ASTM E2817-2011 Standard Test Method for Test Fueling Masonry Heaters《加油砌体加热器测试的标准试验方法》.pdf

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1、Designation: E2817 11Standard Test Method forTest Fueling Masonry Heaters1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2817; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses

2、 indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This test method covers the fueling and operatingprotocol for determining particulate matter emissions fromsolid fuel biomass (cordwood or other densified,

3、binder freebiomass fuels) fires in masonry heaters. It may also be used totest other similar appliances (see 3.2.20).1.2 This test method is applicable to the operation andfueling of masonry heaters during particulate emissions mea-surement test periods. The prescribed methods and proceduresof these

4、 protocols are performed on masonry heaters installedand operated in accordance with the builder or manufacturersspecifications.1.3 In conjunction with Test Method E2515, this testmethod provides a protocol for laboratory emissions testing ofmasonry heaters that is intended to simulate actual use in

5、residential homes and other consumer applications. Since suchactual use involves almost solely cordwood fueling,AnnexA1,Cordwood Fuel, provides as close a simulation as is currentlypossible of consumer use, and is recommended for predictingactual consumer emissions performance. For regulatory andoth

6、er potential uses in comparing relative emissions of variousmasonry heater products and designs, Annex A2, CribwoodFueling, and Annex A3, Cribwood Fuel, Top-Down Burn,provide optional additional fueling protocols that substitutedimensional lumber cribs for the cordwood fuel. Data thatestablish the r

7、elationships between the emissions results gen-erated by Annex A2 and Annex A3 and the emissions resultsgenerated by Annex A1 are not currently available.1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded asstandard. The values given in parentheses are mathematicalconversions to inch-pound units t

8、hat are provided for informa-tion only and are not considered standard.1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine th

9、e applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2E631 Terminology of Building ConstructionsE1602 Guide for Construction of Solid Fuel Burning Ma-sonry HeatersE2515 Test Method for Determination of Particulate MatterEmissions Collected by a Dilution T

10、unnel2.2 Other Standards:EN 15250 Slow Heat Release Appliances Fired By SolidFuel-Requirements And Test MethodsEN 15544 One Off Kachelgrundfen/Putzgrundfen (Tiled/Mortared Stoves): Calculation MethodNIST Monograph 175 Standard Limits of Error3US EPA Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations43. Terminolog

11、y3.1 DefinitionsTerms used in this test method are definedin Terminology E631.3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:3.2.1 ashpit loss, n the incomplete burned residue (char-coal) left with the ash after a test run is completed.3.2.2 burn rate, nthe average rate at which test-fuel iscons

12、umed in a masonry heater during a test run. The burn rateexcludes the inorganic salts and minerals (that is, “ash”) andincompletely burned residues (charcoal) remaining at the endof a test run; measured in mass of dry wood burned per hour(kg/hour, lb/hour).3.2.3 calibration error, nthe difference be

13、tween the gasconcentration displayed by a gas analyzer and the knownconcentration of the calibration gas when the calibration gas isintroduced directly to the analyzer.3.2.4 calibration (span) drift, nThe difference betweenthe expected instruments response and the actual instrumentsresponse when a c

14、alibration (span) gas is introduced to the1This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E06 onPerformance of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.54on Solid Fuel Burning Appliances.Current edition approved April 1, 2011. Published August 2011. DOI: 10.1520/E

15、2817-11.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Available from National Institute of Standards and T

16、echnology (NIST), 100Bureau Dr., Stop 1070, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-1070, http:/ from United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ArielRios Bldg., 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20004, http:/ ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive,

17、PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.analyzer after a stated period of time has elapsed during whichno maintenance, repair or adjustment has taken place:calibration span! drift 5Sactual response expected response!expected responseD3 1003.2.5 calibration (span) gas, na known c

18、oncentration ofcarbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), or oxygen (O2)in nitrogen (N2), or a combination thereof.3.2.6 combustion period emissions rate (ERCP), ntheparticulate emissions rate during the masonry heater combus-tion period only (cf. heating cycle emissions rate).3.2.7 Douglas fir, nf

19、or crib fueling protocols; untreated,standard, or better grade Douglas fir lumber with agency gradestamp: D. Fir or Douglas Fir.3.2.8 flue-gas temperature, nthe temperature measured atthe primary flue-gas sampling and temperature measurementlocation: Pre-Test flue-gas temperature is measured at theP

