1、Designation: E2570/E2570M 07 (Reapproved 2014)1Standard Test Methods forEvaluating Water-Resistive Barrier (WRB) Coatings Usedunder Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) or EIFSwith Drainage1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2570/E2570M; the number immediately following th
2、e designation indicates the yearof original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1NOTEUnits information was editorial
3、ly corrected and editorial changes were made throughout in September 2014.1. Scope1.1 These test methods apply to trowel, roller, or sprayapplied Water-resistive barrier (WRB) coatings that are appliedover exterior sheathing prior to application of EIFS or EIFSwith drainage wall claddings.1.2 Test m
4、ethods for in place wall system and claddingrelated to tests such as fire resistance, wind load capability, airbarrier performance, and so forth. should also be consideredbut are outside the scope of this document.1.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound unitsare to be regarded separat
5、ely as standard. The values stated ineach system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, eachsystem shall be used independently of the other. Combiningvalues from the two systems may result in non-conformancewith the standard.1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns,
6、if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2C297/C297M Test Method for Flatwise Tensile S
7、trength ofSandwich ConstructionsD2247 Practice for Testing Water Resistance of Coatings in100 % Relative HumidityD2898 Practice for Accelerated Weathering of Fire-Retardant-Treated Wood for Fire TestingE72 Test Methods of Conducting Strength Tests of Panelsfor Building ConstructionE96/E96M Test Meth
8、ods for Water Vapor Transmission ofMaterialsE330/E330M Test Method for Structural Performance ofExterior Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain Walls byUniform Static Air Pressure DifferenceE331 Test Method for Water Penetration of ExteriorWindows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain Walls by Uni-form Stat
9、ic Air Pressure DifferenceE631 Terminology of Building ConstructionsE1233/E1233M Test Method for Structural Performance ofExterior Windows, Doors, Skylights, and Curtain Walls byCyclic Air Pressure DifferentialE2110 Terminology for Exterior Insulation and Finish Sys-tems (EIFS)E2134/E2134M Test Meth
10、od for Evaluating the Tensile-Adhesion Performance of an Exterior Insulation andFinish System (EIFS)E2485/E2485M Test Method for Freeze/Thaw Resistance ofExterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) and WaterResistive Barrier Coatings2.2 AATCC Standards:3AATCC 127 Water Resistance: Hydrostatic Pres
11、sure Test3. Terminology3.1 Definitions related to EIFS may be found in Terminol-ogy E2110 and general terms in Terminology E631.4. Significance and Use4.1 This series of test methods provides a means to evaluateperformance of the water-resistive barrier coating when sub-jected to various physical an
12、d environmental conditions. Thewater-resistive barrier coating is applied between the EIFS and1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 onPerformance of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.58on Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS).Current e
13、dition approved Sept. 1, 2014. Published September 2014. Originallyapproved in 2007. Last previous edition approved in 2007 as E257007. DOI:10.1520/E2570_E2570M-07R14E01.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at serviceastm.org. For Annu
14、al Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists(AATCC), P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2215, http:/www.aatcc.org.Copyright ASTM International, 100 Bar
15、r Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States1substrate in an EIFS-clad wall assembly and is intended toprovide additional protection to the building and its contentsfrom incidental moisture intrusion that may occur through thebuilding envelope. Although protected from
16、 direct weatherexposure after the EIFS is installed, the coating must bedurable and weather resistant as it is subjected to variousenvironmental conditions prior to application of the EIFS aswell as while the system is in service.5. Test Specimens5.1 Tensile Bond:5.1.1 Prepare five samples for each
17、sheathing substrate, aminimum of 152 mm 152 mm 6 in. 6 in., that consists oftwo sheathing sections assembled with a 3.2 mm 18 in. widejoint. Apply the joint treatment, if applicable, and water-resistive barrier coating in accordance with the manufacturersrecommended instructions.5.1.2 Test where the
