ASTM D4028-2007 Standard Specification for Solar Screening Woven from Vinyl-Coated Fiber Glass Yarn《涂覆乙烯纤维的玻璃纱加工的日光罩的标准规范》.pdf

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ASTM D4028-2007 Standard Specification for Solar Screening Woven from Vinyl-Coated Fiber Glass Yarn《涂覆乙烯纤维的玻璃纱加工的日光罩的标准规范》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D4028-2007 Standard Specification for Solar Screening Woven from Vinyl-Coated Fiber Glass Yarn《涂覆乙烯纤维的玻璃纱加工的日光罩的标准规范》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM D4028-2007 Standard Specification for Solar Screening Woven from Vinyl-Coated Fiber Glass Yarn《涂覆乙烯纤维的玻璃纱加工的日光罩的标准规范》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM D4028-2007 Standard Specification for Solar Screening Woven from Vinyl-Coated Fiber Glass Yarn《涂覆乙烯纤维的玻璃纱加工的日光罩的标准规范》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM D4028-2007 Standard Specification for Solar Screening Woven from Vinyl-Coated Fiber Glass Yarn《涂覆乙烯纤维的玻璃纱加工的日光罩的标准规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: D 4028 07Standard Specification forSolar Screening Woven from Vinyl-Coated Fiber Glass Yarn1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 4028; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last r

2、evision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers the requirements for vinyl-coated fiber glass solar screening, and should help usersrecognize the

3、 characteristics of acceptable vinyl-coated fiberglass solar screening. This specification is limited in applica-tion to vinyl-coated fiber glass solar screening that is producedwith a ribbed pattern woven in the warp direction. Theapplicability of this specification to vinyl-coated fiber glasstype

4、solar screening of a non-rib, a double rib (ribs in bothwarp and filling direction), or a filling rib construction is notknown.1.2 This specification shows the definitions, general require-ments, and physical requirements for commercial standardvinyl-coated fiber glass solar screening designed and w

5、oven forinstallation in any dwelling, building, or structure for thepurpose of providing a significant reduction in solar heat gain,while providing outward view and interior light. Solar screen-ing provides a structure that has insect-restraining capabilitiesequivalent to standard insect screening.N

6、OTE 1For information on standard insect screening, see Specifica-tion D 3656.1.3 This specification shows the values in both SI units andinch-pound units. “SI” is the technically correct name for thesystem of metric units known as the International System ofUnits. “Inch-pound units” is the technical

7、ly correct name forcustomary units used in the United States. The values stated ineither SI units or in other units shall be regarded separately asstandard. The values expressed in each system may not beexact equivalents; therefore, each system must be used inde-pendently of the other without combin

8、ing in any way.1.4 The following precautionary caveat pertains only to thetest method portion, Sections 8-21 of this specification: Thisstandard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the userof this standard to establish a

9、ppropriate safety and healthpractices and determine the applicability of regulatory limita-tions prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D76 Specification for Tensile Testing Machines for TextilesD 123 Terminology Relating to TextilesD 3374 Specification for Vinyl-Coated Glass YarnsD

10、 3656 Specification for Insect Screening and Louver ClothWoven fromVinyl-Coated Glass YarnsD 3773 Test Methods for Length of Woven FabricD 3774 Test Method for Width of Textile FabricD 3775 Test Method for Warp (End) and Filling (Pick)Count of Woven FabricsD 4909 Test Method For Color Stability Of V

11、inyl-CoatedGlass Textiles To Accelerated Weathering3D 4912 Test Method for Fabric Stability of Vinyl-CoatedGlass Yarn Insect Screening and Louver ClothD 4963 Test Method for Ignition Loss of Glass Strands andFabricsD 5035 Test Method for Breaking Force and Elongation ofTextile Fabrics (Strip Method)

12、D 7018 Terminology Relating to Glass Fiber and Its Prod-uctsE 1 Specification for ASTM Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers2.2 AATCC Standard:4Evaluating Procedure 1, Grey Scale for Color Change.2.3 ANSI ASHRAE Standard:5Standard 74-1988, Method of Measuring Solar-OpticalProperties of Materials2.4 Federal T

13、est Method Standards:6No. 191, Method 5872, Effect of High Temperature onCloth Blocking, Textile Test MethodsNo. 191, Method 5903, Flame Resistance of Cloth, Vertical,Textile Test Methods1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D13 onTextiles and is the direct responsibility o

14、f Subcommittee D13.18 on Glass Fiber andits Products.Current edition approved Dec. 1, 2007. Published January 2008. Originallyapproved in 1981. Last previous edition approved in 2002 as D 4028 96(2002).2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Serv

15、ice at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Withdrawn.4Available from American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, P.O.Box 12215, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.5Available from American Soc

16、iety of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, 1791 Tullie Circle N.E., Atlanta, GA 30329.6Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C

17、700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.CCC D-950 Specification, Dyeing and After Treating Pro-cesses for Cotton Cloths2.5 Military Standard:6MIL-STD-105D Sampling Procedures and Tables for In-spection by Attributes3. Terminology3.1 For all terminology relating to D13.18, Glass Fiber an

