1、Designation: D7580/D7580M 09 (Reapproved 2014)Standard Test Method forRotary Stretch Wrapper Method for Determining theReadability of Passive RFID Transponders on HomogenousPalletized or Unitized Loads1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7580/D7580M; the number immediately following
2、 the designation indicates theyear of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of lastreapproval. A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This test method quan
3、titatively evaluates the readabilityof radio frequency identification (RFID) tagged unitized loadin a simulated stretch wrapper read point scenario.1.2 This test method is intended for use in laboratorysettings that simulate, as closely as is practicable, the distribu-tion environment of the product
4、 being tested or within theactual distribution environment itself.1.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound unitsare to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated ineach system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, eachsystem shall be used independently of the other. Combi
5、ningvalues from the two systems may result in non-conformancewith the standard.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and dete
6、rmine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2D996 Terminology of Packaging and Distribution Environ-mentsD4332 Practice for Conditioning Containers, Packages, orPackaging Components for TestingE337 Test Method for Measuring Humidity with
7、a Psy-chrometer (the Measurement of Wet- and Dry-Bulb Tem-peratures)3. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsTerms and definitions used in these testmethods may be found in Terminology D996.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 firmwarea series of programmable instructions,stored in read-only
8、 memory (ROM), which controls the capa-bilities of an interrogator.3.2.2 material handling basea generalized term referringto any apparatus used to facilitate assembling, mechanicalhandling, transporting, or storing of a unitized load (forexample, pallets, slip-sheets or skids).3.2.3 Radio Frequency
9、 Identification (RFID)a wirelessdata communication technology that uses radio waves totransfer data from one source to another.3.2.4 RFthe energy used by RFID systems to activatetransponders and wirelessly transfer information.3.2.5 RF inhibitinga substance or material that causes asignificant reduc
10、tion in the effectiveness of radio waves thatreach an RFID transponder.3.2.6 softwarean array of logic, displayed as anapplication, used to access and control a device.4. Summary of Test Method4.1 This test method is used to determine the read perfor-mance of an RF system inclusive of the reader, an
11、tennae, andtransponders with a unitized load of RF tagged unit case loads.The test is conducted with the unitized load being stretchwrapped by an automated rotary stretch wrapping machinewhile the unitized load is subjected to a stationary RF field,provided by surrounding RF antennae.5. Significance
12、 and Use5.1 This test method is intended to be used as a means toverify the readability of RFID tagged unitized loads.5.2 This test method simulates an RF read point at stage ofunitizing a load using a stretch wrapper. Reading RF tags on astretch wrapper is beneficial because the dynamic rotarymotio
13、n of the unitized load within the stationary RF fieldincreases the likelihood of successful reads.1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D10 onPackaging and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D10.17 on Auto-IDApplications.Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2014. Publis
14、hed November 2014. Originallyapproved in 2009. Last previous edition approved in 2009 as D7580/D7580M-09.DOI: 10.1520/D7580_D7580M-09R14.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume i
15、nformation, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States15.3 This test method is intended for systems used exclu-sively within the United States. Additional test stand
16、ards fromISO or other standards bodies may apply to internationallyhandled goods, and may include additional test scenarios notoutlined in this document.6. Interferences6.1 RFID systems are subject to interference from metal,water, and ambient RF energy. If significant levels of any ofthese interfer
17、ences are present in the immediate testing area,the observed read performance will be affected. Due touncontrolled variation in testing facilities, numerical values forinterference cannot be stated. Possible sources of interferenceshall be documented in the final report.6.1.1 Documentation of interf
