ASTM D4728-2006(2012) Standard Test Method for Random Vibration Testing of Shipping Containers《船运集装箱随机振动检测的标准试验方法》.pdf

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ASTM D4728-2006(2012) Standard Test Method for Random Vibration Testing of Shipping Containers《船运集装箱随机振动检测的标准试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D4728-2006(2012) Standard Test Method for Random Vibration Testing of Shipping Containers《船运集装箱随机振动检测的标准试验方法》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM D4728-2006(2012) Standard Test Method for Random Vibration Testing of Shipping Containers《船运集装箱随机振动检测的标准试验方法》.pdf_第3页
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1、Designation: D4728 06 (Reapproved 2012)Standard Test Method forRandom Vibration Testing of Shipping Containers1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D4728; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of l

2、ast revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This test method covers the random vibration testing offilled shipping units. Such tests may be used to assess theperfo

3、rmance of a container with its interior packing and meansof closure in terms of its ruggedness and the protection that itprovides the contents when subjected to random vibrationinputs.1.2 This test method provides guidance in the developmentand use of vibration data in the testing of shipping contai

4、ners.NOTE 1Sources of supplementary information are listed in the Ref-erence section (110).21.3 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health pract

5、ices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Specific safetyhazard statements are given in Section 6.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:3D996 Terminology of Packaging and Distribution Environ-mentsD4169 Practice for Performance Testing of Shipping Con-tainers

6、and SystemsD4332 Practice for Conditioning Containers, Packages, orPackaging Components for Testing2.2 ISO Standards:ISO 13355 PackagingComplete, filled transport packagesand unit loadsVertical random vibration test43. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 GeneralDefinitions for the packaging and distrib

7、u-tion environments are found in Terminology D996.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 bandwidththe difference, in Hz, between the upperand lower limits of a frequency band. For the purposes of thistest method, the bandwidth may be considered equivalent tothe frequency resolution

8、 of a spectrum analysis.3.2.2 closed-loopa condition of control where the inputmay be modified over time by the effect of the output orresponse of the system.3.2.3 decibel (dB)ten times the base 10 logarithm of aratio of two power like quantities that is, a PSD. Two PSDlevels that have a ratio of 2.

9、0 differ by 3 dB. Two PSD levelsthat have a ratio of 0.5 differ by 3 dB.3.2.4 equalizationadjustment or correction of the ampli-tude characteristics of an electronic control signal throughout adesired frequency range to maintain a desired vibration outputspectrum and level.3.2.5 equalizerinstrumenta

10、tion used to conduct equaliza-tion.3.2.6 mean-squarethe time average of the square of afunction.3.2.7 open loopa condition of control where the input ofa system is preestablished and is not affected by the output orresponse of the system.3.2.8 overall g rmsthe square root of the integral of powerspe

11、ctral density over the total frequency range.3.2.9 periodic vibrationan oscillation whose waveformrepeats at equal increments of time.3.2.10 power spectral density (PSD)an expression ofrandom vibration in terms of mean-square acceleration per unitof frequency. The units are g2/Hz (g2/cycles/s). Powe

12、r spectraldensity is the limit of the mean square amplitude in a givenrectangular band divided by the bandwidth, as the bandwidthapproaches zero.3.2.11 random vibrationan oscillation whose instanta-neous amplitude is not prescribed for any given instant in time.The instantaneous amplitudes of a rand

13、om vibration areprescribed by a probability distribution function, the integral ofwhich over a given amplitude range will give the probablepercentage of time that the amplitude will fall within that1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D10 onPackaging and is the direct respon

14、sibility of Subcommittee D10.21 on ShippingContainers and Systems - Application of Performance Test Methods.Current edition approved April 1, 2012. Published May 2012. Originallypublished as D-10 Proposal P 186. Last previous edition approved in 2006 asD4728 01 (2006). DOI: 10.1520/D4728-06R12.2The

15、boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end ofthis test method.3For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document

16、 Summary page onthe ASTM website.4Available from International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1, ch. dela Voie-Creuse, CP 56, CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland, http:/ ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

17、range. Random vibration contains no periodic or quasi-periodicconstituent. If random vibration has instantaneous magnitudesthat occur according to the Gaussian distribution, it is called“Gaussian random vibration.” Gaussian random vibration hasthe property that the rms level is equal to the standard

