ASTM D7592-2010 0625 Standard Specification for Specification for Grade 94 Unleaded Aviation Gasoline Certification and Test Fuel《规范94号无铅航空汽油认证及试验用油的标准规范》.pdf

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ASTM D7592-2010 0625 Standard Specification for Specification for Grade 94 Unleaded Aviation Gasoline Certification and Test Fuel《规范94号无铅航空汽油认证及试验用油的标准规范》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM D7592-2010 0625 Standard Specification for Specification for Grade 94 Unleaded Aviation Gasoline Certification and Test Fuel《规范94号无铅航空汽油认证及试验用油的标准规范》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM D7592-2010 0625 Standard Specification for Specification for Grade 94 Unleaded Aviation Gasoline Certification and Test Fuel《规范94号无铅航空汽油认证及试验用油的标准规范》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM D7592-2010 0625 Standard Specification for Specification for Grade 94 Unleaded Aviation Gasoline Certification and Test Fuel《规范94号无铅航空汽油认证及试验用油的标准规范》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM D7592-2010 0625 Standard Specification for Specification for Grade 94 Unleaded Aviation Gasoline Certification and Test Fuel《规范94号无铅航空汽油认证及试验用油的标准规范》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: D7592 10An American National StandardStandard Specification forSpecification for Grade 94 Unleaded Aviation GasolineCertification and Test Fuel1This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7592; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adopt

2、ion or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers formulating specifications forpurchases of avia

3、tion gasoline under contract and is intendedprimarily for use by purchasing agencies.1.2 This specification defines a specific type of aviationgasoline that contains no lead. It does not include all gasolinessatisfactory for reciprocating aviation engines. Certain equip-ment or conditions of use may

4、 permit a wider, or require anarrower, range of characteristics than is shown by thisspecification.1.3 This specification, unless otherwise provided, prescribesthe required properties of unleaded aviation gasoline at thetime and place of delivery.1.4 The current purpose for the fuel specified herein

5、 is forcertification and testing of an engine and engine components.1.5 The UL94 standard is to be used for engine calibrationand FAA certification.1.6 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded asstandard. No other units of measurement are included in thisstandard.2. Referenced Documents2.1 A

6、STM Standards:2D86 Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum Products atAtmospheric PressureD130 Test Method for Corrosiveness to Copper from Pe-troleum Products by Copper Strip TestD323 Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Prod-ucts (Reid Method)D357 Method of Test for Knock Characteristics

7、of MotorFuels Below 100 Octane Number by the Motor Method3D614 Method of Test for Knock Characteristics of AviationFuels by the Aviation Method3D873 Test Method for Oxidation Stability of Aviation Fuels(Potential Residue Method)D910 Specification for Aviation GasolinesD1094 Test Method for Water Rea

8、ction of Aviation FuelsD1298 Test Method for Density, Relative Density (SpecificGravity), or API Gravity of Crude Petroleum and LiquidPetroleum Products by Hydrometer MethodD1948 Method of Test for Knock Characteristics of MotorFuels Above 100 Octane Number by the Motor Method3D2386 Test Method for

9、Freezing Point of Aviation FuelsD2622 Test Method for Sulfur in Petroleum Products byWavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence SpectrometryD2624 Test Methods for Electrical Conductivity ofAviationand Distillate FuelsD2699 Test Method for Research Octane Number of Spark-Ignition Engine FuelD2700 Test

10、Method for Motor Octane Number of Spark-Ignition Engine FuelD3237 Test Method for Lead in Gasoline by Atomic Ab-sorption SpectroscopyD3338 Test Method for Estimation of Net Heat of Combus-tion of Aviation FuelsD4052 Test Method for Density, Relative Density, and APIGravity of Liquids by Digital Dens

11、ity MeterD4057 Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum andPetroleum ProductsD4171 Specification for Fuel System Icing InhibitorsD4177 Practice for Automatic Sampling of Petroleum andPetroleum ProductsD4306 Practice for Aviation Fuel Sample Containers forTests Affected by Trace ContaminationD4529 T