18、erence shall include informa-tion regarding, material, size, and location relative to interro-gator antenna.6.2 If significant levels of interference are unavoidable,testing shall be conducted in such a manner that interferencesremain unchanged throughout testing.7. Atmospheric Conditions7.1 Testing
19、 shall be conducted at Standard ConditioningAtmosphere, 23 6 1C (73.4 6 2F) and 50 6 2 % relativehumidity unless otherwise noted as per The exact measurement of temperature and relativehumidity of the testing atmosphere shall be made as close tothe specimen being exposed as is possible. (
20、See Test MethodE337 for a detailed description of methods.) The temperatureand relative humidity indicated at the control point may not berepresentative of conditions elsewhere in the conditioned spacedue to local effects or deficiency in air circulation. Tolerancesat the controller usually must be
21、smaller than those at thespecimen.8. Apparatus8.1 Material Handling Equipment. The equipment used tomove the unit load. This equipment may consist of a manual orelectronic pallet jack, fork truck, or clamp truck.8.2 Stretch WrapperAny machinery used to automaticallyunitize a load using a stretch fil
22、m.8.3 RFID System:8.3.1 InterrogatorA manufactured device that communi-cates with RFID transponders by means of antennae, andcommunicated transponder information to the host computer.8.3.2 Interrogator AntennaA manufactured device thatemits RF energy to transponders and receives information fromtran
23、sponders in the form of reflected RF energy.8.3.3 TransponderAmicrochip with a small conductiveantenna that receives RF energy from the interrogator antennaand reflects the information on the microchip back to theinterrogator antenna in the form of RF energy.8.3.4 Host ComputerAny computer with the
24、proper soft-ware to communicate with and operate the RFID interrogator.9. Test Specimen9.1 Each unitized load shall be comprised of a specifiedquantity of loaded containers, representative of a productionrun unitized load.9.2 Each loaded container shall consist of a representativeproduction run pack
25、age, or components of an assembledpackaging system, to include primary, secondary, and/or ter-tiary packaging up through the shipping case level.9.3 An RFID transponder specimen shall be a randomlyselected transponder from an RFID transponder inventory.10. Conditioning10.1 Test specimens shall be co
26、nditioned at the standardconditioning atmosphere of 23 6 2C (73.4 6 3.6F) for aminimum of 24 h prior to testing (see Practice D4332) unlessotherwise noted as per ProcedureTest Method for Time Based Stretch Wrapper Testing11.1 Assembling the Palletized Load:11.1.1 Affix a single RFID conta
27、iner transponder to each ofthe containers to be assembled into the unitized load. The location at which transponders are affixed tounit case loads shall represent, as closely as possible, theplacement of the transponder in a production scenario.11.1.2 Record the EPC number of each containert
28、ransponder, visually, on the container to which it is attached sothat the performance of individual transponders can be associ-ated with the relative position of the container within theunitized load.11.1.3 Assemble the tagged containers into a unitized loadthat is consistent with a production run l
29、oad with respect tostacking pattern, number of tiers, number of containers, con-tainer orientation, and material handling base (pallet, skidplatform, and so forth).11.2 Assemble the RFID system.11.2.1 The location and quantity of the interrogator anten-nae shall be documented and held constant throu
30、ghout testing.NOTE 1The configuration of the interrogator antennae is a criticalvariable affecting the readability of unitized loads.11.3 Place the unitized load in the center of the stretchwrapper platen.NOTE 2Attachment of stretch film to the unitized load is notnecessary.11.4 Set the stretch wrap
31、per to continuously rotate at 12 61 rpm. Start the stretch wrapper.11.5 Turn the interrogator on and allow it to run for 10 sbefore turning it off.11.6 Record the following information by either saving atest file or recording the information manually from the RFsystem software:11.6.1 The total numbe
32、r of container transponders read.11.6.2 The EPC number of each container transponder read.11.6.3 The number of reads accumulated for each containertransponder.D7580/D7580M 09 (2014)211.7 Repeat steps 11.4 through 11.6 thirty (30) times toenhance statistical validity.Test Method for Cycle Based Stret
33、ch Wrapper Testing11.8 Assembling the Palletized Load:11.8.1 Affix a single RFID container transponder to each ofthe containers to be assembled into the unitized load. The location at which transponders are affixed tounit case loads shall represent, as closely as possible, theplacement of th
