ASTM D6719-2007 Standard Guide for Standard Test Methods and Practices for Evaluating Pile Yarn Floor Covering《评估绒毛纺线地板覆盖物用标准试验方法和实施规程的标准指南》.pdf

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ASTM D6719-2007 Standard Guide for Standard Test Methods and Practices for Evaluating Pile Yarn Floor Covering《评估绒毛纺线地板覆盖物用标准试验方法和实施规程的标准指南》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D6719-2007 Standard Guide for Standard Test Methods and Practices for Evaluating Pile Yarn Floor Covering《评估绒毛纺线地板覆盖物用标准试验方法和实施规程的标准指南》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM D6719-2007 Standard Guide for Standard Test Methods and Practices for Evaluating Pile Yarn Floor Covering《评估绒毛纺线地板覆盖物用标准试验方法和实施规程的标准指南》.pdf_第3页
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1、Designation: D 6719 07Standard Guide forStandard Test Methods and Practices for Evaluating PileYarn Floor Covering1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6719; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year

2、 of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide provides users with an index of procedures inthe form of test methods, practices, and related document

3、s thatare currently used in industry for determination of properties ofpile yarn floor covering. This guide is not considered asall-inclusive for testing procedures related to pile yarn floorcovering.1.1.1 It is the responsibility of the user to choose from thisguide those procedures that provide te

4、st information on prop-erties of interest for pile yarn floor covering that relate to itsphysical and esthetic properties and performance.1.1.2 Procedures for particular properties appear in thefollowing sections:Property SectionSurface Appearance Change 8.1-8.32Antimicrobial 8.5Binding Sites 8.6Bac

5、king Characteristics 8.7Colorfastness 8.8-8.12Carpets, Cleaning 8.13 and 8.14Conditioning 7Delamination Resistance 8.15Fiber Analysis 8.16Flammability 8.17-8.20Pile Thickness 8.21Mass per Unit Area 8.22Soiling 8.23-8.26Stain Resistance 8.27Static 8.28Tuft Bind 8.29Tuft Height 8.30Tuft Element Length

6、 8.31Durability 8.33Edge Ravel 8.341.2 In general, values stated in SI units are to be regarded asthe standard. Values given in parentheses are for informationonly and may be approximate.1.2.1 Some of the listed procedures may cite other units asstandard. In this event, language of the procedure is

7、control-ling.1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2.

8、 Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D 123 Terminology Relating to TextilesD 629 Test Methods for Quantitative Analysis of TextilesD 1335 Test Method for Tuft Bind of Pile Yarn FloorCoveringsD 1776 Practice for Conditioning and Testing TextilesD 2646 Test Methods for Backing Fabric Characteristi

9、cs ofPile Yarn Floor CoveringsD 2859 Test Method for Ignition Characteristics of FinishedTextile Floor Covering MaterialsD 3936 Test Method for Resistance to Delamination of theSecondary Backing of Pile Yarn Floor CoveringD 5251 Practice for the Operation of the Tetrapod WalkerDrum TesterD 5252 Prac

10、tice for the Operation of the Hexapod TumbleDrum TesterD 5417 Practice for Operation of the Vettermann DrumTesterD 5684 Terminology Relating to Pile Floor CoveringsD 5793 Test Method for Binding Sites per Unit Length orWidth of Pile Yarn Floor CoveringsD 5823 Test Method for Tuft Height of Pile Floo

11、r Cover-ingsD 5848 Test Method for Mass Per Unit Area of Pile YarnFloor CoveringsD6119 Practice for Creating Surface Appearance Changesin Pile Yarn Floor Covering from Foot TrafficD 6283 Test Method for Tuft Element Length of UncoatedPile Yarn Floor CoveringsD 6540 Test Method for Accelerated Soilin

12、g of Pile YarnFloor CoveringD 6859 Test Method for Pile Thickness of Finished LevelPile Yarn Floor Coverings1This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D13 on Textiles andis the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D13.21 on Pile Floor Coverings.Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2007. Pu

13、blished February 2007. Originallypublished in 2001. Last previous edition approved in 2005 as D 6719 05.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standard

14、s Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.D 6962 Practice for Operation of a Roller Chair Tester forPile Yarn Floor CoveringsD 7241 Test Method for Pile Thickness of Finished Multi-lev

