ASTM E2083-2005(2010) Standard Classification for Building Construction Field Requirements and Office Overhead Profit《建筑施工现场要求和办公通常收益的标准分类》.pdf

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ASTM E2083-2005(2010) Standard Classification for Building Construction Field Requirements and Office Overhead Profit《建筑施工现场要求和办公通常收益的标准分类》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM E2083-2005(2010) Standard Classification for Building Construction Field Requirements and Office Overhead Profit《建筑施工现场要求和办公通常收益的标准分类》.pdf_第2页
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ASTM E2083-2005(2010) Standard Classification for Building Construction Field Requirements and Office Overhead Profit《建筑施工现场要求和办公通常收益的标准分类》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM E2083-2005(2010) Standard Classification for Building Construction Field Requirements and Office Overhead Profit《建筑施工现场要求和办公通常收益的标准分类》.pdf_第4页
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1、Designation: E2083 05 (Reapproved 2010)Standard Classification forBuilding Construction Field Requirements, and OfficeOverhead the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indic

2、ates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This standard covers a classification for field require-ments, office overhead, and profit for use in constructionestimating. This classification is common to all

3、 forms ofconstruction, and its components are an integral part of anyconstruction cost estimate. The classification serves as aconsistent reference for analysis, evaluation, and monitoringduring the feasibility, planning, design, and constructionphases of building. Used in conjunction with UNIFORMAT

4、 IIand other elemental classifications, including Classifica-tion E2168, it also ensures consistency in the economic evalu-ation of construction work across time and from project toproject. Through consistency in estimating and cost recordingit enhances reporting at all stages in constructionfromfea

5、sibility and planning through the preparation of workingdocuments, construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, anddisposaland is a necessary part of the reporting processdescribed in Practice E1804.1.2 This classification applies to all construction work.1.3 This classification is not based on perman

6、ent physicalelements of construction (as defined and classified in Classifi-cation E1557). Rather, the classification items are major,non-permanent, cost components common to all constructionwork. They perform the same function and provide for similarneeds regardless of the design, specification, co

7、nstructionmethod, or materials used in the physical construction.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2E833 Terminology of Building EconomicsE1557 Classification for Building Elements and RelatedSiteworkUNIFORMAT IIE1804 Practice for Performing and Reporting CostAnalysisDuring the Design Phase

8、of a ProjectE2168 Classification for Allowance, Contingency and Re-serve Sums in Building Construction Estimating3. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsFor definitions of terms used in this clas-sification, refer to Terminology E833.4. Significance and Use4.1 This classification defines an integral part of an

9、y con-struction estimate and cost record. It classifies the non-permanent portion of construction activity that is essential toallow physical implementation of the required work to takeplace.4.2 Used in conjunction with UNIFORMAT II, this classi-fication provides for consistent and complete estimati

10、ng ofbuilding construction work, especially during the design phase.The same considerations of consistent use and commonality toall work have been applied here.4.3 This classification is sufficiently generic to allow its usein estimating all forms of construction work and through allstages of planni

11、ng, design, use, and disposal. Additionally, it isappropriate for use in both elemental estimates and tradeestimates.5. Basis of Classification5.1 All parts of the built environment are included.5.2 Criteria for the ClassificationThe selected classifica-tion, the items to include within it, and with

12、in which parts ofthe classification to include them are based on the followingcriteria:5.2.1 Applies to any construction type and shall not includephysical elements of construction such as those defined inClassification E1557 and other elemental classifications.5.2.2 Includes only items of a constru

13、ction enabling, man-agement, supervision, jurisdictional, financial, legal, liability,and client requirement nature necessary to the performance ofthe construction work.1This classification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 onPerformance of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of

14、 Subcommittee E06.81on Building Economics.Current edition approved May 1, 2010. Published July 2010. Originally approvedin 2000. Last previous edition approved in 2005 as E2083 05. DOI: 10.1520/E2083-0510.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer S

15、ervice at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.5.2.3 Includes specifically those items o

