ASTM D5875 D5875M-2013 3081 Standard Guide for Use of Cable-Tool Drilling and Sampling Methods for Geoenvironmental Exploration and Installation of Subsurface Water-Quality Monitor.pdf

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1、Designation: D5875/D5875M 13Standard Guide forUse of Cable-Tool Drilling and Sampling Methods forGeoenvironmental Exploration and Installation ofSubsurface Water-Quality Monitoring Devices1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5875/D5875M; the number immediately following the designat

2、ion indicates theyear of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of lastreapproval. A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope*1.1 This guide covers cable-tool dril

3、ling and samplingprocedures used for geoenvironmental exploration and instal-lation of subsurface water-quality monitoring devices.1.2 Several sampling methods exist for obtaining samplesfrom drill holes for geoenvironmental purposes and subsequentlaboratory testing. Selection of a particular drilli

4、ng procedureshould be made on the basis of sample types needed andgeohydrologic conditions observed at the study site.1.3 Drilling procedures for geoenvironmental explorationoften will involve safety planning, administration and docu-mentation. This guide does not purport to specifically addressexpl

5、oration and site safety.NOTE 1This guide does not include considerations for geotechnicalsite characterizations.1.4 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound unitsare to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated ineach system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, eachsystem s

6、hall be used independently of the other. Combiningvalues from the two systems may result in non-conformancewith the standard.1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish app

7、ro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.6 This guide offers an organized collection of informationor a series of options and does not recommend a specificcourse of action. This document cannot replace education orexperience and

8、should be used in conjunction with professionaljudgment. Not all aspects of this guide may be applicable in allcircumstances. This ASTM standard is not intended to repre-sent or replace the standard of care by which the adequacy ofa given professional service must be judged, nor should thisdocument

9、be applied without consideration of a projects manyunique aspects. The word “Standard” in the title of thisdocument means only that the document has been approvedthrough the ASTM consensus process.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and ContainedFluids

10、D1452 Practice for Soil Exploration and Sampling by AugerBoringsD1586 Test Method for Penetration Test (SPT) and Split-Barrel Sampling of SoilsD1587 Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils forGeotechnical PurposesD3550 Practice for Thick Wall, Ring-Lined, Split Barrel,Drive Sampling of Soils

11、D3740 Practice for Minimum Requirements for AgenciesEngaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock asUsed in Engineering Design and ConstructionD4428/D4428M Test Methods for Crosshole Seismic Test-ingD5088 Practice for Decontamination of Field EquipmentUsed at Waste Sites3. Terminology3.1 Def

12、initions:3.2 For definitions of general technical terms used withinthis guide, refer to Terminology D653.3.3 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.3.1 bailera long, narrow bucket, made from a piece oflarge-diameter pipe with a dart valve in the bottom, used toremove cuttings from the bore

13、hole.3.3.2 bentonitethe common name for drilling-fluid addi-tives and well-construction products consisting mostly of1This guide is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D18 on Soil and Rockand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.21 on Groundwater andVadose Zone Investigations.Current

14、 edition approved Aug. 1, 2013. Published September 2013. Originallyapproved in 1995. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as D5875 95 (2006).DOI: 10.1520/D5875/D5875M-13.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For A

15、nnual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standardCopyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1naturally

16、 occurring montmorillonite. Some bentonite productshave chemical additives which may affect water-quality analy-ses.3.3.3 bentonite granules and chipsirregularly-shaped par-ticles of bentonite (free from additives) that have been driedand separated into a specific size range.3.3.4 bentonite pelletsr

17、oughly spherical- or disc-shapedunits of compressed bentonite powder (some pellet manufac-turers coat the bentonite with chemicals that may affect thewater-quality analysis).3.3.5 collarthe section of a drill tool between the wrenchsquare and the pin or box joint.3.3.6 dart valvea type of valve used

18、 on a bailer, that openswhen the bailer drops through the cuttings at the bottom of theborehole.3.3.7 drill bitthe steel tool on the lower end of the stringof tools which does the actual drilling; shaped to perform theoperations of penetration, reaming, crushing, and mixing.3.3.8 drill holea cylindr

19、ical hole advanced into the sub-surface by mechanical means. Also known as a borehole orboring.3.3.9 drill stema steel tool composed of a round bar ofsteel with a pin joint at its upper end and a box joint at its lowerend that is placed below the jars in a string of drilling tools tofurnish the nece

