ASTM D6282 D6282M-2014 3408 Standard Guide for Direct Push Soil Sampling for Environmental Site Characterizations《环境位点特性分析用直推土壤采样的标准指南》.pdf

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ASTM D6282 D6282M-2014 3408 Standard Guide for Direct Push Soil Sampling for Environmental Site Characterizations《环境位点特性分析用直推土壤采样的标准指南》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D6282 D6282M-2014 3408 Standard Guide for Direct Push Soil Sampling for Environmental Site Characterizations《环境位点特性分析用直推土壤采样的标准指南》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM D6282 D6282M-2014 3408 Standard Guide for Direct Push Soil Sampling for Environmental Site Characterizations《环境位点特性分析用直推土壤采样的标准指南》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM D6282 D6282M-2014 3408 Standard Guide for Direct Push Soil Sampling for Environmental Site Characterizations《环境位点特性分析用直推土壤采样的标准指南》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM D6282 D6282M-2014 3408 Standard Guide for Direct Push Soil Sampling for Environmental Site Characterizations《环境位点特性分析用直推土壤采样的标准指南》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: D6282/D6282M 14Standard Guide forDirect Push Soil Sampling for Environmental SiteCharacterizations1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D6282/D6282M; the number immediately following the designation indicates theyear of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the y

2、ear of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of lastreapproval. A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide addresses direct push soil samplers, whichmay also be driven into the ground from the surface or thr

3、oughprebored holes. The samplers can be continuous or discreteinterval units. Samplers are advanced by static push, or impactsfrom hammers, or vibratory methods, or a combination thereof,to the depth of interest. Both single tube and dual (double) tubesystems may be advanced for soil sampling with d

4、irect pushmethods. Direct push methods are most often used to collectgeo-environmental soil samples. These soil samples are usedfor soil classification (Practice D2488) and lithologic/hydrostratigraphic logging as well as being sub-sampled forcontaminant and chemical analyses.1.2 Other drilling and

5、sampling methods may apply forsamples needed for engineering and construction applications.This guide does not address single sampling events in theimmediate base of the drill hole using rotary drilling equipmentthat employ cuttings removal as the sampler is advanced. Othersampling standards, such a

6、s Test Method D1586, PracticesD1587 and D3550, and summarized in Guide D6169 apply torotary drilling activities (Guide D6286). The guide does notcover open chambered samplers operated by hand such asaugers, agricultural samplers operated at shallow depths, orside wall samplers.1.2.1 While Sonic Dril

7、ling is considered a direct pushmethod this standard may not apply to larger equipmentaddressed in Practice D6914.1.3 Guidance on collection and handling of samples, aregiven in Practices D4220 and D6640. Samples for chemicalanalysis often must be subsampled and preserved for chemicalanalysis using

8、special techniques such as Practice D4547,D6418, and D6640. Additional information on environmentalsample preservation and transportation is available in otherreferences (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)2. Samples for soil classification maybe preserved using procedures given in Practice D4220 similarto ClassA. In

9、 most cases, a direct push sample is considered asClass B in Practice D4220 but is protected, representative, andsuitable for chemical analysis. The samples taken with thispractice do not usually produce Class C and D (with exceptionof thin wall samples of standard size) samples for laboratorytestin

10、g for engineering properties, such as shear strength andcompressibility. If sampling is for chemical evaluation in theVadose Zone, consult Guide D4700 for any special consider-ations.1.4 Insertion methods described include static push, impact,percussion, other vibratory/sonic driving, and combinatio

11、ns ofthese methods using direct push equipment adapted to drillingrigs, cone penetrometer units, and specially designedpercussion/direct push combination machines. Hammers pro-viding the force for insertion include drop style, hydraulicallyactivated, air activated and mechanical lift devices.1.5 Dir

12、ect push soil sampling is limited to soils and uncon-solidated materials that can be penetrated with the availableequipment. The ability to penetrate strata is based on hammerenergy, carrying vehicle weight, compactness of soil, andconsistency of soil. Penetration may be limited or damage tosamplers

13、 and conveying devices can occur in certain subsur-face conditions, some of which are discussed in 5.6. Successfulsample recovery also may be limited by the ability to retrievetools from the borehole. Sufficient retract force must beavailable when attempting difficult or deep investigations.1.6 This

14、 guide does not address the installation of anytemporary or permanent soil, groundwater, vapor monitoring,or remediation devices.1.7 The practicing of direct push techniques may be con-trolled by local regulations governing subsurface penetration.Certification, or licensing requirements, or both, ma

15、y need tobe considered in establishing criteria for field activities.1.8 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound unitsare to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated ineach system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, eachsystem shall be used independently of the other. Co