16、f cost that bycommon understanding and usage are normally borne by ageneral contractor or construction manager, and any otheritems required by terms of contract and normally specifiedwithin the general requirements and general conditions ofcontract.5.2.4 Includes items with significant influence on

17、cost and ahigh frequency of occurrence. Categories are defined in orderto provide a framework for cost control. The decision as towhere among the classification elements to include specificitems will ultimately rely on professional judgment as to whereprofessionals in current practice normally look

18、for such items.6. Description of Field Requirements IndividualClassification6.1 Classification of Field RequirementsTable 1 presentsthe classification of field requirements. Comprising threehierarchical levels: Major Group Classification for Level 1,Group Classification for Level 2, and Individual C

19、lassificationsfor Level 3.6.2 The following lists show what items are included in therecommended classification at Level 3. Note that the listings ofinclusions are not intended to be an exhaustive listing. Rather,they provide a general outline of what to expect in thisindividual element consistent w

20、ith the selection criteria out-lined in Field Requirements (X 10):6.3.1 Bonds, Permits, Fees, and Insurances (X 1005):Includes: Building permit. Fire district permit. Miscellaneous permits: street use, curb cuts, side-walk use, parking meter use. Utility connectio

21、ns: water, storm sewer, sanitarysewer, electric, gas, fire protection, others. Bonds: bid bond, performance bond, payment bond,lien bond, maintenance bond, retainage bond, special bonds. Insurance: public liability, builders risk, all-risk,hold harmless.Excludes: Permanent work

22、included elsewhere within thephysical elements of construction.6.3.2 Field/Site Set-Up and Accommodation (X 1010):Includes: Access to site: temporary roads, storage, lay downand parking areas, traffic control. Site setup: move in and out, mobilization, set-up,construction signs.

23、 Site accommodations:(1) Temporary buildings: offices, storage sheds, first aid,lunch room;(2) Temporary labor camp: dormitories, kitchens, laundry,store, entertainment, temporary toilets and sanitary facilities,lighting, power, heating, ventilation and cooling;(3) Telephone, facsimile, and data: se

24、rvice and monthlycharges;(4) Communication system: service and monthly charges;(5) Computer and copy equipment: purchase, rental, usage,and maintenance;(6) Stationery, copy/printing cost; and(7) Office and first aid supplies.Excludes: Protection, barricades, enclosures (see 6.3.5, Safetyand P

25、rotection (X 1025).TABLE 1 Classification of Field Requirements, and Office Overhead (2) Erosion control: fences, barriers, straw bales;(3) Separation: dust partitions, air barriers;(4) Barricades: building, site, street, walks;(5) Enclosure: protected public walks;(6) Fences: temporary fences and g

26、ates; and(7) Fire protection: extinguishers, fire hose cabinets.6.3.6 Construction Aids, Equipment, and Tools (X 1030):Includes: Vehicles: pick up truck, van/wagon, others. Cranes: including foundation, assembly, and erec-tion; electrical energy and service; tower extensions; boommoves

27、; disassembly; demobilization; repairs and maintenance;and operator. Hoists, material: including foundation, assembly,and erection; energy/fuel and service; hoist extensions; disas-sembly; demobilization; repairs and maintenance; and opera-tor. Hoists, personnel: including foundation,

28、assembly,and erection; energy/fuel and service; hoist extensions; disas-sembly; demobilization; repairs and maintenance; and opera-tor. Scaffolding, platforms, swing staging. Tools and equipment: including compressors/generators, pumps, saws, drills/hammers, miscellaneous tools,and equ

29、ipment. Miscellaneous rough hardware: including bolts,screens, nails, fasteners.6.3.7 Temporary Construction (X 1035):Includes: Temporary construction: bridges, coffer dams, over-passes, runarounds, decking, traffic diversions. Temporary utilities:(1) Water: service, distributio

30、n and usage charges;(2) Ice and drinking water: unit rental and service;(3) Sanitary sewers: temporary connections and lines;(4) Storm sewers: temporary connections and lines;(5) Dewatering: site/excavation;(6) Electric (power and lighting): service and distribution,energy cost and maintenance; and(

31、7) Heating, ventilation, and cooling:(a) Units: service, rental, maintenance, energy cost; and(b) Temporary use of permanent system: beneficial occu-pancy charge, energy cost, system restoration, filters, inspec-tion.Excludes: Temporary construction of a major nature normallydesigned or speci

32、fied, or both, within the construction contractdocuments.6.3.8 Climatic and Environmental Requirements (X 1040):Includes: Extreme climatic conditions: winter heat, summercooling, premium for winter concrete and winter work, snowand ice clearing, tarpaulins, insulation mats, enclosures.

