ASTM D2970 D2970M-2004(2014) Standard Test Methods for Testing Tire Cords Tire Cord Fabrics and Industrial Yarns Made From Glass Filaments《玻璃丝制轮胎帘线 帘子布和工业丝试验的标准试验方法》.pdf

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ASTM D2970 D2970M-2004(2014) Standard Test Methods for Testing Tire Cords Tire Cord Fabrics and Industrial Yarns Made From Glass Filaments《玻璃丝制轮胎帘线 帘子布和工业丝试验的标准试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D2970 D2970M-2004(2014) Standard Test Methods for Testing Tire Cords Tire Cord Fabrics and Industrial Yarns Made From Glass Filaments《玻璃丝制轮胎帘线 帘子布和工业丝试验的标准试验方法》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM D2970 D2970M-2004(2014) Standard Test Methods for Testing Tire Cords Tire Cord Fabrics and Industrial Yarns Made From Glass Filaments《玻璃丝制轮胎帘线 帘子布和工业丝试验的标准试验方法》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM D2970 D2970M-2004(2014) Standard Test Methods for Testing Tire Cords Tire Cord Fabrics and Industrial Yarns Made From Glass Filaments《玻璃丝制轮胎帘线 帘子布和工业丝试验的标准试验方法》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM D2970 D2970M-2004(2014) Standard Test Methods for Testing Tire Cords Tire Cord Fabrics and Industrial Yarns Made From Glass Filaments《玻璃丝制轮胎帘线 帘子布和工业丝试验的标准试验方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: D2970/D2970M 04 (Reapproved 2014)Standard Test Methods forTesting Tire Cords, Tire Cord Fabrics, and Industrial YarnsMade From Glass Filaments1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D2970/D2970M; the number immediately following the designation indicates theyear of original

2、 adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of lastreapproval. A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 These test methods cover the testing of industrial yarnsmade of gla

3、ss filaments, cords twisted from such yarns, andfabric woven from such cordsproducts that are made spe-cifically for use in the manufacture of pneumatic tires. Byagreement, these test methods may be applied to similar glassyarns and cords used for reinforcing other rubber goods and forother industri

4、al applications. The yarn or cord may be woundon cones, tubes, bobbins, spools, or beams, woven into fabric,or in other forms. These test methods include testing proce-dures only. These test methods do not include specifications ortolerances.1.2 No procedure is included for the determination offatig

5、ue resistance of cords, but several articles relating to themeasurement of fatigue resistance of cords made from man-made filaments and cured in rubber were published in thebibliography of Test Methods D885.1.3 The following sections are included:SectionAdhesion of Cords to Elastomers 24Breaking Str

6、ength (Force) of Conditioned Yarns and Cords 13Breaking Tenacity of Conditioned Yarns and Cords 14Catenary Length of Cords Appendix X1Conditioning 8Construction of Yarns and Cords 18Count of Tire Cord Fabric 22Dip Pick-Up (DPU) on Yarns and Cords 23Elongation at Break of Conditioned Yarns and Cords

7、15Initial Modulus of Conditioned Yarns and Cords 16Keywords 28Mass of Tire Cord Fabric 22Precision and Bias 2527Sampling of Yarn and Cord 6Sampling of Tire Cord Fabric 7Tensile Properties of Yarns and Cords 917Terminology 3Thickness of Cords 21Twist in Yarns and Cords 20Width of Tire Cord Fabric 22Y

8、arn Number of Dipped Yarns and Cords 191.4 These test methods show the values in both SI units andin inch-pound units. “SI units” is the technically correct namefor the system of metric units known as the InternationalSystem of Units. “Inch-pound units” is the technically correctname for the customa

9、ry units used in the United States. Thevalues stated in either acceptable metric units or other unitsshall be regarded separately as standard. The values expressedin each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, eachsystem must be used independently of each other withoutcombining values in an

10、y way.1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Refere

11、nced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D76 Specification for Tensile Testing Machines for TextilesD123 Terminology Relating to TextilesD578 Specification for Glass Fiber StrandsD885 Test Methods for Tire Cords, Tire Cord Fabrics, andIndustrial Filament Yarns Made from ManufacturedOrganic-Base FibersD1423

12、 Test Method for Twist in Yarns by Direct-CountingD2258 Practice for Sampling Yarn for TestingD4393 Test Method for Strap Peel Adhesion of ReinforcingCords or Fabrics to Rubber CompoundsD4848 Terminology Related to Force, Deformation andRelated Properties of TextilesD6477 Terminology Relating to Tir

13、e Cord, Bead Wire, HoseReinforcing Wire, and Fabrics3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 For definitions of terms related to tire cord, bead wire,hose wire, and tire cord fabrics, refer to Terminology D6477.1These test methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D13 onTextiles and are the di

