1、Designation: D 6036 96 (Reapproved 2002)Standard Guide forDisplaying the Results of Chemical Analyses of GroundWater for Major Ions and Trace ElementsUse of Maps1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6036; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal
2、 adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide offers a series of options but does not specifya course
3、 of action. It should not be used as the sole criterion orbasis of comparison and does not replace or relieve profes-sional judgment.1.2 This guide covers methods that display, as mappedinformation, the chemical constituents of ground-watersamples. Details required by the investigator to use fully t
4、hemethods are found in the listed references.1.2.1 The use of maps to display water-quality data are acommon technique to assist in the interpretation of the chem-istry of water in aquifers, as the areally distributed values canbe easily related to the physical locality by the investigator.1.2.2 The
5、 distribution in an aquifer of chemical constituentsfrom two water sources or of liquids of different densities maybe difficult to illustrate explicitly on a two-dimensional mapbecause of stratification in the third dimension. Also, theaddition of a vertical cross section may be required (see 4.4).1
6、.3 Many graphic techniques have been developed by in-vestigators to assist in summarizing and interpreting relateddata sets. This guide is the fourth document to inform thehydrologists and geochemists about traditional methods fordisplaying ground-water chemical data.1.3.1 The initial guide (Guide D
7、 5738) described the cat-egory of water-analysis diagrams that use pattern and pictorialmethods as a basis for displaying each of the individualchemical components determined from the analysis of a singlesample of natural ground water.1.3.2 The second guide (Guide D 5754) described the cat-egory of
8、water-analysis diagrams that use two-dimensionaltrilinear graphs to display, on a single diagram, the commonchemical components from two or more analyses of naturalground water.1.3.3 The third guide (Guide D 5877) presented methodsthat graphically display chemical analyses of multiple ground-water s
9、amples, discrete values, as well as those reduced tocomprehensive summaries or parameters.1.4 Notations have been incorporated within the illustra-tions of this guide to assist the user in understanding how themaps are constructed. These notations would not be requiredon a map designed for inclusion
10、 in a project document.NOTE 1Use of trade names in this guide is for identification purposesonly and does not constitute endorsement by ASTM.1.5 This guide offers an organized collection of informationor a series of options and does not recommend a specificcourse of action. This document cannot repl
11、ace education orexperience and should be used in conjunction with professionaljudgment. Not all aspects of this guide may be applicable in allcircumstances. This ASTM standard is not intended to repre-sent or replace the standard of care by which the adequacy ofa given professional service must be j
12、udged, nor should thisdocument be applied without consideration of a projects manyunique aspects. The word “Standard” in the title of thisdocument means only that the document has been approvedthrough the ASTM consensus process.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:D 596 Guide for Reporting Resu
13、lts of Analysis of Water2D 653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and ContainedFluids3D 1129 Terminology Relating to Water2D 5254 Practice for Minimum Set of Data Elements toIdentify a Ground-Water Site3D 5408 Guide for the Set of Data Elements to Describe aGround-Water Site; Part OneAdditional Ide
14、ntificationDescriptors3D 5409 Guide for the Set of Data Elements to Describe aGround-Water Site; Part TwoPhysical Descriptors3D 5410 Guide for the Set of Data Elements to Describe aGround-Water Site; Part ThreeUsage Descriptors3D 5474 Guide for Selection of Data Elements for Ground-Water Investigati
15、ons3D 5717 Guide forDesign of Ground-Water Monitoring Sys-tems in Karst and Fractured Rock Aquifers3D 5738 Guide for Displaying the Results of ChemicalAnalyses of Ground Water for Major Ions and TraceElementsDiagrams for Single Analyses3D 5754 Guide for Displaying the Displaying the Results of1This
16、guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D18 on Soil and Rockand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.21 on Ground Water andVadose Zone Investigations.Current edition approved Oct. 10, 1996. Published June 1997.2Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 11.01.3Annual Book of ASTM Stand
17、ards, Vol 04.08.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.Chemical Analyses of Ground Water for Major Ions andTrace ElementsTrilinear Diagrams for Two or MoreAnalyses3D 5877 Guide for Displaying the Results of ChemicalAnalyses