18、 water resistive barrier is a systemcomposed of multiple products that overlap, the bond betweenwater resistive barrier products.5.1.3 Prepare five specimens for each flashing material forwhich recognition is sought, a minimum of 51 mm 51 mm 2in. 2 in. by applying the water-resistive barrier coating
19、, andthe flashing treatment, to the flashing material.5.2 Freeze Thaw:5.2.1 Construct five samples for each sheathing substrate, aminimum of 152 mm 152 mm 6 in. 6 in. that consists oftwo sheathing sections assembled with a 3.2 mm 18 in. widejoint. Apply the joint treatment, if applicable, and the wa
20、ter-resistive barrier coating in accordance with the manufacturersrecommended instructions. The back and sides of the speci-mens shall be sealed with an impervious material that need notbe the coating. Specimens shall be representative of those usedin actual construction.5.3 Water Resistance:5.3.1 P
21、repare three samples, a minimum of 102 mm 152mm 4 in. 6 in., and containing a 6.4 mm 14 in. wide jointfor each substrate by applying the joint treatment, if applicable,and the water-resistive barrier coating to the substrate accord-ing to the manufacturers recommended application instruc-tions. The
22、back and sides of the samples shall be sealed withmaterial impervious to water that need not be the waterresistive barrier coating. Specimens shall be representative ofthose used in actual construction.5.4 Water Vapor Transmission:5.4.1 Prepare three samples, a minimum of 70 mm 234 in.diameter of th
23、e water-resistive barrier coating by applying thewater-resistive barrier coating, at the recommended thickness,to a non-adhesive surface. After curing for the time recom-mended by the manufacturer, the coating is removed from thenon-adhesive surface and the average thickness is determinedfrom the ma
24、terial density, area, and weight or by using amicrometer or calipers to the nearest 0.025 mm 0.001 in.5.5 Durability (Transverse Load, Racking, EnvironmentalConditioning, and Water Penetration):5.5.1 Construct one sample, a minimum of 2438 mm 2438mm 8 ft 8 ft with either steel studs or24wood studssp
25、aced a minimum of 406 mm 16 in. oc.Attach the sheathingsubstrate to the framing and include 3.2 mm 18 in. widevertical and horizontal substrate joints. Flashing shall also beincluded in the sample preparation to ensure that the interfaceof the water-resistive barrier coating and flashing will not be
26、affected by various loading conditions. Apply the jointtreatments, if applicable, and water-resistive barrier coating tothe sheathing and cured in accordance with the manufacturersrecommendations. The sheathing used in the test shall be theleast shear-resistant sheathing material to which applicatio
27、n ofthe water- resistive barrier coating is proposed for application.5.6 Weathering (Ultraviolet Light Exposure, Wet/DryCycling, and Hydrostatic Exposure):5.6.1 Prepare five samples, a minimum of 102 mm 152mm 4 in. 6 in. containing a 6.4 mm 14 in. wide joint foreach substrate. Apply the joint treatm
28、ent, if applicable, and thewater-resistive barrier coating to the substrate according to themanufacturers recommended application instructions. Sheath-ing specimens shall consist of two sheathing sections as-sembled with the 6.4 mm 14 in. wide joint. Seal the sides ofthe samples with material imperv
29、ious to water that need not bethe water resistive barrier coating.6. Apparatus6.1 The description of apparatus in this section is general innature consequently any set up capable of performing the testis acceptable.6.2 Tensile Bond:6.2.1 The apparatus shall be capable of subjecting thespecimen unifo
30、rmly to test conditions described in TestMethod C297/C297M or Test Method E2134/E2134M.6.3 Freeze Thaw:6.3.1 The apparatus shall be capable of subjecting specimenuniformly to test conditions and cycles described in TestMethod E2485/E2485M.6.4 Water Resistance:6.4.1 The apparatus shall be capable of
31、subjecting thespecimen uniformly to test conditions described in PracticeD2247 for 14 days.6.5 Water Vapor Transmission:6.5.1 The apparatus shall be capable of subjecting thespecimen uniformly to test conditions described in TestMethod E72 and 8.4.1 of these test methods.6.6 Durability (Transverse L
32、oad, Racking, EnvironmentalConditioning, and Water Penetration):6.6.1 Transverse Load: The apparatus shall be capable of subjecting thespecimen uniformly to test conditions described in TestMethod E1233/E1233M and of these test methods.6.6.2 Racking: The apparatus shall be capa
33、ble of subjecting thespecimen uniformly to test conditions described in Test Meth-ods E72 and of these test methods.6.6.3 Environmental Conditioning: The apparatus for the water spray shall be capable ofuniformly wetting the entire panel surface. The apparatus forE2570/E2570M 07 (2014
