1、Designation: E390 11Standard Reference Radiographs forSteel Fusion Welds1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E390; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses i
2、ndicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1. Scope1.1 This standard provides reference radiographs for steelfusion welds that conta
3、in typical discontinuities with varyingseverity levels in different thicknesses of material. The refer-ence radiograph films are an adjunct to this standard and mustbe purchased separately from ASTM International if needed.1.2 There are three volumes of reference radiographs basedon seven nominal we
4、ld thicknesses as follows:Vol ISet of 16 plates (812 by 11 in.) covering base materialup to and including14 in. (6.4 mm) in thickness.Vol IISet of 29 plates (812 by 11 in.) covering basematerial over14 to and including 3 in. (6.4 to 76 mm) inthickness.Vol IIISet of 32 plates (812 by 11 in.) covering
5、 basematerial over 3 to including 8 in. (76 to 203 mm) in thickness.1.3 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas the standard. The values given in parentheses are mathemati-cal conversions to SI units that are provided for informationonly and are not considered standard.1.4 This st
6、andard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1
7、 ASTM Standards:2E94 Guide for Radiographic ExaminationE1316 Terminology for Nondestructive Examinations2.2 ASTM Adjuncts:3Reference Radiographs for Steel Fusion Welds:Volume I, Thickness Up to and Including14 in. (6.4 mm)4Volume II, Thickness Over14 to 3 in. (6.4 to 76 mm), incl5Volume III, Thickne
8、ss Over 3 to 8 in. (76 to 203 mm), incl63. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsFor definitions of terms used in this docu-ment, see Terminology E1316, Section D.3.2 The terms relating to discontinuities present in thesereference radiographs are described based upon radiographicappearance. The terms “darker” a
9、nd “lighter” as used in thisstandard refer to the optical density of a radiographic film.Where other radiographic media are used, these terms shouldbe understood to refer to areas of greater or lesser radiologictransmission, respectively.4. Significance and Use4.1 These reference radiographs may be
10、used as a means forestablishing the types and severity levels of discontinuities thatare revealed by radiographic examination of steel fusion welds.4.2 Each volume contains illustrations of representativegraded and ungraded discontinuities applicable to seven thick-ness ranges, as shown in Table 1.
11、Table 2 lists the discontinuitytypes and severities illustrated for each thickness of basematerial. Each of the graded discontinuity types has fiveseverity levels, 1 through 5 in order of increasing severity. Theungraded discontinuities are included for informational pur-poses.4.3 These reference ra
12、diographs may be used in contractualspecifications, for which agreement has been reached betweenpurchaser and supplier, to establish acceptance limits of thetypes and severity levels of discontinuities revealed by radio-graphic examination.4.4 The use of this document is not intended to be restricte
13、dto the specific energy levels given in Table 3 or to the thicknesslimits given in Table 1. This document may be used, wherethere is no other applicable document, for other energy levels1These reference radiographs are under the jurisdiction of ASTM CommitteeE07 on Nondestructive Testing and are the
14、 direct responsibility of SubcommitteeE07.02 on Reference Radiological Images.Current edition approved Aug. 1, 2011. Published August 2011. Originallyapproved in 1969. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as E390 - 01(2006). DOI:10.1520/E0390-11.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM websi
15、te, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from ASTM Headquarters.4Order RRE039001.5Order RRE039002.6Order RRE039003.1Copyright ASTM Internationa
16、l, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.or thicknesses, or both, for which it is found to be applicableand for which agreement has been reached between purchaserand manufacturer.TABLE 1 Applicable Thickness RangesIllustrationThickness,in. (mm)Base Mater
17、ial Thickness Range,in. (mm)AVol I0.030 (0.8) to and including 0.050 (1.2)0.080 (2.0) over 0.050 (1.2) to and including18 (3.2)316 (4.8) over18 (3.2) to and including14 (6.4)Vol II38 (9.5) over14 (6.4) to and including12 (13)34 (19) over12 (13) to and including 112 (38)2 (51) over 112 (38) to and in
18、cluding 3 (76)Vol III5 (127) over 3.0 (76) to and including 8 (203)AIn the special cases of joining two members of unequal thickness, the standardapplicable to the thinner member shall be used.TABLE 2 Types of Discontinuities Illustrated for Each Thickness of Base MaterialDiscontinuity TypeBase Mate