15、el Pile Yarn Floor CoveringD 7267 Test Method for Edge Ravel Resistance of FinishedLoop Pile, Pile Yarn Floor CoveringE 122 Practice for Calculating Sample Size to Estimate,With a Specified Tolerable Error, the Average for aCharacteristic of a Lot or ProcessE 648 Test Method for Critical Radiant Flu

16、x of Floor-Covering Systems Using a Radiant Heat Energy SourceE 662 Test Method for Specific Optical Density of SmokeGenerated by Solid Materials2.2 AATCC Test Methods:16 Colorfastness to Light320 Fiber Analysis: Quantitative320A Fiber Analysis: Quantitative3107 Colorfastness to Water3121 Carpet Soi

17、ling: Visual Rating Method3122 Carpet Soiling: Service Soiling Method3123 Carpet Soiling: Accelerated Soiling Method3129 Colorfastness to Ozone in the Atmosphere Under HighHumidities3134 Electrostatic Propensity of Carpets3138 Cleaning: Washing of Textile Floor Coverings3164 Colorfastness to Oxides

18、of Nitrogen in the AtmosphereUnder High Humidities3165 Colorfastness to Crocking: Carpets-AATCC Crockme-ter Method3171 Carpets: Cleaning of; Hot Water Extraction Method3174 Antimicrobial Activity Assessment of Carpets3175 Stain Resistance: Pile Floor Coverings32.3 Federal Regulations:Title 16, Chapt

19、er II, Part 1630 Standard for the SurfaceFlammability of Carpets and Rugs (FF 1-70)43. Terminology3.1 For definitions of terms relating to Pile Floor Coverings,D13.21, refer to Terminology D 5684.3.1.1 The following terms are relevant to this standard:backing, backing fabric, binding sites, carpet,

20、change in surfaceappearance, durability, finished, finished pile yarn floor cover-ing, floor covering, pile, pile yarn floor covering, resistance todelamination, soiling, textile floor covering, total mass, tuftbind, tuft element, tuft height, tufted fabric.3.2 For all other terminology related to t

21、extiles, refer toTerminology D 123.4. Significance and Use4.1 This guide is useful to select test methods and orpractices that are commonly used in industry for evaluatingpile yarn floor covering. Refer to the particular test method orpractice cited for the property of interest for significance andu

22、se statements.5. Sampling5.1 Sampling Units:5.1.1 Uncoated Floor CoveringThe basic sampling unitof uncoated floor covering is a production roll.5.1.2 Coated Floor CoveringThe basic sampling unit ofcoated floor covering is a shipping roll. The number ofshipping rolls obtained from each production rol

23、l ranges fromone to over ten.5.2 Lot SampleIn quality acceptance and quality controlsituations, take a lot sample as directed in Practice E 122 whenstatistical knowledge of the product variability and test methodprecision is available and a decision has been made on themaximum deviation that can be

24、tolerated between the estimateto be made from the lot sample and the result that would beobtained by measuring every sampling unit of the lot. Other-wise the number of sampling units is a lot sample and the useof the test results obtained from the individual test samplesshall be in accordance with t

25、he manufacturers Quality Controlprogram or with the specification agreed upon between pur-chaser and the supplier.5.3 Laboratory Sampling UnitA laboratory sampling unitshall consist of full width section of floor covering cut fromone end of each roll in the lot sample and shall be at least 100mm (4

26、in.) longer than the specimens required for the test beingconducted. For coated pile yarn floor covering exclude theseam end of a production roll.5.4 Test SpecimensFrom each laboratory sampling unit,take as many test specimens as directed by the procedure beingused that will yield a standard test re

27、sult.6. Calibration6.1 Many of the test methods cited herein require the use ofproperly calibrated testing equipment. All testing systemsshould be verified before use. Refer to the individual testmethods for specific information on the preparation, calibra-tion, and verification of apparatus.7. Cond

28、itioning7.1 Condition the test specimens in the specific atmospheredetailed in the method of interest. If a conditioning procedureis not specified, bring the test specimens to moisture equilib-rium in the standard atmosphere for testing textiles as directedin Practice D 1776 .8. Test Methods and Pra

