll crusher or ball mill, reduce the 2.36-mm (No. 8) sieve sizesubsample to a 250-m (No. 60) sieve size.10.2.5 As an alternative to the procedure given in 10

41、.2.4, the2.36-mm (No. 8) sieve size subsample may be reduced to pass95 % through a 850-m (No. 20) sieve. Divide this subsampleby riffling with the small riffle to not less than the quantityspecified in Table 3, and then reduce to 250-m (No. 60) sievesize as described in Thoroughly mix

42、the laboratory analysis sample,weighing not less than 50 g, preferably, by mechanical means,before extracting portions for analysis.10.3 Procedure B, Hand Division:10.3.1 The method of dividing by hand the quantity of cokein a gross sample shall be carried out as described even thoughthe initial siz

43、e of coke and impurities may be less thanindicated in Table Do the progressive crushing and division in theweight of the sample to the quantities indicated in Table 2 bythe following method, which is described and illustrated in theaccompanying Fig. 2, until the maximum size of the coke is

44、13mm (12 in.), and the quantity is 27 kg (60 lb). Crush the grosssample to a maximum size of pieces of 50 mm (1 in.). Repeat the alternate-shovel method of dividing thegross sample until the sample is divided to approximately 57kg (125 lb) and take care to observe before each division inquan

45、tity that the sample has been crushed to the finenessspecified in Table 2. Shovel the crushed coke into a conical pile(Fig. 2 (2) by depositing each shovelful of coke on top of thepreceding one, and then form into a long pile in the followingmanner: Take a shovelful of coke from the conical pile and

46、spread it out in a straight pile (Fig. 2 (3A) having a widthequal to the width of the shovel and a length of 1.5 to3m(5to 10 ft). Spread the next shovelful directly over the top of thefirst shovelful, but in the opposite direction, and so on back andTABLE 2 Weights of Coke Samples with Corresponding

47、Crushing SizesWeight of Sample to Be DividedLargest Size of Coke and ImpuritiesAllowable in Sample Before Divisionkg lb mm in.113 or over 250 or over 25 157 125 193427 60 131214 30 5 4 meshTABLE 3 Preparation of Sample for Chemical AnalysisCrush to Pass at Least 95 %Through SieveDivide to MinimumWei

48、ght, g4.75 mm (No. 4) 20002.36 mm (No. 8) 500850 m (No. 20) 250250 m (No. 60) (100 %through)50D34604e13forth, piling and, occasionally flattening the pile, until all thecoke has been formed into one long pile, proceeding asfollows: Beginning on one side of the pile, at either end, andshoveling from

49、the bottom of the pile, take one shovelful (Fig.2 (4), shovelful No. 1) and set it aside; advancing along the sideof the pile a distance equal to the width of the shovel, take asecond shovelful (shovelful No. 2) and discard it; againadvancing in the same direction one shovel width, take a thirdshovelful (shovelful No. 3) and add it to the first. Take thefourth (shovelful No. 4) in a like manner and discard, retain thefifth (shovelful No. 5), and so on, advancing always in thesame direction around the pile so that its size will be graduallydivided in a uniform manner


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