18、of Ground Water for Major Ions and TraceElementsDiagrams Based on Data Analytical Calcula-tions43. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsAll definitions are in accordance with Ter-minology D 653. Additional definitions that relate to this guidecan be found in Guide D 596, Terminology D 1129, and GuidesD 5738, D
19、 5754, and D 5877.4. Significance and Use4.1 Each year many thousands of water samples are col-lected and the chemical components are determined fromnatural and human-influenced ground-water sources.4.2 The objective interpretation of the origin, composition,and interrelationships of water can be si
20、mplified by displayingthe distribution of the constituents and related parameters onareal maps (1,2).54.2.1 The origin of the chemical composition of the watermay be postulated by the amount and the distribution of theconstituents as shown on the maps.4.2.2 The chemical composition of the water can
21、be scruti-nized for distinct characteristics and anomalies by use of themaps.4.2.3 The interrelationships of the water chemistry fromvarious sampling locations can be visualized on the maps.4.3 This guide presents various mapping methods for show-ing distribution of chemical constituents using areal
22、 andtime-related trends; maximum, minimum, or mean values; andrelationships between chemical and associated parameters.4.4 Exercise caution when interpreting the distribution ofchemical constituents on two-dimensional (X and Y) maps asliquids of different densities tend to stratify in the thirddimen
23、sion (Z).NOTE 2Water (or other liquid) with a relatively low concentration ofdissolved solids (or of a low relative density) normally will float on top ofwater with high dissolved solids or a liquid of higher density (37).Anaturally occurring example is an island surrounded and underlain by seawater
24、 where rain water falling on the island forms a fresh water lens abovethe underlying sea water. Where the presence of liquids of differentdensities are evident in a mapped area, cross sections of the aquifer assistin showing the vertical (Z) distribution of the chemical constituents or apattern can
25、be used on the map to delineate the extent of this water.NOTE 3Immiscible liquid contaminants, such as petroleum products,with a relative density less than that of the water will float on top of thewater. Liquids that are more dense than water will flow to the bottom ofthe aquifer. Miscible liquids,
26、 such as sea water, mix with the fresher watercreating a zone of dispersion at the interface of the two liquids.4.5 Aquifers in fractured rock or karst areas may result innoncontinuum conditions for the chemical parameters in thewater (Guide D 5717). This guide assumes the aquifer usuallyconsists of
27、 an equivalent porous media.4.6 This is not a guide for the selection of a map techniquefor a distinct purpose. That choice is program or projectspecific.NOTE 4For many hydrochemical research problems involving thescientific interpretation of ground water, the areal map is only one segmentof several
28、 methods needed to interpret the data.5. Selection and Preparation of Data for Plotting onAreal Maps5.1 Minimum Data Requirements:5.1.1 In order to position accurately the ground-water qual-ity collection locations on two- and three-dimensional maps, aminimum set of data elements must be known for e
29、ach site.Refer to Practice D 5254, and Guides D 5408, D 5409, D 5410,and D 5474 for guidance in selecting the appropriate assort-ment of information.5.1.2 A basic requirement for the analytical methods de-scribed in this guide is that the samples be selected randomlyor of a systematic sampling strat
30、egy, and of sufficient numberand distribution to represent the sampled population to allowfor the construction of a meaningful map.NOTE 5A truly random sample is impractical, as ground-watersamples are from a subsurface population that only can be obtained fromsources that intersect the water table,
31、 for example, wells, springs, tunnels,or caves. These sources are not likely to be distributed randomly inthree-dimensions throughout an aquifer. A more refined picture of theentire population, however, is possible as the size of the random sample isincreased (8).5.2 Recommended Checks for Accuracy
32、of Data Param-eters:5.2.1 To avoid errors, all of the chemical analyses used forthe mapping methods described in this guide must be verifiedproperly. Noncontinuum concentrations or possible erroneousvalues in a data set (sample) become more apparent when usingmapping methods, as these appear
33、as extreme values on themaps. Erroneous values that fall in the same numericalrange as a typical value in the data set are difficult to detect butare most likely found by a complete validation of the data set(sample) against the original data source.NOTE 6To reduce the chance of incorporating
