1、Designation: E2223 13Standard Practice forExamination of Seamless, Gas-Filled, Steel PressureVessels Using Angle Beam Ultrasonics1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2223; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revi
2、sion, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope*1.1 This practice describes a contact angle-beam shear waveultrasonic technique to detect and locate th
3、e circumferentialposition of longitudinally oriented discontinuities and to com-pare the amplitude of the indication from such discontinuitiesto that of a specified reference notch. This practice does notaddress examination of the vessel ends. The basic principles ofcontact angle-beam examination ca
4、n be found in PracticeE587. Application to pipe and tubing, including the use ofnotches for standardization, is described in Practice E213.1.2 This practice is appropriate for the ultrasonic examina-tion of cylindrical sections of gas-filled, seamless, steel pres-sure vessels such as those used for
5、the storage and transporta-tion of pressurized gasses. It is applicable to both isolatedvessels and those in assemblies.1.3 The practice is intended to be used following anAcoustic Emission (AE) examination of stacked seamlessgaseous pressure vessels (with limited surface scanning area)described in
6、Test Method E1419.1.4 This practice does not establish acceptance criteria.These are determined by the reference notch dimensions,which must be specified by the using parties.NOTE 1Background information relating to the technical require-ments of this practice can be found in the references sited in
7、 Test MethodE1419, Appendix X1.1.5 Dimensional values stated in inch-pound units are re-garded as standard; SI equivalents, in parentheses may beapproximate.1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user o
8、f this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2E213 Practice for Ultrasonic Testing of Metal Pipe andTubingE543 Specification for Agencies Performing Nondestructi
9、veTestingE587 Practice for Ultrasonic Angle-Beam Contact TestingE1316 Terminology for Nondestructive ExaminationsE1419 Practice for Examination of Seamless, Gas-Filled,Pressure Vessels Using Acoustic EmissionE2192 Guide for Planar Flaw Height Sizing by Ultrasonics2.2 ASNT Documents:3Recommended Prac
10、tice SNT-TC-1A for Personnel Qualifi-cation and CertificationANSI/ASNT-CP-189 Standard for Qualification and Certifi-cation of Nondestructive Testing Personnel2.3 AIA Document:NAS-410 Nondestructive Testing Personnel Qualificationand Certification43. Terminology3.1 Terminology relating to this pract
11、ice for angle-beamshear wave ultrasonic examination is defined in TerminologyE1316.4. Summary of Methodology4.1 An ultrasonic pulse-echo contact angle-beam, shearwave technique with the beam directed circumferentially isused to locate surface breaking discontinuities in the cylindri-cal wall of a pr
12、essure vessel. The amplitude of the reflectedsignal from the discontinuity is compared to that of a knownreference notch. Scanning is performed in both clockwise andcounter clockwise directions to detect and confirm the positionof the discontinuity identified in the AE examination report.1This pract
13、ice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E07 on Nonde-structive Testing and are the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E07.06 onUltrasonic Method.Current edition approved June 1, 2013. Published June 2013. Originallyapproved in 2002. Last previous edition approved in 2012 as E2223 - 12. DO
14、I:10.1520/E2223-13.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available fromAmerican Society for Nondes
15、tructive Testing (ASNT), P.O. Box28518, 1711 Arlingate Ln., Columbus, OH 43228-0518, http:/www.asnt.org.4Available from Aerospace Industries Association of America, Inc. (AIA), 1000Wilson Blvd., Suite 1700,Arlington, VA22209-3928, http:/www.aia-aerospace.org.*A Summary of Changes section appears at
16、the end of this standardCopyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States15. Significance and Use5.1 The purpose of this practice is to provide a procedure forlocating, detecting and estimating the relevance of longitudi-nally oriented
17、crack-like discontinuities which have beenpreviously indicated by AE examination.5.2 This practice may be used for a pressure vessel that issituated in such a way as to limit access to the vessels wall.Typical examples include tube trailers and gas tube railroadcars. Since the pressure vessels are s
18、tacked horizontally in aframe, with limited space between them, the circumferentiallocation of a discontinuity may be a distance away from thesearch unit (several skip distances).5.3 This practice has been shown to be effective for cylin-ders between 9 in. (229 mm) and 24 in. (610 mm) in diameterand
