ASTM E2517-2011 Standard Specification for Cargo Bed Cover Type III (M35A2 2 1 2 Ton Cargo Truck M1078 2 1 2 Ton Lightweight Medium Tactical Vehicle (LMTV) M1082 2 1 2 Ton LMTV Tra.pdf

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ASTM E2517-2011 Standard Specification for Cargo Bed Cover Type III (M35A2 2 1 2 Ton Cargo Truck M1078 2 1 2 Ton Lightweight Medium Tactical Vehicle (LMTV) M1082 2 1 2 Ton LMTV Tra.pdf_第1页
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ASTM E2517-2011 Standard Specification for Cargo Bed Cover Type III (M35A2 2 1 2 Ton Cargo Truck M1078 2 1 2 Ton Lightweight Medium Tactical Vehicle (LMTV) M1082 2 1 2 Ton LMTV Tra.pdf_第2页
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ASTM E2517-2011 Standard Specification for Cargo Bed Cover Type III (M35A2 2 1 2 Ton Cargo Truck M1078 2 1 2 Ton Lightweight Medium Tactical Vehicle (LMTV) M1082 2 1 2 Ton LMTV Tra.pdf_第3页
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ASTM E2517-2011 Standard Specification for Cargo Bed Cover Type III (M35A2 2 1 2 Ton Cargo Truck M1078 2 1 2 Ton Lightweight Medium Tactical Vehicle (LMTV) M1082 2 1 2 Ton LMTV Tra.pdf_第4页
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ASTM E2517-2011 Standard Specification for Cargo Bed Cover Type III (M35A2 2 1 2 Ton Cargo Truck M1078 2 1 2 Ton Lightweight Medium Tactical Vehicle (LMTV) M1082 2 1 2 Ton LMTV Tra.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: E2517 11Standard Specification forCargo Bed Cover, Type III (M35A2, 2 1/2 Ton Cargo Truck/M1078, 2 1/2 Ton Lightweight Medium Tactical Vehicle(LMTV)/ M1082, 2 1/2 Ton LMTV Trailer)1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2517; the number immediately following the designatio

2、n indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This specification covers the genera

3、l requirements forthe Type III Cargo Bed Cover (CBC). The Type III CBC is aremovable general purpose rigid wall enclosure that is mountedon any of the following model 2.5 ton cargo trucks (1) theM35A2 Lightweight Medium Tactical Vehicle (LMTV) and (2)the M1078 LMTV . It can also be mounted on the M1

4、082LMTV Trailer. The CBC provides environmental protectionand security for mission equipment and items of generaltransport.1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. No other units of measurement are included in thisstandard.1.3 The following safety hazards caveat perta

5、ins only to thetest required portion, Section 4, of this specification: Thisstandard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the userof this standard to establish appropriate safety and healthpractices and determine the appl

6、icability of regulatory require-ments prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2E1925 Specification for Engineering and Design Criteria forRigid Wall Relocatable StructuresF501 Test Method for Aerospace Materials Response toFlame, With Vertical Test Specimen32.2 Federal Standards:4FED-

7、STD-595 Colors Used in Government Procurement2.3 Military Standards:4MIL-C-46168 Coating, Aliphatic Polyurethane, ChemicalAgent ResistantMIL-CDTL-53039 Coating, Aliphatic Polyurethane, SingleComponent, Chemical Agent ResistantMIL-CDTL-53072 Chemical Agent Resistant Coating(CARC) SystemApplication Pr

8、ocedures and Quality Con-trol InspectionMIL-PRF-22750 Coating, Epoxy, High SolidsMIL-STD-209 Slinging and Tiedown Provisions for Liftingand Tying Down Military EquipmentMIL-STD-810 Environmental Test Methods and Engineer-ing GuidelinesMIL-STD-1366 Transportability CriteriaMIL-STD-1472 Design Criteri

9、a: Human Engineering2.4 Military Handbooks:4MIL-HDBK-759 Human Engineering DesignMIL-HDBK-1791 Designing for Internal Aerial Delivery inFixed Winged Aircraft2.5 OSHA Documents:5Title 29 CFR 1910 OHSA Permissible Exposure Limits2.6 ACGIH Documents:6ACGIH Threshold Limit Values3. General Requirements3

10、.1 First ArticleWhen specified (see 6.2), a sample shallbe subjected to first article inspection in accordance with 4.1.1.A first article is defined as a pre-production or an initialproduction sample consisting of one or more of each type ofcompleted CBC.3.2 ConformanceItems furnished under this spe

11、cificationshall be subjected to conformance inspection in accordancewith specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 onPerformance of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.53on Materials and Processes for Durable Rigidwall Relocatable Structures

12、.Current edition approved Sept. 1, 2011. Published October 2011. Originallyapproved in 2006. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as E2517 06. DOI:10.1520/E2517-11.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual B

13、ook of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Withdrawn. The last approved version of this historical standard is referencedon from Standardization Documents Order Desk, DODSSP, Bldg. 4,Section D, 700 Robbins Ave., P

