ASTM D5496-2015 Standard Practice for In Field Immersion Testing of Geosynthetics《土工合成材料现场浸没试验的标准实施规程》.pdf

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ASTM D5496-2015 Standard Practice for In Field Immersion Testing of Geosynthetics《土工合成材料现场浸没试验的标准实施规程》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D5496-2015 Standard Practice for In Field Immersion Testing of Geosynthetics《土工合成材料现场浸没试验的标准实施规程》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM D5496-2015 Standard Practice for In Field Immersion Testing of Geosynthetics《土工合成材料现场浸没试验的标准实施规程》.pdf_第3页
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1、Designation: D5496 15Standard Practice forIn Field Immersion Testing of Geosynthetics1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5496; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in

2、 parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice describes an approach and methodologyfor immersion testing of geosynthetics (for example, geomem-branes used for landfill liner).1

3、.2 This practice does not provide for definition of thetesting to be performed on the geosynthetic samples for fieldimmersion. This practice does not address the determination ofresistance of the geosynthetic to the liquid in which it isimmersed. The user of this practice is referred to the appropri

4、-ate Standard Guide for Tests to evaluate the chemical resis-tance and for defining the testing to be performed for each ofthe geosynthetic components listed in 2.1.NOTE 1EPA Method 9090 has been used in the past to investigate thecompatibility of geomembrane to leachates.1.3 The values stated in in

5、ch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to SI units that are provided for information onlyand are not considered standard.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is

6、theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D123 Terminology Relating to TextilesD4439 Terminology for GeosyntheticsD5322 Practi

7、ce for Laboratory Immersion Procedures forEvaluating the Chemical Resistance of Geosynthetics toLiquidsD5747 Practice for Tests to Evaluate the Chemical Resis-tance of Geomembranes to Liquids2.2 EPA Document:3SW846 Method 9090 Compatibility Test for Wastes andMembrane Liners3. Terminology3.1 Definit

8、ions:3.1.1 field testing, ntesting performed in the field underactual conditions of temperature and exposure to the fluids forwhich the immersion testing is being performed.3.1.2 For definitions relating to geosynthetics, refer toTerminology D4439.3.1.3 For definitions relating to textiles, refer to

9、 Terminol-ogy D123.4. Significance and Use4.1 This practice provides an approach and methodology forconducting field immersion testing of geosynthetics used in theconstruction of liners in reservoirs, ponds, impoundments, orlandfills for containing liquids and solids. This practice shouldbe performe

10、d in accordance to and in conjunction with PracticeD5322 for assessing chemical resistance under both laboratoryand field conditions.4.2 The specification of procedures in this practice isintended to serve as a guide for those wishing to compare orinvestigate the chemical resistance of geosynthetics

11、 underactual field conditions.5. Apparatus5.1 Sample Container, for containment of the geosynthetictest specimens. The containers should be perforated on all sidesand at the bottom to allow for complete flooding of the testspecimens. Stainless steel, or other chemically resistant steelalloys, is rec

12、ommended. Do not use 316 stainless steel forfluids known to contain high-chloride ion concentrations.NOTE 2Achemical analysis of the fluid should be available to the userprior to the start of field compatibility testing to allow for a review of asuitable material of construction for the sample conta

13、iner. If in doubt, testscan be conducted by placing samples of the sample container material ofconstruction in the fluid for a suitable period of time to determinecompatibility of the sample container with the fluid. If in doubt, and1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D35 on G

14、eosyn-thetics and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D35.02 on EnduranceProperties.Current edition approved May 1, 2015. Published June 2015. Originallyapproved in 1993. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as D5496 98 (2009).DOI: 10.1520/D5496-15.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit th

15、e ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from United States EPA, Office of Solid Waste and EmergencyResponse, Test Methods for Eval

16、uating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1testing cannot be performed prior to start of field compatibility testing,then an alloy such as Carpenter 20 or tantalum-coated carbon steel

17、 shouldbe considered for any field samples that will be exposed to aggressivefluids for more than one year.5.1.1 The size of the sample container is not specified sinceit will be dependent on the number of geosynthetic specimensrequiring testing and the size of the sump, tank, or other deviceused fo