20、rimary Flue-Gas Sampling and Temperature MeasurementLocation within 15 minutes before a test is initiated and at least1 hour after the masonry heater was closed in accordance with9. firebox, nthe chamber within the masonry heaterwhere the fuel is placed and combusted.3.2.10 firebox length,

21、nthe longest horizontal fire chamberdimension where fuel pieces might reasonably be expected tobe placed in accordance with the manufacturers writteninstructions that is parallel to a wall of the chamber (in nonorthogonal fireboxes the fuel load will be placed according tothe builder or manufacturer

22、s instructions or at the bestjudgment of the testing lab).3.2.11 firebox width, nthe shortest horizontal fire chamberdimension where fuel pieces might reasonably be expected tobe placed in accordance with the manufacturers writteninstructions that is parallel to a wall of the chamber (in nonorthogon

23、al fireboxes the fuel load will be placed according tothe builder or manufacturers instructions or at the bestjudgment of the testing lab).3.2.12 firing interval (QFI), nthe period of time duringwhich the stored heat energy is released prior to the next firing,as specified by the builder or manufact

24、urer.3.2.13 fuel crib, nthe fuel load placed in the firebox priorto the test start. The fuel crib includes all of the kindling pieces,fuel pieces and spacers needed to assemble a fuel crib. Specificfuel crib configurations are described in Annex A2, CribwoodFueling, or Annex A3, Cribwood Fuel, Top-D

25、own Burn.3.2.14 fuel piece, n(1) cordwood fuel: triangularly splitsolid wood fuel: each piece shall be able to pass through a152-mm (6-in.) hole while not passing through a 76-mm (3-in.)hole. Other cordwood cross sections shall be allowed ifspecified in the builder or manufacturers instructions. (2)

26、 cribfuel:“23 2”, “2 3 4” or “4 3 4” wood pieces used to con-struct fuel cribs: “2 3 2”, “2 3 4” and “4 3 4” referring to thenominal width and depth dimensions for commonly availabledimensional lumber. The actual dimensions are38 mm 3 38 mm (112 in. 3 112 in.), 38 mm 3 89 mm (112in. 3 312 in.) and 8

27、9 mm 3 89 mm (312 in. 3 312 in.).3.2.15 fuel weight, total, n(1) cordwood: the total weightof the kindling and fuel pieces used in a test run (the test loadcan be added as multiple fuel loadings if the builder ormanufacturer indicates this in the operating instructions; nosuch individual fuel loadin

28、g shall be less than 20 % of the totalfuel weight). (2) crib fuel: the total weight of the kindling andfuel pieces and spacers.3.2.16 heating cycle emissions rate (ERHC), nthe effectiveparticulate emissions over the heating cycle of the masonryheater. It is calculated based on the builder or manufac

29、turersspecified period of time between firings in which the heatstored in the masonry heater radiates useful heat to the heatedspace (cf. combustion period emissions rate).3.2.17 internal assembly, nthe core construction and fire-box design factors that may affect combustion function orparticulate e

30、missions factor of a masonry heater.3.2.18 grate, nfor the purposes of masonry heater testingand operation, any grate included with the masonry heater orspecified by the masonry heater builder or manufacturer for thepurpose of supplying combustion air, elevating the fuel loadabove the hearth, preven

31、ting fuel pieces from falling outsidethe intended burning area, or all of the above. The volumebelow a fuel-elevating grate shall not be considered part of theusable firebox volume.3.2.19 kindling brand, nthe fuel comprised of fuel stripsseparated by air spaces and placed above or contiguous tocrump

32、led newspaper to initiate combustion in the testedmasonry heater (see Annex A2, Cribwood Fueling, or AnnexA3, Cribwood Fuel, Top-Down Burn).3.2.20 masonry heater, nsolid-fuel biomass burning ap-pliance or unit as described in Guide E1602. This method mayalso be used in testing other appliances confo

33、rming toEN 15250 or EN 15544, or both, but not necessarily conform-ing to the Guide E1602 masonry heater definition.3.2.21 maximum flue-gas oxygen depression, nthe differ-ence between the baseline air supply oxygen concentration(that is, 20.9 %) and the lowest oxygen concentration measuredand record

34、ed during the test run or, alternatively, the differencebetween the base line air supply oxygen concentration (20.9 %)and the lowest oxygen measured and recorded during the testrun determined by subtracting the maximum flue gas carbondioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) values from 20.9 %:maximum

