ASTM E2728-2011 Standard Guide for Water Stewardship in the Design Construction and Operation of Buildings《建筑物设计 建造 和运行过程中水管理的标准指南》.pdf

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ASTM E2728-2011 Standard Guide for Water Stewardship in the Design Construction and Operation of Buildings《建筑物设计 建造 和运行过程中水管理的标准指南》.pdf_第1页
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ASTM E2728-2011 Standard Guide for Water Stewardship in the Design Construction and Operation of Buildings《建筑物设计 建造 和运行过程中水管理的标准指南》.pdf_第3页
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ASTM E2728-2011 Standard Guide for Water Stewardship in the Design Construction and Operation of Buildings《建筑物设计 建造 和运行过程中水管理的标准指南》.pdf_第5页
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1、Designation: E2728 11Standard Guide forWater Stewardship in the Design, Construction, andOperation of Buildings1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2728; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of

2、last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide is intended to inform sustainable develop-ment in the building industry. It outlines ideal sustainabilityan

3、d applied sustainability for water management, consistentwith Guide E2432. Both ideal sustainability and appliedsustainability should inform decisions regarding water man-agement.1.1.1 Ideal sustainability is patterned on the hydrologicalcycle. This provides the concept goals and direction forcontin

4、ual improvement.1.1.2 Applied sustainability outlines current best practices.This identifies available options considering environmental,economic, and social opportunities and challenges. The mostappropriate option(s) are likely to vary depending on thelocation of the project.1.2 Water management ch

5、allenges differ enormously de-pending on the type of built environment and the availablewater resources.1.2.1 The general demands of the built environment varyfrom very low density rural development to crowded urbandevelopment. Large cities present a particular challenge, with400 cities worldwide ho

6、using over 1 million inhabitants.1.2.2 Successfully meeting the challenges of uneven distri-bution of water around the world, depletion of groundwater,changing rainfall patterns, and other water industry trendsrequires sustainable solutions for the effective management ofthe entire water cycle.1.2.3

7、 Sustainable design, construction, and operation ofwater and wastewater services for the built environment arecritical components of water stewardship and global sustain-able water management.1.3 Water stewardship encompasses both pollution preven-tion (quality issues) and conservation (quantity iss

8、ues).1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regardedas standard. No other units of measurement are included in thisstandard.1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to e

9、stablish appro-priate safety and health practices and to determine theapplicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2E2114 Terminology for Sustainability Relative to the Per-formance of BuildingsE2348 Guide for Framework for a Consensus-based Envi-ron

10、mental Decision-making ProcessE2432 Guide for General Principles of Sustainability Rela-tive to BuildingsE2635 Practice for Water Conservation in BuildingsThrough In-Situ Water Reclamation2.2 Other Reference Documents:WaterSense3WWAP World Water Assessment Programme43. Terminology3.1 DefinitionsFor

11、terms related to sustainability relativeto the performance of buildings, refer to Terminology E2114.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 effluent, nwastewater, treated or untreated, thatflows out of a treatment plant, sewer, industrial facility, orconstructed source.3.2.2 emergin

12、g pollutant, nsubstances that have beenrecently discovered or determined to contaminate the environ-ment. DiscussionEmerging pollutants may include en-docrinial disruptors, persistant organic pollutants, and pharme-ceuticals.1This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E60 on Susta

13、inabilityand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E60.01 on Buildings and Construc-tion.Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2011. Published March 2011. DOI: 10.1520/E2728-11.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at

14、 For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ArielRios Bldg., 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20460, http:/ Office

15、 for Global Water Assessment, UNESCO, Villa La Colom-bella - Localit di Colombella Alta, 06134 Colombella (PERUGIA), Italy, http:/ ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.3.2.3 Environmental Managemen

16、t System (EMS),nprocedures for identifying, managing, and improving theenvironmental impacts of an organization, facility, product, orservice, or a combination thereof. DiscussionFundamental to an EMS is implemen-tation of a plan-do-check-act approach that documents currentperformance levels

17、and facilitates continual improvement.3.2.4 green infrastructure, nan array of products, tech-nologies, and practices that use natural systems, or engineeredsystems that mimic natural processes, to enhance overallenvironmental quality and provide utility services. DiscussionAs a general princ