16、mbiningvalues from the two systems may result in non-conformancewith the standard.1This guide is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D18 on Soil and Rockand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D18.21 on Groundwater andVadose Zone Investigations.Current edition approved May 1, 2014. Publ

17、ished July 2014. Originally approvedin 1998. Last previous edition approved in 2005 as D628298(2005), which waswithdrawn in January 2014 and reinstated in May 2014. DOI: 10.1520/D6282-14.2The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references at the end ofthis standard.Copyright ASTM Inte

18、rnational, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States11.9 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health pr

19、actices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.10 This guide offers an organized collection of informa-tion or a series of options and does not recommend a specificcourse of action. This document cannot replace education orexperience and should be used in conjuncti

20、on with professionaljudgment. Not all aspects of this guide may be applicable in allcircumstances. This ASTM standard is not intended to repre-sent or replace the standard of care by which the adequacy ofa given professional service must be judged, nor should thisdocument be applied without consider

21、ation of a projectssmany unique aspects. The word “Standard” in the title of thisdocument means only that the document has been approvedthrough the ASTM consensus process.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:D653 Terminology Relating to Soil, Rock, and ContainedFluidsD1452 Practice for Soil Exp

22、loration and Sampling by AugerBoringsD1586 Test Method for Penetration Test (SPT) and Split-Barrel Sampling of SoilsD1587 Practice for Thin-Walled Tube Sampling of Soils forGeotechnical PurposesD2488 Practice for Description and Identification of Soils(Visual-Manual Procedure)D3550 Practice for Thic

23、k Wall, Ring-Lined, Split Barrel,Drive Sampling of SoilsD3694 Practices for Preparation of Sample Containers andfor Preservation of Organic ConstituentsD3740 Practice for Minimum Requirements for AgenciesEngaged in Testing and/or Inspection of Soil and Rock asUsed in Engineering Design and Construct

24、ionD4220 Practices for Preserving and Transporting SoilSamplesD4547 Guide for Sampling Waste and Soils for VolatileOrganic CompoundsD4700 Guide for Soil Sampling from the Vadose ZoneD5088 Practice for Decontamination of Field EquipmentUsed at Waste SitesD5092 Practice for Design and Installation of

25、GroundwaterMonitoring WellsD5299 Guide for Decommissioning of Groundwater Wells,Vadose Zone Monitoring Devices, Boreholes, and OtherDevices for Environmental ActivitiesD5434 Guide for Field Logging of Subsurface Explorationsof Soil and RockD6001 Guide for Direct-Push Groundwater Sampling forEnvironm

26、ental Site CharacterizationD6067 Practice for Using the Electronic Piezocone Pen-etrometer Tests for Environmental Site CharacterizationD6169 Guide for Selection of Soil and Rock SamplingDevices Used With Drill Rigs for Environmental Investi-gationsD6286 Guide for Selection of Drilling Methods for E

27、nviron-mental Site CharacterizationD6418 Practice for Using the Disposable En Core Samplerfor Sampling and Storing Soil for Volatile Organic Analy-sisD6640 Practice for Collection and Handling of Soils Ob-tained in Core Barrel Samplers for Environmental Inves-tigationsD6724 Guide for Installation of

28、 Direct Push GroundwaterMonitoring WellsD6725 Practice for Direct Push Installation of PrepackedScreen Monitoring Wells in Unconsolidated AquifersD6914 Practice for Sonic Drilling for Site Characterizationand the Installation of Subsurface Monitoring DevicesD7242 Practice for Field Pneumatic Slug (I

29、nstantaneousChange in Head) Tests to Determine Hydraulic Propertiesof Aquifers with Direct Push Groundwater SamplersD7648 Practice for Active Soil Gas Sampling for DirectPush or Manual-Driven Hand-Sampling Equipment3. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsFor definitions of common terminologyterms used within t

30、his guide refer to Terminology D653.Definitions for additional terms related to direct push watersampling for geoenvironmental investigations are in accor-dance with Guide D6001.3.1.1 assembly length, nlength of sampler body and riserpipes.3.1.2 direct push sampler, nsampling devices that areadvance

31、d into the soil to be sampled without drilling orborehole excavation.3.1.3 extension rod, nhollow steel rod, threaded, invarious lengths, used to advance and remove samplers andother devices during direct pushing boring. Also known asdrive rod. In some applications, small diameter solid extensionrod

32、s are used through hollow drive rods to activate closedsamples at depth.3.1.4 incremental drilling and sampling, ninsertionmethod where rotary drilling and sampling events are alter-nated for incremental sampling. Incremental drilling often isneeded to penetrate harder or deeper formations.3.1.5 pus