34、)12radiant heat shall be capable of producing conditions describedin of these test methods.6.6.4 Water Penetration: The apparatus shall be capable of subjecting thespecimen uniformly to test conditions described in TestMethod E331 and of these test methods.6.7 Weathering:6.7.1
35、 Ultraviolet Light Exposure: The apparatus shall be capable of subjecting thespecimen uniformly to test conditions described in Test Meth-ods D2898, Method B and of these test methods.6.7.2 Wet/Dry Cycling: The apparatus shall be capable of subjecting thespecimen uniformly to t
36、est conditions described in 8.6.2 ofthese test methods.6.7.3 Hydrostatic Pressure: The apparatus shall be capable of subjecting thespecimen uniformly to test conditions described inAATCC 127 and of these test methods.7. Conditioning7.1 7.1 Dry or cure test samples a minimum of 28 days
37、 forcementitious materials and 7 days for acrylic materials underambient conditions prior to testing.8. Procedure8.1 Tensile Bond:8.1.1 Conduct tests in accordance with Test Methods C297/C297M or E2134/E2134M.8.2 Freeze Thaw:8.2.1 Conduct tests in accordance with Section 9.2 of TestMethod E2485/E248
38、5M.8.3 Water Resistance:8.3.1 Conduct tests in accordance with Practice D2247 for14 days.8.3.2 Conduct periodic inspection of the samples. Testingmay be concluded sooner if cracking, erosion or delaminationfrom the substrate is noted.8.4 Water Vapor Transmission:8.4.1 Condition the samples at 24 6 3
39、C 75 6 5F and 506 5 % relative humidity for 40 h prior to testing.8.4.2 Conduct tests in accordance with Section 12 of TestMethod E96/E96M except place each cup in a room withcontrolled conditions of 24 6 3C 75 6 5F and 50 %relative humidity.8.5 Durability (Transverse Load, Racking, EnvironmentalCon
40、ditioning, and Water Penetration):8.5.1 Transverse Load: Test specimen in accordance with Test MethodE1233/E1233M, E2110, Procedure A, using the load requiredto produce a mid-point deflection of the test panel measuring8.13 mm 0.32 in. Repeat for 10 cycles. Proceed with 8.5.2 if there
41、is no cracking observedthrough visual examination of the water-resistive barrier coat-ing within the field of the panel, at substrate joints and at theflashing interface.8.5.2 Racking: Conduct test on the same test specimen as was testedin 8.5.1.Apply load in accordance with Test Methods E72
42、withor without hold downs. Load shall be applied until12 in. netdeflection without hold downs or 3.2 mm 18 in. net deflectionwith hold downs is achieved.As an alternative, apply load untilshear design value of sheathing is achieved except net deflec-tion shall not exceed12 in. without hold downs or
43、3.2 mm 18in. deflection with hold downs. Proceed with 8.5.3 if there is no cracking observedthrough visual examination of the water-resistive barrier coat-ing within the field of the panel, at substrate joints and at theflashing interface.8.5.3 Environmental Conditioning: Conduct test
44、on the same test specimen as was testedin 8.5.1 and 8.5.2. Subject entire exterior surface to five cyclesconsisting of 24 h uniform water spray and 24 h of radiant heat.Radiant heat shall be 49 6 3C 120 6 5F as measured on a1 mm thick aluminum plate painted black and affixed to testsurface at a mini
45、mum of four locations symmetrically located. Proceed with 8.5.4 if there is no cracking observedthrough visual examination of the water-resistive barrier coat-ing within the field of the panel, at substrate joints and at theflashing interface.8.5.4 Water Penetration: Conduct test on th
46、e same test specimen as was testedin 8.5.1, 8.5.2, and 8.5.3. Test sample in accordance with TestMethod E331, E631 at a minimum pressure difference of 137kPa 2.86 psf for a period of 15 minutes.8.6 Weathering:8.6.1 Ultraviolet Light Exposure: Test specimens in accordance with Test MethodD2898
47、 Method B except subject entire surface of specimens toultraviolet light without water spray for conditions for 210 h(10 h per day for 21 days). Lamps and enclosure shall beadjusted so the specimen temperature is between 57C 135Fand 60C 140F.8.6.2 Wet/Dry Cycling: Conduct test on the same tes
48、t specimens that weretested in 8.6.1. Subject samples to 25 cycles of drying andsoaking as follows:(1) Oven dry at 49C 120F for 3 h with all surfacesexposed.(2) Immerse coating surface in room temperature water for3h.(3) After removal from the water, blot specimens dry andthen air dry for 18 h at 24
49、 6 3C 75 6 5F with all surfacesexposed.8.6.3 Hydrostatic Pressure: Conduct test on the same test specimens that weretested in 8.6.1 and 8.6.2. The samples shall be tested inaccordance with AATCC 127 except that the specimens shallbe held at a hydrostatic head of 55 cm 21.6 in. for a period of5h.9. Calculation or Interpretation of Results9.1 The WRB coating shall conform to the minimum resultsprescribed in Table 1.E2570/E2570M 07 (2014)1310. Report10.1 Report t