18、ipal, Green Infra-structure techniques use soils and vegetation to infiltrate,evapotranspirate, or recycle stormwater runoff, or a combina-tion thereof; examples include: green roofs, porous pavement,rain gardens, and vegetated swales.3.2.5 hydrologic cycle, nthe continuous circulation ofwater on, u

19、nder, and over the Earths surface.3.2.6 nonpotable water, nwater that has not been treatedfor human consumption in conformance with applicable drink-ing water quality regulations.3.2.7 Persistent Organic Pollutant (POP), nan organiccompounds of natural or anthropogenic origin that resistsphotolytic,

20、 chemical, and biological degradation and is char-acterized by low water solubility and high lipid solubility,resulting in bioaccumulation in fatty tissues of living organ-isms. DiscussionPOPs are transported in the environ-ment in low concentrations by movement of fresh and marinewaters and

21、they are semi-volatile, enabling them to move alongdistances in the atmosphere, resulting in wide-spread distribu-tion across the earth, including regions where they have neverbeen used. The United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP) Governing Council, at its nineteenth session in Feb-ruary 1997, id

22、entified 12 POPs: Aldrin, Chlordane, Dieldrin,DDT, Endrin, Heptachlor, Hexachlorobenzene, Mirex, Toxa-phene, PCBs, Dioxins, and Furans.3.2.8 potable water, nwater that does not endanger thelives or health of human beings and that conforms to applicableregulations for drinking water quality.3.2.9 was

23、tewater, nthe spent or used water from a home,community, farm, or industry that contains dissolved or sus-pended matter.3.2.10 water effciency, nrefers to measures, practices, orprograms that reduce the water used by specific devices andsystems, typically without affecting the services provided.3.2.

24、11 water stress, nrefers to consumption of water thatexceeds available water resources. DiscussionUNEPconsiders countries where con-sumption exceeds 10 % of total supply to be in a water-stressedcondition.3.2.12 watershed, nthe land area that drains into a stream;the watershed for a major ri

25、ver may encompass a number ofsmaller watersheds that ultimately combine at a common point.3.2.13 watershed approach, ncoordinated framework forenvironmental management that focuses public and privateefforts on the highest priority problems within hydrologically-defined geographic areas taking into c

26、onsideration both groundand surface water flow.4. Significance and Use4.1 Supply of fresh water is limited and demand is increas-ing.4.1.1 The United Nations Population Fund estimates thatonly 2.5 percent of the water on the Earth is fresh, and onlyabout 0.5 percent is accessible ground or surface w

27、ater.4.1.2 While world population tripled in the 20th century, theuse of water increased six-fold. The United Nations estimatesthat in the year 2017, close to 70 percent of the globalpopulation will have problems accessing fresh water.Addition-ally, more than 2 billion people around the world lack b

28、asicsanitation facilities.4.1.3 According to WWAP, agriculture use accounts for 70percent of annual worldwide water use, industrial use accountsfor 22 percent and domestic use accounts for 8 percent (1).54.2 Increased demand has put additional stress on watersupplies and distribution systems, threat

29、ening both humanhealth and the environment.4.3 Increased demand has intensified energy use and theassociated greenhouse gas emissions. Significant energy isexpended for treatment and distribution of water. According toWaterSense, American public water supply and treatmentfacilities consume about 56

30、billion kilowatt-hours (kWh) peryearenough electricity to power more than 5 million homesfor an entire year. In California, an estimated 19 percent ofelectricity, 32 percent of natural gas consumption, and 88 bil-lion gallons of diesel fuel annually power the treatment anddistribution of water and w

31、astewater (2).4.4 The building industry diverts an estimated 16 percent ofglobal fresh water annually (3). It is imperative that design andconstruction address water efficiency. The estimate of annualusage of available fresh water by the building industry ac-counts for the quantity of water that is

32、required to manufacturebuilding materials and to construct and operate buildings. Itdoes not reflect the impact of the building industry on thequality of water.4.5 This guide provides information regarding ideal sustain-ability and water use.4.6 This guide provides general options for applied sustai

33、n-ability and water use.5. Ideal Sustainability5.1 StewardshipIdeal stewardship would pattern use onnatural cycles and processes.5.1.1 QuantityWhile water may be temporarily divertedfrom the hydrologic cycle, no measurable difference in totalinflows and outflows to a site would be made.5.1.2 Quality