19、rial Thickness and Grading, in. (mm)0.030 (0.8) 0.080 (2.0)316 (4.8)38 (9.5)34 (19) 2 (51) 5 (127)Scattered porosity Grade 15Fine scattered porosity Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15Coarse scattered porosity Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15Clustered porosity
20、Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15Linear porosity (globular indications)Aungraded Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15Slag inclusions Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15Tungsten inclusions Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 ung
21、radedIncomplete penetration ungraded Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15Lack of fusion ungraded Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15 Grade 15Elongated or worm hole porosity ungraded ungraded ungraded ungraded ungradedBurn through ungraded ungraded ungraded ungraded ungradedIcicles (teardrops
22、) ungraded ungraded ungraded ungraded ungradedLongitudinal crack ungraded ungraded ungraded ungraded ungraded ungradedTransverse crack ungraded ungraded ungraded ungraded ungraded ungradedCrater crack ungraded ungraded ungraded ungraded ungradedUndercut ungraded ungraded ungraded ungraded ungradedAT
23、he severity of linear porosity (globular indications) should be judged by their length and clustering rather than by their optical density.TABLE 3 Radiographic TechniqueABase MaterialThickness,in. (mm)kVp mA TimersSource-to-Film Dis-tance, in.Screens inCassettesFilm TypeASTME94BVol I0.030 (0.8) 90 1
24、0 180210 48 none 10.080 (2.0) 120 10 150210 48 none 1316 (4.8) 150 10 180270 48 0.005 in. Pb front 10.010 in. Pb backVol II38 (9.5) 175 10 175200 48 0.005 in. Pb frontC0.010 in. Pb back34 (19) 250 10 4365 60 0.005 in. Pb front 10.010 in. Pb back2 (51) 2000 or60CoD1.5 4553 108 0.005 in. Pb front 10.0
25、10 in. Pb backVol III5 (127) 2000 or60CoD1.5 420450 108 1AAll films were processed by automatic film processors.BASTM Guide E94.CNot defined in Guide E94; manufacturers description isultra fine grain, high contrast.DThese reference radiographs were made with60Co.E390 1125. Preparation of Reference R
26、adiographs5.1 The illustration in Vol I and the first two thicknesses ofVol II are radiographic while those in the thick section of VolII (2 in.) and Vol III are photographic reproductions.5.2 The radiographs were made to a quality level of at least2-2T penetrameter sensitivity.5.3 Table 3 lists the
27、 technique used in producing the originalradiographs. The data are included for information and are notto be construed as the recommended technique.5.4 The radiographic exposure was controlled so as toproduce an optical density of from 2.00 to 2.25 in a selectedlocation on the weld bead. The reprodu
28、ctions used in Vol IIIwere prepared to the same density requirements and theysubstantially retain the contrast and detail of the originalradiographs.6. Description of Discontinuities6.1 Porosity occurs as voids caused by gas trapped in theweld metal deposit. The voids may occur as spherical, elon-ga
29、ted, or “worm hole” shapes and in patterns that are random,clustered, or linear. On a radiograph the spherical voids havethe appearance of a rounded dark area while the nonsphericalvoids have an elongated dark area with a smooth outline.6.2 Tungsten Inclusions are tungsten particles entrapped inthe
30、weld deposit. These inclusions are particles broken off ormelted from the electrodes and may be caused by faultyequipment or poor manipulation. On the radiograph the tung-sten inclusions are lighter than the surrounding areas and maybe rounded or irregularly shaped.6.3 Incomplete Penetration is a di
31、scontinuity that occurs atthe root of welds designed for through penetration where fullpenetration has not been achieved. The discontinuity appearson a radiograph as a straight dark line that may be eithercontinuous or intermittent. The indication may be thin andsharp, broad and diffuse or two paral
32、lel lines depending uponthe specific geometry of the joint and the width of thediscontinuity.6.4 Slag Inclusions are particles of slag entrapped in theweld metal or along the fusion planes. The particles appeardarker than the surrounding area and may be irregular in shapeor elongated in the directio
33、n of the deposited weld bead.6.5 Lack of Fusion is a discontinuity caused by moltenweld metal which has failed to bond to the base metal or to apreviously deposited weld bead. On the radiograph it appearsas a dark indication usually elongated and varying in width.6.5.1 Although all of the illustrati
34、ons for lack of fusionshow the discontinuity near the edge of a weld joint, thisdiscontinuity may exist anywhere in the weld.6.6 A Crack is a rupture of solidified metal. Cracks associ-ated with welding may be longitudinal, transverse, or radiallyoriented and may occur in the weld metal, base metal,
