ASTM D629-2015 Standard Test Methods for Quantitative Analysis of Textiles《纺织品定量分析的标准试验方法》.pdf

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1、Designation: D629 08D629 15Standard Test Methods forQuantitative Analysis of Textiles1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D629; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in

2、parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.INTRODUCTIONMethods D629-59 T, Quantitative Analysis of Textiles, were discontinued in 1969 because theresponsible subcommittee failed to recommend their ado

3、ption as a standard after several years ofpublication as a tentative. The subcommittee action was based on the members knowledge that thestandard did not include several fiber types introduced to the textile trade after the method waspublished, and that the techniques required for their identificati

4、on were lacking in the text, allowingit to become out of date. The procedures included in the text, however, are believed to be reliable forthe fiber types named and the techniques described are currently being used in the trade and arereferenced by other standards sponsored by Committee D-13 on Tex

5、tiles. Reinstatement as a standardusing the previously assigned number was requested since the listed procedures were reliable and thetext considered to be the best available, though not all inclusive. Extensive editorial changes weremade in various sections in 1972, and the methods were reinstated

6、as D629-72. Editorial changes haveagain been made throughout the text, and statements on precision and bias and suitability foracceptance testing have been added.The text of Methods D629-59Twas published by theAmericanAssociation ofTextile Chemists andColorists in that societys Technical Manual as “

7、Test Method 20A-1959” issued in the years 1959through 1974. The AATCC Method was revised completely in 1975 and since published as “TestMethod 20A-1975.”1. Scope1.1 These test methods cover procedures for the determination of the fiber blend composition of mixtures of the fibers listedin 1.2. Proced

8、ures for quantitative estimation of the amount of moisture and certain nonfibrous materials in textiles are alsodescribed, for use in the analysis of mixtures, but these are not the primary methods for the determination of moisture content forcommercial weights.1.2 These test methods cover procedure

9、s for the following fiber types:1.2.1 Natural Fibers: Cellulose-Base Fibers:CottonHempFlaxRamie1.2.1.2 Protein-Base Fibers:Animal hairs (other than wool)Silk, cultivatedSilk, TussahWool1.2.2 Man-Made Fibers:1 These test methods are under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D13 on Textiles and a

10、re the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D13.51 on Conditioning, Chemicaland Thermal Properties.Current edition approved Aug. 1, 2008Feb. 1, 2015. Published October 2008March 2015. Originally approved in 1941. Discontinued in 2008 and reinstated asD629 08.Last previous edition approved in 199920

11、08 as D62999.08. DOI: 10.1520/D0629-08.10.1520/D0629-15.This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Becauseit may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes

12、accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current versionof the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United

13、 States11.2.2.1 Cellulose-Base Fibers:Acetate (secondary)Rayon, viscose or cuprammoniumTriacetate1.2.2.2 Synthetic-Base Fibers:AcrylicAramidModacrylicNylon 6, Nylon 6-6, othersOlefinPolyesterSpandex1.3 These test methods include the following sections and tables:SectionReferenced Documents 2Terminol

14、ogy 3Summary of Methods 4Uses and Significance 5Sampling 7Purity of Reagents 6Moisture Content or Moisture Regain 9Nonfibrous Materials 8Mechanical Separation or Dissection 10Chemical Test Methods:Summary of Methods 11Specimens and Symbols 12No. 1 Acetate Mixed With Other Fibers 13No. 2 Modacrylic M

15、ixed With Cellulosic Fiber or Wool 14No. 3 Nylon 6 or Nylon 6-6 Mixed With Natural Fibers orRayon 15No. 4 Rayon Mixed With Cotton 16No. 5 Wool or Polyester Mixed With Cellulosic Fibers or Silk 17No. 6 Polyester or Acrylic Mixed With Wool 18No. 7 Natural Cellulosic Material and Rayon Mixed WithAcryli

16、c, Modacrylic, and Polyester 19No. 8 Polyester Mixed With Olefin 20No. 9 Polyester Mixed With Acetate or Nylon 6,6-6 21No. 10 Acrylic Fiber or Linear Spandex Mixed With Nylon orPolyester 22Microspical AnalysisMicroscopical AnalysisScope 23Summary of Method 24Sampling 26Apparatus 25Procedure 27Indexi

17、ng Term 28Keywords 28TableChemical Methods for Analysis of Fiber Mixtures 1Solubilities of Various Fibers in Solvents Used in ChemicalMethods 2Comparative Scale for Fineness of Various Textile Fibers 3Fineness Ranges and Fiber Diameters of Various Textile Fibers 3Fineness Ranges and Fiber Diameters

