ASTM E196-2006(2012) 1875 Standard Practice for Gravity Load Testing of Floors and Low Slope Roofs《地面和低斜屋顶重力荷载测试的标准实施规程》.pdf

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ASTM E196-2006(2012) 1875 Standard Practice for Gravity Load Testing of Floors and Low Slope Roofs《地面和低斜屋顶重力荷载测试的标准实施规程》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM E196-2006(2012) 1875 Standard Practice for Gravity Load Testing of Floors and Low Slope Roofs《地面和低斜屋顶重力荷载测试的标准实施规程》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM E196-2006(2012) 1875 Standard Practice for Gravity Load Testing of Floors and Low Slope Roofs《地面和低斜屋顶重力荷载测试的标准实施规程》.pdf_第3页
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1、Designation: E196 06 (Reapproved 2012)Standard Practice forGravity Load Testing of Floors and Low Slope Roofs1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E196; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of las

2、t revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1. Scope1.1 This practice covers static load testing

3、 of floors and lowslope roofs (roofs having a slope of less than 1 in 12) underactual or simulated service conditions, and is applicable totypical elements or sections of structures fabricated for test orto actual existing building components. This practice is in-tended for use in determining the st

4、rength and stiffness ofelements or sections of floors and roofs of buildings undergravity loads, as well as in checking the design, materials,connections, and the quality of the fabrication of such buildingconstructions.1.2 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded asstandard. The values give

5、n in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to inch-pound units that are provided for informa-tion only and are not considered standard.1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to e

6、stablish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2E575 Practice for Reporting Data from Structural Tests ofBuilding Constructions, Elements, Connections, and As-sembliesE631 Terminology

7、 of Building Constructions3. Terminology3.1 For definitions of terms in this practice, see TerminologyE631.4. Significance and Use4.1 This practice is intended to be used by parties involvedin the testing of floors and roofs of structures either in the fieldor the laboratory. Tests are either proof

8、tests or tests to failure,and are applicable to all construction materials. The practice isnot intended for use in routine quality control testing ofindividual building elements or constructions.5. Types of Tests5.1 Proof TestsProof tests are intended to give assurancethat the construction will supp

9、ort a specified load or will notexceed a given deflection under this load, or both. If the flooror roof is to be placed in service after the proof test, or is partof an existing structure which must remain in service after thetest, great care must be exercised to determine that structuraldamage has

10、not occurred, or that if failure did occur, damage isminimal and the safety of personnel is not jeopardized.5.2 Failure TestsFailure tests are carried out to obtainmore detailed information on the performance, ultimate loadcarrying capacity, the mode of failure, the adequacy of theconnections, and t

11、o develop the complete load-deflection curvefor the construction(s).6. Test Specimens6.1 The area or size of the test specimen shall be arepresentative section, taken to duplicate the structural perfor-mance of the actual floor or roof, or shall be a typical elementor bay of an existing structure. W

12、hen a loading test isperformed on a particular floor or roof composed of manyidentical segments, the selection of a representative test sectionshall be approved by the building official or party for whom thetest is being performed. Normally only one representativeportion of the structure need be tes

13、ted, except where variousareas of a floor or roof are subject to differing types of loading,or where a number of structural elements or sections in abuilding are suspect and to be proof loaded.6.2 The condition of the materials in the assembly to betested shall be reasonably equivalent, at the time

14、of test, to theconditions assumed in the design or representative of the actualin-service conditions.1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 on Perfor-mance of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.11 onHorizontal and Vertical Structures/Structural Per

15、formance of Completed Structures.Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2012. Published October 2012. Originallyapproved in 1962. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as E196 06. DOI:10.1520/E0196-06R12.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service

16、 at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States17. Simulated Structures7.1 When a loading test i

17、s carried out on a simulatedstructure, the support conditions and the fixity of the edges ofthe floor or roof developed in the actual structure shall bereproduced as closely as possible in the test specimen.7.2 The materials, structural shapes, connections,connectors, and construction used in the si