18、dIts Products, refer to Terminology D 7018.3.1.1 The following terms are relevant to this standard:acceptable quality level, atmosphere for testing textiles, fabricstability, mesh, shading coefficient, solar screening.3.2 For all other terms related to textiles, refer to Terminol-ogy D 1234. General

19、 Requirements4.1 Material:4.1.1 WorkmanshipAll commercial standard vinyl-coatedglass yarn solar screening shall be made of high grade materialwith good workmanship and meet the yarn requirementsspecified in Specification D 3374. Products shall be free of anydefects that might affect serviceability o

20、r appearance, exceptthose permitted in footnote C of Table 1. The quality accep-tance levels will be determined by agreement between thepurchaser and the supplier.4.1.2 PlasticizersThe material used to coat or impregnatethe fibrous glass yarn shall be a compound of polymerized orcopolymerized vinyl

21、chloride resin, plasticized with phosphateor phthalate ester plasticizers exclusively, pigmented andstabilized to meet the requirements herein. Optional PlasticizerAt the suppliers option, plas-ticizers other than phosphates and phthalates may be usedprovided the color is not affected and the

22、 coating compound istreated with solubilized copper 8 quinolinolate which is listedas inhibitor (e) in Federal Standard CCC-D-950. The amountof fungicide shall be based on the nonvolatile content of thecoating. The coating compound shall be chemically analyzedfor copper 8 quinolinolate content in ac

23、cordance with FederalStandard CCC-D-950.4.1.3 ColorFor colors listed in Table 2, the maximum andminimum shade limits shall be defined by color designationslisted in Federal Standard 595A as agreed upon between thepurchaser and the supplier.4.1.4 SelvageVinyl-coated glass screening may be sup-plied w

24、ith or without selvages as agreed between the purchaserand supplier.4.1.5 Yarn SplicesVinyl-coated glass yarn splices shall bepermitted provided they show no tails and do not exceed 25mm (1 in.) in length. Yarn splices in the solar screening shallnot exceed 15 per standard 30 m (100 ft) roll, and no

25、 more thanone splice shall occur in any 9.30 cm2(1 ft2) of product.4.2 Put-UpVinyl-coated glass yarn solar screening shallbe put-up on rolls and in containers whose dimensions shall beagreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier.5. Physical Requirements5.1 AppearanceUnless otherwise agreed upo

26、n betweenthe purchaser and the supplier, a roll shall be defective if itcontains one or more defects from the list in Table 1, and thelot shall be unacceptable if the number of defective samplerolls exceeds the acceptance number in Table 6. Table 6 isbased on an acceptable quality level (AQL) of 4 %

27、 defectiverolls.5.2 MeshThe standard average mesh shall be approxi-mately even-spaced as specified inTable 2, 60.5 mesh per 25.4mm (1 in.) in the non-rib direction and 62 mesh in the ribdirection. There are no tolerance requirements within 13 mm(0.5 in.) of the selvage.5.3 Roll LengthEach roll of so

28、lar screening complyingwith Specification D 4028 shall contain not less than 30 linearm (100 linear ft), and shall contain not more than two piecesper roll with no piece less than 3 linear m (10 linear ft).5.3.1 The lot shall be unacceptable if the total of the actualgross lengths of rolls in the sa

29、mple is less than the total of thegross lengths marked on the roll tickets.5.4 WidthThe standard average roll width shall be asspecified in Table 2 +7 or 0 mm (+0.25 or 0 in.).5.5 Mass per Unit AreaThe minimum average mass perunit area for each class shall be as specified in Table 3.5.6 Ignition Los

30、sThe average ignition loss shall equal orexceed the value specified in Table 3.5.7 Breaking StrengthThe average breaking strength shallequal or exceed the value specified in Table 3.5.8 Fabric StabilityThe yarns shall be bonded at thecontact or cross-over points to give sufficient fabric stability t

31、oTABLE 1 DefectsABias or bowed filling distortion at any point 13 mm (12 in.) or more fromhorizontalScalloped selvageBroken or missing end or pick Slack, or tight selvageCurled (doubled, rolled, or folded) selvage SmashCut, hole, or tear Splice more than one in 929 cm2(1 ft2)Damaged selvage extendin

32、g into body of screening Splice more than 25 mm (1 in.) in lengthDouble picks Splice not well made or showing loose ends exceeding 25 mm (1 in.) in lengthFloats Spot, stain, streak, or mottledBHitch-back, open place, or slippage Tight end or pick causing waviness or ridgeJerked-in filling, slough-of

33、f, or kinky filling Uncoated yarnsCKnots Warp streaks or filling barOffshadeBWrong drawAFor definitions of terms used in this table, refer to Terminology D 123.BAt normal inspection distance, approximately1m(1yd).CSingle ends or picks unevenly coated and giving the appearance of a streak, or light-c