14、rect responsibility of Subcommittee D13.19 on IndustrialFibers and Metallic Reinforcements.Current edition approved May 15, 2014. Published June 2014. Originallyapproved in 1980. Last previous edition approved in 2010 as D2970/D2970M 04(2010). DOI: 10.1520/D2970_D2970M-04R14.2For referenced ASTM sta

15、ndards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken,

16、PA 19428-2959. United States13.1.1.1 The following terms are relevant to this standard”catenary length, cord twist, dip, dip pickup, in textile cord orfabric, industrial yarn, standard atmosphere for testing textiles,tabby sample, tire cord, and tire cord fabric.3.1.2 For definitions of terms relate

17、d to force and deforma-tion in textiles, refer to Terminology D4848. The following terms are relevant to this standard:breaking force, breaking tenacity, initial modulus, tensilestrength.3.1.3 For definitions of other terms related to textiles, referto Terminology D123. The following t

18、erms are relevant to this standard:fabric3.2 Abbreviations:3.2.1 CREconstant-rate-of-extension4. Summary of Test Methods, General4.1 A summary of the directions prescribed for the determi-nation of specific properties is stated in the appropriate sectionsof specific test methods or the referenced st

19、andard.5. Significance and Use5.1 The procedures in these test methods may be used forthe acceptance testing of commercial shipments, but caution isadvised because technicians may fail to get good agreementbetween results on certain yarns, cords, or fabrics. Compara-tive tests as directed in Section

20、 5.1.1 may be advisable.5.1.1 If there are differences of practical significance be-tween reported test results for two laboratories (or more),comparative tests should be performed to determine if there isa statistical bias between them, using competent statisticalassistance. As a minimum, test samp

21、les should be used that areas homogeneous as possible, that are drawn from the materialfrom which the disparate test results were obtained, and thatare randomly assigned in equal numbers to each laboratory fortesting. Other materials with established test values may beused for this purpose. The test

22、 results from the two laboratoriesshould be compared using a statistical test for unpaired data, ata probability level chosen prior to the testing series. If a bias isfound, either its cause must be found and corrected, or futuretest results for that material must be adjusted in considerationof the

23、known bias.5.2 The significance and use of particular properties arediscussed in the appropriate sections of the specific testmethods.SAMPLING AND CONDITIONING6. Sampling of Yarn and Cord6.1 Lot SampleAs a lot sample for acceptance testing, takeat random the number of shipping cases or beams directe

24、d in anapplicable material specification or Practice D2258. Considershipping cases to be the primary sampling unit.6.2 Laboratory Sample:6.2.1 Yarn or Cord in CasesAs a laboratory sample foracceptance testing, select packages at random from eachshipping case in the lot sample. Take the number of pac

25、kagesfor the laboratory sample as directed in an applicable materialspecification or Practice D2258. Preferably, the same numberof packages should be taken from each shipping case in the lotsample. If differing numbers of packages are to be taken fromshipping cases in the lot sample, the cases from

26、which aspecific number of packages are to be drawn should bedetermined at random.6.2.2 Yarn on BeamsAs a laboratory sample for accep-tance testing, select ends at random from each beam in the lotsample. Take the number of ends for the laboratory sample asdirected in an applicable material specificat

27、ion or PracticeD2258. Wind the laboratory samples on a tube or spool usinga winder with a tension of 5 6 1 mN/tex 0.05 6 0.01 gf/denusing the general technique directed in Practice D2258. Take laboratory samples from the outside of thebeams unless there is a question or disagreement about ash

28、ipment. In that case, take laboratory samples after removinga radial depth of 6 mm 14 in. or more to minimize the effectsof handling and atmospheric changes that occurred duringshipment or storage. Place the laboratory samples in a moistureresistant container to protect them from atmospheric changes

29、until the yarn is conditioned in the atmosphere for testing tirecords and industrial yarns.6.3 Test SpecimensTake the number of specimens fromeach laboratory sampling unit as directed in each test method.6.3.1 Preparation of SpecimensUnwind and discard atleast six layers of yarn or cord from the pac

30、kage to eliminateultraviolet and physically damaged material (except frombeams). If specimens are not taken directly from the originalpackage, it is advisable to wind the sample on a tube or spoolby means of a winder using a tension of 5 6 1 mN/tex 0.05 60.01 gf/den. If the specimen is collected as

31、a loosely woundpackage, or in the form of a skein, report that the observedresults were determined on a relaxed sample. Use care inhandling the specimen. Discard any specimen subjected to anychange of twist, kinking or making any bend with a diameterless than 6 mm 14 in. Place the specimen in a mois

32、tureresistant polyethylene bag or other moisture resistant containerto protect it from atmospheric changes until ready to conditionin the atmosphere for testing industrial yarns and tire cords.6.3.2 If the yarn or cord has been treated with a resorcinol-formaldehyde-latex (RFL) type adhesive, sample