18、mulated structureshall duplicate as closely as practical those used or intended foruse in the actual structure.8. General Testing Arrangement8.1 Verification of Design AssumptionsFloors or roofsshall be loaded in a manner satisfying the original designassumptions. Floors or roofs designed for unifor

19、m loadingshall be tested under uniform loading or by a method that willsimulate the forces and moments generated by a uniformlydistributed load. When structures with protrusions or structuralelements that are located above the surface to be loaded aretested, care shall be taken to ensure that the lo

20、ading procedureused does not inadvertently restrain lateral buckling of theseelements.8.2 Uniform Live LoadAn actual uniform live load isapplied to the test specimen(s). This shall be achieved using anair bag, a vacuum chamber, water, or other suitable materials.If water is used as a loading medium,

21、 care must be taken tominimize the effects of ponding which will produce a nonuni-form load. One means of minimizing the ponding is bydividing the area to be loaded by water into a series of separatecompartments that are filled individually.NOTE 1The unintentional failure of a test structure loaded

22、by watercan be extremely messy and can create unanticipated problems.8.3 Simulated Uniform Live LoadA simulated uniformlive load shall be applied by dead weights, jacks, cables andpulleys, or any other method that will simulate a uniformlydistributed load by concentrated loads. If the loads are appl

23、iedby jacks, distribute the bearing forces over a sufficient area topreclude local damage. Where a uniformly distributed load isrepresented by dead weights such as masonry units, metalingots, or other materials of known weight, they shall be placedso as to preclude any arch action or bridging effect

24、 in theloading material which can affect the induced bending stresses.8.4 Concentrated LoadWhen a floor or roof is designedfor a concentrated load or loads in addition to a uniform load,a concentrated load test shall also be performed that simulatesthe actual condition of loading. If the bearing are

25、a is nototherwise specified, the concentrated load shall be distributedover an area of 460 by 460 mm (18 by 18 in.) and placed at thepoints anticipated in service or where such a load or loads willproduce maximum bending moments or shears, depending onthe purpose of the test. The uniform load, if an

26、y, shall beapplied as specified in 8.2 or Safety ConsiderationsAdequate precautions shall betaken to prevent injury to personnel during loading tests, byavoiding the danger of a complete collapse of the floor or roofin case of a failure. This shall be done by providing, whennecessary, adjust

27、able shoring or supports on the underside ofthe floor or roof to support the construction in case of failure,and shall be arranged to catch the main load-carrying membersof the floor or roof construction and not merely the coveringsurface such as the roof sheathing or a false ceiling. Thisshoring sy

28、stem shall be capable of taking the full dead weightof the floor or roof plus the full test load and shall be adjustedduring the test to leave a gap for deflection and observation. Tominimize the damage to a structure in the event of a failureduring a proof-load test, the loading medium shall haveba

29、ck-up restraint to keep it from becoming a following-typeload. The load shall be located so as to facilitate quick removaland limit the damage in the event that structural problemsbecome evident.9. Measurements9.1 DeflectionsDeflection measurements shall be takenduring the loading tests on the floor

30、 or roof at the center lineand quarter points of the two main axes of the loaded area andat other specified locations. Where the deformation of support-ing members affects the rigidity of the unit being tested, thedeflection of the supporting members shall also be measured.Deflections are permitted

31、to be measured using dial gages, asurveyors level, or other methods that will limit the error to62 % of the total deflection. The deflection gages shall besupported so as to be unaffected by the application of the loador by local deformations caused by the load. A means ofmonitoring deflections and

32、test assembly performance fromremote locations is the use of video tape equipment.9.2 Accuracy of LoadingThe loading medium or appliedloads shall be measured by a method that will limit the error to65 % of the specified design live load. Loading methods thatdo not allow such accuracy shall not be us

33、ed.9.3 Load SharingWhere several structural elements are inthe section being tested or the load test is conducted on anexisting structure, deformation readings shall be taken on themain element being evaluated and on the adjacent elements, asrequired, to determine the effects of load sharing. The sh

34、aringof loads shall be accounted for in the analysis of the test data.10. Procedure10.1 Determination of Load Magnitudes:10.1.1 Proof TestsIn the case of proof tests of elements orsections of buildings not in an actual structure, the magnitudeof load shall be the basic loads with appropriate applica

