ASTM D7270-2007 Standard Guide for Environmental and Performance Verification of Factory-Applied Liquid Coatings《工厂采用液体涂料的环境和性能鉴定用标准指南》.pdf

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ASTM D7270-2007 Standard Guide for Environmental and Performance Verification of Factory-Applied Liquid Coatings《工厂采用液体涂料的环境和性能鉴定用标准指南》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D7270-2007 Standard Guide for Environmental and Performance Verification of Factory-Applied Liquid Coatings《工厂采用液体涂料的环境和性能鉴定用标准指南》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM D7270-2007 Standard Guide for Environmental and Performance Verification of Factory-Applied Liquid Coatings《工厂采用液体涂料的环境和性能鉴定用标准指南》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM D7270-2007 Standard Guide for Environmental and Performance Verification of Factory-Applied Liquid Coatings《工厂采用液体涂料的环境和性能鉴定用标准指南》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM D7270-2007 Standard Guide for Environmental and Performance Verification of Factory-Applied Liquid Coatings《工厂采用液体涂料的环境和性能鉴定用标准指南》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: D 7270 07Standard Guide forEnvironmental and Performance Verification of Factory-Applied Liquid Coatings1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 7270; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the y

2、ear of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide provides a generic testing procedure to verifythe air pollution-prevention characteristics and basi

3、c propertiesof liquid coatings applied to metal, plastic, wood, or compositesubstrates in a factory/manufacturing environment. Thus itmay be used to evaluate these liquid coatings to verify theirvolatile organic compound (VOC) and organic hazardous airpollutant (HAP) content as well as basic perform

4、ance proper-ties.1.2 This guide is adapted from a procedure used by the USEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish thirdparty verification of the physical properties and performance ofcoatings that have potential to reduce air emissions. The datafrom the verification testing is available o

5、n the internet at theEPAs Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Programwebsite (http:/ underthe “P2 Innovative Coatings and Coating Equipment Pilot.”1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as thestandard. The values given in parentheses are for

6、 informationonly.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and to determine theapplicability of regulatory limitations prior to u

7、se.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2B117 Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog) ApparatusB 499 Test Method for Measurement of Coating Thick-nesses by the Magnetic Method: Nonmagnetic Coatings onMagnetic Basis MetalsD 522 Test Methods for Mandrel Bend Test of AttachedOrganic CoatingsD 523

8、Test Method for Specular GlossD 1729 Practice for Visual Appraisal of Colors and ColorDifferences of Diffusely-Illuminated Opaque MaterialsD 1735 Practice for Testing Water Resistance of CoatingsUsing Water Fog ApparatusD 2244 Practice for Calculation of Color Tolerances andColor Differences from In

9、strumentally Measured ColorCoordinatesD 2369 Test Method for Volatile Content of CoatingsD 2794 Test Method for Resistance of Organic Coatings tothe Effects of Rapid Deformation (Impact)D 3359 Test Methods for Measuring Adhesion by Tape TestD 3363 Test Method for Film Hardness by Pencil TestD 3792 T

10、est Method for Water Content of Coatings byDirect Injection Into a Gas ChromatographD 3960 Practice for Determining Volatile Organic Com-pound (VOC) Content of Paints and Related CoatingsD 4017 Test Method for Water in Paints and Paint Materialsby Karl Fischer MethodD 4060 Test Method for Abrasion R

11、esistance of OrganicCoatings by the Taber AbraserD 4457 Test Method for Determination of Dichloromethaneand 1,1,1-Trichloroethane in Paints and Coatings by DirectInjection into a Gas ChromatographD 5402 Practice for Assessing the Solvent Resistance ofOrganic Coatings Using Solvent RubsD 5767 Test Me

12、thods for Instrumental Measurement ofDistinctness-of-Image Gloss of Coating SurfacesD 6133 Test Method for Acetone, p-Chlorobenzotrifluoride,MethylAcetate or t-ButylAcetate Content of Solventborneand Waterborne Paints, Coatings, Resins, and Raw Mate-rials by Direct Injection Into a Gas Chromatograph

13、1This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D01 on Paint andRelated Coatings, Materials, and Applications and is the direct responsibility ofSubcommittee D01.55 on Factory Applied Coatings on Preformed Products.Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2007. Published March 2007.2For referenced A

14、STM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Consho

15、hocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.D 6438 Test Method for Acetone, Methyl Acetate, andParachlorobenzotrifluoride Content of Paints, and Coat-ings by Solid Phase Microextraction-Gas ChromatographyD 6695 Practice for Xenon-Arc Exposures of Paint andRelated CoatingsD 6886 Test Method for Speciation o