14、hiladelphia, PA 19111-5098, http:/ from Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), 200Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20210, http:/ from American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists,Inc. (ACGIH), 1330 Kemper Meadow Dr

15、., Suite 600, Cincinnati, OH 45240,http:/ ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.3 Operating RequirementsUnless otherwise specified,the Type III CBC shall meet the following operating require-ments in both the

16、 height extended and height retracted con-figurations.3.3.1 ConfigurationsThe Type III CBC shall have twoconfigurations, height extended and height retracted. Theheight extended configuration is the normal operating configu-ration for the CBC and provides for maximum usable volume.The height retract

17、ed configuration provides less usable volumebut is capable of being loaded on the C-130, and C-141Military Airlift Command (MAC) fixed wing aircraft. Unlessotherwise specified, the CBC shall meet all the requirements ofthis specification sheet in both the height extended and heightretracted configur

18、ations.3.3.2 Height Adjustment DeviceIn both its payloaded (see3.3.8) and non-payloaded configurations the Type III CBCshall be capable of being manually extended from its retractedconfiguration and vise versa by 2 soldiers in 20 min using onlythe tools of the Basic Issue Items (BII) and the Additio

19、nalAuthorization List (AAL) as described in the carriers Opera-tors Manual, and tools supplied with the CBC. Any hardwareor special tools required for extending/retracting the CBC shallbe provided as part of the CBC. Additional materials handlingequipment shall not be required. The CBC shall be capa

20、ble ofmultiple extension/retraction cycles, in accordance with itsmanual, without damage or degradation to either the CBC, itscarrier, or its height adjustment devise.3.3.3 CBC Service Life, Reliability and MaintainabilityThe service life for the CBC shall be at least 15 years. Themean time to repai

21、r at the organizational and intermediate levelshall not exceed 4 hours at the 90th percentile. Gaskets, seals,flaps, and other materials shall be fixed to the CBC and shall bereplaceable.3.3.4 Personnel Hazards: MechanicalThe CBC shall conform to regulatoryand consensus design safety standard

22、s, unless military appli-cations require more stringent limits, and reflect applicablesystem and personnel safety factors. The CBC shall providepersonnel maximum access and safety while installing, oper-ating, and maintaining the equipment. Edge RoundingAll exposed edges and cornersshall be r

23、ounded. Sharp edges and corners that can present apersonnel safety hazard or caused equipment damage duringoperation and maintenance shall be rounded or suitably pro-tected.3.3.5 Toxicity: MaterialsCertain chemicals have been identifiedin the Title 29 CFR 1910, as cancer-producing substances(

24、carcinogens). Materials used in the CBC shall not containthese chemicals. Consideration of the human toxicity of asubstance should be given prior to material selection. Gases or VaporsThe materials, as installed in theequipment and under service conditions specified in the equip-ment specific

25、ation, shall not liberate noxious odors, toxic orcorrosive gases, or vapors that would be detrimental to thehealth of personnel.3.3.6 VentsThe CBC shall include two vents for fresh airventilation.The vents shall be located to facilitate fresh air flowthrough the cargo area. The vents shall prevent i

26、ntrusion ofdriven rain and have provisions for blackout. Vents shall becapable of providing ventilation when the vehicle is bothstationary and on the move. Vents requiring operation shall becapable of being operated manually. The interior surface of thedoor shall have a warning in at least 112 in. h

27、igh letterscontrasting the color of the door. The warning shall say“WarningSufffocation hazard, door must remain open whileoccupied.” This requirement shall apply to the Type III CBCsin the height extended configuration only.3.3.7 Roof LoadsThe CBC roof shall be capable ofsupporting, without structu

28、ral damage, degradation or perma-nent deformation: (1) a uniformly distributed load of 40 lb/ft2over the entire surface and (2) a concentrated load of 660 lbover a 1 3 2 ft area applied anywhere on the roof.3.3.8 Interior Payload ProvisionsThe CBC shall be ca-pable of accepting threaded fasteners su

29、ch as rivnuts andinserts for mounting equipment to the interior of the CBC. TheType III CBC and its Interior Payload Provisions shall becapable of supporting at least 1100 lb of payload during itsstationary, rail transport, ground mobility and crane liftingoperation modes without damage or degradati

30、on to either theCBC or its Interior Payload Provisions. The payload shall beattached to the interior surfaces using Interior Payload Provi-sions and shall be distributed as follows: 200 lb mounted toeach of the four wall surfaces, or 400 lb mounted to each of thetwo side wall surfaces, and 300 lb mo

31、unted to the ceiling.3.3.9 Personnel Door Loads: Personnel Door StructureThe personnel door, in-cluding its frame(s) and hardware, shall be capable of support-ing a 200 lb static load without damage or degradation to eitherthe CBC or its personnel door, frame(s) and hardware.The loadshall be