20、ssary weight to the tool string.3.3.10 drill stringthe complete cable-tool drilling assem-bly including bit, drill rods and connector assemblies (subs).The total length of this assembly is used to determine drillingdepth by referencing the position of the top of the string to adatum near the ground

21、surface.3.3.11 drive shoea forged- or machined-steel collar eithera threaded- or drop-type attached to the upper joint of casing toprotect the casing threads during driving operations.3.3.12 filter packalso known as a gravel pack or primaryfilter pack in the practice of monitoring-well installations

22、. Thegravel pack is usually granular material, having specifiedgrain-size characteristics, that is placed between a monitoringdevice and the borehole wall. The basic purpose of the filterpack or gravel envelope is to act as a non-clogging filter whenthe aquifer is not suited to natural development o

23、r a formationstabilizer when the aquifer is suitable for natural development. DiscussionUnder most circumstances a clean,quartz sand or gravel should be used. In some cases apre-packed screen may be used.3.3.13 grout packera reusable inflatable or expandableannular plug that is attached to a

24、 tremie pipe, usually posi-tioned immediately above the discharge end of the pipe.3.3.14 intermittent sampling devicesusually barrel-typesamplers that are driven below the bottom of a borehole withdrill rods or with a wireline system to lower, drive, and retrievethe sampler following completion of a

25、n increment of drilling.The user is referred to the following standards relating tosuggested sampling methods and procedures: Practice D1452,Test Method D1586, Practice D3550, and Practice D1587.3.3.15 in-situ testing devicessensors or probes, used toobtain mechanical- or chemical-test data, that ar

26、e typicallypushed, rotated or driven below the bottom of a boreholefollowing completion of an increment of drilling. However,some in-situ testing devices (such as electronic pressuretransducers, gas-lift samplers, tensiometers, and so forth) mayrequire lowering and setting of the device(s) in pre-ex

27、istingboreholes by means of a suspension line or a string of loweringrods or pipes. Centralizers may be required to correctlyposition the device(s) in the borehole.3.3.16 jarsa tool composed of two connected links orreins with vertical play between them (see Fig. 1 and Ref (1).3Drilling jars have a

28、stroke of 230 to 460 mm 9 to 18 in.whereas, fishing jars have a stroke of 460 to 900 mm 18 to 36in. Jars permit a sudden upward load or shock to loosen astring of tools stuck in the borehole.3.3.17 sand pumpbailer made of tubing with a hinge-flapvalve and a plunger that works inside the barrel. It i

29、s used insand and gravel where the dart-valve bailer will not pick up thematerials adequately.3.3.18 speara fishing tool used when the drilling line orsand line breaks leaving the drilling tools or bailer in the holewith the line on top of the lost tools.3.3.19 swivel socketa socket that permits the

30、 tool string tospin or turn during the drilling action (sometimes referred to asa rope socket).3.3.20 subsurface water-quality monitoring devicean in-strument placed below ground surface to obtain a sample foranalysis of the chemical, biological or radiological character-istics of subsurface pore wa

31、ter or to make in-situ measure-ments.3.3.21 wrench squarea square section on any drilling toolby which the joints are set up or broken.4. Significance and Use4.1 Cable-tool rigs (also referred to as churn rigs, water-welldrilling rigs, spudders, or percussion rigs) are used in the oilfields and in t

32、he water-well industry. The Chinese developedthe percussion method some 4000 years ago.4.2 Cable-tool drilling and sampling methods may be usedin support of geoenvironmental exploration and for installationof subsurface water-quality monitoring devices in both uncon-solidated and consolidated materi

33、als. Cable-tool drilling andsampling may be selected over other methods based on itsadvantages, some of which are its high mobility, low water use,low operating cost, and low maintenance. Cable-tool drilling isthe most widely available casing-advancement method that isrestricted to the drilling of u

34、nconsolidated materials and softerrocks.4.2.1 The application of cable-tool drilling and sampling togeoenvironmental exploration may involve sampling uncon-solidated materials. Depth of drill holes may exceed 900 m3000 ft and may be limited by the length of cable attached to3The boldface numbers giv