34、 erroneous numbers onthe map displays, the original chemical analyses and related data must bepreviewed carefully as to proper collection and analytical procedures. Inaddition, care must be taken to ensure that none of the numbers have beentransposed during transcription of the data. Completely auto
35、mated datacollection and transcription procedures help to eliminate data errors.5.2.2 For those analyses where all of the major chemicalions in the ground water are determined, a check of thechemical balance should be made to help in the detection ofdata errors (see Guides D 5738, D 5754, and D 5877
36、).6. Ground-Water Quality Maps6.1 IntroductionThis guide provides methods that furnishhelpful map displays of the results of chemical analyses ofwater samples. These methods include procedures that displaythe distribution of a single constituent for a discrete period, theareal change of a constituen
37、t concentration over a period, and4Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.09.5The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end ofthis guide.D 6036 96 (2002)2the relationship of two or more parameters from each analysisfor the map area.6.2 Maps of a Single Chemical Consti
38、tuent for a DiscreteTimeThese maps display the areal distribution of a single ionin an aquifer or within a project.6.2.1 Distribution of an Ion by Sized SymbolsA simplemap is valuable for showing collection sites for areas of limiteddata or a complex distribution of chemical constituents. Fig. 1show
39、s the values of the constituent symbolized by the size ofa solid circle (9).6.2.2 Distribution of a Compound by Equal ConcentrationLinesA two-dimensional map of a compound or ion in ahomogeneous aquifer is shown by Fig. 2 where the value anddistribution of the constituent is represented by equal lin
40、es.This map shows the distribution of volatile organic compounds(VOC) resulting from spills in a developed area (10).6.2.3 Distribution of an Ion Emphasized by Shaded Concen-tration AreasMaps that use shaded concentration or coloredareas visually point out areas of interest to the project (Fig. 3).T
41、he shaded area can be used to highlight either high or lowconcentrations, for example, the maximum chloride ion (11).6.2.4 Distribution of an Ion in Waters from MultipleSourcesThe distribution of a constituent in water from twoor more sources, for example, fresh water and sea water, and ina homogene
42、ous aquifer, is shown by Fig. 4. This map showsthe position of the saltwater-freshwater interface and thedistribution of the chloride constituent. The saltwater wedge ismoving north toward an area of withdrawal and into the area ofthe aquifer that contains freshwater. The north edge of thesaltwater
43、wedge is at the base of the freshwater (12).6.2.5 Shaded or Colored Concentration Map and MatchingVertical Cross SectionThe addition of a cross section withthe concentration map improves the understanding of thevertical distribution of a liquid containing the constituent (Fig.5). Usually a liquid wi
44、th a density significantly different thanthe natural water in the aquifer will stratify the level dependingupon the density of the invading liquid (see 4.4) (13).6.2.6 Ion Distribution in Water Infiltrating from a SurfaceSourceOther types of maps show the results of surfacefacilities, such as stream
45、s or constructed pits, intersecting theaquifer. Fig. 6 represents sulfate distribution in an aquifer as aresult of water infiltrating through a land fill operation (14).6.3 Change Maps of a Single Chemical Constituent for TwoDiscrete TimesThese maps display change or areal distribu-tion of a single
46、ion in an aquifer or within a project over aperiod of time.6.3.1 Multiple Maps Showing Ion Change for a Period ofTimeMaps can show a change in chemical parameters in anaquifer over a specific period. Fig. 7 uses two maps to show theincrease in dissolved solids over a 17-year period as a result oflar
47、ge withdrawals at well fields in a coastal area (15,16).FIG. 1 Map Showing Data Values by Sized Symbols Adaptedfrom Ref (9)FIG. 2 Map Showing Lines of Equal Total VOC ConcentrationAdapted from Ref (10)FIG. 3 Map of Shaded Areas of Chloride Concentration Adaptedfrom Ref (11)D 6036 96 (2002)36.3.2 An
48、Integrated Map Showing Ion Change for a Periodof TimeThe map displayed by Fig. 8 employs isochemicallines of different intensities to show the increase of SO42overa specific period as a result of fertilization (15).6.4 Other Ground-Water Quality MapsThese maps dis-play the areal distribution of the
49、computed relationship of twoor more chemical constituents, calculated values for a singleconstituent, the pseudo-three-dimensional placement of a pa-rameter, and hydrochemical facies. Maps that display graphicalplots at each representative ground-water site are described inGuide D 5738.6.4.1 Isochemical Ratios of Ions and RelatedParametersA map showing the chemical ratio of NO3/Kjeldahl N ions of water from wells in and down-gradient froma landfill is displayed by Fig. 9. The placement of this ratioindicates the location of the reducing fronts as the