32、applied parallel to the hinge line, along the door edgeopposite the hinge, with the Personnel Door open to 90degrees. The personnel door shall operate freely after applica-tion of the load. Door StopThe personnel door, including itsframe(s) and hardware, shall withstand a wind gust of 60 mphi

33、n any direction when the door is secured by its door stop.3.3.10 Surface Impact ResistanceThe exterior surface ofthe CBCs roof shall be capable of withstanding a blow from a30 lb steel cylinder, 3 in. in diameter with a hemispherical end,dropped from a height of 30 in., without structural degradatio

34、n.All other exterior wall surfaces shall be capable of withstand-ing a blow from the same steel cylinder, dropped from a heightof 16 in., without structural degradation.3.3.11 Tailgate OperationThe CBC, when mounted on itscarrier, shall not inhibit operation of the carriers tailgate.3.3.12 BlackoutT

35、he CBC/carrier combination, with thepersonnel door and ports closed, shall not permit a light sourcefrom within to emit detectable amounts of light. This require-ment shall apply to the Type III CBC in the height extendedconfiguration only.3.4 Support and Ownership RequirementsUnless other-wise spec

36、ified, the Type III CBC shall meet the followingsupport and ownership requirements in both the height ex-tended and height retracted configurations.E2517 1123.4.1 WeightThe Type III CBC, including its height ad-justment devise, but not its hardware/adapter kit, shall weighno more than 800 lb.3.4.2 P

37、ersonnel DoorTheType III CBC shall be equippedwith a vertically hinged single personnel door, centrally locatedin the rear wall. The door opening shall be a minimum of 48.00in. wide by 60.00 in. high in the height extended configurationand shall be a minimum of 48.00 in. wide by 24.00 in. high inits

38、 height retracted configuration. The personnel door shallswing to the outside. The personnel doors fully openedposition shall be at least 135 degrees from its closed position.Adoor stop, for securing the personnel door in its fully openedposition, shall be provided. In its closed position the person

39、neldoor shall prevent the intrusion of driven rain and dust andshall provide blackout protection. Door HandleThe personnel door shall beequipped with a door handle that provides positive closure.From either side, the door handle shall be capable of beingmoved to its opened or closed position

40、with a maximum forceof 30 lb applied to the door handle. The personnel door shall becapable of being padlocked from the outside securing the CBCfrom the exterior. Secondary ExitAsecondary exit shall be providedwithin the personnel door. The secondary exit opening shall bea minimum of 35.00 in

41、. wide by 30.00 in. high. The secondaryexit shall be capable of being opened with a maximum force of30 lb applied to the release mechanism from inside of the CBCwith: (1) the tailgate closed and the personnel door locked (2)the tailgate closed and the personnel door unlocked and (3) thetailgate open

42、 and the personnel door locked. With the person-nel door locked, the secondary exit shall not be capable ofbeing opened from outside the CBC. The secondary exit shallprovide unobstructed egress for military personnel. This re-quirement shall apply to the Type III CBC in the heightextended configurat

43、ion only.3.4.3 LadderA ladder shall be provided to allow militarypersonnel to safely enter and exit the CBC/carrier combinationutilizing the CBCs Personnel Door. The ladder shall becapable of supporting at least 400 lb applied to any individualstep without damage or degradation to either the CBC, ca

44、rrieror ladder. The CBC shall have a stowage location for the laddercapable of securely retaining the ladder in all transportationmodes without impeding any operations of the CBC or itscarrier. The M1078 and M1082 carriers applicable to the TypeIII CBC are equipped with a ladder.3.4.4 Roof Access Ha

45、ndholds/FootholdsRoof accesshandholds/footholds shall be provided for safe access from theground to and descend from the roof when the CBC is mountedon its carrier. The roof access handholds/footholds shall eitherbe built into the CBC or attached to the exterior. The roofaccess handholds/footholds s

46、hall be designed such that theCBC/carrier combination does not: (1) exceed the legal high-way size limitations imposed by states and foreign countriesand (2) limit any other modes of transportation (such as, rail,air, ship). The roof access handholds/footholds shall be de-signed for the 5th percenti

47、le female through the 95th percentilemale military personnel. Each roof access handhold/footholdsshall be capable of supporting 400 lb without damage ordegradation to either the CBC or the roof access step/handhold.3.4.5 Power and Signal Entry PortsTwo ports shall beprovided in the side walls as for

48、ward as practicable to permitthe pass through of power and signal lines into the CBCenclosed area when the CBC is in its height extended configu-ration. One port shall be located on the drivers side and theother port shall be located on the passengers side. Each portshall be a minimum of four in. in

49、 diameter and not allow theintrusion of driven rain and dust into the CBC and haveprovisions for blackout. The power and signal access portsshall have provisions for blackout.3.4.6 TransportabilityThe CBC/carrier combination shallbe capable of obtaining transportability approval from theMilitary Traffic Management Command Transportability Engi-neering Agency (MTMCTEA) based on the requirements fortransport in the following modes: RailThe CBC/carrier combination with payloadshall: (1) meet the Gabarit International de Chargement (GIC)eq


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