19、 wall thicknesses between14 in. (6.4 mm) to 1 in. (26 mm)with discontinuities that are oriented longitudinally in pressurevessel sidewall.5.4 To reliably detect discontinuities by the procedure inthis practice, a significant part of the reflecting surface must betransverse to the beam direction.5.5
20、Evaluation of possible discontinuity in the end facesindicated by AE is not covered by this practice.6. Basis of Application6.1 Personnel Qualification6.1.1 If specified in the contractual agreement, personnelperforming examinations to this standard shall be qualified inaccordance with a nationally
21、recognized NDT personnel quali-fication practice or standard such as ANSI/ASNT-CP-189,SNT-TC-1A, NAS-410, or a similar document and certified bythe employer or certifying agency, as applicable. The standardused and its applicable revision shall be specified by theregulatory authority, or stated in t
22、he contractual agreement, orboth.6.1.2 Additional Personnel Training6.1.2.1 Personnel performing this type of examination shallhave additional training in the following topics.6.1.3 Construction and manufacturing techniques for seam-less steel pressure vessels.6.1.4 Familiarity with the types of dis
23、continuities that mayoccur in these types of pressure vessels.6.2 Qualification of Nondestructive Agencies6.2.1 If specified in the contractual agreement, NDT agen-cies shall be qualified and evaluated as described in theapplicable Sections 5 through 9 of Practice E543. The appli-cable edition shall
24、 be specified by the regulatory authority, orstated in the contractual agreement, or both.6.3 Extent of Examination6.3.1 The extent of the examination shall be in accordancewith the procedures in Sections 9 and 10 unless otherwisespecified.6.3.2 The reference notch dimensions shall be specified byth
25、e regulatory authority, or stated in the contractual agreement,or both.6.4 Reporting Criteria6.4.1 Reporting criteria for the examination results shall bein accordance with Section 11 unless otherwise specified. Sinceacceptance criteria are not specified in this standard, they shallbe defined in acc
26、ordance with Section 8 and by the regulatoryauthority or stated in the contractual agreement.6.5 Reexamination of Repaired/Reworked Items6.5.1 Reexamination of repaired/reworked items is not ad-dressed in this standard and if required shall be specified by theregulatory authority, or stated in the c
27、ontractual agreement, orboth.7. Apparatus7.1 Ultrasonic pulse-echo instrumentation shall have a mini-mum capacity of examining at center frequencies from 214 to5 MHz. The instrument, search units and related equipmentshall be cable of displaying the peak amplitude of the indica-tion from the referen
28、ce notch in the standardization ring, asdescribed in Section 8, and locating its circumferential positionover the full sweep range required for coverage of the vessel tobe examined.7.1.1 Each search unit used for this technique shall have theappropriate frequency and refracted angle for the material
29、 andgeometry of the pressure vessel that is being examined. Thefrequency and angle of the search unit is selected duringstandardization and is related to diameter, wall thickness andthe type of steel used for the vessel and correspondingstandardization rings. The angle and frequency of the se
30、arch unit to beused shall be determined by using different search units on astandardization ring that represents the examination piece. Asearch unit which can satisfactorily detect and display theindication from the notch in the standardization ring at themaximum distance to be used during the exami
31、nation shall beselected for setting up the Distance Amplitude Correction(DAC) curve for examination in accordance with Select search units for evaluation from those havingfrequencies 214 and 5 MHz with refracted angles of 45 to 75in steel, and in available commercial sizes. Those produci
32、ngthe required sensitivity and DAC response on the appropriatestandardization ring are acceptable. These search units havegenerally been found satisfactory for the examination of thetype of vessels specified in The search unit shall be comprised of a transducermounted on a plastic wedge
33、that is designed to have continuousacoustic coupling between search unit and the pressure vesselwall.NOTE 2This is usually accomplished with a wedge that is radiused tomatch the cylinder diameter.7.2 Couplant for this practice shall be a liquid that is usedbetween the ultrasonic search unit and exam
34、ination piece toremove the air and transmit ultrasonic waves. Water is apreferred couplant. Other couplant such as oil or glycerin maybe used. Couplant shall be the same for both standardizationand actual examination. Care shall be taken to ensure that thecouplant does not freeze when the examinatio