12、est Method for Estimation of Net Heat of Combus-tion of Aviation FuelsD4809 Test Method for Heat of Combustion of LiquidHydrocarbon Fuels by Bomb Calorimeter (PrecisionMethod)D4865 Guide for Generation and Dissipation of StaticElectricity in Petroleum Fuel SystemsD5006 Test Method for Measurement of

13、 Fuel System IcingInhibitors (Ether Type) in Aviation Fuels1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02 onPetroleum Products and Lubricants and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeD02.J0.02 on Aviation Gasoline.Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2010. Published November

14、2010. DOI:10.1520/D759210.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Withdrawn. The last approved versi

15、on of this historical standard is referencedon ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.D5059 Test Methods for Lead in Gasoline by X-Ray Spec-troscopyD5190 Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Prod-ucts (Au

16、tomatic Method)D5191 Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Prod-ucts (Mini Method)D6227 Specification for Grade 82 Unleaded Aviation Gaso-lineD6469 Guide for Microbial Contamination in Fuels andFuel SystemsE29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data toDetermine Conformance with Spec

17、ifications3. Terminology3.1 Definitions:3.1.1 unleaded aviation gasoline, ngasoline possessingspecific properties suitable for fueling aircraft powered byreciprocating spark ignition engines, where lead is not inten-tionally added for the purpose of enhancing octane perfor-mance. DiscussionPr

18、incipal properties include volatilitylimits, stability, detonation-free performance in the engine forwhich it is intended, and suitability for low temperatureperformance.4. Classification4.1 One grade of unleaded aviation gasoline is provided,known as:Grade UL94NOTE 1The above grade is based on its

19、octane number as measuredby Test Method D2700 motor method.5. Materials and Manufacture5.1 Unleaded aviation gasoline, except as otherwise speci-fied in this specification, shall consist of blends of refinedhydrocarbons derived from crude petroleum, natural gasoline,or blends, thereof, with syntheti

20、c hydrocarbons or aromatichydrocarbons, or both.5.2 AdditivesThese may be added to each grade of un-leaded aviation gasoline in the amount and of the compositionspecified in the following list of approved materials.4Thequantities and types shall be declared by the manufacturer.Additives added after

21、the point of manufacture shall also bedeclared.5.2.1 AntioxidantsThe following oxidation inhibitors maybe added to the gasoline separately, or in combination, in totalconcentration not to exceed 12 mg of inhibitor (not includingweight of solvent) per litre of fuel. 2, 6-ditertiary butyl-4-met

22、hylphenol. 2, 4-dimethyl-6-tertiary butylphenol. 2, 6-ditertiary butylphenol. 75 % minimum 2, 6-ditertiary butylphenol plus25 % maximum mixed tertiary and tritertiary butylphenols. 75 % minimum di- and tri-isopropyl phenols plus25 % maximum di- and tri-tertiary butylpheno

23、ls. 72 % minimum 2,4-dimethyl-6-tertiary butylphenolplus 28 % maximum monomethyl and dimethyl tertiarybutylphenols. N,N-di-isopropyl-para-phenylenediamine. N,N-di-secondary-butyl-para-phenylenediamine.5.2.2 Fuel System Icing Inhibitor (FSII)One of the fol-lowing may be used:5.2.

