ASTM E2230-2008 Standard Practice for Thermal Qualification of Type B Packages for Radioactive Material《放射性材料的“B ” 型包装热限制的标准实施规程》.pdf

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ASTM E2230-2008 Standard Practice for Thermal Qualification of Type B Packages for Radioactive Material《放射性材料的“B ” 型包装热限制的标准实施规程》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM E2230-2008 Standard Practice for Thermal Qualification of Type B Packages for Radioactive Material《放射性材料的“B ” 型包装热限制的标准实施规程》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM E2230-2008 Standard Practice for Thermal Qualification of Type B Packages for Radioactive Material《放射性材料的“B ” 型包装热限制的标准实施规程》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: E 2230 08An American National StandardStandard Practice forThermal Qualification of Type B Packages for RadioactiveMaterial1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 2230; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case

2、 of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This practice defines detailed methods for thermalqualification of “Type B” radioactive mate

3、rials packages underTitle 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 71 (10CFR71) inthe United States or, under International Atomic EnergyAgency Regulation TS-R-1. Under these regulations, packagestransporting what are designated to be Type B quantities ofradioactive material shall be demonstrated to be

4、 capable ofwithstanding a sequence of hypothetical accidents withoutsignificant release of contents.1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and heal

5、th practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.1.3 This standard is used to measure and describe theresponse of materials, products, or assemblies to heat andflame under controlled conditions, but does not by itselfincorporate all factors required for fire hazar

6、d or fire riskassessment of the materials, products, or assemblies underactual fire conditions.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2E 176 Terminology of Fire StandardsIEEE/ASTM SI-10 International System of Units (SI) TheModernized Metric System2.2 Federal Standard:Title 10, Code of Federal Re

7、gulations, Part 71(10CFR71), Packaging and Transportation of Radioac-tive Material, United States Government Printing Office,October 1, 20042.3 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Standards:Standard Format and Content of Part 71 Applications forApproval of Packaging of Type B Large Quantity andFissile Rad

8、ioactive Material, Regulatory Guide7.9, United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission,United States Government Printing Office, 1986Standard Review Plan for Transportation of RadioactiveMaterials, NUREG-1609, United States Nuclear Regula-tory Commission, United States Government PrintingOffice, May 19

9、992.4 International Atomic Energy Agency Standards:Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material,No. TS-R-1, (IAEA ST-1 Revised) International AtomicEnergy Agency, Vienna, Austria, 1996Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material,No. ST-2, (IAEA ST-2) International Atomic

10、EnergyAgency, Vienna, Austria, 19962.5 American Society of Mechanical Engineers Standard:Quality Assurance Program Requirements for Nuclear Fa-cilities, NQA-1, American Society of Mechanical Engi-neers, New York, 20012.6 International Organization for Standards (ISO) Stan-dard:ISO 9000:2000, Quality

11、 Management SystemsFundamentals and Vocabulary, International Organizationfor Standards (ISO), Geneva, Switzerland, 20003. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsFor definitions of terms used in this testmethod refer to the terminology contained in TerminologyE 176 and ISO 13943. In case of conflict, the definit

12、ions givenin Terminology E 176 shall prevail.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 hypothetical accident conditions, na series of acci-dent environments, defined by regulation, that a Type Bpackage must survive without significant loss of contents.3.2.2 insolation, nsolar energy i

13、ncident on the surface ofa package.1This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E05 on FireStandards and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E05.13 on Large ScaleFire Tests.Current edition approved Aug. 1, 2008. Published September 2008. Originallyapproved in 2002. Last previo

14、us edition approved in 2002 as E 223002.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.1Copyright ASTM Inter

15、national, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.2.3 normal conditions of transport, na range of condi-tions, defined by regulation, that a package must withstandduring normal usage.3.2.4 regulatory hydrocarbon fire, na fire environment,one of the hypot

16、hetical accident conditions, defined by regu-lation, that a package shall survive for 30 min withoutsignificant release of contents.3.2.5 thermal qualification, nthe portion of the certifica-tion process for a radioactive materials transportation packagethat includes the submittal, review, and appro

17、val of a SafetyAnalysis Report for Packages (SARP) through an appropriateregulatory authority, and which demonstrates that the packagemeets the thermal requirements stated in the regulations.3.2.6 Type B package, na transportation package that islicensed to carry what the regulations define to be a