35、n is conducted atlow temperatures.E2223 1328. Standardizing Ring with Reference Notches8.1 The standardization ring shall be fabricated from thesame type of pressure vessel that is being examined. That is,standardization ring must have the same diameter, similar wallthickness, material, heat treatme
36、nt, and surface condition as thevessel to be examined.NOTE 3Since seamless pressure vessels tend to have a variation inwall thickness within a given cross section at any axial length of thecylinder and along the length of a given cylinder, due consideration mustbe given when selecting the standardiz
37、ation ring.8.1.1 Reference notches will be placed into both internaland external surfaces of the standardization ring, see Fig. 1.The preferred notch fabrication method is by the EDM process.8.1.2 The inner surface and outer surface notches may beplaced into a single standardization ring. However, w
38、herepractical, separate rings may be used, see Fig. Notch dimensions must be specified by the usingparties for each type and size of vessel.9. Standardization Procedure9.1 The instrument sweep shall be adjusted to encompassthe sound path to be used during the examination.9.2 Place couplant a
39、nd search unit on the outside surface ofthe standardization ring and adjust the gain (sensitivity) andlocation of the search unit until the indication from the internalsurface notch is identified. Temperature of the standardizationring during standardization should be the same as the tempera-ture of
40、 the pressure vessel that is being examined.9.3 The search unit is located at a close distance (half-skipdistance) from the designated internal surface notch on thesurface of the standardization ring. Increase the gain until thesignal is maximized at 80% of the full screen height as shownin Fig. 2.9
41、.3.1 Without adjusting the gain, obtain additional indica-tions (3 or more) from the notch with the search unit increasingbeam path distances by moving the search unit on the ring,away from each notch.9.3.2 The position and maximum peak of each indicationdetermined from 9.3.1 is marked on the displa
42、y screen.ADACcurve is constructed by connecting the signal peaks. Fig. 2illustrates a typical DAC curve display for two internal surfacenotches with different depths.9.3.3 Since the skip distances vary with vessel geometry, aseparate DAC curve shall be produced for each type ofNOTE 1Internal and ext
43、ernal notches shall be adjacent to each other, but not atop of each other.NOTE 2dl and d2 are typical notch depths, d1=1/4d2 and d2 is approximately 20 % of the design wall thickness.NOTE 3Notches must be placed in center of the rings width.NOTE 4Drawing is not to scale.FIG. 1 Example of Standardizi
44、ng Ring with Reference NotchesE2223 133pressure vessel. The last point of the DAC curve shall be at aknown distance on the standardization ring. The maximumscanning distance shall not exceed the distance correspondingto the last point on DAC curve.9.3.4 The same procedure shall be used to generate D
45、ACcurves for internal and external surface notches.9.3.5 Some ultrasonic instrumentation may have the capa-bility to provide electronic compensation such as time-variedgain (TVG/STC), digitized storage and display of DistanceAmplitude (D-A) response curve or Distance Amplitude Gatefunctions (DAG). A
46、pplication of these functions may requiremodification of the prescribed procedures. Refer to the Manu-facturers operational instructions.10. Examination Procedure10.1 Since this procedure usually follows acoustic emission(AE) testing, the ultrasonic examination is applied to thoselocations on the pr
47、essure vessel that produced locatable AEevents. Prior to ultrasonic examination, the position of thesource of each AE indication shall be clearly marked on thevessel. If space is available, the recommended scanning area is12 in. (30 cm) each side of the position of the AE indication.Ultrasonic exami
48、nation shall be performed at service pressure.NOTE 4At service pressure, it is probable that the wall of the pressurevessel is strained and discontinuity surfaces are separated. In thiscondition, the amplitude of the reflected ultrasonic signal is at itsmaximum, making the indication easier to detec
49、t.10.1.1 Prior to scanning, the gain shall be increased by 6 dBover reference to increase examination sensitivity. Prior toevaluating and reporting the indication, gain must be returnedto the same value used during standardization.10.1.2 Circumferential scanning shall be performed in bothclockwise (CW) and counter clockwise (CCW) directions toensure adequate coverage of the marked location.10.1.3 For difficult to reach locations on pressure vesselswhich are stacked in the middle row, the search unit may bemounted at the end of an extension rod. If an extension rod i