34、While water may be temporarily contami-nated, such contamination would not exceed the natural puri-fication capacity of the hydrologic cycle. No measurabledegradation of water quality leaving a site would be made.5.2 Hydrologic Cycle:5The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to a list of references

35、 at the end ofthis standard.E2728 1125.2.1 The Earths water is continuously moving into and outof various reservoirs, including the atmosphere, land, surfacewater, and groundwater. The water moves from one reservoir toanother by the physical processes including; evaporation,condensation, precipitati

36、on, infiltration, surface flow, and sub-surface flow. In so doing, the water goes through differentphases: liquid, solid, and gas. (See Fig. 1.)5.2.2 The amount of time it takes to change the physicalstate of water can take less than a second or more than a millionyears. (See Fig. 2.)5.2.3 Although

37、many processes exist in nature to transformthe physical state of water, the quantity of water remains thesame as it is transported through the environment in acontinuous cycle.5.3 Natural PurificationAs water moves through the hy-drologic cycle it tends to be purified. Many separate processescontrib

38、ute to this purification, including:5.3.1 DistillationEvaporation of sea water leaves saltsbehind. This world-wide distillation process results in rainwater containing only traces of nonvolatile impurities, alongwith gases dissolved from the air.5.3.2 AerationSurface flow that trickles over rocks al

39、lowsvolatile impurities, previously dissolved from mineral depositsor other sources, to be released into the air. Aeration alsopromotes rapid growth of microscopic plant and animal organ-isms that use certain water contaminants for food and energy.5.3.3 SedimentationSolid particles settle to the bot

40、tom ofslow moving or deep waterbodies, or both. Wetlands andstreamside (riparian) forests are particularly important forremoving fine sediments from runoff. As sediment-laden watermoves across and through these ecosystems, 80 90 percent ofthe fine particles settle to the bottom or are filtered out.

41、Otherpollutants such as organics, metals, and radionuclides (radio-active elements) are often adsorbed by (stuck onto) siltparticles. Settling of the silt removes these pollutants from thewater.5.3.4 FiltrationWhen water moves through sand, sus-pended matter such as silt and clay is removed.5.3.5 Di

42、lutionDilution with relatively pure water canreduce the concentration of many pollutants to harmless levels.However, small amounts of some pollutants can contaminatelarge quantities of water. For example, a single quart ofhydraulic fluid can contaminate 250 000 gallons of groundwater. Chemicals that

43、 leach into groundwater can remain therelong after the chemical is no longer used. The pesticidedichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) is still found ingroundwater in the United States even though its use wasbanned more than 30 years ago. Like pesticides, volatileorganic compounds (VOCs) are pervasiv

44、e and commonlyfound in groundwater supplies. Twenty-nine percent of wellstested in urban areas contained multiple VOCs; overall a totalof 46 different kinds of VOCs turn up in groundwater analyses.The health implications of these combinations of compoundsare unknown (4).5.3.6 BioremediationThe layer

45、 of bacteria, fungi, andalgae that covers underwater surfaces accumulate or breakdown, or both, organics and many pollutants. Healthy micro-bial assemblages in soil and on surfaces in water change theform (and possibly the toxicity) of pesticides and can removeheavy metals. Wetlands can remove 20 60

46、 percent of heavymetals in the waters moving through them.NOTEU.S. Geological Survey, The Water Cycle, http:/ (accessed January 1, 2011).FIG. 1 The Water CycleE2728 1136. Applied Sustainability6.1 Where ideal sustainability provides a concept goal,applied sustain

47、ability provides options for best practices. Theseoptions are based on current scientific knowledge and availabletechnologies. They are informed by ideal sustainability.6.1.1 There is still much that is not understood about howaquatic and terrestrial ecosystems provide water purification.Factors suc

48、h as location, size, type of soil and vegetation, waterflow (patterns and extremes), and the landscape in which theecosystem exists are all important. But predicting how muchand what type of materials and pollutants can be purified withina natural ecosystemwithout permanently harming theecosystemis

49、complex.6.2 Quantity ImpactsApproximately one third of theworlds population already lives in water stressed conditions. Ifpresent trends continue, two out of every three people on Earthwill live in that condition by 2025 (5). According to the EPA,at least 36 states are anticipating local, regional, or statewidewater shortages by 2013 (WaterSense).6.2.1 ConservationA successful water conservation pro-gram typically includes a comprehensive water managementplan. This plan should provide clear information about how afacility uses its water


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