18、deviation, or 1 sigma, and that the amplitude will fall within 3sigma, or 3 times the rms level, 99.7 % of the time.3.2.12 root-mean-square (rms)the square root of themean-square value. In the exclusive case of a sine wave, therms value is 0.707 times peak value.3.2.13 sigma drive signal clippinga c

19、ondition where themaximum amplitude of the drive or output signal to a vibrationsystem is limited to a sigma value, or multiple of the rms value.For drive clipping at the 3 sigma level, the maximum ampli-tude will not exceed 3 times the rms value.3.2.14 sinusoidal vibrationa periodic oscillation hav

20、ing asinusoidal waveform of only one frequency.3.2.15 spectruma definition of the magnitude of thefrequency components within a specified frequency range.3.2.16 statistical degrees of freedom (DOF)as related toPSD calculation, the degrees of freedom is a measure of thestatistical accuracy of the PSD

21、 estimation. The number of DOFis determined by the analysis bandwidth (frequency resolution)and total time of the sample (determined by frequency resolu-tion and number of averages). It is defined by the formulaDOF=2BT, where B is the analysis bandwidth in Hz, and T isthe total record length in seco

22、nds.3.2.17 transfer functionthe dynamic relationship betweenoutput and input. In terms of a vibration system, it is the ratioof output response to a constant input over a defined frequencyrange.4. Significance and Use4.1 Shipping containers are exposed to complex dynamicstresses in the distribution

23、environment. Approximating theactual damage, or lack of damage, experienced in real life mayrequire subjecting the container and its contents to randomvibration tests. In this way, many product and containerresonances are simultaneously excited.4.2 Resonance buildups during random vibration tests ar

24、eless intense than during sinusoidal resonance dwell or sweeptests. Therefore, unrealistic fatigue damage due to resonancebuildup is minimized.4.3 Random vibration tests should be based on representa-tive field data. When possible, confidence levels may beimproved by comparing laboratory test result

25、s with actual fieldshipment effects. Refer to Practice D4169 for recommendedrandom vibration tests. (See Appendix X1 and Appendix X2for related information.)4.4 There is no direct equivalence between random vibra-tion tests and sinusoidal vibration tests. Equivalent testsbetween sine and random, in

26、a general sense, are difficult toestablish due to nonlinearities, damping and product responsecharacteristics.4.5 Vibration exposure affects the shipping container, itsinterior packing, means of closure, and contents. This testallows analysis of the interaction between these components.Design modifi

27、cation to one or all of these components may beused to achieve optimum performance in the shipping environ-ment.4.6 Random vibration tests may be simultaneously per-formed with transient or periodic data to simulate knownstresses of this type, that is, rail joints, pot holes, etc.4.7 Random vibratio

28、n may be conducted in any axis (verti-cal or horizontal) or in any package orientation. However,different test levels may be utilized for each axis depending onthe field environment that is to be simulated.5. Apparatus5.1 Vibration Test SystemThe vibration test system(shaker) shall have a vibration

29、table of sufficient strength andrigidity so that the applied vibrations are essentially uniformover the entire test surface when loaded with the test specimen.The vibration table shall be supported by a mechanism capableof producing single axis vibration inputs at controlled levels ofcontinuously va

30、riable amplitude throughout the desired rangeof frequencies. Suitable fixtures and guides to restrict unde-sired movement of the test specimens shall be provided.5.2 Electronic ControlsControls shall provide the capa-bility of generating vibration system drive inputs necessary toproduce the desired

31、power spectral density at the table surfaceadjacent to the test specimen.5.2.1 Closed LoopAutomatic EqualizationA closed loopcontroller is required, which allows the operator to enterdesired PSD data. The controller automatically generatesequalized vibration test system drive signals to achieve thed

32、esired PSD thus maintaining closed loop control. The equal-ized drive signals automatically compensate for specimen andvibration test system characteristics. Typical systems includean analog to digital converter for conditioning feedbacksignals, a digital to analog converter to produce drive signals

33、,a digital processor with real time analysis capability, randomvibration control software programs, a graphics display termi-nal, printer, and a data storage unit.NOTE 2Random vibration systems typically create a drive signal thatfollows the Gaussian distribution. Many systems have a “drive clipping