35、O2depression 5 20.9 % F%CO21S%CO2DG3.2.22 particulate matter (PM), nall gas-borne matterresulting from combustion of solid fuel, as specified in this testmethod, which is collected in accordance with Test MethodE2515.3.2.23 primary flue-gas sampling and temperature measure-ment location, narea withi

36、n the center 33 % of the cross-sectional area of the flue-gas exhaust duct at the point 30 cm(12 in.) downstream from the beginning of the flue collar orchimney system anchor plate or other connector used toconnect the chimney to the masonry heater.3.2.24 response time, nthe amount of time required

37、for agas measurement system to respond and display a 95 % stepchange in a gas concentration.3.2.25 sampling system bias, nthe difference between thegas concentrations displayed by an analyzer when a gas ofknown concentration is introduced at the inlet of the samplingE2817 112probe and the gas concen

38、tration displayed when the same gasis introduced directly to the analyzer.3.2.26 spacers, nwood pieces used to hold individual fuelpieces together when constructing fuel cribs. Their function isto provide reproducible fuel crib geometry and air spacesbetween fuel pieces, as well as to hold the fuel

39、cribs together(with nails).3.2.27 span (or span value), nthe upper limit of a gasanalyzers measurement range. (Typically 25 % for CO2andO2, and 5 % or 10 % for CO.)3.2.28 test run, nthe time from the start of a test atignition until the time flue-gas oxygen concentration hasrecovered to at least 95

40、% of the ambient oxygen concentra-tion. A valid test must consume at least 90 % of the test fuelweight (see test facility, nthe area in which the masonry heateris installed, operated, and sampled for emissions; may includecommercial and residential structures.3.2.30 test-fuel loading

41、 factor, nthe ratio between test-fuel crib volume, including kindling pieces and inter-fuel-piecespacing, and the usable firebox volume. For these protocols,the test-fuel loading factor for masonry heaters is 0.30 (that is,30 %) unless otherwise specified.3.2.31 test series, na group of test runs at

42、 a lab on thesame masonry heater.3.2.32 total sampling time (Q), nthe time that elapsesbetween the start of the test as described in 9.5.3 and the endof the test as described in 9.5.7 (in minutes).3.2.33 usable firebox height, nthe height within the fire-box at or below which fuel is placed. The usa

43、ble firebox heightis to be specified by the builder or manufacturer. In the absenceof a builder or manufacturer specification, the usable fireboxheight is the height of the top of the loading door.3.2.34 usable firebox volume (Fv), nthe volumetric spacewithin the firebox of a masonry heater into whi

44、ch fuel isintended to be placed.3.2.35 zero drift, nThe difference between the expectedinstruments response and the actual instruments response whena zero gas is introduced to the analyzer after a stated period oftime has elapsed during which no maintenance repair oradjustment has taken place:zero d

45、rift 5Sactual response expected response!span span value!D3 1003.2.36 zero gas, na gas with no detectable (measurable)amounts of CO2, CO, or O2(usually N2), or a combinationthereof.4. Summary of Test Method4.1 This test method is to be used in conjunction with TestMethod E2515. The test masonry heat

46、er is constructed, fueled,and fired according to the builder or manufacturers installationand operating instructions. In the absence of such writteninstructions, this test method provides defaults for the testinglaboratory or other users to determine needed testing values.4.2 The builder or manufact

47、urer of the masonry heater beingevaluated shall provide the following, as furnished to consum-ers or other end users:4.2.1 Minimum and maximum designed heating capacity inkilowatts (BTU/hr),4.2.2 Firing interval (hours),4.2.3 Minimum and Maximum fuel load in kilograms(pounds),4.2.4 Usable firebox di

48、mensions in centimetres (inches) andvolume in cubic centimetres (cubic inches),4.2.5 Fuel piece length in centimetres (inches), and4.2.6 A copy of the operating manual as furnished toconsumers or other end users.5. Significance and Use5.1 This test method is used for determining emissionfactors and

49、emission rates for cordwood or other densified,binder free biomass fuel burning masonry heaters.5.1.1 The emission factor is useful for determining emissionperformance during product development.5.1.2 The emission factor is useful for the air qualityregulatory community for determining compliance with emis-sion performance limits.5.1.3 The emission rate may be useful for the air qualityregulatory community for determining impacts on air qualityfrom masonry heaters, but must be used with caution as usepatterns must be fac


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