18、Type Bquantity of a specific radioactive material or materials.4. Summary of Practice4.1 This document outlines four methods for meeting thethermal qualification requirements: qualification by analysis,pool fire testing, furnace testing, and radiant heat testing. Thechoice of the certification metho

19、d for a particular package isbased on discussions between the package suppliers and theappropriate regulatory authorities prior to the start of thequalification process. Factors that influence the choice ofmethod are package size, construction and cost, as well ashazards associated with certificatio

20、n process. Environmentalfactors such as air and water pollution are increasingly a factorin choice of qualification method. Specific benefits and limi-tations for each method are discussed in the sections coveringthe particular methods.4.2 The complete hypothetical accident condition sequenceconsist

21、s of a drop test, a puncture test, and a 30-min hydro-carbon fire test, commonly called a pool fire test, on thepackage. Submersion tests on undamaged packages are alsorequired, and smaller packages are also required to survivecrush tests that simulate handling accidents. Details of the testsand tes

22、t sequences are given in the regulations cited. Thisdocument focuses on thermal qualification, which is similar inboth the U.S. and IAEA regulations. A summary of importantdifferences is included as Appendix X3 to this document. Theoverall thermal test requirements are described generally inPart 71.

23、73 of 10CFR71 and in Section VII of TS-R-1.Additional guidance on thermal tests is also included in IAEAST-2.4.3 The regulatory thermal test is intended to simulate a30-min exposure to a fully engulfing pool fire that occurs if atransportation accident involves the spill of large quantities ofhydroc

24、arbon fuels from a tank truck or similar vehicle. Theregulations are “mode independent” meaning that they areintended to cover packages for a wide range of transportationmodes such as truck and rail.5. Significance and Use5.1 The major objective of this practice is to provide acommon reference docum

25、ent for both applicants and certifica-tion authorities on the accepted practices for accomplishingpackage thermal qualification. Details and methods for accom-plishing qualification are described in this document in morespecific detail than available in the regulations. Methods thathave been shown b

26、y experience to lead to successful qualifi-cation are emphasized. Possible problems and pitfalls that leadto unsatisfactory results are also described.5.2 The work described in this standard practice shall bedone under a quality assurance program that is accepted by theregulatory authority that cert

27、ifies the package for use. Forpackages certified in the United States, 10 CFR 71 Subpart Hshall be used as the basis for the quality assurance (QA)program, while for international certification, ISO 9000 usuallydefines the appropriate program. The quality assurance pro-gram shall be in place and fun

28、ctioning prior to the initiation ofany physical or analytical testing activities and prior tosubmittal of any information to the certifying authority.5.3 The unit system (SI metric or English) used for thermalqualification shall be agreed upon prior to submission ofinformation to the certification a

29、uthority. If SI units are to bestandard, then use IEEE/ASTM SI-10. Additional units givenin parentheses are for information purposes only.TEST METHODS6. General Information6.1 In preparing a Safety Analysis Report for Packaging(SARP), the normal transport and accident thermal conditionsspecified in

30、10CFR71 or IAEA TS-R-1 shall be addressed. Forapproval in the United States, reports addressing the thermalissues shall be included in a SARP prepared according to theformat described in Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)Regulatory Guide 7.9. Upon review, a package is consideredqualified if materia

31、l temperatures are within acceptable limits,temperature gradients lead to acceptable thermal stresses, thecavity gas pressure is within design limits, and safety featurescontinue to function over the entire temperature range. Testinitial conditions vary with regulation, but are intended to givethe m

32、ost unfavorable normal ambient temperature for thefeature under consideration, and corresponding internal pres-sures are usually at the maximum normal values unless a lowerpressure is shown to be more unfavorable. Depending on theregulation used, the ambient air temperature is in the -29C(-20F) to 3

33、8C (100F) range. Normal transport requirementsinclude a maximum air temperature of 38C (100F), insola-tion, and a cold temperature of -40C (-40F). Regulations alsoinclude a maximum package surface temperatures for person-nel protection of 50C (122F). See Appendix X3 for clarifi-cation of differences