33、s should beprotected against exposure to ultraviolet light, high humidity(over 60 % relative humidity) and high temperature (over 38C100F).7. Sampling of Tire Cord Fabric7.1 Lot SampleAs a lot to be sampled for acceptancetesting, take tire cord fabric produced on only one loom creel.As a primary sam

34、pling unit, select one roll of fabric from thelot and prepare tabby sample to yield the laboratory samplingunits as directed in Section Preparation of Laboratory SampleTake a sampleequal to the length of cord between the regular tabby woven atthe end of the roll and a special tabby woven a s

35、hort distancefrom the end when the roll of fabric is manufactured. For rollsthat do not have a special woven tabby, improvise a tabby bythe use of gummed tape or strips of cemented fabric appliedacross a section of the cord fabric. The length of the tabbyD2970/D2970M 04 (2014)2sample shall be as agr

36、eed upon by the purchaser and thesupplier. The recommended minimum is 0.5 m 18 in. Thewidth of the sample shall be at least one tenth of the roll width.Cut the warp cords of the fabric along the center line of thespecial tabby across for a distance equal to the width of therequired sample. If this d

37、istance is less than the full width ofthe fabric, cut the filling yarns of the sample and of the specialand regular tabbies in the direction parallel with the warpcords. The resulting section of cord fabric is the tabby sample.Attach the tabby sample to a piece of cardboard or fiber board,the length

38、 of which shall be equal to at least the length of thecord warp between tabbies. Fold the tabby portions of thesample over each end of the board, and secure the sample to theboard with pressure-sensitive tape or staples. Use care to avoidcontact of tape or staples with the area to be tested. Handle

39、thesample carefully and hold it under sufficient tension in the warpdirection to prevent the cords from kinking. The board with thesample may be folded lengthwise and parallel with the warp forconvenience. Place the board with the fabric sample in apolyethylene bag, or wrap it with several layers of

40、 polyethyl-ene film to protect the sample from changes in atmosphericmoisture content until ready to condition in the atmosphere fortesting industrial yarns and tire cords. Use care during subse-quent handling of the sample to prevent any change in the cordtwist and to avoid kinking of the cords in

41、the area to be tested.7.3 Test SpecimensTake the number of specimens atrandom from each laboratory sampling unit as directed in eachof the specific test methods.8. Conditioning8.1 Bring all specimens of yarn, cord, and fabric to moistureequilibrium for testing in the atmosphere for testing industria

42、lyarns and tire cords.TENSILE PROPERTIES OF YARNS AND CORDS9. Scope9.1 These tests are used to determine the tensile propertiesof yarns and cords.10. Summary of Test Method10.1 Acontinually increasing force is applied longitudinallyto a conditioned specimen of yarn or cord placed in the clampsof a t

43、ensile testing machine until broken. The breaking forceand elongation are observed depending upon the option em-ployed. Two clamping options are provided: Option 1, drumclamp; and Option 2, pneumatically-operated clamps havingfixed snubbing surfaces that are integral with one of theclamping surfaces

44、. Elongation and modulus are calculatedfrom the force-extension curve when using Option 2. Breakingtenacity is calculated using yarn number.11. Significance and Use11.1 In some laboratories, the output of the CRE-type oftensile testing machine may be connected with electronicrecording and computing

45、equipment that may be programmedto calculate and print the results of tests for each requiredproperty. Because of the variety of electronic equipmentavailable, and the various possibilities for recording test data,use of this type of equipment is not covered in this test method.11.2 The levels of te

46、nsile properties obtained when testingindustrial yarns and tire cords are dependent to a certain extenton the age and history of the sample and on the specificconditions used during the test. Among these conditions arerate of tensioning, type of clamps, gage length of specimen,temperature and humidi

47、ty of the atmosphere, rate of airflowacross the specimen, and temperature and moisture content ofthe specimen. Testing conditions accordingly are specifiedprecisely to give reproducible test results on a specific sample.11.3 Because the load-bearing ability of a reinforced rubberproduct is related t

48、o the strength of the yarn or cord used as areinforcing material, breaking strength is used in engineeringcalculations when designing various types of textile reinforcedrubber products. When intrinsic strength characteristics ofyarns and cords of different sizes or different types of fiber areto be

49、compared, breaking tenacity is very useful, because formost types of fiber, breaking force is approximately propor-tional to linear density.11.4 The drum clamp option gives a more accurate measureof strength since it minimizes the effect of clamping and isrecommended when strength only is required. Elongation andmodulus are not readily measured by this option.11.5 The pneumatic-type clamp option provides for themeasurement of strength, elongation, and modulus. However,the strength of the yarn or cord may be lower and subject togreater variation due to t


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