34、olored, but coated yarn, shall not be scored as a defect when examined at normalinspection distance of approximately1m(1yd).D4028072the finished product to equal or exceed the applicable averageforce values specified in Table 3.5.9 Shading CoeffcientThe average shading coefficientshall equal or be l

35、ess than the value specified in Table 3.5.10 Flame ResistanceThere shall be no propagation offlame along any specimen for longer than 10 s after removal offlame source, and no single specimen may propagate flamealong its entire length in any time increment.5.11 Blocking ResistanceThe surfaces of the

36、 solar screen-ing shall not adhere or exhibit blocking in excess of Scale No.1.5.12 Color Stability to Accelerated WeatheringThechange from the original color after 480 h of acceleratedweathering exposure shall be no greater than Step 3 of theAATCC Gray Scale for evaluating change in color.5.12.1 Th

37、e change from the original color after 960 h ofaccelerated weathering exposure shall be no greater than Step2 of the AATCC Gray Scale.5.12.2 Exposure periods and acceptable changes for colorsother than the colors as listed in Table 2 shall be as agreed uponbetween the purchaser and the supplier.6. S

38、ampling Inspection and Number of Specimens6.1 Lot SizeA lot shall consist of each shipment of asingle solar screening having the same color and mesh, unlessotherwise agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier.The lot size shall be designated in linear units of metres (feet).6.2 Lot SampleAs

39、a lot sample for acceptance testing,take the number of rolls of solar screening directed in anapplicable material specification or other agreement betweenthe purchaser and the supplier. Consider rolls of solar screeningto be the primary sampling unit. In the absence of such anagreement, take the num

40、ber of rolls specified in Table 4.NOTE 2An adequate specification or other agreement between thepurchaser and the supplier requires taking into account the variabilitybetween rolls of solar screening and between test specimens from a swatchor roll of solar screening to produce a sampling plan with m

41、eaningfulproducers risk, consumers risk, acceptable quality level, and limitingquality level.6.3 Laboratory SampleAs a laboratory sample for accep-tance testing, proceed as directed in an applicable materialspecification or other agreement between the purchaser and thesupplier. In the absence of suc

42、h an agreement, proceed asfollows:6.3.1 For solar screening appearance, width, mass per unitarea, and length, the rolls in the lot sample serve as thelaboratory sample.6.3.2 For other properties, take at random from the rolls inthe lot sample the number of rolls specified in Table 5. Fromeach roll i

43、n the laboratory sample, take a 2-m (2-yd) full-widthswatch from the end of the roll, but taken no closer than 1 m(1 yd) from the outside end of the roll.6.4 Test SpecimensFor solar screening appearance, width,and length, the rolls in the lot sample serve as test specimens.For other properties, take

44、 test specimens from the swatches inthe laboratory sample as directed in the respective test methodsin this specification. Take test specimens from each swatch inthe laboratory sample in such a way that no specimen is closerTABLE 2 Generally Available Mesh, Widths, and ColorsProductNominal YarnDiame

45、terStandardConstructions (Mesh)Standard Minimum WidthsColorsm in. Warp Fill cm in.Fiber glass solar screening 292 0.0115 53 16 46, 51, 56, 61, 66, 71, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, bronze330 0.0130 54 16 76, 81, 86, 91, 96, 102, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, charcoal54 18 107, 112, 117, 122, 42, 44, 46, 48, 54,

46、 60, gray137, 152, 168, 183, 66, 72, 78, 84198, 213TABLE 3 PropertiesSample AveragePropertiesMesh 53by 16Mesh 54by 16Mesh 54by 18Mass per unit area, min:g/m2246 246 246oz/yd27.25 7.25 7.25Ignition loss, min, % 50 50 50Breaking strength, min:Warp N 400 400 400lbf 90 90 90Fill N 155 155 155lbf 35 35 3

47、5Fabric stability, min:Warp N 67 67 89lbf 15 15 20Fill N 67 67 89lbf 15 15 20Shading coefficient,max 0.36 0.36 0.36TABLE 4 Sample Size and Acceptance NumberALot Size RollsLength, m Length, ftSampleSizeAcceptanceNumberUp to 365 inclusiveBUp to 1 200 inclusiveB30366 up to and including9751 201 up to a

48、ndincluding 3 20050976 up to and including3 0483 201 up to andincluding 10 000803 049 up to and including10 66810 001 up to andincluding 35 00013 010 669 up to andincluding 45 72035 001 up to andincluding 150 00020 145 721 and over 150 001 and over 32 2ABased on MIL-STD-105D, Inspection Level 11, an

49、d an AQL of 4.0 defects per30.5-m (100-ft) length.BIf lot contains fewer than 3 rolls, each roll in the lot shall be examined.TABLE 5 Sample Size for Lot QuantitiesLot QuantitySample Size,Number ofRollsLength, m Length, ft243 or less 800 or less 2244 to 6705 801 up to and including22 00036706 and over 22 001 and over 5D4028073than one tenth the width of the swatch from the selvage with notwo specimens cut parallel to the warp containing the same setof warp ends or if cut parallel to the filling, containing the sameset of filling picks, and


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