18、of Various Textile Fibers 4Density and Moisture Regain of Common Fiber Types 4Specific Gravity of Various Textile Fibers 51.4 The analytical procedures described in the test methods are applicable to the fibers listed in 1.2. The test methods are notsatisfactory for the separation of mixtures contai

19、ning fibers that fall within the same generic class but differ somewhat, eitherphysically or chemically, from each other. These test methods are not satisfactory for the determination of bicomponent fibers.NOTE 1For other methods of analysis covering specific determinations, refer to: Test Methods D

20、461, Test Method D584, Methods D885, Test MethodD1113, Test Method D1334, and Test Method D2130. Methods for moisture are covered in Methods D885, Test Method D1576, Test Method D2462,Test Method D2495 and Test Methods D2654. For the determination of commercial weight, refer to Test Method D2494.1.5

21、 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibilityof the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatorylimitations prior to use.D629 1522. Reference

22、d Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D123 Terminology Relating to TextilesD276 Test Methods for Identification of Fibers in TextilesD461 Test Methods for Felt (Withdrawn 2003)3D584 Test Method for Wool Content of Raw WoolLaboratory ScaleD885 Test Methods for Tire Cords, Tire Cord Fabrics, and Industrial F

23、ilament Yarns Made from Manufactured Organic-BaseFibersD1113 Test Method for Vegetable Matter and Other Alkali-Insoluble Impurities in Scoured WoolD1193 Specification for Reagent WaterD1334 Test Method for Wool Content of Raw WoolCommercial ScaleD1576 Test Method for Moisture in Wool by Oven-DryingD

24、1909 Standard Tables of Commercial Moisture Regains and Commercial Allowances for Textile FibersD2130 Test Method for Diameter of Wool and Other Animal Fibers by MicroprojectionD2462 Test Method for Moisture in Wool by Distillation With TolueneD2494 Test Method for Commercial Mass of a Shipment of Y

25、arn or Manufactured Staple Fiber or TowD2495 Test Method for Moisture in Cotton by Oven-DryingD2654 Test Method for Moisture in Textiles (Withdrawn 1998)3D4920 Terminology Relating to Conditioning, Chemical, and Thermal Properties2.2 AATCC Method:20 A Test Method for Fiber Analysis: Quantitative43.

26、Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 textile, noriginally a woven fabric, now generally applied to: (1) staple fibers and filaments suitable for conversion toor use as yarns, or for the preparation of nonwoven fabrics, (2) yarns made from natural or man-made fibers, (3) fabrics and othermanufactured pro

27、ducts made from fibers as defined above and from yarns, and ( 4) garments and other articles fabricated whollyfrom one or more of the above elements, and articles made principally from the above when the products retain the characteristicflexibility and drape of the original fabrics. Discussi

28、onTypical examples (but not a complete listing) of materials included in the above definitions are: (1) Natural fibers such as cotton,wool, sisal, and asbestos, also silk filaments, after these materials have been subjected to their first preparatory process, andman-made fibers such as rayon, nylon,

29、 glass, and metals in the form of spinnable fibers, monofilaments, multifilament yarns, ortows; (2) Yarn intermediates such as sliver, roving, and top; yarn in single or plied, spun or filamentous form; threads, cords, andropes but not metallic cables; yarn substitutes including twisted paper or foi

30、l, slit foil, or slit laminated sheets, metallic or plasticmonofilaments; (3) Products made from materials included in (1) or (2), or both, by interlacing in any manner including weaving,knitting, tufting and braiding, bonding, knotting, or felting and including such products as cloths, woven goods,

31、 knitted goods, lace,embroidery, nets, webbing, batts, and nonwoven fabrics. Reinforced plastics and papers are not included; (4) Wearing apparel,household, and industrial articles fabricated principally from one or more of the materials listed in (1), (2), and (3).3.1.2 bicomponent fiber, na fiber

32、consisting of two polymers which are chemically different, physically different, or both.3.1 For definitions of textile terms used specifically in these test methods, refer to Terminology D4920.3.2 For definitions of other generic textile terms used in these test methods, refer to Terminology D123.4

33、. Summary of Test Methods4.1 Summaries of the specific methods used for different tests are given in the appropriate sections.4.2 The methods for fiber analysis are grouped under three headings, as follows: Mechanical Separation or Dissection, ChemicalTest Methods, and Microscopical Analysis.NOTE 2I