35、en in parentheses refer to a list of references at theend of the text.D5875/D5875M 132the bull reel. However, most drill holes for geoenvironmentalexploration rarely are required to go that deep. Rates forcable-tool drilling and sampling can vary from a generalaverage of as much as 7.5 to 9 m/h 25 t

36、o 30 ft/h includingsetting 200 mm 8 in. diameter casing to considerably lessthan that depending on the type(s) of material drilled, and thetype and condition of the equipment and rig used.NOTE 2As a general rule, cable-tool rigs are used to sample thesurficial materials, and to set surface casing in

37、 order that rotary-core rigssubsequently may be set up on the drill hole to core drill hard rock ifcoring is required.NOTE 3The quality of the result produced by this standard isdependent on the competence of the personnel performing it, and thesuitability of the equipment and facilities used. Agenc

38、ies that meet thecriteria of Practice D3740 are generally considered capable of competentand objective testing/sampling/inspection/etc. Users of this standard arecautioned that compliance with Practice D3740 does not in itself assurereliable results. Reliable results depend on many factors; Practice

39、 D3740provides a means of evaluating some of those factors.4.2.2 The cable-tool rig may be used to facilitate theinstallation of a subsurface water-quality monitoring device(s)including in-situ testing devices. The monitoring device(s) maybe installed through the casing as the casing is removed from

40、the borehole. The sand line can be used to raise, lower, or setin-situ testing device(s), or all of these. If necessary, the casingmay also be left in the borehole as part of the device.NOTE 4The user may install a monitoring device within the sameborehole wherein sampling, in-situ, or pore-fluid te

41、sting, or coring wasperformed.5. Apparatus5.1 Cable-tool rigs (see Fig. 2) have a string of drill toolswith a drive clamp (see Fig. 1 and Ref (2) on the drill stringFIG. 1 Drilling ToolsD5875/D5875M 133connected by wire rope that periodically can be hoisted andallowed to “fall” for percussion drilli

42、ng in unconsolidated andconsolidated materials and for driving/retrieving casing. Thefull string of drilling equipment consists of drill bit (see Fig. 1and Ref (3)Regular bit used for all-around general drillingand, Ref (4)Star bit used for chopping and breaking hardmaterials and rock), drilling jar

43、s (optional), and a drill stem(see Fig. 1 and Ref (5), with a swivel socket (see Fig. 2)connected by a wire rope fastened to a drum called a bull reelthat raises and lowers the drilling tools and permits percussiondrilling either by crushing the material or by drive sampling.The spudding beam, commo

44、nly referred to as the walkingbeam, that is driven by the pitman and crank, imparts areciprocating motion to the drilling line.NOTE 5All cable-tool rigs have the capacity to lift and drop heavyFIG. 2 Diagram of a Cable Tool Drilling SystemD5875/D5875M 134drive clamps for installing large-diameter ca

45、sing in unconsolidated mate-rials.5.2 Drilling rigs for water wells have been converted (forthe purpose of geoenvironmental-engineering explorations) byreplacing the jars and stem, and replacing the chopping bit (seeFig. 1 and Ref (4) with a drive barrel that is used for samplingpurposes. If the bit

46、 becomes stuck in the borehole it cannormally be freed by upward blows of the drilling jars (jars canalso be used in the same mode to extract casing). The primaryfunction of the drilling jars is to transmit the energy from thebull wheel to the drill stem and the sample barrel. The strokeof the drill

47、ing jars is 230 mm to 460 mm 9 to 18 in. anddistinguishes them from fishing jars that have a stroke 460 to920 mm 18 to 36 in. Jars are often not used when hard-rockdrilling (2, 6).5.3 The swivel socket connects the drill string to the cableand, in addition, the weight of the socket supplies part of

48、theweight of the drill tools. The socket also imparts part of theupward energy to the jars when their use becomes necessary.The socket transmits the rotation of the cable to the tool stringand bit (drive barrel) so that the drive is completed on thedownstroke, thereby assuring that a round, straight

49、 hole willresult. The elements of the tool string are typically coupledtogether in the United States with right-hand threaded tooljoints of standard API (American Petroleum Institute) designand dimension (6).5.4 The wire rope cable that carries and rotates the drillingtool is called the drill line. It is typically a 16-mm 25-mm 1-in. left-hand lay cable that twists the tool joint oneach upward stroke to prevent it from unscrewing. The drillline is reeved over a crown sheave at the top of the mast, downto the spudd


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