33、h depth, nthe depth below a ground surfacedatum to which the lower end, or tip, of the direct-pushsampling device is inserted.3.1.6 sample interval, ndefined zone within a subsurfacestrata from which a sample is gathered.3.1.7 sample recovery, nthe length of material recovereddivided by the length o

34、f sampler advancement and stated as apercentage.3.1.8 soil core, ncylindrical shaped specimen recoveredfrom a soil sampler of soil, sediments, or other unconsolidatedaccumulations of solid particles produced by deposition or thephysical and chemical disintegration of rocks and which mayor may not co

35、ntain organic matter.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 closed barrel sampler, na sampling device with apiston or other secured device that is held to block theD6282/D6282M 142movement of material into the barrel until the blocking deviceis removed or released. Liners are requi

36、red in closed barrelsamplers. Also may be referred to as a protected type sampler.3.2.2 impact heads/drive heads, npieces or assembliesthat fit to top of the above ground portion of the direct push toolassembly to receive the impact of the hammering device andtransfer the impact energy to sampler ex

37、tensions or drive rods.3.2.3 open barrel sampler, nsampling barrel with openend allowing material to enter at any time or depth. Also maybe referred to as an unprotected type sampler.3.2.4 piston lock, ndevice to lock the sampler piston inplace to prevent any entry of a foreign substance into thesam

38、pler chamber prior to sampling.3.2.5 single tube system, na system whereby singleextension/drive rods with sampler attached are advanced intothe subsurface strata to collect a soil sample.3.2.6 solid barrel sampler, na soil sampling device con-sisting of a continuous or segmented tube with a wall th

39、icknesssufficient to withstand the forces necessary to penetrate thestrata desired and gather a sample. A cutting shoe and aconnecting head are attached to the barrel.3.2.7 split barrel sampler, na soil sampling device con-sisting of the two half circle tubes manufactured to matchingalignment, held

40、together on one end by a shoe and on the otherby a connecting head.3.2.8 dual tube systems, na system whereby inner andouter tubes are advanced simultaneously into the subsurfacestrata to collect a soil sample. The outer tube is used forborehole stabilization. The inner tube for is used samplerrecov

41、ery and insertion.4. Summary of Guide4.1 Direct push soil sampling consists of advancing asampling device into subsurface soils by applying staticpressure, by applying impacts, or by applying vibration, or anycombination thereof, to the above ground portion of thesampler extensions until the sampler

42、 has been advanced to thedesired sampling depth. The sampler is recovered from theborehole and the sample removed from the sampler. Thesampler is cleaned and the procedure repeated for the nextdesired sampling interval. Sampling can be continuous for fulldepth borehole logging or incremental for spe

43、cific intervalsampling. Samplers used can be protected type for controlledspecimen gathering or unprotected for general soil specimencollection.5. Significance and Use5.1 Direct Push Soil Sampling is used extensively in envi-ronmental site characterization of soils below ground surfaceand can also b

44、e used for subsurface geotechnical site charac-terization (3, 7, 8, 9-12, 13). Limited early studies have beendone using Direct Push Soil Sampling for environmentalinvestigations (14, 15, 16). These methods are preferred forenvironmental site characterization over rotary drilling sam-pling methods (

45、D6169, D6286) because they are minimallyintrusive (less disruptive to the soil column) and they do notgenerate soil cuttings which could be contaminated and requirecharacterization and safe disposal. Direct Push soil samplersare grouped into two categories; Single Tube and Dual(Double) Tube systems.

46、5.1.1 Dual Tube SystemsDual tube soil sampling systemsare preferred for use because the bore hole is protected andsealed by the outer casing during operations. However, in someconditions when sampling below the groundwater, a sealedsingle tube sampler (5.1.2) must to be used to avoid samplecross con

47、tamination. Figure 1 shows how a Double Tubesystem is used. The outer tube stays in place to protect and sealthe borehole and prevents potential cross contamination of theboring and the soil sample. Dual tube systems allow for rapidcontinuous sampling both above and below the water table.When sampli

48、ng is not required, a sealed inner drive point canbe locked in for driving through zones not targeted forsampling or through obstructions or difficult to sample forma-tions. Dual tube systems facilitate deployment of othertesting and sampling systems (Test Method D1586 and PracticeD1587) and

49、sensors, groundwater sampling (D6001), watertesting (D7242), and even monitoring well installations(D6724, D6725). Well installations may require use of spe-cially designed expendable tips that facilitate well construc-tion. In larger Dual Tube systems with inside diameters ofat least 75 mm the Standard Penetration Test (D1586) is oftenconducted in the bottom of the boring. Reliable SPT N valuescan be obtained in most soil formations that are not disturbedby the driving of the casing. Cohesionless sands and very softclays may be disturbed during advancement of


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