ASTM E139-2006 Standard Test Methods for Conducting Creep Creep-Rupture and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials《金属材料蠕度、蠕变断裂和应力断裂试验的标准试验方法》.pdf

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ASTM E139-2006 Standard Test Methods for Conducting Creep Creep-Rupture and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials《金属材料蠕度、蠕变断裂和应力断裂试验的标准试验方法》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM E139-2006 Standard Test Methods for Conducting Creep Creep-Rupture and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials《金属材料蠕度、蠕变断裂和应力断裂试验的标准试验方法》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM E139-2006 Standard Test Methods for Conducting Creep Creep-Rupture and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials《金属材料蠕度、蠕变断裂和应力断裂试验的标准试验方法》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM E139-2006 Standard Test Methods for Conducting Creep Creep-Rupture and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials《金属材料蠕度、蠕变断裂和应力断裂试验的标准试验方法》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM E139-2006 Standard Test Methods for Conducting Creep Creep-Rupture and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials《金属材料蠕度、蠕变断裂和应力断裂试验的标准试验方法》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: E 139 06Standard Test Methods forConducting Creep, Creep-Rupture, and Stress-RuptureTests of Metallic Materials1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 139; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision,

2、 the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1. Scope*1.1 These test methods cov

3、er the determination of theamount of deformation as a function of time (creep test) andthe measurement of the time for fracture to occur whensufficient force is present (rupture test) for materials whenunder constant tensile forces at constant temperature. It alsoincludes the essential requirements

4、for testing equipment. Forinformation of assistance in determining the desirable numberand duration of tests, reference should be made to the productspecification.1.2 These test methods list the information which should beincluded in reports of tests. The intention is to ensure that alluseful and re

5、adily available information is transmitted tointerested parties. Reports receive special attention for thefollowing reasons: (1) results from different, recognized pro-cedures vary significantly; therefore, identification of methodsused is important; (2) later studies to establish importantvariables

6、 are often hampered by the lack of detailed informa-tion in published reports; (3) the nature of prolonged tests oftenmakes retest impractical, and at the same time makes it difficultto remain within the recommended variations of some con-trolled variables. A detailed report permits transmittal of t

7、estresults without implying a degree of control which was notachieved.1.3 Tests on notched specimens are not included.These testsare addressed in Practice E 292.1.4 Tests under conditions of short times are not included.These test methods are addressed in Test Methods E21.1.5 The values stated in SI

8、 units are to be regarded as thestandard.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory

9、 limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2E4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing MachinesE6 Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Test-ingE8 Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallic MaterialsE21 Test Methods for Elevated Temperature Tension Testsof Meta

10、llic MaterialsE29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data toDetermine Conformance with SpecificationsE74 Practice of Calibration of Force-Measuring Instru-ments for Verifying the Force Indication of Testing Ma-chinesE83 Practice for Verification and Classification of Exten-someter Systems

11、E 177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias inASTM Test MethodsE 220 Test Method for Calibration of Thermocouples ByComparison TechniquesE 292 Test Methods for Conducting Time-for-RuptureNotch Tension Tests of MaterialsE 633 Guide for Use of Thermocouples in Creep andStress-Rupture Testin

12、g to 1800F (1000C) in AirE 1012 Practice for Verification of Test Frame and Speci-men Alignment Under Tensile and Compressive AxialForce Application2.2 Military Standard:MIL-STD-120 Gage Inspection33. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsThe definitions of terms relating to creeptesting, which appear in Sectio

13、n E of Terminology E6shallapply to the terms used in this practice. For the purpose of this1These test methods are under the jurisdiction of the ASTM Committee E28 onMechanical Testing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E28.04 onUniaxial Testing.Current edition approved May 1, 2006. Pu

14、blished June 2006. Originallyapproved in 1958. Last previous edition approved in 2000 as E 139 00e1.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Do

15、cument Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4 Section D, 700Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094, Attn: NPODS.1*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C70

16、0, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.practice only, some of the more general terms are used with therestricted meanings given below.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 axial strainthe average of the strain measured onopposite sides and equally distant from the spec