34、”capability, which is sometimes employed to protect the vibration systemor test specimen from high instantaneous amplitudes that might causedamage.5.2.2 The digital real time analysis shall provide a minimumof 60 statistical degrees of freedom, and a maximum analysisbandwidth of 2 Hz.5.3 Instrumenta

35、tionAccelerometers, signal conditioners,analyzers, data display, storage devices, and the control tech-niques described in 5.2 are required to measure and control thePSD levels at the table surface. Instrumentation may also bedesirable for monitoring the response of the test specimen(s).The instrume

36、ntation system shall have an accuracy of 65%across the frequency range specified for the test.6. Safety Precautions6.1 This test method may produce severe mechanical re-sponses of the test specimen(s). Therefore, fences, barricades,and other restraints must have sufficient strength and must beadequa

37、tely secured. Operating personnel must remain alert toD4728 06 (2012)2the potential hazards and take necessary precautions for theirsafety. Stop the test immediately if a dangerous conditionshould develop.7. Test Specimens7.1 The test specimen shall consist of the container asintended for shipment,

38、loaded with the interior packaging andthe actual contents for which it was designed. Blemished orrejected products may be used if the defect will not affect testresults and if the defect is documented in the report. Dummytest loads are acceptable if testing the actual product might behazardous or co

39、st prohibitive. If a dummy load is used, anassessment must be made, after the test is completed, as towhether or not the actual test item would have passed or failed.Sensors and transducers should be applied with minimumpossible alteration of the test specimen to obtain data on thecontainer or packa

40、ged item.When it is necessary to observe thecontents during the test, holes may be cut in noncritical areasof the container.7.2 Whenever sufficient containers and contents are avail-able, it is highly desirable that replicate tests be conducted toimprove the statistical reliability of the data obtai

41、ned.8. Calibration and Standardization8.1 The accuracy of instrumentation and test equipmentused to control or monitor the test parameters should beverified prior to conducting each test to ensure that desired testlevels and tolerances are maintained.8.2 The specified PSD data and resulting RMS acce

42、lerationlevel should be based on other test standards, Appendix X1,orderived from actual field measurements or published PSD datamade on typical transport vehicles under representative condi-tions of speed, load, terrain, road surfaces, etc. Field measure-ments must be accurately recorded with equip

43、ment havingadequate frequency response and dynamic range to preventattenuation or noise contamination of the acceleration energylevels. Multiple independent field measurements must besampled to assure representative test levels. This data mustthen be reduced to PSD format and equalized for proper co

44、ntrolof the vibration system In the absence of specified PSD data itis recommended that the appropriate profile from Fig. X1.1,beused.8.3 Shaker table input levels to the test specimen providethe only common benchmark for repeatability between varioustest systems. Therefore, control analysis based o

45、n monitoringtable motion rather than actual package response is recom-mended. This table feedback signal is generated by an accel-erometer mounted directly to the table. Accelerometer mount-ing location should be next to the test specimen or directlybelow it on the underside of the table.8.4 The sha

46、kers drive signal must be equalized as describedin 5.2 to compensate for test specimen dynamics, the testsystems transfer function, and the control systems transferfunction.8.4.1 The power spectral density of the random vibrationtest profile shall not deviate from the specified requirements bymore t

47、han6 3 dB in any frequency analysis band over theentire test frequency range, except that deviations as large as66 dB will be allowed over a cumulative bandwidth of 10 Hz.In addition, the overall g rms level shall not deviate more than615 % from the specified level during the test.8.4.2 The maximum

48、equalizer analysis bandwidth allowedis 2 Hz and the minimum DOF is The equalizer analysis bandwidth may need to be lessthan 2 Hz, depending on the slope of the PSD between adjacentbreakpoints. Very steep slopes require smaller bandwidths tomaintain control to 63 dB.8.4.4 If sigma drive sign

49、al clipping is used, the clippinglevel used shall not be less than 3.0 sigma.9. Conditioning9.1 Condition test specimens prior to the test or during thetest, or both, in accordance with the requirements of theapplicable specification. When no conditioning requirementsare given, and the container materials are climatically sensitive,a conditioning atmosphere is recommended (see PracticeD4332 for standard and special conditions).10. Procedure10.1 Set-up of Test Specimen on Vibration TablePlace theunit(s) to be tested in its normal shipping orientation


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