ASTM E1155M-1996(2008) Standard Test Method for Determining FF Floor Flatness and FL Floor Levelness Numbers [Metric] 《测定地坪平面度(FF)和地坪水平度(FL)的试验方法(米制)》.pdf

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ASTM E1155M-1996(2008) Standard Test Method for Determining FF Floor Flatness and FL Floor Levelness Numbers [Metric] 《测定地坪平面度(FF)和地坪水平度(FL)的试验方法(米制)》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM E1155M-1996(2008) Standard Test Method for Determining FF Floor Flatness and FL Floor Levelness Numbers [Metric] 《测定地坪平面度(FF)和地坪水平度(FL)的试验方法(米制)》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM E1155M-1996(2008) Standard Test Method for Determining FF Floor Flatness and FL Floor Levelness Numbers [Metric] 《测定地坪平面度(FF)和地坪水平度(FL)的试验方法(米制)》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM E1155M-1996(2008) Standard Test Method for Determining FF Floor Flatness and FL Floor Levelness Numbers [Metric] 《测定地坪平面度(FF)和地坪水平度(FL)的试验方法(米制)》.pdf_第4页
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ASTM E1155M-1996(2008) Standard Test Method for Determining FF Floor Flatness and FL Floor Levelness Numbers [Metric] 《测定地坪平面度(FF)和地坪水平度(FL)的试验方法(米制)》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: E 1155M 96 (Reapproved 2008)Standard Test Method forDetermining FFFloor Flatness and FLFloor LevelnessNumbers (Metric)1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1155M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of

2、revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This test method covers a quantitative method of mea-suring floor surface profiles to obtain est

3、imates of the floorscharacteristic FFFlatness and FLLevelness Face Floor ProfileNumbers (F-Numbers) using the metric (SI) system of units.NOTE 1This is the metric companion to Test Method E 1155.1.2 The text of this test method references notes andfootnotes that provide explanatory material. These n

4、otes andfootnotes (excluding those in tables and figures) shall not beconsidered as requirements of this test method.1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priat

5、e safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2E 1155 Test Method for Determining FFFloor Flatness andFLFloor Levelness Numbers2.2 ACI Standard:ACI 117-90 Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Con-

6、crete Construction and Materials33. Terminology3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.1.1 elevationheight, altitude, vertical location in space.Elevation measurements are always made parallel to thedirection of gravity.3.1.2 flateven, plane, homoloidal, free of undulation. Discu

7、ssionFor the purposes of this test method,flatness will be measured by calculating curvature value, q,between all 12-in. reading points separated by 24 in. Thecurvature value is the difference between successive elevationdifferences. The mean and standard deviation of all thecurvature values for a g

8、iven test section are then convertedaccording to the equations in this test method to get thedimensionless FFFlatness Number.3.1.3 floor profilometera Type I device (see 6.1.1) thatproduces a continuous record of the elevation of a single pointmoving along a line on the floors surface.3.1.4 horizont

9、allevel, normal to the direction of gravity.3.1.5 inclinometera Type II device (see 6.1.2) that mea-sures the angle between horizontal and the line joining the twopoints of contact with the floors surface.3.1.6 levelhorizontal, normal to the direction of gravity. DiscussionFor the purposes of

10、 this test method,levelness will be measured by collecting elevation differencesat points spaced 10 ft apart and that will be described by the FLLevelness number (dimensionless).3.1.7 longitudinal differential floor profilometer, na TypeII device (see 6.1.2) that produces a continuous record of thee

11、levation difference between two points moving along a line onthe floors surface, which two points remain separated by afixed distance.3.1.8 sample measurement linea sample measurementline shall consist of any straight line on the test surface alongwhich measurements are taken, with the limitations l

12、isted in7. sign conventionwhere up is the positive direction;down is the negative direction. Consequently, the higher thereading point, the more positive its hivalue, and the lower thereading point, the more negative its hivalue. Similarly, theelevation difference from a low point to a high p

13、oint (that is, anuphill difference) is positive, while the elevation differencefrom a high point to a low point (that is, a downhill difference)is negative.3.1.10 test sectiona test section consists of any subdivi-sion of the test surface with the limitations listed in test surfaceon any

14、one building level, the entirefloor area of interest constitutes the test surface, with thelimitations listed in 7.1.1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 onPerformance of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.21on Serviceability.Current edition a

15、pproved Jan. 15, 2008. Published January 2008. Originallyapproved in 1987. Last previous edition approved in 2001 as E 1155M 96 (2001).2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume inf

16、ormation, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available fromAmerican Concrete Institute (ACI), P.O. Box 9094, FarmingtonHills, MI 48333-9094, http:/ ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United