34、t is assumed that the analyst knows from qualitative tests (as directed in Test Methods D276) what fibers are present and, therefore, whichmethod of analysis is applicable. The choice of method will depend upon the nature of the material to be analyzed and, in some cases, on the accuracyrequired.2 F

35、or referencedASTM standards, visit theASTM website,, or contactASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standardsvolume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3 The last approved version of this historical standard is refer

36、enced on AATCC Technical Manual, available from theAmericanAssociation of Textile Chemists and Colorists, P.O. Box 12215, Triangle Park, NC 27709.27709, 1535. Significance and Use5.1 Qualitative and quantitative fiber identification is actively pursued by committee

37、RA24 (Fiber Identification) ofAATCC andpresented in AATCC Test Methods 20 and 20A. Since precision and bias development is also part of the AATCC test methods,both AATCC and ASTM D13 have agreed that new development will take place in RA24. However, because there is valuableinformation still present

38、 in the ASTM standards, D13.51 has agreed Test MethodsD276 and D629 will be maintained as activestandards by ASTM.5.2 Test Methods D629 for the determination of quantitative analysis of textiles may be used for acceptance testing ofcommercial shipments but caution is advised since information on bet

39、ween-laboratory precision is lacking. Comparative tests asdirected in or by Table in Standard Tables D1909 may be advisable.5.2.1 In case of a dispute arising from differences in reported test results using Test Methods D629 for acceptance testing ofcommercial shipments, the purchaser and

40、 the supplier should conduct comparative tests to determine if there is a statistical biasbetween their laboratories. Competent statistical assistance is recommended for the investigation of bias. As a minimum, the twoparties should take a group of test specimens which are as homogeneous as possible

41、 and which are from a lot of material of thetype in question. The test specimen should then be randomly assigned in equal numbers to each laboratory for testing. The averageresults from the two laboratories should be compared using Students t-test and an acceptable probability level chosen by the tw

42、oparties before the testing began. If a bias is found, either its cause must be found and corrected or the purchaser and supplier mustagree to interpret future test results in the light of the known bias.5.3 The effects of the various reagents used in the chemical methods on the residual fibers in a

43、 blend depend upon the historyof the fibers and, unless otherwise stated, are generally too small or too uncertain to warrant the application of correction factors.5.4 Fiber composition is generally expressed either on the oven-dry mass of the original sample or the oven-dry mass of theclean fiber a

44、fter the removal of nonfibrous materials. If nonfibrous materials are not first removed from the textile before the fiberanalysis is carried out, or if the treatments described in Section 8 are incapable of removing them, any such materials present willincrease the percentage of the fiber constituen

45、t with which they are removed during the analysis, assuming they are soluble in thesolvent used.5.5 The analytical methods are intended primarily for the separation of binary mixtures of fibers. These procedures may alsobe used for the analysis of mixtures containing more than two types of fibers by

46、 selecting the best combination of methods to use(Table 1). Since a sequence of solvents on a given fiber may produce different results than the expected results from a singlesolvent, it is advisable to determine the results of such sequential effects when testing multiple fiber blends. It is someti

47、mes moreconvenient to separate mechanically the yarns in a textile which are of similar types, and then use the appropriate chemical methodto analyze each of the components. Table 2 shows the solubilities of the various fibers in different chemical reagents.TABLE 1 Chemical Methods for Analysis of F

48、iber MixturesAWool Spandex Silk Rayon Polyester Olefin Nylon Mod-acrylic Cellulosic,Natural Aramid Acrylic TriacetateAcetate 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1Triacetate 3 (5) (75)B 9 39 (5) 9 (5) 3Acrylic (6) (6) (75) 10 (8) 10 10 (57)Aramid (6)Cellulosic,Natural(6)5 (10) (6) (4) 5 5 (3) (2)Modacrylic 2 2 2 2 2 2

49、 2Nylon 3 (10) (6) 3 9 (8)Olefin (6) (6) (75) 8Polyester (6) (10) (6) (7)Rayon 5 (6)Silk 6Spandex (6)AKey to Methods and Reagents:Method No. 180 % acetone(cold)Method No. 2 N-ButyrolactoneMethod No. 390 % formic acidMethod No. 459.5 % sulfuric acidMethod No. 570 % sulfuric acidMethod No. 6Sodium hypochlorite solutionMethod No. 7Curpammonia solutionMethod No. 8Hot xyleneMethod No. 990 % formic acidMethod No. 10N,N-dimethylacetamideBEach analytical method is identified by a number and where possible, two methods of analysis are provided for each binary mixtur


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