18、r conducting the field testing.5.1.2 Sample Container Lid, to allow easy access for plac-ing and removing geosynthetic specimens from the container.The lid should be constructed from the same material as thesample container and perforated to allow for contact betweenfluid and the geosynthetic sample

19、s within the container. Inaddition, the lid should be secured to the container usingthreaded rods made from the same material as the container.Do not use dissimilar metals when fabricating parts of thesample containers as this may result in severe corrosion of thecompleted assembly.5.1.3 Sample Cont

20、ainer Cables, to place the sample con-tainers within sumps or tanks. It is recommended that twocables be attached to each container, one made from the samematerial as the sample container, and the other, as a backup,made from14-in. (6.35 mm) polypropylene rope.6. Hazards6.1 (WarningThe fluids used i

21、n this practice may containhazardous or toxic chemicals. Take appropriate precautionswhen handling hazardous waste, chemicals, and the fluid. Allpersonnel handling or exposed to the fluids used for theimmersion testing should wear equipment suitable for protec-tion from the chemicals present in the

22、fluid. Take care toprevent spilling any hazardous materials or fluids, and clean upany accidental spills that may occur away from the collectionsump or tank used for conducting the fluid exposure.)NOTE 3The user should refer to local, state, or federal laws andpractices regarding the conduct of this

23、 type of testing at hazardous wastesites or other similar facilities.7. Sampling7.1 In the absence of site specific sampling agreed upon bythe user and between the testing agency, take samples of thegeosynthetic(s) to be tested in a manner appropriate for theparticular material and for the tests to

24、be performed on theexposed materials. It is essential that all initial samples havephysical properties that are as similar as possible. Refer to thesection on sampling in the applicable standard for the chemicalresistance of the specific geosynthetic to be tested.7.2 Prepare one complete set of samp

25、les in accordance with7.1 for each testing interval identified in 8.8 of this practice,plus three additional sample sets. Identify and use one of theadditional sets as the unexposed samples. Identify the othertwo sample sets as spares.NOTE 4If field testing is being performed in conjunction withlabo

26、ratory immersion testing, then only the two spare sample sets, asdescribed in 7.2, are required. The unexposed sample set used for thelaboratory immersion testing can be used as the unexposed sample set forthe field testing.8. Procedure8.1 Sample Container PreparationThoroughly clean thecontainer an

27、d lid prior to placement of geosynthetic samples.Use of tap or service water for final rinse of the container isacceptable.8.2 Sample PlacementPlace the geosynthetic materialsamples in the sample container in such a way so that contactwith other sheets of material is limited as much as possible. Don

28、ot place different types of resin materials in the same vessel ifit can be avoided. If space within the sample containerspermits, then place spacers, made from a material known to beinert with the fluid, between geosynthetic sheets or betweensheets and the sample container walls, or both.NOTE 5Place

29、ment of geosynthetic sample containers may be dictatedby landfill permit or other operating conditions. In those circumstanceswhere the number and size of sample containers must be limited due tophysical constraints of the sump or tank in which the containers are to beinstalled, or due to regulatory

30、 limitations on maximum head (or othersimilar stipulation) then place the geosynthetic samples in the mostefficient manner possible. This can be accomplished by reducing the totalnumber and size of the sample containers. For these situations it isallowable to place dissimilar resins within the same

31、container andeliminate, if necessary, the spacers between geosynthetic sheets andbetween sheets and side walls.8.3 Assembling the ContainersAssemble the samplecontainers, lids, and cabling in a manner that will minimizemovement of the specimens within the final containers andmaintain the structural

32、integrity of the sample containerthroughout the testing interval(s). Use sufficiently longthreaded rods for joining all sample containers that will have tobe removed at the same testing interval. This will minimize thenumber of cables required for securing the sample containersand make the job of re

33、moving and shipping the exposedcontainers easier. Since it is very likely that assembled systemswill have to be turned on their sides or rotated duringplacement, fasten all spacers used in the sample containers toeither the side walls or to adjoining geosynthetic sheets.8.3.1 If more than one contai

34、ner is being installed, it isextremely important to mark or label the cables, or both foreach assembly so that removal of the assemblies can beminimized.8.3.2 Construct final assemblies to minimize sharp cornersand any other protrusions from the face of the assembly so thatthe polyethylene bags used