17、 States.3.1.12 verticalparallel to the direction of gravity.3.2 Symbols:3.2.1 Aiarea of Test Section i.3.2.2 didifference in elevation (in millimetres) betweenreading points Piand Pi1(i $ 1).3.2.3 FfFace FFFlatness Number (dimensionless).3.2.4 Fficomposite FFFlatness Number for Test Section i.3.2.5

18、FlFace FLLevelness Number (dimensionless).3.2.6 Flicomposite FLLevelness Number for Test Sectioni.3.2.7 hielevation (in millimetres) of Reading Point Pi(i$0).3.2.8 njnumber of reading points in Test Sample j (nj$12).3.2.9 Nminminimum number of 3-m elevation differencereadings required per the test s

19、ection.3.2.10 qiarithmetic difference (in millimetres) betweenelevation differences diand di1(i $ 2).3.2.11 rxjnumber of readings of Variable x obtained fromSample j.3.2.12 sxjstandard deviation of Variable x in Sample j.3.2.13 Vxjvariance of Variable x in Sample j.3.2.14 zidifference in elevation (

20、in millimetres) betweenReading Points Piand Pi10(i $ 10).4. Summary of Test Method4.1 Straight lines are marked at various locations on thefloor surface. Point elevations are then measured at regular300-mm intervals along each line. The elevation differencesbetween all adjacent reading points are ca

21、lculated, and astraight line approximation to the surface profile along eachmeasurement line is produced and evaluated for consistencywith visual observation of the floor surface.4.2 The arithmetic differences between all adjacent 300-mmelevation differences and the elevation differences between all

22、points separated 3 m are then calculated. Estimates of each testsections floors FFFlatness and FLLevelness F-Numbers areobtained through statistical analyses of these calculated profilevalues. Finally, the F-Numbers for each test section arecombined to arrive at a composite set of F-Numbers for each

23、test surface.5. Significance and Use5.1 This test method provides statistical (and graphical)information concerning floor surface profiles.5.2 Results of this test method are used primarily to:5.2.1 Establish compliance of randomly trafficked floorsurfaces with specified FFFlatness and FLLevelness t

24、oler-ances,5.2.2 Evaluate the effect of different construction methodson resulting floor surface flatness and levelness, and5.2.3 Investigate the curling and deflection of floor surfaces.5.3 Results of this test method shall not be used to enforcecontract flatness and levelness tolerances on those f

25、loor instal-lations primarily intended to support the operation of fixed-path vehicle systems (for example, narrow aisle warehousefloors).NOTE 2When the traffic patterns across a floor are random, (as isgenerally the case) evaluation of the floors FFFlatness and FLLevelnesswill necessarily involve a

26、 random sampling of the surface, since all of theinfinite potential profiles to be seen by the traffic can not possibly bemeasured. In those instances when the traffic across a floor will beconfined to specific paths, however, the requirement for random samplingis eliminated, since the floor can ind

27、eed be inspected exactly as it will beseen by all of the traffic. In these special cases, rather than inferring thecondition of the traffic paths from a random sample, it is far more usefulto measure each of the traffic paths directly using continuous recordingfloor profilometer configured to run ex

28、actly in the traffic wheel paths. Suchdirect simulation measurements eliminate the inherent uncertainties ofstatistical sampling and provide profile information immediately appli-cable to the correction of the surface in way of the future traffic.6. Apparatus6.1 Point Elevation Measurement Device:6.

29、1.1 Type I ApparatusIf a Type II apparatus (see 6.1.2)isnot used for this test, then an apparatus capable of measuringthe elevations of a series of points spaced at regular 300-mmintervals along a straight line on the floor surface shall be used.Examples of satisfactory Type I point elevation measur

30、ementdevices include, but are not limited to the following: Leveled Straightedge, with gage (for example, tri-square, dial indicator, etc.) to measure vertical distance fromthe upper straightedge surface to floor. Leveled Straightedge, with graduated wedges orshims to measure vertical

31、distance from lower straightedgesurface to floor. Optical Level, with vernier or scaled target. Laser Level, with vernier or scaled target. Taut Level Wire, with gage to measure verticaldistance from wire to floor. Floor Profilometer.6.1.2 Type II ApparatusIf a Type I app

32、aratus (see 6.1.1)isnot used for this test, then an apparatus capable of measuringthe elevations of a series of points spaced at regular 300-mmintervals along a straight line on the floor surface shall be used.Examples of satisfactory Type II point elevation measurementdevices include, but are not l