24、2.1 Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA, propan-2-ol), in accordancewith the requirements of Specification D4171 (Type II). Thismay be used in concentrations recommended by the aircraftmanufacturer when required by the aircraft owner/operator.NOTE 2Addition of isopropyl alcohol (IPA) may reduce knock ratingsbelo

25、w minimum specification values in a similar manner to SpecificationD910 Leaded Aviation Gasoline (see X1.2.3). Di-Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether (Di-EGME),conforming to the requirements of Specification D4171 (TypeIII), may be used in concentrations of 0.10 to 0.15 volume %when required by

26、 the aircraft owner/operator. Test Method D5006 may be used to determine theconcentration of Di-EGME in aviation fuels.5.2.3 Electrical Conductivity AdditiveStadis 4506in con-centrations up to 3 mg/L is permitted. When loss of fuelconductivity necessitates retreatment with electrical conducti

27、v-ity additive, further addition is permissible up to a maximumcumulative level of 5 mg/L of Stadis 450.65.2.4 Corrosion Inhibitor AdditiveThe following corro-sion inhibitors may be added to the gasoline in concentrationsnot to exceed the maximum allowable concentration (MAC)listed for each additive

28、.DCI-4A MAC = 24.0 g/m3DCI-6A MAC = 15.0 g/m3HITEC 580 MAC = 22.5 g/m3NALCO 5403 MAC = 22.5 g/m3NALCO 5405 MAC = 11.0 g/m3UNICOR J MAC = 22.5 g/m3SPEC-AID 8Q22 MAC = 24.0 g/m3TOLAD 351 MAC = 24.0 g/m3TOLAD 4410 MAC = 22.5 g/m36. Detailed Requirements6.1 The unleaded aviation gasoline shall conform t

29、o therequirements prescribed in Table 1.6.2 Test results shall not exceed the maximum or be lessthan the minimum values specified in Table 1. No allowanceshall be made for the precision of the test methods. Todetermine the conformance to the specification requirement, atest result may be rounded to

30、the same number of significantfigures as in Table 1 using Practice E29. Where multipledeterminations are made, the average result, rounded accordingto Practice E29, shall be used.7. Workmanship, Finish and Appearance7.1 The unleaded aviation gasoline specified in this speci-fication shall be free fr

31、om undissolved water, sediment, and4Supporting data (guidelines for the approval or disapproval of additives) havebeen filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may be obtained by requestingResearch Report RR:D02-1125.5Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and maybe o

32、btained by requesting Research Report RR:D02-1256.6Stadis 450 is a registered trademark marketed by Innospec, Inc., InnospecManufacturing Park, Oil Sites Road, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire, CH65 4EY, UK.D7592 102suspended matter. The odor of the fuel shall not be nauseatingor irritating. No substances o

33、f known dangerous toxicity underusual conditions of handling and use shall be present.8. Sampling8.1 Because of the importance of proper sampling proce-dures in establishing fuel quality, use the appropriate proce-dures in Practice D4057 or Practice D4177.8.1.1 Although automatic sampling following

34、PracticeD4177 may be useful in certain situations, initial refineryspecification compliance testing shall be performed on asample taken following procedures in Practice D4057.8.2 A number of unleaded aviation gasoline properties,including copper corrosion, electrical conductivity, and othersare very

35、 sensitive to trace contamination which can originatefrom sample containers. For recommended sample containers,refer to Practice D4306.9. Reports9.1 The type and number of reports to ensure conformancewith the requirements of this specification shall be mutuallyagreed to by the purchaser and the sup

36、plier of the unleadedaviation gasoline.10. Test Methods10.1 The requirements enumerated in this specification shallbe determined in accordance with the following ASTM testmethods:10.1.1 Knock ValueMON (Test Method D2700) and RON(Test Method D2699).10.1.2 DensityTest Methods D1298 or D4052.10.1.3 Dis

37、tillationTest Method D86.10.1.4 Vapor PressureTest Methods D323, D5190,orD5191.10.1.5 Freezing PointTest Method D2386.10.1.6 SulfurTest Method D2622.10.1.7 Net Heat of CombustionTest Methods D4529 orD3338.10.1.8 Corrosion (Copper Strip)Test Method D130,2htest at 100C in bomb.10.1.9 Potential GumTest