16、f the Volatile OrganicCompounds (VOCs) in Low VOC Content WaterborneAir-Dry Coatings by Gas Chromatograpy2.2 EPA Methods3EPA Method 24 Surface Coatings (Determination of Vola-tile Matter Content, Water Content, Density, VolumeSolids, and Weight Solids of Surface Coatings)EPAMethod 311 HAPS in Paints

17、 and Coatings (Analysis ofHazardous Air Pollutant Compounds in Paints and Coat-ings by Direct Injection Into a Gas Chromatograph)3. Significance and Use3.1 The primary objective of this verification guide is todetermine the “air pollution-prevention potential” (possiblereduction in VOC or HAP emissi

18、ons) of factory-applied liquidcoatings.3.2 The overall objective of this guide is to verify the abovepollution-prevention characteristics and basic performancecharacteristics of liquid coating technologies. Use of this guidecan increase acceptance of more environmentally friendlytechnologies for pro

19、duct finishing with an accompanyingreduction in emissions to the atmosphere. The specific objec-tives of this guide are to (1) quantify the VOC and HAPcontentof liquid coatings and (2) verify the basic quality and durabilityperformance of these coatings.3.3 The primary criteria for verification of l

20、iquid coatingswill be:3.3.1 Confirm that use of the coating will significantlyreduce VOC and HAP content or emissions (or both) duringapplication or cure, or both.3.3.2 Confirm that the coating can provide an acceptablefinish (appearance, hardness, flexibility, etc.) for the intendedend use.3.4 The

21、test results from this guide can provide to potentialusers the best data available to determine whether the coatingwill provide a pollution-prevention benefit while meeting thefinish quality requirements for its intended use. This guideintends to supply end users with unbiased technical data toassis

22、t them in this decision-making process.3.5 The quantitative air pollution-prevention potential de-pends on a multitude of factors; therefore, the liquid coatingsare to be applied in accordance with the coating vendorsinstructions and the resulting verification data reflect only thespecific condition

23、s of the test. To quantify the environmentalbenefit (air pollution-prevention potential), a test to quantifythe VOC or HAP emissions from the new liquid coatings willbe conducted and compared to data for existing coatingstypically used in the target industry.4. Testing Site4.1 To accelerate the tran

24、sition of environmentally friendlyprocesses to the manufacturing base, the test facility shouldoffer the ability to test processes and products on representativecommercial equipment. The coating application equipment inthe test facility should be available for the pilot-scale testingperformed in thi

25、s guide (for example, surface pretreatment,powder coating, electrocoating, wet spray, and conventionalforced-air and infrared ovens, as applicable). Layouts of anexample of an approved test facility are shown in AppendixX1, Figs. X1.1 and X1.2, respectively. Examples of the varioustesting laboratori

26、es and their representative equipment hold-ings that are relevant to the approved test facility verificationprojects are listed in Table X1.1.4.2 A test plan, referred to as a Testing and QualityAssurance Protocol (T/QAP), will be established to provide thetesting details that are dependent upon the

27、 specific liquidcoating being tested. Some general guidelines and procedurescan be applied to each T/QAP. These include:4.2.1 A detailed description of each part of the test will beprovided. The selection of tests to be performed, test details,evaluation methods and acceptance criteria are defined b

28、y theend use requirements of the coating. These details should beincorporated into a test plan that is unique to each coating. Thiswill include a detailed design of experiments and a schematicdiagram of testing to be performed.4.2.2 Critical and noncritical factors will be listed. Noncriti-cal facto

29、rs will remain constant throughout the testing. Criticalfactors will be listed as control (process) factors or response(coating product quality) factors.4.2.3 The T/QAP will identify the testing site.4.2.4 Regardless of where the testing is performed, theapproved test facility will ensure that the i

30、ntegrity of third-party testing is maintained.4.2.5 Regardless of where the testing is performed, theQuality Assurance (QA) portion of the guide will be strictlyadhered to.4.2.6 A statistically significant number of samples will beanalyzed for each critical response factor (see Table 1).Variances (o

31、r standard deviations) of each critical responsefactor will be reported for all results.4.3 The test facility will be selected and must meet thestandards of the individual T/QAP and the test facilitysQuality Management Plan (QMP). Example QMPs can befound at the ETV Website (http:/ Test

32、ing person-nel will document all critical and noncritical control factors andqualitative noncritical control factors.5. Procedure5.1 Test ApproachThe following approach for verificationof coating performance will be used in the test protocol:5.1.1 Determine the performance parameters to be verified.