33、imited to the following: Inclinometer, having 300-mm contact point spacing. Longitudinal Differential Floor Profilometer, having300-mm sensor wheel spacing.6.2 Ancillary Equipment:6.2.1 Measurement Tape, graduated in millimetres.6.2.2 Chalk Line (or other means for marking straight lin

34、eson the test surface).6.2.3 Data Recording MeansThis procedure requires therecording of both verbal and numeric information. Examples ofsatisfactory data recording means include, but are not limitedto the following: Manual Data Sheet. Magnetic Tape Recorder (voice or direct input).6.2

35、.3.3 Paper Chart Recorder. Direct Computer Input.NOTE 3Since the bias of the results obtained with this test methodwill vary directly with the accuracy of the particular measurement deviceemployed, all project participants should agree on the exact test apparatusto be used prior to the applic

36、ation of this test method for contractspecification enforcement.E 1155M 96 (2008)27. Organization of Test Area7.1 Test SurfaceOn any one building level, the entire floorarea of interest shall constitute the test surface.7.1.1 When this test method is used to establish complianceof randomly trafficke

37、d floor surfaces with specified FFFlatnessand FLLevelness tolerances, each portion of the surface whichhas a unique specified set of tolerances must be treated as aseparate surface.7.2 Test SectionA test section shall consist of any subdi-vision of a test surface satisfying the following criteria:7.

38、2.1 No test section shall measure less than 2.4 m on a side,nor comprise an area less than 12 m2.7.2.2 No portion of the test surface shall be associated withmore than one test section.7.2.3 When testing a concrete floor, no test section boundaryshall cross any construction joint.7.3 Sample Measurem

39、ent LineA sample measurementline shall consist of any straight line on the test surfacesatisfying the following criteria:7.3.1 No sample measurement line shall measure less than3.3 m in length.7.3.2 When testing a concrete floor, no portion of anysample measurement line shall fall within 600 mm of a

40、ny slabboundary, construction joint, isolation joint, block-out, penetra-tion, or other similar discontinuity. ExceptionShrinkage crack control joints formedeither by partial depth sawcuts or by partial depth inserts shallbe ignored. ExceptionIf the area to be excluded from mea-suremen

41、t exceeds 25 % of the test section area, then the600-mm boundary exclusion shall not apply.7.3.3 Measurement lines may not be placed parallel to eachother closer than 1.2 m.7.4 Type I Test Sample (Measured With Type IApparatus)AType I test sample shall consist of not less thantwelve sequential point

42、 elevation measurements made at regu-lar 300-mm intervals along a single sample measurement line.7.5 Type II Test Sample (Measured With Type IIApparatus)A Type II test sample shall consist of not lessthan eleven sequential measurements of the elevation differ-ences between adjacent reading points sp

43、aced at regular300-mm intervals along a single sample measurement line.7.6 Minimum Number of ziReadings Per Test SectionThenumber (or length) of Type I or Type II test samples to becollected within each test section shall be sufficient to yield (inaggregate) not less than Nminindividual measurements

44、 of zi,where Nminis calculated as follows:Nmin5 2=A 12#A#150! (1)5 A/3 A . 150!where:A = test section area, m2.7.7 Construction JointsWhere construction joints are re-quired to be measured, periodic measurements of the 600-mmcurvature qishall be taken, transverse to and centered on theconstruction j

45、oint. At least one qimeasurement shall be takenon each straight section of joint, with a maximum intervalbetween measurement locations not to exceed 3 m. Thesemeasurement locations shall be recorded.NOTE 4Since construction joints are a discontinuity in the floorsurface, measuring across them would

46、introduce statistical anomalies intothis test method. Construction joints are therefore excluded from thegeneration of F-Number statistics. However, since traffic will neverthelesspass across many of the construction joints, a separate measurement andanalysis of the joints may be required in order t

47、o provide a quantitativemeasure of the roughness of the joints themselves. Some joints may neversee traffic, for example, those along a wall. The particular joints requiredto be analyzed may be specified in contract specifications, along with amaximum allowable value for qi.8. Procedure8.1 Record th

48、e name and location of the subject building;the installation date of the subject floor, if known; the subjectfloors specified Ffand Flvalues; the make, model, and serialnumber of the test apparatus to be used; the date of the test; andthe name of the individual making the test.NOTE 5When this test i

49、s used to evaluate the compliance of a newconcrete floor with contract flatness and levelness specifications, thetimeliness of the test vis-a-vis the date of the floors installation is ofcritical importance. Since most concrete floors will change shape signifi-cantly within a few days after installation, owing to inevitable shrinkageand deflection, the American Concrete Institute (see ACI 117-90) nowrequires that specified concrete floor tolerances be checked within 72 hafter floor installation in order to ensure that an acc


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