38、 Method D873, except thatwherever the letter X occurs (referring to oxidation time) insertthe number 5, designating the number of hours prescribed inthis specification.10.1.10 Water ReactionTest Method D1094.10.1.11 Electrical ConductivityTest Method D2624.TABLE 1 Detailed Requirements for Unleaded

39、Aviation GasolineAOctane Ratings Grade 94 ASTM Test MethodBKnock value, Motor Octane NumberCmin 94.0 D2700Knock value, Research Octane NumberCmin Report D2699Identifying Color colorlessDensity at 15C, kg/m3Report D1298 or D4052Distillation D86Initial boiling point, C ReportFuel Evaporated10 volume %

40、 at C max 7540 volume % at C min 7550 volume % at C max 10590 volume % at C max 135Final boiling point, C max 170Sumof10%+50%evaporated temperatures, C min 135Recovery volume % min 97Residue volume % max 1.5Loss volume % max 1.5Vapor pressure, 38C, kPa minmax38.049.0D323 or D5190 or D5191DFreezing p

41、oint,C max -58ED2386Sulfur, mass % max 0.05 D2622Net heat of combustion, MJ/kgFmin 43.5 D4529 or D3338Corrosion, copper strip, 2 h at 100C max No. 1 D130Oxidation stability(5 h aging)GD873Potential gum, mg/100 mL max 6Water reaction D1094Volume change, mL max 62Electrical conductivity, pS/m max 450H

42、D2624Tetraethyl Lead, g Pb/L max 0.0130 D3237 or D5059AFor compliance of test results against the requirements of Table 1, see 6.2.BThe test methods indicated in this table are referred to in Section 10.CKnock ratings shall be reported to the nearest 0.1 octane number.DTest Method D5191 shall be the

43、 referee vapor pressure method.EIf no crystals have appeared on cooling to 58C, the freezing point may be reported as less than 58C.FFor all grades use either Eq 1 or Table 1 in Test Method D4529 or Eq 2 in Test Method D3338. Test Method D4809 may be used as an alternative. In case of dispute,Test M

44、ethod D4809 shall be used.GIf mutually agreed upon between the purchaser and the supplier, a 16 h aging gum requirement may be specified instead of the 5 h aging gum test; in such case thegum content shall not exceed 10 mg/100 mL. In such fuel the permissible antioxidant shall not exceed 24 mg/L.HAp

45、plies only when an electrical conductivity additive is used; when a customer specifies fuel containing conductivity additive, the following conductivity limits shall applyunder the condition at point of use:Minimum 50 pS/m.Maximum 450 pS/m.The supplier shall report the amount of additive added.D7592

46、 10310.1.12 Lead-Test MethodsTest Methods D3237 orD5059 (Test Method C).11. Keywords11.1 Avgas; aviation gasoline; gasoline; unleaded Avgas;unleaded aviation gasolineAPPENDIX(Nonmandatory Information)X1. PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS OF UNLEADED AVIATION GASOLINEX1.1 IntroductionX1.1.1 Unleaded aviati

47、on gasoline is a complex mixture ofrelatively volatile hydrocarbons that vary widely in theirphysical and chemical properties. The engines and aircraftimpose a variety of mechanical, physical, and chemical envi-ronments. The properties of unleaded aviation gasoline (TableX1.1) must be properly balan

48、ced to give satisfactory engineperformance over an extremely wide range of conditions.X1.1.2 The ASTM requirements summarized in Table 1 arequality limits established on the basis of the broad experienceand close cooperation of producers of unleaded aviationgasoline, manufacturers of aircraft engine

49、s, and users of bothcommodities. The values given are intended to define unleadedaviation gasoline suitable for most types of spark-ignitionaviation engines; however, certain equipment or conditions ofuse may require fuels having other characteristics.X1.1.3 Specifications covering antiknock quality defines thegrade of unleaded aviation gasoline. The other requirementseither prescribe the proper balance of properties to ensuresatisfactory engine performance or limit components of unde-sirable nature to concentrations so low that they will not


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