35、 to wrap the assemblies for shipmentto the laboratory will not be easily punctured or torn.8.4 Placing Final AssembliesPerform placement of as-sembled sample container(s) within sumps, tanks, or other fluidstorage devices with caution since exposure to fluid or fumes insumps is a possibility. Positi

36、on assemblies within the sump ortank used for field exposure in such a way so as to assure thatthey will be completely immersed within the fluid at all times.8.4.1 For sumps or tanks with level control devices, installthe assembled sample containers below the low-level positionin order to ensure flo

37、oded conditions at all times.8.4.2 After making sure that the assemblies have beeninstalled properly within the tank or sump, secure the cables toa permanent part of the sump or tank to ensure that theassemblies can be removed.D5496 1528.4.3 If more than one assembly is being installed, installthe a

38、ssemblies so that the first assembly placed is the last to beremoved and so on. Use visible labels and other marks toclearly identify testing intervals on assemblies.8.5 Removal of AssembliesRemove assemblies fromsumps or tanks with caution since exposure to fluids or fumesfrom sumps is a possibilit

39、y. Use cables to pull the assemblyfrom the sump or tank. Bring each assembly near the surface ofthe sump or tank, without complete removal, to allow fordraining as much of the fluid from the sample containers aspossible.8.5.1 Allow each assembly to drain for a minimum of 30min as a precaution to min

40、imize exposure of workers to fluid.After draining, wash each assembly with tap or service waterfor 15 min to further remove as much fluid as possible from thesample containers.8.5.2 After rinsing, allow each assembly to drain for another30 min prior to complete removal from the sump or tank.8.5.3 Pu

41、ll each assembly from the sump or tank and place ina suitable location capable of handling any fluid that maycontinue to drain from the assembly. Perform the final samplecontainer preparation for shipping and testing within no morethan 30 min from the time of removal from the sump or tank.8.6 Shippi

42、ng of Geosynthetic SamplesWrap each assem-bly in multiple layers of heavy-duty polyethylene bags so thatgeosynthetic samples (particularly geotextiles) will remain wetduring the shipping and unpacking process. This also hopefullyeliminates leakage of fluid during shipping. Exercise care tomake certa

43、in that the plastic bags are placed over corners andother sharp edges or protrusions of the assembly withouttearing or puncturing the bags.8.6.1 Place the wrapped assemblies in a cardboard boxsuitable for overnight shipment to the testing laboratory.Perform no sample preparation, other than that des

44、cribedabove, in the field. If assemblies have been carefully wrapped,then all geosynthetic material specimens should remain wetduring shipment. Caution should be exercised when wrappingand shipping the sample containers, since most fluids used forthis testing may contain hazardous or toxic materials

45、.NOTE 6Local, state, and federal regulations must be satisfied withregards to packaging and shipping of immersed samples.8.7 Laboratory Handling of SamplesCarefully unpack thewrapped sample container at the testing laboratory, observingthe precautions stated in 6.1 of this practice. Handle allgeosyn

46、thetic samples (including piping) in accordance with 9.2of Practice D5322.8.8 Test Period SelectionPrepare sufficient geosyntheticsamples for unexposed testing and planned testing intervals,plus two additional sample sets.8.8.1 The user will define the testing intervals for thispractice and specify

47、them in the reference to the use of thispractice (that is, perform field tests using Practice D5496 forperiods of one and five years). If laboratory compatibilitytesting is also being conducted, in accordance with PracticeD5322, in conjunction with field testing, then the testinginterval for the fie

48、ld testing should, at a minimum, be the finaltesting interval of the laboratory testing program.NOTE 7Practice D5747 may provide useful information as well.9. Report9.1 Report the following information:9.1.1 State the procedures used for defining the testingperformed on each of the geosynthetics tes

49、ted.9.1.2 Describe each of the geosynthetic materials or prod-ucts evaluated and the sampling method used.9.1.3 Describe the location where the field sample contain-ers were installed.9.1.4 Include the following information in the report foreach testing interval of the field testing: The date that the samples were installed and re-moved. The date that the samples were received at thelaboratory. The results of the testing performed.10. Keywords10.1 chemical resistance; field testing; geosynthetics; im-mersionASTM International takes no position

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