34、 between U.S. and international regula-tions.6.2 Hypothetical accident thermal requirements stated inPart 71.73 or IAEA TS-R-1, Section VII call for a 30 minexposure of the entire container to a radiation environment of800C (1475F) with a flame emissivity of 0.9. The surfaceemissivity of the package

35、 shall be 0.8 or the package surfacevalue, whichever is greater. With temperatures and emissivitiesstated in the specification, the basic laws of radiation heattransfer permit direct calculation of the resulting radiant heatflux to a package surface. This means that what appears at firstglance to be

36、 a flame or furnace temperature specification is inreality a heat flux specification for testing. Testing shall beconducted with this point in mind.E22300826.3 Two definitions of flame emissivity exist, and thiscauses confusion during the qualification process. Siegel andHowell, 2001, provide the te

37、xtbook definition for a cloud of hotsoot particles representing a typical flame zone in open poolfires. In this definition the black body emissive power of theflame, sT4, is multiplied by the flame emissivity, , in order toaccount for the fact that soot clouds in flames behave as if theywere weak bl

38、ack body emitters. A second definition of flameemissivity, often used for package analysis, assumes that theflame emissivity, , is the surface emissivity of a large,high-temperature, gray-body surface that both emits and re-flects energy and completely surrounds the package underanalysis. The second

39、 definition leads to slightly higher (con-servative) heat fluxes to the package surface, and also leads toa zero heat flux as the package surface reaches the firetemperature. For the first definition, the heat flux falls to zerowhile the package surface is somewhat below the fire tempera-ture. For p

40、ackage qualification, use of the second definition isoften more convenient, especially with computer codes thatmodel surface-to-surface thermal radiation, and is usuallypermitted by regulatory authorities.6.4 Convective heat transfer from moving air at 800C shallalso be included in the analysis of t

41、he hypothetical accidentcondition. Convection correlations shall be chosen to conformto the configuration (vertical or horizontal, flat or curvedsurface) that is used for package transport. Typical flowvelocities for combustion gases measured in large fires rangeare in the 1 to 10 m/s range with mea

42、n velocities near themiddle of that range (see Schneider and Kent, 1989, Gregory,et al, 1987, and Koski, et al, 1996). No external non-naturalcooling of the package after heat input is permitted after the fireevent, and combustion shall proceed until it stops naturally.During the fire, effects of so

43、lar radiation are often neglected foranalysis and test purposes.6.5 For purposes of analysis, the hypothetical accidentthermal conditions are specified by the surface heat flux values.Peak regulatory heat fluxes for low surface temperaturestypically range from 55 to 65 kW/m2. Convective heat transfe

44、rfrom air is estimated from convective heat transfer correla-tions, and contributes of 15 to 20 % of the total heat flux. Thevalue of 15 to 20 % value is consistent with experimentalestimates. Recent versions of the regulations specify moving,hot air for convection calculations, and an appropriate f

45、orcedconvection correlation shall be used in place of the olderpractice that assumed still air convection. A further discussionof heat flux values is provided in While 10CFR71 or TS-R-1 values represent typicalpackage average heat fluxes in pool fires, large variations inheat flux depending

46、on both time and location have beenobserved in actual pool fires. Local heat fluxes as high as 150kW/m2under low wind conditions are routinely observed forlow package surface temperatures. For high winds, heat fluxesas high as 400 kW/m2are observed locally. Local flux valuesare a function of several

47、 parameters, including height above thepool. Thus the size, shape, and construction of the packageaffects local heat flux conditions. Designers shall keep thepossible differences between the hypothetical accident andactual test conditions in mind during the design and testingprocess. These differenc

48、es explain some unpleasant surprisessuch as localized high seal or cargo temperatures that haveoccurred during the testing process.6.7 For proper testing, good simulations of both the regula-tory hydrocarbon fire heat flux transient and resulting materialtemperatures shall be achieved. Unless both t

49、he heat flux andmaterial surface temperature transients are simultaneouslyreproduced, then the thermal stresses resulting from materialtemperature gradients and the final container temperature arereported to be erroneously high or low. Some test methods arebetter suited to meeting these required transient conditions fora particular package than others. The relative benefits andlimitations of the various methods in simulating the pool fireenvironment are discussed in the following sections.7. Procedure7.1 Qualification by Analysis7.1.1 Benefits, Limitations:7.1.


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