34、e transponder in a production scenario.11.8.2 Record the EPC number of each containertransponder, visually, on the container to which it is attached sothat the performance of individual transponders can be associ-ated with the relative position of the container within theunitized load.11.8.3 Assembl
35、e the tagged containers into a unitized loadthat is consistent with a production run load with respect tostacking pattern, number of tiers, number of containers, con-tainer orientation, and pallet movement apparatus (pallet, slipsheet, and so forth).11.9 Assemble the RFID system.11.9.1 The location
36、and quantity of the interrogator anten-nae shall be documented and held constant throughout testing.NOTE 3The configuration of the interrogator antennae is a criticalvariable affecting the readability of unitized loads.11.10 Place the unitized load in the center of the stretchwrapper platen and atta
37、ch the end of the stretch film to theunitized load.11.11 Begin the stretch wrapper wrap cycle and simultane-ously turn the interrogator on so that it begins reading.NOTE 4Results can be affected by the speed of rotation, the up anddown speed of stretch wrapper carriage, and the total number of rotat
38、ionsoccurring during the wrap cycle. These variables shall be documented andheld constant throughout testing.11.12 At the moment when the stretch wrapper platencomes to rest, turn the interrogator off.11.13 Record the following information by either saving atest file or recording the information man
39、ually from the RFsystem software:11.13.1 The total number of container transponders read.11.13.2 The EPC number of each container transponderread.11.13.3 The number of reads accumulated for each con-tainer transponder.11.14 Remove the stretch film from the unitized load.11.15 Repeat steps 11.11 thro
40、ugh 11.14 thirty (30) times toenhance statistical validity.12. Interpretation of Results12.1 Case transponders reading three or more times in asingle trial are denoted as “passed.”12.2 Case transponders reading less than three times in asingle trial are denoted as “failed.”12.3 If all case transpond
41、ers in a unitized load pass, theunitized load is considered RFD transparent.12.4 If any case transponder fails, the unitized load isconsidered RF inhibiting.13. Report13.1 Report the following information:13.1.1 A statement that the test was conducted in compli-ance with these test methods or a desc
42、ription of any devia-tion(s) from these test methods.13.1.2 Identification of the RFID system including: Identification of the make, model and firmwareversion of the interrogator. Identification of the make and model of the inter-rogator antenna. Identification of the make an
43、d model of the tran-sponder. Identification of the make, model and softwareversion (where applicable) of the host computer. All relevant reader settings where available (that is,power setting, reader operation mode).13.1.3 Description of the unitized load. Description of the
44、product, internal packaging,shipping container, and closure system, where applicable.13.1.4 Description of antennae configuration including: Number of antennae used. Location of each antenna. Photograph or illustration of antennae configura-tion.13.1.5 The temperature and hum
45、idity conditioning prior totesting.13.2 Graphical Representation:13.2.1 A visual representation of the read performance ofeach case in the palletized load shall be developed. Thediagram will include an over head view representing each ofthe loaded containers, separated by layer.13.2.2 Data shall be
46、included on the figure to denote thefollowing information about each loaded container: Whether or not the container was passed in alltrials,NOTE 5 If the container is only detected in some of the trials,information should be included to indicate the percentage of trials inwhich the case was
47、detected. The average number of reads per container pertrial, and13.2.2.3 The approximate position of the RFID tag appliedto each loaded container.14. Precision and Bias14.1 PrecisionBased on replicate testing in one laboratoryusing Avery Dennison AD220 transponders and an ImpinjSpeedway rea
48、der, the pooled standard deviation of time basedtesting was 12.6 reads per tag per trial, with an average of 307reads per trial. The pooled standard deviation of cycle basedtesting was 28.4 reads per tag per trial, with an average of 2282reads per trial. These estimates of within-laboratory repeatab
49、il-ity may vary with other equipment, transponders, productloads, test conditions, and so forth.D7580/D7580M 09 (2014)314.2 BiasThe procedures in this test method have no biasbecause there are no accepted reference materials or proce-dures.15. Keywords15.1 packaging; radio frequency identification (RFID);stretch wrapper; transponder; unitized loadASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentionedin this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the