35、blecode specified adjustments. In the case where an element orsection of an existing building is to be proof loaded, themagnitude of load shall be the rated live load adjusted, whereappropriate, for duration of load, tributary area, etc.10.1.2 Ultimate Load TestsThe magnitudes of loads shallbe deter

36、mined in the same manner as for proof tests. Anapproximation of the minimum target ultimate load is obtainedby multiplying the design load by the appropriate load factorsfor the materials involved. Anticipated average ultimate loadvalues are then determined by statistically adjusting the mini-mum ta

37、rget values to mean values using the coefficient ofvariation for the materials involved or other adjustment factorswhere known.E196 06 (2012)210.2 Duration of Load Application:10.2.1 Elements in Simulated Structures and Less than FiveMembers in Existing StructuresExcept in the instances ofimpact tes

38、ts, after each increment of load is applied, maintainthe load level as constant as possible for a period of 5 min (seeNote 2). Take deformation readings as soon as practical afterload application, at the end of the 5-min period under constantload, and immediately and at the end of the 5-min period a

39、fterany partial or complete load release. Plot initial and 5-minreadings in the form of load-deformation curves. Maintaincomplete load-deformation-time records throughout the test. Ifapplication of a given load is required for a certain period, suchas 24 h, take deformation readings at the beginning

40、, at intervalsduring this period, and at the end of this period, to allow thesatisfactory plotting of a time-deformation curve for thecomplete period. Note and describe in detail the performanceof the floor or roof portion and any signs of distress or failuresin members and connections and, whenever

41、 possible, illustrateby photographs or sketches.NOTE 2Reasons for the 5-min application of constant-level incrementloads are as follows:(1) To permit the assembly to come to a substantial rest prior to takingthe second set of readings. Depending on the method employed forapplying the test load, it m

42、ay be necessary to continue, at a reduced rate,the motion of the loading device in order to maintain the constant loadlevel during the 5-min period.(2) To provide sufficient time for making all observations. (Longertime intervals may be required under certain conditions.)(3) To observe any time-depe

43、ndent deformation or load redistributionor both, and to record accurately the load level when time-dependentdeformation starts (that is, at the divergence of the immediate and delayedload-deformation curves). This load level can, under certain conditions,have an important bearing on the design load.

44、(4) To be able to stop the test, if this should be desirable, prior to totalfailure, after initial failure has been anticipated as a result of theobservations.(5) To assure uniformity in test performance and consistency in testresults.10.2.2 Multiple Member Tests in Existing StructuresWhere five or

45、more identical or nearly identical members are tobe proof loaded in the same existing structure to determinetheir ability to carry a specified live load, and economics andtime limitations dictate that the duration of load requirementsof 10.2.1 not be followed, a higher predetermined proof loadshall

46、be slowly applied over a 5-min period in one step andthen remove it after a 5-min hold under full live load.Deflection readings shall be taken initially after application ofthe proof load, at the end of the 5-min hold, immediately afterremoval of the load, and 5 min after removal of the load.10.3 Ma

47、intenance of Full Design LoadAfter reaching thefull design load, or other specified load level, except for theloading specified in 10.2.2, maintain the loading constant for aperiod of at least 6 h and take readings every hour during the6-h period to allow the determination of additional time-depende

48、nt deflection. At the end of the constant load period,the floor or roof portion:10.3.1 Shall be subject to additional loading to a specifiedtest load or to failure in accordance with 10.1.2 or10.3.2 When required by the building official or party forwhom the test is being performed, the test load sh

49、all beremoved and the recovery or permanent set measured imme-diately and not longer than 24 h after the removal of the load.10.4 Additional or Repeat LoadingsThe floor or roofportion tested in accordance with 10.3.2 shall be reloaded,using the testing procedure of 10.1, up to the specified test loadfor a proof test, or up to ultimate load for a failure test.11. Auxiliary Tests11.1 When required to aid in the interpretation of testresults, the quality of the materials connections, connectors,and other parts of the systems shall be determined. Suchdeterminations sh


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