17、imen axis.3.2.2 bending strain the difference between the strain atthe surface of the specimen and the axial strain. In general itvaries from point to point around and along the reduced sectionof the specimen. maximum bending strainmeasured at a positionalong the length of the reduced section

18、 of a straight unnotchedspecimen.3.2.3 creepthe time-dependent strain that occurs after theapplication of a force which is thereafter maintained constant.3.2.4 creep-rupture testa test in which progressive speci-men deformation and the time for rupture are measured. Ingeneral, deformation is much la

19、rger than that developed duringa creep test.3.2.5 creep testa test that has the objective of measuringcreep and creep rates occurring at stresses usually well belowthose which would result in fracture during the time of testing.Since the maximum deformation is only a few percent, asensitive extensom

20、eter is required.3.2.6 gage lengththe original distance between gagemarks made on the specimen for determining elongation afterfracture.3.2.7 length of the reduced sectionthe distance betweentangent points of the fillets which bound the reduced section. The adjusted length of the reduced sect

21、ion is greaterthan the length of the reduced section by an amount calculatedto compensate for strain in the fillet region (see 8.2.3).3.2.8 plastic strain during force applicationthe portion ofthe strain during force application determined as the offsetfrom the linear portion to the end of a stress-

22、strain curve madeduring force application. The offset construction is shown inTest Methods E8.3.2.9 reduced section, of the specimenthe central portionof the length having a cross section smaller than the ends whichare gripped. The cross section is uniform within tolerancesprescribed in s

23、train during force applicationthe change in strainduring the time interval from the start of force to the instant offull-force application.3.2.11 stress-rupture testa test in which time for rupture ismeasured, no deformation measurements being made duringthe test.3.2.12 total plastic strain, at a sp

24、ecified time equal to thesum of plastic strain during force application plus creep.3.2.13 total strain, at a specified timeequal to the sum ofthe strain during force application plus creep.4. Significance and Use4.1 Rupture tests, properly interpreted, provide a measure ofthe ultimate load-carrying

25、ability of a material as a function oftime. Creep tests measure the load-carrying ability for limiteddeformations. The two tests complement each other in definingthe load-carrying ability of a material. In selecting material anddesigning parts for service at elevated temperatures, the type oftest da

26、ta used will depend on the criterion of load-carryingability that better defines the service usefulness of the material.5. Apparatus5.1 Testing Machine:The accuracy of the testing machine shall be within thepermissible variation specified in Practices E4.5.1.1 Exercise precaution to ensure that the

27、force on thespecimens is applied as axially as possible. Perfect axialalignment is difficult to obtain, especially when the pull rodsand extensometer rods pass through packing at the ends of thefurnace. However, the machine and grips should be capable ofapplying force to a precisely made specimen so

28、 that themaximum bending strain does not exceed 10 % of the axialstrain, when the calculations are based on strain readings takenat the lowest force for which the machine is being qualified.NOTE 1This requirement is intended to limit the maximum contribu-tion of the testing apparatus to the bending

29、which occurs during a test. Itis recognized that even with qualified apparatus, different tests may havequite different percent bending strains due to chance orientation of aloosely fitted specimen, lack of symmetry of that particular specimen,lateral force from furnace packing, and thermocouple wir

30、e, etc. In testing of low ductility material, even a bendingstrain of 10 % may result in lower strength than would beobtained with improved axiality. In these cases, measurementsof bending strain on the specimen to be tested may bespecifically requested and the permissible magnitude limited t

31、oa smaller value. The testing apparatus may be qualified by measure-ments of axiality made at room temperature. When one ismaking an evaluation of equipment, the specimen form shouldbe the same as that used during the elevated-temperature tests.The evaluation specimen concentricity shall be a

32、t least as goodas called out in the specimen drawing. Only elastic strainsshould occur throughout the reduced section. This requirementmay necessitate use of a material different from that usedduring the elevated-temperature test. Test Method E 1012, or an equivalent test method(3),4shall be

33、used for the measurement and calculation ofbending strain for round, rectangular, and thin strip specimens. Axiality measurements should be made at roomtemperature during the initial setup of the assembled testmachine, (including the pull rods, and grips) before use fortesting. Gripping devic