33、5.1.2 Choose a standard test panel (and possibly otheritems) that will enable thorough testing of coating perfor-mance.5.1.3 Select the test coating and the optimum equipmentsettings for application and curing based on informationfurnished by the coating manufacturer.3US EPA, Office of Air Quality P

34、lanning and Standards (OAQPS), TTN EMCWebmaster (C304-03), Research Triangle Park, NC 27711(website, Complete the verification test.5.1.5 Analyze the results using a statistically valid testprogram that efficiently accomplishes the required objectives.5.2 Verificat

35、ion Test ObjectivesThe objectives of the veri-fication tests performed using this guide are to determine theVOC and HAP content and to verify the basic quality anddurability characteristics of selected liquid coatings. In addi-tion, the VOC and HAP emissions generated during the curingof the coating

36、 may be checked using an agreed upon methodfor determining those emissions. The coated test panels will bechecked for dry film thickness (DFT), visual appearance, and atleast three of the following performance attributes: gloss, color,distinctness-of-image (DOI), adhesion, corrosion resistance,impac

37、t resistance, flexibility, hardness, humidity resistance,weather resistance, wear resistance, and resistance to methylethyl ketone (MEK). The tests may be selected based on theend use of the coating.5.3 Standard Test PanelThe actual test panels may befabricated from steel, stainless steel, glass, pl

38、astic, alloys,wood, composite, or other substrate based on the liquid coatingvendors recommendations for the target industry. The defaultstandard test panels will be cold-rolled steel, 30.5 cm (12 in.)long and 10.2 cm (4 in.) wide with a 0.6-cm (0.25-in.) hole inone end so that it may be suspended f

39、rom a hook. Other shapes(parts) may be treated and tested as required to complete theverification.5.4 Coating Specification:5.4.1 The liquid coating submitted for verification testingshould provide an environmental benefit (that is, reduced airpollution) over coatings currently in use in the liquid

40、coatingstarget industry. It should be considered as an “innovativecoating.”5.4.2 The coating vendor will supply its test coating andrespective specifications for the verification test program. Thecoating vendor will also supply a sufficient amount of coatingmaterial to complete the verification test

41、s, the exact preparationinstructions, and the application parameters. The applicationprocedures and conditions must by representative of real worldprocesses in the target industry.5.5 Standard Coating Application Apparatus:5.5.1 This guide outlines the default application apparatusto be used for liq

42、uid coating verification tests. The defaultapplication method atomizes the liquid coating via automatedspray application equipment. The information contained in thisguide describes a standard apparatus setup for verification testsconducted at the test facility.TABLE 1 Critical Response Factors (5 Pa

43、nels per Test)Critical Response Factor Measurement Location FrequencyTotal Number of DataPointsEnvironmentalVolatile Organic Compound (VOC)Content of liquid coatingSee 5.9 5 samples from liquid coating lot to be usedduring test5Hazardous Air Pollutant (HAP)Content of liquid coatingSee 5.9 5 samples

44、from liquid coating lot to be usedduring test5Quality/Durability (Mandatory)Dry Film Thickness (DFT) From B 499 (magnetic) 9 points on 1 standard test panel per run 45Visual Appearance Entire test panel and entire rack 1 standard test panel per run and 1 per test 6Quality/Durability (Optional)Gloss

45、From D 523 3 points on 1 standard test panel per run 15ColorAFrom D 1729 1 randomly selected panel per run, 1 testper panel5ColorAFrom D 2244 1 randomly selected panel per run, 1 testper panel5Distinctness of Image (DOI)BFrom D 5767 Test Method B 1 randomly selected panel per run, 3 testsper panel15

46、AdhesionCFrom D 3359 1 randomly selected panel per run, 1 testper panel5Pencil HardnessCFrom D 3363 1 randomly selected panel per run, 1 testper panel5Salt Spray From B117 1 randomly selected panel per run, 1 testper panel5Impact From D 2794 1 randomly selected panel per run, 1 testper panel5Flexibi

47、lity (Mandrel Bend) From D 522 1 randomly selected panel per run, 1 testper panel5MEK Rub From D 5402 1 randomly selected panel per run, 1 testper panel5Humidity Resistance From D 1735 1 sample per test 5Artificial Weathering Resistance From D 6695D3 samples per test 15Abrasion Resistance From D 406

48、0 1 sample per test 5ABoth color analyses with the same panel.BExcept that the sliding combed shutter is replaced by a rotating eight-bladed disk.CThe adhesion and pencil hardness tests will be performed on the same panel as the DFT test.DPractice D 6695 provides a description of procedures for oper

49、ating the artificial weathering device. It does not indicate the duration of exposure or the physical propertytests required to determine accelerated weathering resistance. These will be specified in the test plan for each liquid coating.D72700735.5.2 The coating vendor will determine the operatingparameters of the spray equipment (for example, input airpressure, gun-to-target distance, horizontal gun speed, flashtime, and dwell time).5.5.3 Panel pretreatment is specific to the substrate materialand will be specified by the liquid coating vendor. If panels arenot purchased in

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