35、 orthrough both. Radially oriented cracks are called crater cracksbecause they generally originate in a weld bead crater. Whenthe plane of the crack is perpendicular to the film, theradiographic image appears as either a jagged or a straight line.As the plane of the crack deviates from the direction
36、 of theradiation beam, the appearance of the crack becomes anincreasingly broad and poorly defined line.6.7 Icicles (Teardrops) are fused droplets of weld metalextending beyond the root of the weld. They appear asindividual, rounded, lighter indications with an occasionalsmall dark spot in the cente
37、r of a drop. Icicles occur in seamswelded from one side only.6.8 A Burn Through is a melting of the metal from the rootof the weld or through the backing strip. It appears on theradiograph as an individual darkened area of elongated orrounded contour which may be surrounded by a lighter ring.This di
38、scontinuity occurs in seams welded from one side only.6.9 An Undercut is a longitudinal groove melted into thebase metal adjacent to the toe of a weld and left unfilled withweld metal. It appears as a dark linear indication of indistinctoutline adjacent to the edge of the weld. Undercut may beobserv
39、ed by visual examination. Another type of undercut mayoccur in backing strip joints where the backing strip is left inplace. It is caused by a melting away of the base metal at theroot. This type is generally termed root undercut. It appears onthe radiograph as a relatively straight and narrow dark
40、line andcan be located on either or both sides of the root openinglocation.7. Application of Reference Radiographs7.1 The following procedures are recommended in arrivingat acceptance standards in the application of such standards tofilm interpretation.7.1.1 The graded reference radiographs may be u
41、sed inwhole or in part as applicable to particular requirements.7.1.2 The length of the welding to which the selectedstandard applies shall be established. These designated lengthsshall not contain any discontinuity whose severity exceeds thatin the reference.7.1.3 When the production radiograph is
42、interpreted asshowing equal or less severe discontinuities than the selectedstandard, the weld shall be judged radiographically acceptable.When the production radiograph is interpreted as showinggreater severity than the selected standard, the weld shall bejudged unacceptable and shall be repaired i
43、n accordance withcontractual agreements.7.1.4 If more than one type of discontinuity occurs in thesame radiograph, the predominating type alone shall governacceptability unless the severity represented by the combina-tion of discontinuity types is such as to make the overallcondition unacceptable fo
44、r the intended application.7.1.5 When two or more discontinuity types are present inthe same radiograph to an extent equal to the maximumacceptable for two of these types, the weld shall be judgedunacceptable, with repair welding to be done in accordancewith contractual agreement.7.1.6 Where the ref
45、erence image consists of a collection ofdiscontinuities, as in the case of porosity, for example, accept-ability may be based on the aggregate size of the discontinui-ties present on both the reference radiograph and the objectradiograph, the maximum defect size present, the spacingbetween discontin
46、uities, or a combination of these or othercriteria. These criteria must be determined based upon theparticular application or part under consideration and must bespecified by agreement between the purchaser and supplier.E390 1137.1.7 When repair welding is permitted, the repair need onlybe to that e
47、xtent which will bring the weld quality to within theacceptable reference.7.2 Film DeteriorationRadiographic films are subject towear and tear from handling and use. The extent to which theimage deteriorates over time is a function of storage condi-tions, care in handling and amount of use. Referenc
48、e radio-graph films are no exception and may exhibit a loss in imagequality over time. The radiographs should therefore be peri-odically examined for signs of wear and tear, includingscratches, abrasions, stains, and so forth. Any reference radio-graphs which show signs of excessive wear and tear wh
49、ichcould influence the interpretation and use of the radiographsshould be replaced.8. Keywords8.1 discontinuities; fusion welds; gamma ray; referenceradiographs; steel; X-rayAPPENDIX(Nonmandatory Information)X1. ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONSX1.1 In selecting the reference radiographs, the attemptwas made to obtain a progressively increasing severity ofgrades for each discontinuity type. It is not to be implied thatthe same grade number designation represents equivalentseverity for all types of discontinui