29、ctices8.1 Create surface appearance changes in pile yarn floorcoverings as directed in Practice D6119.8.2 Produce changes in appearance due to changes insurface structure by mechanical action of the Vettermann Drumas directed in Practice D 5417.8.3 Produce changes in appearance due to changes insurf

30、ace structure by mechanical action of the Hexapod Drum asdirected in Practice D 5252.3Available from American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists(AATCC), P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, http:/ from U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of

31、Documents,732 N. Capitol St., NW, Mail Stop: SDE, Washington, DC 20401, http:/ Produce changes in appearance due to changes insurface structure by mechanical action of the Tetrapod Drum asdirected in Practice D 5251.8.5 Assess the antimicrobial activity of new carpet ma

32、terialsas directed in AATCC 174.8.6 Determine the number of binding sites per unit length orwidth of pile yarn floor covering as directed in Test MethodD 5793.8.7 Determine the fabric backing characteristics of pile yarnfloor coverings as directed in Test Methods D 2646.8.8 Determine the colorfastne

33、ss to light as directed inAATCC 16.8.9 Determine the colorfastness to crocking as directed inAATCC 165.8.10 Determine the colorfastness to ozone in the atmosphereunder high humidity as directed in AATCC 129.8.11 Determine colorfastness to water as directed inAATCC 107.8.12 Determine the colorfastnes

34、s to oxides of nitrogen in theatmosphere under high humidity as directed in AATCC 164.8.13 Carpets: Cleaning of, Hot water extraction method asdirected in AATCC 171.8.14 Simulate changes that occur in cleaning; Washing oftextile floor coverings as directed in AATCC 138.8.15 Determine the resistance

35、to delamination as directed inTest Method D 3936, and the visual assessment of delamina-tion of the secondary back as directed in Practice D 6962.8.16 Perform fiber analysis as directed in Test MethodD 629, and or AATCC 20 and 20A.8.17 Determine the ignition characteristics of finished tex-tile floo

36、r covering as directed in Test Method D 2859.8.18 Determine the ignition characteristics of finished tex-tile floor coverings as directed in the Code of Federal Regula-tions, Title 16, Chapter II, Part 1630.8.19 Determine the optical density of smoke generated bysolid materials as directed in Test M

37、ethod E 662.8.20 Measure the critical radiant flux of horizontallymounted floor covering systems exposed to a flaming ignitionsource as directed in Test Method E 648.8.21 Determine the pile thickness of pile yarn floor cover-ings as directed in Test Method D 6859 and Test MethodD 7241.8.22 Determine

38、 the mass per unit area of pile yarn floorcoverings as directed in Test Method D 5848.8.23 Determine the soiling propensity of pile yarn floorcovering as directed in Test Method D 6540.8.24 Compare the soiling propensity of two or more carpetsas directed in AATCC 123.8.25 Evaluate the surface soilin

39、g of carpets and rugs asdirected in AATCC 121.8.26 Evaluate the degree of cleanness of pile yarn floorcoverings exposed normal foot traffic as directed inAATCC 122.8.27 Determine the resistance to staining as directed inAATCC 175.8.28 Determine the static generating propensity of carpetsas directed

40、in AATCC 134.8.29 Measure the tuft bind of pile yarn floor covering asdirected in Test Method D 1335.8.30 Determine the tuft height of pile yarn floor coveringsas directed in Test Methods D 5823.8.31 Determine the tuft element length of uncoated pile yarnfloor coverings as directed in Test Method D

41、6283.8.32 Produce changes in appearance due to changes insurface structure by mechanical action of the Roller ChairTester as directed in Practice D 6962.8.33 Determine the durability of pile yarn floor covering asdirected in Practice D 6962.8.34 Determine the edge ravel of pile yarn floor coveringsa

42、s directed in Test Method D 7267.9. Keywords9.1 antimicrobial; appearance change; backing characteris-tics; binding sites; carpet; colorfastness; delamination; durabil-ity; fiber analysis; flammability; mass per unit area; pilethickness; pile yarn floor covering; soiling; stain resistance;static; tu

43、ft bind; tuft element length; tuft heightASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentionedin this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and th

44、e riskof infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision o

45、f this standard or for additional standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should

46、make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website(


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