33、 Temporary controls: noise, dust, water, pest, rodent,debris, pollution.6.3.9 Quality Control, Inspection, and Testing (X 1045):Includes: Personnel: quality control, inspection ,and testing. Collection and laboratory testing: soil, steel, weld-ing, concrete, piling, roofing, and other

34、materials. Sample mock ups.6.3.10 Maintenance and Housecleaning (X 1050):Includes: Site clean up: continual and final. Rubbish chutes: installation, use, and removal. Debris: collection and removal. Land fill charges. Building cleanup: continual and fin

35、al, floor andglass. Protection: finished work and finished surfaces,material and equipment.6.3.11 Other Contractual Requirements (X 1090):Includes: General contract conditions: plans, drawings,specifications, progress photography and reporting, shop draw-ings, product data and sample

36、s, “as built” drawings andspecifications, signs, delay/contingency/risk analysis, wageupgrading, mobilize/demobilize, phasing/schedule analysis. Obligations and restrictions imposed by employer:(1) Access, possession, and site use;(2) Limitations on working space;(3) Limitations on working h

37、ours;(4) Use and disposal of materials found on site;E2083 05 (2010)3(5) Hoardings, fence screens, temporary roofs, temporaryname boards, and advertising rights;(6) The maintenance of existing live drainage, water, gas,and other mains or power services on or over the site,(7) Undertaking and deliver

38、y of work in a specific order ofsections or phases, or both;(8) Maintenance of specific temperature and humiditylevels;(9) Temporary accommodation and facilities for use byemployer: including heat, light furniture, cleaning, and main-tenance;(10) Telephone, facsimile, and data service for use byempl

39、oyer: installation, rental, service, and maintenance;(11) Ceremonies: ground breaking, opening; and(12) Other obligations or restrictions.Excludes: Base cost of such necessary work included else-where in 6.3, Field Requirements (X 10), or permanent physi-cal elements, or both.7. Description

40、of Office Overhead (2) Insurances: liability insurance, errors and omissions (ifdesign/build), vehicle insurance, workers compensation (if notincluded in hourly rates);(3) Office staff (not assigned to a specific project): owner,secretary, buyer, scheduler, estimator;(4) Utilities;(5) Transportation

41、: purchase/lease company cars andtrucks, maintenance and repairs;(6) Marketing: production, printing, distribution, bro-chures, newsletters;(7) Office equipment/supplies: computers, printers, fac-simile, office furniture, stationery;(8) Communications: telephone communication lines, tele-phones, pag

42、ers, radio communication systems, data communi-cation lines and networks, LANS, WANS, Internet, intranet,extranet; and(9) Financing: bank loans and other funding arrangements.Excludes: Field staff, field accommodations, and field costsspecifically dedicated to the construction work (see 6.3,

43、FieldRequirements (X 10).7.3.2 Profit (X 2020):Includes: Any markup or profit included within a contractorsbid for undertaking the specified work.Excludes: Subcontractors mark-up, or profit normally includedwithin their price for the permanent physical elements ofconstruction.8. Keywor

44、ds8.1 building economics; classification; construction ele-ment; construction estimating; construction field requirements;cost control; cost estimating; cost planning; elemental estimate;elemental format; general accounts; general conditions; generalrequirements; overhead; profit; trade estimate;UNI

45、FORMAT IIASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentionedin this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the riskof infringement of such ri

46、ghts, are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years andif not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additiona

47、l standardsand should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of theresponsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you shouldmake your views known to the AST

48、M Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the aboveaddress or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website( Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM website ( 05 (2010)4

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