34、es and pull rods may oxidize, warp, andcreep with repeated use at elevated temperatures. Increasedbending stresses may result. Therefore, grips and pull rodsshould be periodically retested for axiality and reworked whennecessary.5.1.2 The testing machine shall incorporate means of takingup the exten

35、sion of the specimen so that the applied force willbe maintained within the limits specified in 5.1. The extensionof the specimen shall not allow the force application system tointroduce eccentricity of force application in excess of thelimits specified in 5.1.1. The take-up mechanism shall avoid4Th

36、e boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end ofthis standard.E139062introducing shock forces, overloading due to friction or inertiain the force application system, or apply torque to the speci-men.5.1.3 The testing machine shall be erected to secure reason-able freed

37、om from vibration and shock due to external causes.Precautions shall be made to minimize the transmission ofshock to neighboring test machines and specimens when aspecimen fractures. Vibration and shock effects may be seen asnoise in the curve when plotting the creep versus time. Whensuch effects ar

38、e visible in the plotted data, vibration and shockshould not introduce apparent noise to the creep data in excessof 7.5 % total creep or total plastic strain. Such externalvibrations shall not result in applied force errors in excess of+1 % of the specified test force.5.1.4 For high-temperature test

39、ing of materials which arereadily attacked by their environment (such as oxidation ofmetal in air), the specimen may be enclosed in a capsule so thatit can be tested in a vacuum or inert-gas atmosphere. Whensuch equipment is used, the necessary corrections to obtain truespecimen applied forces shall

40、 be made. For instance, compen-sation shall be made for differences in pressures inside andoutside of the capsule and for any force application variationdue to sealing-ring friction, bellows or other features.5.2 Heating Apparatus:The apparatus for and method of heating the specimens shallprovide th

41、e temperature control necessary to satisfy the re-quirements specified in 8.4.4 without manual adjustments morefrequent than once in each 24-h period after force application.Automatic temperature control is preferred.5.2.1 Heating shall be by an electric resistance or radiationfurnace with the speci

42、men in air at atmospheric pressure unlessother media are specifically agreed upon in advance.NOTE 2The media in which the specimens are tested may have aconsiderable effect on the results of tests. This is particularly true when theproperties are influenced by oxidation or corrosion during the test,

43、although other effects can also influence test results.5.3 Temperature-Measuring Apparatus (1):5.3.1 The method of temperature measurement must besufficiently sensitive and reliable to ensure that the temperatureof the specimen is within the limits specified in Temperature shall be measu

44、red with calibrated ther-mocouples in conjunction with calibrated thermocouple mea-surement instrumentation. Other calibrated methods of tem-perature measurement may be used if they are wellcharacterized with respect to standard thermocouple measure-ment methods.NOTE 3Such measurements are subject t

45、o two types of error. Ther-mocouple calibration and instrument measuring errors initially introduceuncertainty as to the exact temperature. Secondly both thermocouples andmeasuring instruments may be subject to variation with time. Commonerrors encountered in the use of thermocouples to measure temp

46、eraturesinclude, calibration error, drift in calibration due to contamination ordeterioration with use, lead-wire error, error arising from method ofattachment to the specimen, direct radiation of heat to the bead, heat-conduction along thermocouple wires, etc.5.3.3 Temperature measurements shall be

47、 made with cali-brated thermocouples. Representative thermocouples should becalibrated from each lot of wires used for making base-metalthermocouples. Except for relatively low temperatures ofexposure, base-metal thermocouples are subject to error uponreuse unless the depth of immersion and temperat

48、ure gradientsof the initial exposure are reproduced. Consequently base-metal thermocouples should be calibrated by the use ofrepresentative thermocouples and actual thermocouples used tomeasure specimen temperatures shall not be calibrated. Base-metal thermocouples also should not be re-used without

49、clipping back to remove wire exposed to the hot zone . Anyreuse of base-metal thermocouples after relatively low-temperature use without this precaution should be accompa-nied by recalibration data demonstrating that calibration wasnot unduly affected by the conditions of exposure. Noble-metal thermocouples are also subject to errorsdue to contamination, etc., and should be annealed periodicallyand checked for calibration. Care should be exercised to keepthe thermocouples clean prior to exposure and during use atelevated temperatures. Measurement of t


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